18 Thoughts to “Fox Out-foxes themselves–bites own tail”

  1. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Hmmm, is somebody confusing making money with getting their feelings hurt? Since Fox’s ratings totally embarrass the rest of the liberal media, it’s making money for the shareholders. If you pay me, you can call me anything you want!

  2. Morris Davis

    Now, now. In defense of His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, he is only the second largest owner of News Corp. He owns 95% of Kingdom Holdings Company and Kingdom Holdings Company owns 7% (a $2.3B stake) of New Corp who owns all of Fox News. Rupert Murdoch (native Australian and naturalized American citizen) and his family own the largest share of America’s fair and balanced News Corp. The Prince also owns large stakes in Coke, Ford, H-P, P&G, eBay, Amazon, Apple, Citigroup, McDonald’s, Priceline, Pepsi, and Disney, among others. I suppose we’ll need to give up our iPhones, F-150s and Big Macs so we’re not sticking a knife in the hearts of our fellow Americans by supporting the Prince who supports the Imam who supports the Victory Mosque.

  3. Morris Davis

    Slowpoke Rodriguez :Fox’s ratings totally embarrass the rest of the liberal media.

    According to a survey released by media analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News’ average viewer last season was aged 65, the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100811/tv_nm/us_foxnews

    Slow is right – Fox has locked up the coveted Depends/Polygrip/ScooterStore demographic (Note that I am rapidly approaching that age bracket and realize I’m no longer in the target age group for advertisers.)

  4. Starryflights

    Haha! Fox also has the dumbest audience. They’re too stupid to realize that they’re indirectly funding the so-called ground zero mosque that they so adamantly oppose.

  5. My problem is that people think they are watching news when watching Faux News. I have had discussions with friends about this. They feel that is the only news shooting straight. I would think Doocy’s snide remarks and eye rolling would be a dead giveaway.

    His son, who has made some cameo appearances on Faux, seems to be a little more professional.

    I am not sure I would be crowing that Faux News is more popular. People who get all their news from one source will never be accused of being the great thinkers of their time. And I never heard of popular news.

    And while I am at it, it is rather brilliant to throw in T & A to hold those listeners. In fairness, I should have said T & L (leg). Also the roxy foxies wear far better jewelry. Lots of power red. Brilliant! I have no problem as long as people know their minds are being shrunken.

  6. PWC Taxpayer

    You know when liberals are embarassed by the facts – when they run shrieking down the road asking for MSNBC’s Mr Ed’s opinions.

  7. PWC Taxpayer

    Yes Moon, of course you are as always right, but they are also undoing rather effectively the dumb blond stereotype. And it not just that Fox is more popular, it is so by a factor of 2, 3 and more times the audience. This is why every other channel is doing a nightly attack on Fox – with Beck, Hannity and O’Rielly being their favorite target – and Fox’s audience just grows and the money just comes rolling in. It is the arrogence of the liberal apparachnicks to think that we is all so dumb and y’all is all so smart. We is all so lucky tat yous folks be ins power – doin so well ya know.

  8. hello

    Ah yes PWC… MSNBC’s Mr. Ed (aka wife beater, dog killer, bar brawler, voter fraud advocate, drunk, ex-conservative). Did you know he use to be a conservative radio guy? That is until another conservative talk show host moved into his listeners area and started taking his ratings. Then he became the sweet, die hard liberal talk show host we all know and love today.

    What a joke of a man and a joke of a ‘news’ network… MSLSD.

  9. Starryflights

    Thank you both for financially supporting the ground zero mosque. Your contributions will go a long ways towards building bridges between cultures.

  10. Morris Davis

    I never used to get it when Glenn Beck would take something meaningless and dissect it on his chalkboard to reveal some hidden symbolism with devious significance. After looking closer at News Corp I had a Beck moment and the obvious just leaped out at me:

    N efariously
    E xpanding
    W ahhabi’s
    S haria

    C ulture and
    O ppressing
    R eal
    P atriots

  11. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Starryflights :Haha! Fox also has the dumbest audience. They’re too stupid to realize that they’re indirectly funding the so-called ground zero mosque that they so adamantly oppose.

    Uhhh, Pot….Kettle.

  12. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Morris Davis :

    Slowpoke Rodriguez :Fox’s ratings totally embarrass the rest of the liberal media.

    According to a survey released by media analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News’ average viewer last season was aged 65, the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100811/tv_nm/us_foxnews
    Slow is right – Fox has locked up the coveted Depends/Polygrip/ScooterStore demographic (Note that I am rapidly approaching that age bracket and realize I’m no longer in the target age group for advertisers.)

    And Morris can tell you that the old folks don’t know anything, right!?

  13. Moe speaks to the balance of things Slow. But you knew that.

  14. hello

    “Haha! Fox also has the dumbest audience.” – Yikes Starry… kind of harsh don’t you think?

    However, I love it when people like you (faaaaaaaaaar left) have this view. Why you ask? Because of this:

    “In 2008, about 51% of Americans under 30 voted in the presidential election, while about 70% of Americans over 65 voted”

    (Moon, please let me know if this is on the list of approved links or not, if not Ill find it somewhere else) http://campuslife.suite101.com/article.cfm/why-college-students-should-vote-youth-voters-matter

    If the average age of Fox views is 65 and Fox has MILLIONS of more viewers than any other news network, and we all know that particular age bracket is blowing up, what does that say…..?

  15. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Moon-howler :Moe speaks to the balance of things Slow. But you knew that.

    Is THAT what that is?

  16. starryflights

    ‘Are You Muslim?’ Question Leads to Cabbie Stabbing, Hate Crime Charge
    Driver Answered Yes, Passenger Pulled Knife, Says NYPD

    Aug. 25, 2010

    A New York City cab driver was attacked Tuesday evening just after 6 p.m. by a passenger who asked him if he was Muslim, says the NYPD.

    As the cab headed north on Third Avenue, Enright allegedly asked Sharif, who is of South Asian origin, “Are you Muslim?” When Sharif confirmed that he was Muslim, police say, Enright stabbed him multiple times.


    This was bound to happen

  17. RingDangDoo


    Bound to happen?

    How about “Beat Whitey Night” at the Iowa State Fair?


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