Every once in a while you get to hear some real substance. I actually enjoyed this one. There was a little finger pointing but overall, I learned something about each candidate.
The debate is an hour but worth a listen if you have the time.
Did you hear a specific issue to address?
Tim Kaine tried to address the sequester. So did George Allen. That is certainly something people in our area need to address. Kaine was challenged to give a plan. He did.
I’ve got a strong preference in this one. Tim Kaine was my Governor for years, but it felt to me that he wasn’t really my Governor – didn’t represent me or care much about me. A totally partisan hack, interested more in partisan politics than in real people’s problems. Nothing he can say or do would ever get my vote.
Without looking at the video, here’s my take.
I see stupid people.
Both of them.
God, you are simply insufferable.
1. Do you like anyone?
2. Why don’t you listen to them. You might learn a little.
I don’t like either of those politicians.
I’d rather have Webb than Kaine. He’s a party apparatchik without an original thought in his head unless it involves spending and ta…wait, he’s a Democrat…that’s not original.
And Allen is stupid enough to have lost an election because he couldn’t defend against manufactured outrage over a word he made up…..AND his campaign needlessly insulted conservative groups that could have put him over the edge. and Allen is not a thrifty politician either.
Lets get new blood in there.
This is where I would normally write my Jamie Radtke 2012 blurb but now that she’s endorsed Allen because he promises to be conservative Im not sure who to write in now…
You’re right on one point – Allen is stupid; consequently I don’t want
him to represent me.
I also agree with your: “Lets get new blood in there.” Former mayors, former senators, former governors ///// everybody’s a “former”.