FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ – Protesters lined the streets of Fountain Hills on Saturday morning to block traffic to the Donald Trump rally.

Air15 video showed protesters blocking Shea Boulevard with a couple Maricopa County Sheriff Deputies on scene.

A tow truck was able to move two vehicles but the protestors remained. At one point, a jeep plowed into the protesters. No one appeared to injured.

No arrests were made.

So far no arrests have been made.  I expect all that has changed.  Sheriff Joe is on the prowl, supporting Trump in Tucson.

I am drawn on this one.  I do not believe in blocking egress.  I don’t believe in blocking roads.  That behavior is the behavior of Operation Rescue.

On the other hand, I sympathize with the protestors.  Sometimes people have to do extreme things to stop unacceptable behavior.

I wonder how much of this protest is about immigration and how much is about Trump’s overall nastiness and inappropriateness.  Stay tuned.

I hope no one is hurt.




21 Thoughts to “Protestors block main road to Trump event”

  1. Wolve

    What “unacceptable behavior”? Having a campaign event in Arizona?

    1. I don’t feel like going over Trump’s bad behavior for the 100th time. You know perfectly well what I have been referring to.

  2. Emma

    So citizens can’t hear a candidate speak, because some people have taken it upon themselves to decide what’s best for them. Yeah, that’s a real American idea.

    1. That absolutely was a problem when the Tea Party tried to take over a few years ago. It’s probably a problem now.

      From what I have witnessed during the televised Trump rallies, however, is that the fans are bellowing so much that they could out-shout any protestor.

      Keep the protestors outside. Or…here’s a novel idea. Stop saying repugnant things about people so the protestors have nothing to protest. You can’t expect to say keep all the muslims out, taunt black lives matter, repeat continually that Mexicans are rapists and drug users and make deeply personal remarks about women.

      It is human nature to want to fight back, especially young people. My granddaughter wants to punch Trump in his face because she says her best friend is Mexican. If he elicits that kind of response in a 10 year old, geeez….what about in people who have the means to follow him around and protest.

  3. blue

    Talk about denial… Who are these people, well they are not Republicans, Republicans and Trump supporters have not disrupted a single Democratic event, put public safety in jeapardy or interferred with any other political rally. But who has – yep, those anti-free speech facists who define what is acceptable – not just speech but policy – and then excuse their abhorant behavior with the help of the media. Arrests for illegal protests or an investigation as to who is organizing and facilitating them – not likely not under this administration.

    Here’s an idea. Say only nice things that support minority voter views of everything. Promise more benefits, promise amnesty, advocate open borders, create a sense of oppression and then blame the police, dispute any relationship between incarcerqtion rates and criminal behavior, increase welfare, make a college education worthless by making it free, tax the rich, blame guns for the urban murder rate, define the rich after the election, encourage jobs and business to go overseas so that the dependency on government increases, and then deny there are any implications financially or socially under this platform — but most importantly prevent any other views from being heard.

    1. Always the victim, eh blue? Always the victim. You are obviously a Trump supporter and that devalues your point of view. Trump behaves like a mafia boss, encouraging his followers to act rowdy, rough up others, and be generally disrespectful. You are going to get protesters when you behave like that. It’s that simple.

      Let’s go back to that denial you keep talking about. I remember trying time and time again to listen to what politicians said about the impending affordable care act as well as other important issues facing this nation. All I heard was Tea Party people bellowing, over-talking and disrupting the speakers. I would have liked to have heard what the politicians had to say. They couldn’t even speak.

      I also remember Black Lives Matters supporters disrupting Hillary and taking Bernie’s mic away. It was on every news channel. Funny that you didn’t see it.

      Who is organizing and facilitating them? Are you kidding? They are organizing themselves because they do not want Trump in power. He has insulted them time and time again. What’s wrong with you that you don’t see this.

      Yes, some of the protestors have been arrested. I expect they prepared for that. Some have also been punched, beaten, spat upon and pushed to the ground. They aren’t doing it to themselves.

      Here’s an idea. Find another blog to criticize. Stop always being the victim. I certainly am not going to take suggestions from you about how to think or what to comment on on my own blog. I think Trump is a repugnant human being, even more than I think Ted Cruz is. That is a sweeping statement.

  4. blue

    Look, up ahead, its the twilight zone. Yes, the twilight zone, where hired and organized thugs can disrupt a major candidate for the Presidency with the full silent support of both the Republican and Democrat Party establishment and their media allies. It is a place where it is much easier to deamonize, make personal attacks and play the blame game than to deal with policy options and their implications. And frankly, the Trump phenom is largely due to people being sick of the blame game.

    Nobody is opposed to protests or protesting, and yes the rhetoric is getting crazy on both sides, but the illegal activity needs to stop now before it is responded to with more – worse – illegal activity. Comparing the disruptions at local town hall meetings years ago with what the Democrats are now condoning – encouraging today is silly. Did you really mean that?

    We can disagree as to whether Trump or Hillary are more repugnant as Presidental candidates. Who knows, we may even agree that neither of them will enhance the image of the Presidency or solve the issues we face as a nation. My guess now is that things are going to get worse, and no one is trying to step it down. The nation will further divide regardless of who wins, but there is a big difference between the rhetoric on the Trump side and the violance that is being exhibited on the Democrats side.

    1. More playing the victim, Blue. Seriously. Have you listened at all to what your candidate has been saying? Did you hear what he said about his female opponent? Did you hear how he spoke about Megyn Kelly? He continues to make sexist, rude, nasty comments about her. Did you hear him call Mexicans rapists? Have you repeatedly heard him threaten with mass deportations? How about the Muslim situation?

      You wonder why he has protestors? I totally understand why people are protesting. No, it isn’t the media, it isn’t the Democrats or the Republicans. Trump and his thugs have brought it all on themselves.

      It’s like watching a train wreck. This morning I heard him tell someone, Stephanopolus maybe, that his campaign director didn’t touch a protestor, while the picture was being shown of the protestor being airlifted into the air by his shirt, at the hands of his campaign director. Are you going to claim photoshopping.

      The man will say and do anything for a vote. I think I just described a real political whore.

    2. huh? What violence on the democratic side? I haven’t seen major violence anywhere but Trump rallies. Even Cruz isn’t doing too badly in the violence department.

      Who on earth is advising Trump on foreign policy? He says himself. Blue, do you need an intervention? We can save you…maybe.

  5. Starryflights

    Blue just wants people to feel sorry for him.

    1. Well I certainly don’t feel sorry for Blue or Trump.

  6. Cargosquid

    Here’s one of the leaders of the blockage:

    So…a paid agitator from Soros.

    1. Yawn. Bullshit. It was a local group who supports immigrant rights. Stands to reason. They prepared for arrest.

      Question for you….why must everyone who opposes Trump be a paid agitator in your mind? Some people just don’t like Trump.

      When someone boos Bernie, I don’t assume they are being paid to boo him.I just figure they don’t like him.

  7. Steve Thomas

    MoonHowler :
    Yawn. Bullshit. It was a local group who supports immigrant rights. Stands to reason. They prepared for arrest.
    Question for you….why must everyone who opposes Trump be a paid agitator in your mind? Some people just don’t like Trump.
    When someone boos Bernie, I don’t assume they are being paid to boo him.I just figure they don’t like him.

    those that boo Bernie are Clinton supporters.

    What I think is the Left is terrified at the prospect of Trump securing the nomination. Why? If he’s such a terrible candidate, wouldn’t they want Hillary or the Bern to face the worst possible GOP nominee in the General? With each win, with each national poll, the left’s sturmtruppen get a little more aggressive. Must be brown-star-clusters being popped all over the left.

    1. Plenty of people I know do want Trump to win the GOP nomination for exactly the reason you stated.

      I just think he is repugnant. I want Kasich to get the nomination. He appears to be a decent human being.

  8. Cargosquid

    A local group? So what? I didn’t say that they were bussed in. I said that one of the leaders is payed by Soros. She was there, chained by the neck, to her truck door.

    In this case, I said that she was a paid agitator because she is. She is a “community organizer” paid by Soros.

    1. First off, so what. In the second place, who do you know who, if anyone “pays” her?

  9. Cargosquid

    My feelings on this….

    Arrest every person blocking the roads. If a person dies because of a medical emergency that the responders could not reach…… charge them with 2nd degree murder.

    Bulldoze the vehicles blocking the road.

    Or…..just announce blanket immunity for those that want to drive through.

    This blocked major road, isolation 1/4 of the city.

    1. Did you feel that way when Cliven Bundy and his cowboys blockaded I-15?

      I think anyone blocking a highway should be arrested. I don’t care about why.

      I seem to recall you defending Bundy’s boys or at least not taking such a visceral reaction to their illegal activities.

  10. Cargosquid

    I don’t care about the Bundys.

    I didn’t defend the Bundys.
    I criticized the over-reaction of the BLM over a tax/fee bill. Snipers to collect a bill when an IRS lien on the property works? They were seeking to make an example of him.

    The difference is that the Bundys did it once.
    These protesters are making a habit of it.

    1. How can you be so certain it is the same people?

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