This skit is a pretty good cross section.  I am not ready to write them off as hippies.

These kids might not be the best people to address the problem, but they do know something is wrong and it is affecting their world.  Their elders have certainly not taken the bull by the horns. 

Look what the younger generation did for the Vietnam War.  


9 Thoughts to “Jon Stewart on the Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Let them eat steak”

  1. Elena

    What is loved about this episode, was the smartness in which it was delivered. Here is the reality, there is high unemployment, that is not up for debate. Here in Northern Va, we do not suffer like the rest of the country, we have the economic engine of the Federal Government to keep high unemployment at bay.

    We had a Great Recession and change is required in order to avoid history from repeating itself.

  2. I think we are still in the great recession.

  3. Elena

    good point Moon.

  4. Steve Thomas

    “Look what the younger generation did for the Vietnam War. ”

    Smoked a lot of dope, had a lot of casual sex, and infrequently bathed?

  5. I would say that describes some, not all of the people who voiced opposition to the Vietnam War.

    They were organized enough to keep president from running for re-election and for making the war so unpopular that it finally came to a close. It wasn’t their parents who created change. It was young people.

  6. Steve Thomas

    I was joking Moon. I thought it appropriate for a thread based on a segment from a comedy show.

  7. @Steve, I thought you were but…some of what you said was also true.

    Sorry, I am retrospective today. Steve Jobs did it.

    I also felt in that segment that Stewart was more serious than not. His points were not lost on me.

  8. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    So the protestors won’t let sanitation workers clean the area where they are demonstrating. They’re liberals, so you can imagine the stench! Can I get a “Cholera!!” chant going!?!

  9. Starryflights

    42% of Democrats agree with Occupy Wall Street (77% of Republicans do)
    October 6, 2011 by Don Surber

    UPDATE: Rasmussen has released more polling data this morning that shows that Republicans are even harsher critics of Wall Street than the Occupy Wall Street crowd.

    77% of Republicans say it was a “Bad Idea To Provide Bailout Funding to Banks And other Financial Institutions.”

    Only 42% of Democrats agree.

    Isn’t that the whole reason (well, stated reason) for this Astroturfed uprising?

    Among investors, 72% agree that “Most of the Bailout Money Go To The People Who Created the Economic Crisis.”

    Only 63% of the non-investors do.

    In other words, the protest of the Tea Party crowd is closer to the occupiers than those phonies in the media and in the Obama administration who defend and promote this protest. Kick back and watch the liberals hoist themselves on this petard.

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