The premier of Katie Couric’s new webcast show, @katiecouric, begins Tuesday, September 22 at 7 pm. Her first guest will be none other than this week’s Time cover feature, Glenn ‘the Rodeo Clown’ Beck. The preview video captures Glenn sayings some rather astounding things. For instance, he confesses that he would have voted for Hillary Clinton and that he believes Obama is better for the country than McCain would have been.

Huh? After all the railing against Obama on his 5 pm show, this man now says Obama is better for the country than McCain would have been. I give up. I simply don’t understand the angry thundering masses. I feel very much like I am watching LaLa Land Revisited.

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23 Thoughts to “Katie Couric Interviews the Rodeo Clown”

  1. JustinT

    Yeah. Beck and all the nut job extremists hate McCain double plus bad because he was supposed to be one of them, but he kept on showing he has a brain. Beck’s talk about forming a third party sounds like a good solution to me. He’s got more followers than the McCain wing of the party right now. The McCain wing is basically quitting and becoming Democrats or Independents.

  2. Second-Alamo

    Not to change the subject…………….but how about that John Edwards, what a guy! A Democrat you can believe in, and to think he was running for President. God help us.

  3. Second-Alamo

    Now if I referred to Obama as Barrack ‘the Rodeo Clown’ Obama would that send me to the racist time-out corner? Just curious.

  4. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    I’ve already explained the McCain thing clearly and concisely, nothing new there. Beck’s ratings numbers speak for themselves.

  5. Moon-howler

    Barrack Obama is the President of the United States. Glenn Beck is an entertainer of sorts. Surely you see the difference. Regardless of who is president, there is a respect that goes with the office. Furthermore, Beck referred to himself as a Rodeo Clown. I didn’t just pull the name out of a hat.

    Here is the Time Magazine link:,8599,1924348,00.html

  6. Moon-howler

    John Edwards-I thought we covered his sorry ass. Has something else come out? How is he any different than any other philandering politician? I thought we gave them all equal booing.

    I tend to be rougher on the family values creeps who are family values for everyone else but themselves but in John Edwards case, I think he caught my wrath-he was a special dirtbag because of the situation with his wife Elizabeth.

    Feel free to forward nasty stories about him to me. Elizabeth’s health situation makes his daliances unforgivable.

  7. Moon-howler

    Slowpoke, refresh our memories. What about McCain? Do you agree with Glenn Beck?

    You know that many people could have lived with either McCain or Obama. The deal breaker was Palin. Here’s how it works: People who could live with Obama or McCain could not live with Palin. She was totally unacceptable as presidential material to those of us who could have lived with either president. No meanness…just she was unacceptable on so many levels.

    If McCain had chosen a more mainstream running mate, he very well could be in the White House now. His miscalculation ended his bid for the presidency. He reached out in the wrong direction, politically.

  8. ShellyB

    The Palin catastrophe is an embodiment of the rift within the Republican party. They are trying to be both things to both parts of their party: half “vapid-arrogant-and-bigoted,” and half “strong-defense-fiscal-conservative-but-most-of all-corporate-wellfare-giving.”

    It’s a shame they didn’t just stick with the latter. I could have lived with the latter. You’re right though M-H. Palin was the deal breaker.

  9. Pat.Herve

    he comment about John McCain being worse for the country than Obama just proves that he will say *anything* to get a rise out of a demographic to try and boost his ratings.

  10. Moon-howler

    Pat, I am sure he got one with that remark. He and Rush L. make Hannity look sane. Now that is scary.

    At least Hannity’s eyes go in the same direction and when he speaks he doesn’t have spittle spraying from his mouth like Glenn and Rush, the two heroes of the tinfoil hat brigade.

    I believe both would love to see America fail. They are getting rich off the back of this country.

    Shellyb, I could live with that also.

  11. Elena

    Pat.Herve :he comment about John McCain being worse for the country than Obama just proves that he will say *anything* to get a rise out of a demographic to try and boost his ratings.

    I totally agree Pat. Yeah, right, he would have voted for Hillary. So, I guess, the next question is…..DID he vote for Barak Obama and if he did, President Obama is following through on his campaign pledges so WHY he is complaining?

  12. hello

    First things first, this interview with Glenn is the premiere webcast for her. With MSM ratings in the toilet and only getting worse she chose for her very first show to be with Glenn Beck for ratings.

    Honestly, how many people would have watched this or even talked about it if she did an interview with Olberman or Eli Manning?

  13. hello

    Pat and Elena… neither of you obviously know why he said that do you. However, you just assume he said it to ‘say anything’ to get a rise. Why don’t you check out why he said that… you may think a little differently.

  14. hello

    I think that this site should be changed from anitBVBL to antiFOX because if you look at the past 20 or so links they are very ‘Fox News’ heavy. What’s the matter, no real news to comment on or make up?

  15. Pat.Herve

    hello – please fill me in as to why he said that?? I would really like to know.

  16. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    The latest on Edwards….he told his mistress that he’d marry her “after my wife dies”. Nice! I don’t know if this is new or not, but he tried to get an aide to admit the affair for him. I’m not saying it’s any better/worse than Sanford…they’re both slime.

  17. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    ShellyB :
    The Palin catastrophe is an embodiment of the rift within the Republican party. They are trying to be both things to both parts of their party: half “vapid-arrogant-and-bigoted,” and half “strong-defense-fiscal-conservative-but-most-of all-corporate-wellfare-giving.”
    It’s a shame they didn’t just stick with the latter. I could have lived with the latter. You’re right though M-H. Palin was the deal breaker.

    Now the Democrats, on the other hand, you’ll NEVER find a more cohesive, united party in your life. Cracked myself up, there!

  18. Moon-howler

    Slow, I did hear that. What else is there to say about it? He is dishonorable if his aid is to be believed. I would almost rather not believe it.

    Hello, I think Fox News is probably one of the most dangerous movements in this country. Grouse on. Things will not change. I will continue to point out the lies and inaccuracies as I see them.

    As for why Katie Couric chose Glenn Beck–he is certainly the most outrageous political commentator on TV. Right now he is a newbie on the TV scene. People will eventually find out the truth once the seduction is over. Outrageousness always gets attention.

  19. Moon-howler

    Slow, not everyone thinks Democrat OR Republican. Some of us think for ourselves. It is possible to think that Sarah Palin was a deal breaker without admiring all qualities of the Democratic party.

    As an Independent, that pretty much says I reject both major political parties. I would love to see moderate party emerge. Not going to hold my breath thought. Unfortunately the squeaky wheels are usually the loudest, proudest and most obnoxious and tend to polarize both parties.

  20. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Moon-howler :
    Unfortunately the squeaky wheels are usually the loudest, proudest and most obnoxious and tend to polarize both parties.

    Flattery will get you nowhere 🙂

  21. Moon-howler

    Yea Slow, but a girl can still try. 😉

    Letterman was able to snare 1 current president and one past president, back to back. Quite an accomplishment.

    Back to Beck, while I think Beck is unstable, stirs up the masses with hysterics over conspiracy theories, I don’t hate him. He doesn’t seem to be a mean person. His theories are jumbled. He hops from one conspiracy theory to another. But he isn’t someone you hate. He is what he is. Limbaugh on the other hand is contemptible. He knows what he is doing and he does it with malice. He is worthy of hate.

    I almost feel sorry for Beck. He seems go be a megalomaniac whose ego can never be satisfied. Maybe it stems from his bad-boy behavior during the alcoholic years. He employs self-deprecation to mask the uber-ego. Or maybe this political phase is just another 12 step program.

  22. Pat.Herve

    hello – I just watched the episode, and Beck was in a name-game with Katie, and she threw out the name Hillary Clinton.

    If you watch this segment, Beck is doing that Beck *used to do* – this is where he is level headed and thinking. On his program, he can still do this, but then, he goes off the edge of reality into the abyss.

    He also distances himself from some of the things he actually promotes.

  23. Moon-howler

    Beck seems to be capitalism at its best. As long as Beck has a group who will follow his antics, he will perform.

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