Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council was interviewed by MSNBC’s Martin Bashir.
Tony Perkins feels that women are incapable of making their own decisions, apparently. He fails to distinguish between teens and grown women. Does Perkins simply offend anyone else?
I was yelling at this jerk as I was driving in my car to get my kids at the bus stop. His level of condenscention towards women was outrageous. He suggested that women needed an ultrasound to “protect them and make sure they knew it was a baby inside them”. Does he believe that women are lacking the mental capacity to understand what pregnant means?!
Gee, women end up at abortion clinics without knowing they’re pregnant so they need to see that picture to clear up any doubt. This guy is a bozo. If he’s so concerned about children growing up in single parent households, why isn’t he leading a crusade to increase the collection of child support so that those children’s situations are a bit more stable financially?
I get he wants to defund planned parenthood also.
I had the same reaction as Elena to him saying that women needed to know what they were dealing with, however he said that. Does he think all women are stupid?
What an A-hole.
For the life of me, I don’t know why we are even having conversations in this day and age about contraception.
Totally agreed, Starry. Not all religions are in the 21st century facing 21st century problems.
This guy really is a perfect poster child for a man who thinks he knows what is best for women. He almost cost me a television.
He is very nice, very polite, and very paternalistic. Had I been able to get through to him, I would have called him sonny boy and asked him how dare he think he knows what is best for women.