Tom Jackman from the Washington Post wrote an outstanding article on the uniqueness of our Discretionary funds in PWC compared to all other Northern Virginia Counties.

In Prince William County, the Board of Supervisors has access to a fund that no other Northern Virginia jurisdiction offers its governing body: a “discretionary fund,” which is really just the money left over after the expenses of running the district office are spent.

I believe my favorite quote was from  Jacqueline Byers, research director for the National Association of Counties.

Jacqueline Byers, research director for the National Association of Counties, said the number of counties with discretionary funds has dwindled greatly in recent years, because of “abuse. We did see occasionally a little too much discretion,” and that county officials sometimes traded approval of each other’s pet projects.

“The counties that decided to keep them, decided to put guidelines in that they could use,” Byers said. Jim Campbell, the executive director of the Virginia Association of Counties, said discretionary funds were “not a common practice” in Virginia.

Gee, ya think there is the likelihood for abuse?  That is what Wally seems incapable of admitting, that gving 100 grand of taxpayer money to your wife’s charity wreaks of impropriety.   My belief is that being in elected office should be a disadvantage not an advantage.  Haven’t we all heard of those “contests” where employees friends and family are ineligible for the winnings.  Why is government any different.  Family and friends should be ineligible for direct government donations to avoid even a hint of preferential treatment.

Even Corey admits this concern in the statement he gave the reporter.

Stewart, the current board chairman, said, “I personally don’t do it. I don’t know if I ever felt comfortable, even when I was a district supervisor, giving to charitable organizations from a government account. Even though it’s well-intentioned, it’s been controversial. For me, it’s not worth the controversy.”

Almost 1 million dollars has been collected from Supervisors in the past several years.  Does anyone else have a problem with this cause I sure do.  I hope citizens will continue to put pressure on the Board to change this practice.  Apparently Corey’s dismissive remark about citizen participation demonstrates his flippant attitude towards our concerns regarding fiscal responsibility.

Stewart said the issue of whether the supervisors should have discretionary funds “comes up like clockwork every three to four years. And then it goes away.”


Corey, I imagine you are hopeful that this will “go away”.    My hope instead is that he will  take a leadership role and address this backwards way of “doing business” in PWC.



8 Thoughts to “Prince William County’s Discretionary “Slush” Fund, An Abberation in Northern Virginia”

  1. Mom

    Stewart said the issue of whether the supervisors should have discretionary funds “comes up like clockwork every three to four years. And then it goes away.”

    I think someone is whistling past the graveyard on this one. I would suggest that is not a position one with aspirations for higher office should ascribe to, but then again, I have never been convinced that Corey plans for further down the road or understands that many of his past statements and flip-flops will prove to be embarrassing baggage.

  2. Elena

    Great points!

  3. Too bad that these things seem to come up when people are either out of town or busy with friends and family. That seems so intentional.

    It is important that the issue of discretionary funds stay on the radar and at the forefront of any discussion of local government.

  4. Starryflights

    I am damn sick and tired of career politicians and their spendthrift ways. Time to kick all their fat butts outta there!

  5. Ray Beverage

    I like the plug for the Prince William Committee of 100 meeting in February…knowing the gentleman who is pulling the panel together of the “for” and “against”, made a couple of recommendations to him. Going to be an interesting February meeting.

    1. How large of a panel are they planning on having? @ Ray

  6. Ray Beverage

    Probably the typical size of four since more than that would take us into the wee hours 🙂

  7. George S. Harris

    I have heard that John Gray will be on the panel. I was hoping that they might get Stewart or the County Attorney on the panel.

    We had a chance a few weeks ago Starry, but seems people just love ’em.

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