I refer everyone to The Derecho blog spot for the full story.  The Derecho has provided excellent coverage of this horrible event, to take place next weekend.  He has included pictures and has walked the Silver Lake Park for miles, just documenting this bi-partisan outrage.

Most of us hold each of the supervisors responsible for allowing our parkland to be decimated.  (Mr. Victor was not in office when the contract was signed so he gets a pass)

This same county wants to float a bond this year for an indoor sporting area.  I think I will just vote NO.  The county made promises about Silver Lake that they have never kept.  Now, they not only haven’t provided the stewardship for Silver Lake but they also signed a contract for 4 years to allow it to be man-handled and misused.  The Lake area is already being partially destroyed, never to be returned to its pre-tough mudder state.  Trees have been cut down, trenches dug, pits excavated, and land transformed.

To those who loved Silver Lake, the death knell has rung.  Giving the OK to this event has to be just shit-for-brains stupid on every level.  Where is/was the oversight?  Prince William makes no money off of this misadventure.  Just another stupid political move by people who have no understanding of how to treat land designated for public use.  Poor governance.



2 Thoughts to “The Atrocity at Silver Lake–”

  1. Town Hall meeting tonight with Supervisor Pete Candland. 7 pm @ Heritage Hunt Club room.

    We plan on turning this transportation meeting into one about Silver Lake.

  2. NorthofNokesville

    As stupid and violative as this was, it’s just a taste of what staff and BOCS have waiting. The current round of Rural Crescent visioning is just a smokescreen. It’s going to get bad.

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