
Beck played a clip of Stewart asking how the Occupy Wall Street protesters aren’t like the tea party, and said, “How long do you have Jon? You’ve only got a half hour show. I’ve got a two hour show, and I can’t fit it in two hour, Jon. Open your eyes, you moron. Stu said, Yeah, but if you just say it, and the crowd laughs, it’s true that makes it true. They’re the same. They’re exactly the same. How are they different? They’re talking about killing and cannibalizing the rich. Just like the tea party.” Beck chimed in, “They’re talking about revolution in the streets and destroying the entire system, just like the tea party.” Stu said, “Remember when the tea party talked about Google Jews and how evil they are?” Beck came back with more insults for Stewart, “It must be true, you dope. You know Jon Stewart; I have absolutely no respect for you. You are not a thinking man at all.”

There are a couple people not to mess with on here. One is Bill Clinton and the other is Jon Stewart. I might have to add Steve Jobs to the list but so far, he is not on there. This was Glenn Beck and crew’s response to the video segment on the Daily Show entitled Parks and Demonstration.

Glenn Beck basically has no class. He is coarse and common and it is wonderful that he is no longer on Fox News. Actually the gang of 5 who replaced him are doing a pretty decent job. Of course, they profit by comparison. The first thing Beck needs to do is grow up. Maybe his wife can help him work on acquiring some class. His bishop needs to get hold of him. No Mormon I have ever known has acted like this.

Jon Stewart is probably smirking right now.  Go Jon.

16 Thoughts to “Glenn Beck still the quintessential D* Bag”

  1. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Loose translation: Beck is right and I wish he wasn’t.

  2. Cargosquid

    Why is one entertainer sacrosanct? And what did Beck say that was wrong? One side IS threatening violence. One side IS being bigoted. One side IS threatening to tear down the system. One side is advocating a failed political system that leads to mass death.

    And that side is NOT the Tea Party.

  3. Reminder, Jon Stewart is a comedian. What is Glenn Beck? Has he ever figured it out yet?

  4. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Actually, if you listen to Beck’s radio show (not anything Television), he’s actually pretty darn funny. And listening to that protester go off on the Jewish gentleman is about as instructive as you are likely to find about this protest movement.

  5. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    I think you all are just mad that Palin said she wouldn’t run.

  6. @ Cargo
    Beck blasted and called Stewart a moron? He made fun of him and attempted to bully? He acted like his old self? That’s all.

    I relistened to Beck and Jon Stewart. Who is threatening violence?

    Not to defend Beck but I didn’t hear him threaten violence.

    Reminder, Jon Stewart is a comedian.

    Glenn Beck is just a nasty person who amplifies himself as a religious man. He should really thing about how he behaves if he wants to set himself up as a man of God.

    What side is bigoted and against whom? I just have missed that part.

  7. Why is Jon Stewart sacrosant? Why not?! Why don’t you ask about Clinton also? I would just say that both are sacred cows around these parts. Sacrosanct sounds a little too formal.

  8. El Guapo

    Why should Beck change? He’s making big bucks doing what he does. If he changed and listened to the OWS, addressed their concerns and debated the actual issues, his audience would shrink dramatically.

  9. Cargosquid

    relistened to Beck and Jon Stewart. Who is threatening violence?

    I was talking about the Occupy groups. I was talking about the content of the Stewart show and Beck’s response. NOT the entertainers.

    Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

    As for the OWS concerns….like what? End Capitalism? Forgive all debt? Arrest all the bankers? Complaining about not having a job while marching next to a communist demanding the end of capitalism?

    Or do you mean the demands on their website, some of which Beck HAS addressed. Like auditing the Fed. Bringing back Glass-Steagall.

    All I can say, so far about these groups. is…..where’s my popcorn?

    When they get a coherent message, actually have some sane demands, stop disrupting traffic, etc,…people will take them seriously. There’s a reason that the TP stopped the theatrics. They decided to work for change through the system.

  10. “Where is my popcorn?” is a fair statement.

    This is a huge collection of people with different interests from what I can tell. Its very hard to hang a single label on them.

    We applaud this behavior in the middle east, yet denigrate and disparage it here.

    Much of the protest when I was a young person seemed anti capitalist/anti greed also. Perhaps its good that America’s youth sees beyond acquisitiveness. Something happened in the 80s to young people. They lost their altruism. It became all about them and the ‘I got mine’s’ syndrome. It was a selfishness that has permeated the past 3 decades.

    I rather like the idea that young people have it in them to think of other people. I see this as a good sign. Do I think it will last? Probably not. It won’t be warm that much longer.

  11. Beck is a rude fool who is the one of the worst examples of the Golden Rule I have ever seen.

  12. Cargosquid

    “Perhaps its good that America’s youth sees beyond acquisitiveness.”

    Are you talking about those young people demanding that their six figure school loans get paid off or canceled?

    But I get your point. But I don’t think that it applies too much to this group. I see idealistic young Americans everywhere, thinking of other people. But, so far, this group, from what I’ve seen, is the standard protest march.

    1. @Cargo, how would you know what this group wants? You are looking for something negative and I am looking for something positive. I also realize that there are many different groups out there, all with different ambitions and goals. Some want to play. Some want to improve their world, as they see it.

      I am not saying there are no decent young people. I am saying that there is a tendency among college age people to think far more of themselves and their own ambitions that say in the 60’s `and 70’s. Back then, there was a certain shame linked to greediness. Since the 80’s, there is a certain shame to not trying to carve out one’s own niche.

  13. Censored bybvbl


    Totally agree with post number ten.

  14. Bear

    We’ll all have to wait and see how the demonstrations develop. I suspect with the unions now involved there will be more focus on an objective

  15. I’m awestruck by the irony here. A post claiming that a man has no class, is coarse, and needs to grow up with the headline of calling that man a D*bag. Seems a little pot calling the kettle black doesn’t it Moon?

    Look, I know I’m on the wrong side of you and many on this board, but I do respect the debate and an opportunity to hopefully correct the ill-concieved thoughts of some who read here :). I also respect many of your opinions Moon. You usually put forward a good argument for what you believe, but come on, even you have to see the fallacy of this post. It’s like saying, “Hey Jacka##, quit cussing!”. LOL

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