January: Old Moon, or Moon After Yule
February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, or Wolf Moon
March: Sap Moon, Crow Moon, or Lenten Moon
April: Grass Moon, or Egg Moon
May: Planting Moon, or Milk Moon
June: Rose Moon, Flower Moon, or Strawberry Moon
July: Thunder Moon, or Hay Moon
August: Green Corn Moon, or Grain Moon
September: Fruit Moon, or Harvest Moon
October: Harvest Moon, or Hunter’s Moon
November: Hunter’s Moon, Frosty Moon, or Beaver Moon
December: Moon Before Yule, or Long Night Moon
As you can see, many of the full moon names come from Native American culture.
“let the brighter ones in the room ask the questions”
I’m confused. Other than Candland, that would be who?
Steve Soloman and Martino aren’t allowed to ask questions during Peacor’s presentation.
Corey just blamed the GA again for PWC taxes going up.
And blaming the Commonwealth once again.
Mom and NTK-I’m not sure if your just listening or watching. Did you see those cross arms when Frank questioned human services.
OK, I wasn’t fair. Before Moon sends me to the time-out chair, Principi and May, and sometimes Maureen ask decent questions sometimes.
I didn’t say a word about it.
Those people are elected officials.
Budget committees are going to have a lot of work this time. Peacor is trying to define what is available to cut and limit choices. How about $2 million or more to the Hylton Center? Her presentation claims only around 30k to Rainbow Riding. This presentation is pure b*** s***. We’re going to have to dig deeply to get to the stuff Peacor wants to protect.
Corey is complaining that the meeting is not moving fast enough. He cut off Candland and Principi during their questions. Must be an LG campaign event coming up.
@Need to Know
Good one.
I remember one night five years ago he didn’t mind being there until almost 3am. So, why not 1am tonight.
Peacor is laying out emergency services, fire and rescue, illegal immigration enforcement, etc. as “cut this if you want a lower tax rate.” As I wrote above, citizen budget groups will have their work cut out for them this year.
Let’s start with NOT hiring another overpaid assistant County Executive (that’s in Peacor’s budget) and cutting the County Executive’s salary.
Regardless of who the director is, PWC has to have a competitive salary. Check out Loudoun and Fairfaix.
Edward Long is paid $257,282 a year. (ffrx) He oversees a $6.8 billion dollar budget.
It is my sincere hope that each and every supervisors and Chair’s office is over-run with volunteers wanting to be on a committee for the upcoming budget cycle.
Peacor just said she is giving the Board the widest range of choices possible.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
There’s going to be at least one committee working independently from any supervisor’s office, of which I’m aware.
I’m with Wally..Let’s see a report on the money raking in the clerk’s office. I honestly can’t believe Wally had to explain that he was speaking of recordation taxes, not just fines. I personally know of one recording in the past two weeks that had fees over $47K. True not all going to the county, but a pretty large chunk. There’s lots of revenue generating at recording desk daily. However, if someone retires, there’s no replacement. Which makes for more work on the others and the level of customer satisifaction and wait time will diminish dramatically. Of course, the county knows the public can’t take their county business to another county.
I’ve been doing a LOT of driving over the past week or so, and I’ve noticed a singular lack of bumper stickers this election season. They were ubiquitous in 2008. Maybe it’s a lack of real passion on either side. If I were to bother with a bumper sticker, it would probably read something like:
“Obama/Biden 2012
Because They Suck Less”
Or maybe people don’t want their cars keyed.
Today on the PWC channel (BOCS meeting) they talked about people keeping cars longer. A good reason not to slop it up with bumper stickers.
There’s always that time after the election….ugh!!!!
People don’t have yard signs like they used to either, do you think? The City is always better than the county about that anyway.
Corey, why on earth would you even ask the question of privatizing one of the few profitable parks. The government at any level should not sell off or privatize publically owned land. Corey, SplashDown is one of the reasons the PA was able to survive as long as it did on their own. Now, those golf courses are a total waste and have been, yet we still have them.
Marty stole the words about competing against other park authorities!!
Hey Corey, if you sell it, every red cent of that money should stay in the Gainesville district for the benefit of those of the district that would be robbed of a local water park.
That meeting was just too long. It needed to be divided into 2 different sessions or something. Talk about glazed eyes.
Romney appears to have shot himself in the foot again – suggesting a limit to the home mortgage deduction that would bite many homeowners in the hindquarters.
I heard about the situation at Fred Lynn. That was terrible.
That was one of the worst learning environments I have ever heard about. Some real decent people, even down to nurses quit in absolutel disgust.
Horrible horrible leadership with ego the size of Kansas.
Sorry Comment #21 appears out of place. I assumed it would appear directly after its parent comment, but I will be more mindful of this next time.
Re: Won’t Back Down teacher movie
Has anyone seen this movie? I walked out halfway through because I thought the movie was unrealistic and unfair.
The teachers in this movie are NOT ALLOWED to stay past 3pm because their union doesn’t let them. Do unions really do that? Teachers were shown sitting at their desks shopping online and sending text messages while students were allowed free reign of the classroom. It was so insulting to teachers.
The teachers and parents in this movie who are trying to take over the school argue that union teachers need the “freedom” to stay after school to do their jobs if that’s what it takes to help students succeed.
Do any of the parents or teachers in this movie understand that teaching class requires PLANNING time? If you were hosting a party in your home for 90 people (three 90 minute classes per day of 30 students), you would need to clean your home, buy and prepare food, and provide entertainment. In Japan, teachers spend up to 40% of their paid workday planning rigorous classes.
How do you protect teachers from overwork in a Right-to-Work state?
There is something wrong with a parent demanding that their child’s teacher stay after school to work with their child. It cuts into valuable planning time that is necessary for the success of ALL students, not just a few.
Whenever I say that teachers should not be expected to work after school “for free”, the response I get from folks employed in the private sector is that teachers are salaried employees who are exempt from being paid overtime. Teachers are paid “to get the job done,” not by how many hours they work, and therefore if teachers work 70 hours a week they are still not “working for free”. Folks also say that “teachers can find another job anytime they like.”
There is something wrong with the two above mentioned responses but I cannot figure it out.
Would paying teachers an hourly wage be better?
@Janelle Anderson
Hi janelle, No it doesn’t plant the comments under the parent remark. If it did that on these long ones the response would just get buried. I enjoyed your response and overall, I agree with you.
I get tired of the ” find a different job” remark also. That is just dismissive. No, parents should not expect a private tutor. I know many teachers who will stay after school, willingly, to help kids who want or need extra help. On the other hand, the parent should be appreciative and understand that public school does not provide a tutor in the form of that child’s teacher.
In Virginia the wording if iffy and vague. Teachers are required to work their contract time which is a 7.5 hour day in PWC. (it just got longer). You are also required to do other things for the good of the school system. There is a certain amount of ambiguity I understand. I think the real interpretation is, if there is a meeting or a special activity you can be required to be there. However, if nothing special is planned you are free to leave after your contractual time is satisfied.
I didn’t see the movie that you are referring to. Where were these teachers? It sounds like a bad situtation. I am also convinced that it is easy, if you ask around, to go find those who are lousy teachers, not doing their job. The vast majority of people are, regardless of union.
That can be said in all liines of work. There will always be some slouch who needs the boot, in any profession.
If you look at the surveys national and locally, overall people are satisfied with their school systems and give a high rating to the teachers. I think it is the usual big mouths hiding behind computers that make it sound like there is a war on teachers. Unfortunately, this attitude can go viral in a political world. It might take a while for things to right themselves.
I am glad you are here. Your answers are always thoughtful.
I am referring to the movie that came out last week called Won’t Back Down about a single mother fed up with her fictional daughter’s elementary school’s lazy and underperforming public school teachers.
Good for you for getting up and walking out. Too bad there isn’t a feature film on stock brokers who liet us down.
What is the setting of the film?
Re: Won’t Back Down teacher movie
The setting was a fictional east coast inner city public elementary school. Pittsburg, PA I think.
The single mother character was forced to send her daughter to a “failing” inner-city school because she could no longer afford the $500 per month tuition charged by the local private school. She applied for a fictional charter school but was not chosen in the lottery.
Are we – Manassas/PWC – an opportunity area?
Even if we aren’t “there yet”, are we headed in the right direction?
“The Big Mix”
Part of what makes America great.
For Friday:
Obama is slated to appear at George Mason University in Fairfax County, while Romney will visit Abingdon.
Shoring up their bases?