This video is being played on military bases all over the world.

Oh, justice will be served and the battle will rage:
This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage.
An’ you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A.
‘Cos we’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way.

Hey, Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list,
And the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist.
And the eagle will fly and it’s gonna be hell,
When you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bell.
And it’ll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you.
Ah, brought to you, courtesy of the red, white and blue.
     Toby Keith

The USA put a boot  in his ass (and a bullet too)–it’s the American way.  Justice is served.

15 Thoughts to “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue”

  1. e

    when has violence ever solved anything? when will the cycle of violence ever stop? how are you going to respond when an american city is vaporized by a bin laden acolyte? whatever happened to the christian tradition of turning the other cheek? how many more unsustainable and unwinnable wars is america going to commit herself to in the muslim world? why is it war is bad when a republican is in the white house, but good when it’s a democrat? when will obama close club gitmo like he promised? when will it become obvious to one and all that the hypocrisy of the left is blatant?

  2. e

    from the article above:
    Imagine the propaganda that the U.S. media could make of video footage of a foreign country where the primitive brutes are dancing in the streets to celebrate the murder of a tribal enemy. That is the propaganda we’ve just handed those who will view bin Laden as a martyr. When their revenge comes, we will know exactly what we are supposed to do: exact more revenge in turn to keep the cycle going.
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but the blind people think that they still see. The world looks to them like a Hollywood adventure movie. In those stories, killing somone generally causes a happy ending. That misconception is responsible for piles and piles of corpses to which more will now be added.

  3. e

    In October 2008, Toby Keith told CMT that he had left the Democratic Party and has re-registered as an independent. “My party that I’ve been affiliated with all these years doesn’t stand for anything that I stand for anymore,” he said. “They’ve lost any sensibility that they had, and they’ve allowed all the kooks in. So I’m going independent.” He also told CMT that he would likely vote for the Republican ticket, partially because of his admiration for Sarah Palin.

  4. Second Alamo

    Sleep tight e, courtesy of those who defend your freedom, those who endure violence so that you can sit around and whine about it. GO Navy!

  5. e

    great, and what’s the navy gonna do when a nuke vaporizes my neck of the woods?

  6. Second Alamo

    Well, at least we won’t have to listen to you whine anymore!

  7. e

    actually, i deliberately moved several hundred miles inland deep in injun country to avoid the day when the wrath of khan befalls. it’s more the neck of the woods of some other folks i’d be more concerned about

  8. Go Navy! Justice has been long in coming, but it has been served.


    With a side of fish.

  9. false security, e. I thought my parents were safe in rural nebraska until I realized there were missile silos among all the pastureland.

  10. e

    very true. when i lived in colorado springs and drove by norad i at least had the comfort of knowing that i’ll never even know what hit me

  11. Going to agree with Cargo and Second Alamo here. This is a day for celebration.

    I didn’t realize Toby Keith’s father had been killed in a car accidents several months before 9-11. He wrote the song and performed it only for troops. Some commander finally told him he had a patriotic duty to record the song. He did in 2002.

    Good song. Says it all.

  12. PS

    We decided not to take e’s blatherings down. However, more won’t be added.

  13. Lafayette

    Moon-howler :PS
    We decided not to take e’s blatherings down. However, more won’t be added.

    Leave them up for all to see what an a$$ he IS!!

  14. Raymond Beverage


    e, keep that comfort as when it comes to nukes, remember to find somewhere there are no prevailing winds blowing toward you from any large city, major military installation, weapons plant, missle silos….if the blast don’t get ya, the “dust in the wind” will. Good luck.

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