Jon Stewart continues to mock Virginia Republicans for their out of touch, anti-women, invasive legislation.

Meanwhile, Morning Joe and crew had much to say on the same subject.

Governor McDonnell is backing off signing the bill mandating an ultra sound.  Perhaps this is because of the outcry from Republican women.

7 Thoughts to “Jon Stewart: Spoofing the Old Dominion Continues”

  1. Scout

    As frequently happens, we make it so easy for Stewart. Virginia’s GA makes us all look like such fools.

  2. Elena

    everytime I think about our legislature I get furious. How dare they!

  3. Censored bybvbl

    Good spoof – particularly like the hypocrisy of our pols outrage regarding the TSA patdowns and x-rays and the objection to administration of vaccines which should be left to a parent’s decision. What a bunch of yahoos!

    Didn’t the newspaper quote Marshall recently about his objection to the word “rape” being used to describe the proposed vaginal probe? What a jerk! But then we already knew that…

  4. @Censored

    Yes, he did take exception to that word being used.

    Even The Morning Joe show discussed our embarrassing legislature.

  5. Censored bybvbl


    I’m afraid that instead of Virginia being viewed as a good place for high tech or the birthplace of Presidents, we’re competing with the Bible belt welfare states for the race to Yahoosville.

  6. Elena

    Censored bybvbl :@Moon-howler
    I’m afraid that instead of Virginia being viewed as a good place for high tech or the birthplace of Presidents, we’re competing with the Bible belt welfare states for the race to Yahoosville.

    Yep 🙁

  7. We sure look like Rubes these days.

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