Right now, we are headed to a government shut down.  Typically, the lines in the sand are being drawn over ideology, not over real budget items.  According to TV, this hang ups seem to be over policy riders involving the changes in environmental protection regulations, funding for PBS and NPR  and  funding for Planned Parenthood.   Does America really care about these two thorns in the sides of the decision makers?  Who will blink?

More to come….

Probably more Americans are concerned over American Idol.  Pia was voted off.  She was a favorite of the judges. 

Gretch on Faux and Friends blames the judges.  She said first she disliked them before she liked them.  Her problem with them is that they don’t really give the contestants any criticism that would tell the American viewers how to vote. 

Excuse me?  Does Faux and Friends even want Americans told how to vote for Idol contestants?  They have the political system covered.  Now they are going to start of Idol and Friends and tell them how to run things?

Stay tuned.  It will be amazing to see which event Americans are most concerned about. 


26 Thoughts to “Government to shut down over ideology…Pia voted off Idol”

  1. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    I get it. You changed it to “faux” news. So clever!

  2. I left off a third distraction: American Idol,, funding over social issues, and obsession over my use of the term faux news.

  3. Shutting down the government will cost a fortune and derail economic recovery.

    Yet the ‘values’ people who HID inside the tea party because they couldn’t get in on values, are holding the entire country at bay over EPA, PBS, and defunding Planned Parenthood.

    This is totally absurd and why I have been against the tea party all long. I knew it wasn’t about money when I saw the same folks showing up at to shout down town hall meetings.

    If our tea party people are offended then YOU need to change the tone and direction within your sub group.

  4. Pat.Herve

    gretch must be reading the hollywood reporter – http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/5-theories-why-pia-toscano-176508 = number 2.

  5. @Pat, that is pretty much what she said. I think you are on to something.

    I still think more people care about American Idol than the govt shutting down. Hell on American Idol you can even vote more than once.

    They will care when title X goes.

  6. Moon, in some places you can vote more than once for national elections, too.

  7. Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia……

    There’s a big zombie constituency that votes in those places….

    Heck, I’ve seen it on the news in NOLA that a man admitted that the local Democrat party drove him around to different polling places and he was paid $10 a vote.

    Of course, that was never prosecuted…it was New Orleans, after all…..

  8. Whoa, there are just too many juxtapositions of subjects here. My brain hurts.

  9. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Well, I’m essential (if it isn’t obvious already), so shut ‘er down! The Republican-controlled house already passed a measure to avoid a shutdown, but the Dem-controlled Senate wants a shutdown bad enough to not consider it and Obama wants a shutdown bad enough to threaten a veto, all over cost-cutting measures. If Reid had any brains left, he’d go ahead and pass the thing and put it all on Obama.

  10. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Here’s the thing. The PEOPLE can’t agree, so why would we expect our elected Reps to agree?

  11. Statement by Laura Meyers, Ph.D., President & CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC (PPMW), on Federal Funding of Family Planning

    It is an outrage to shutdown the government over an extreme proposal that denies millions of women Pap tests, breast exams and birth control. Attacking Planned Parenthood’s preventive care hurts women, does not cut the deficit or fix the economy, and must be stopped.

    Thousands of men, women and teens depend on Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington each year for the preventive health services we provide. It is egregious that this lifesaving care is being threatened when one in five women has received care at a Planned Parenthood health center. These are clearly the wrong priorities on Capitol Hill

  12. @slowpoke, I would certainly expect that the president veto any bill that contained riders to defund planned parenthood or pbs.

    Let me ask you a question, do you not think that is a sneaky way to get thru ideological legislation?

    Weren’t you the person who enjoyed The West? That was on PBS.

    Planned Parenthood is pay me now or pay me later. PBS is the mark of our culture and improves education throughout the nation.

  13. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Dems are the absolute MASTERS at bolting liberal agenda stuff onto, say, Defense Authorization Acts? What’s good for the goose.
    Jim Moran is in the news for being, well, Jim Moran!

  14. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Seriously, both Senators and Representatives are going to suffer politically over this. Reid could put it ALL on Obama and save his Democratic Senators’ hides by passing the bill.

  15. Rick Bentley

    This is consistent with my worldview that our government “leaders” and our two parties are the worst, most useless whores on the planet and that we’d be at least as well off if we replaced them all randomly with anyone.

    They scramble in bipartisan fashion to bail out speculative bankers, with the greatest urgency, but have so little urgency about paying the people who do the work they entrust to them.

    A pox on them all. I see no heroes here, but obviously Boehner’s fear of the Tea Party is what’s mostly driving this.

    Shutting the government down is no triumph. Not paying soldiers and essential government employees is no triumph.

  16. @Slowpoke, yes, Democrats can do that also. However, that is irrelevant at the moment.

    Right now the entire government will be shut down over PBS and Planned Parenthood funding and EPA regulations.

    2 out of the 3 are the ‘devils’ of the religious right who apparently want to keep America ignorant and pregnant. Their arguments about PP funding as it relates to abortion are full of crap. I hope Obama vetoes it if the Senate is stupid enough to cave in.

    I saw the Moran video. The guy was rude, crude, and socially unattractive. He is lucky Moran didn’t come out and mop the floor with him. Why do people get emboldened by town hall crowds and think that gives them the right to verbally attack elected officials? The guy was being an Ahole.

    I wouldn’t do that to Scott Walker. Rudeness is never appropriate.

  17. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Moon-howler :
    @Slowpoke, yes, Democrats can do that also. However, that is irrelevant at the moment.
    I wouldn’t do that to Scott Walker. Rudeness is never appropriate.

    Irrelevant? How convenient! Rudeness is never appropriate? Who’s going to tell Moran that?

  18. SlowpokeRodriguez

    My favorite Democratic line has been “this will hurt the recovering economy”. No, but gasoline over $4.00/gallon will sure put a dent in it!! We have a health care law that will do untold damage to our healthcare system, but no energy policy! Nice!

  19. It is important to know that the hotly contested $300 million dollars going to Planned Parenthood is for reimbursement for family planning services, NOT for abortion.

    People need to understand that this money will be spent, perhaps even because PP offers family services. If they don’t get this Title x family planning service at PP then they can pay more for it at other clinics and doctors offices.

    There is no free lunch. And this is not connected to abortion services.

    I am tired of listening to the lies being told. This isn’t about abortion.

  20. Planned Parenthood will be providing more abortions if there are more unwanted pregnancies. Way to go, Religious Right.

    Abortion cost is not offset by Title X.

    Watch and see what happens if PP is defunded.

  21. Raymond Beverage

    Moon, back you on the “pay now or pay later”. People scream about the HCR, costs of Medicaid…I look at funding PP in the same category as Preventive Care a lot of health policies have. Don’t know if some wonk calculated rate of planning services and avoidance of STD against a rate of (lack of better word) unplanned pregnancies (with follow on well-baby and pediatric illness care) and increase STD costs.

  22. @Raymond, this whole business is so contrived. I believe in compromise but not on Planned
    Parenthood and PBS. The Far Right has been demonizing these 2 entities for a long time. McDonnell tried to knock all funding for PBS last week. Again, the culture warriors.

    I have to fight that. I love PBS and I see Planned Parenthood and a much needed facility. No federal funds go towards abortion. The Hyde Amendment prevents that from happening (and has since 1976).

    Should the culture warriors prevail, health care costs will dramatically increase. It really is ‘pay now or pay later. ‘

    I am just sad that so many people feel the need to stick their nose in other people’s business to this degree. I suppose they base this need on their faith. That is even sadder.

  23. @Rick Bentley

    I agree Rick. Worthless whores says it all. but that’s how its done. It never changes.

  24. Censored bybvbl

    @Rick Bentley

    Rick, generally I agree with what you’ve said. However, having seen a couple rounds of meetings hijacked by Joe and Jane Six-pack, I’d be careful of wishing the following:

    “This is consistent with my worldview that our government “leaders” and our two parties are the worst, most useless whores on the planet and that we’d be at least as well off if we replaced them all randomly with anyone.”

    I’m convinced there can be worse but there certainly can be better.

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