156 Thoughts to “Letiecq’s Citizens’ Time”
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OK, I won’t post a video but as I watched this I could NOT help but to hear a song playing in the back of my head Mr. Roboto from STYK ( both speakers and watching the faces of the BOCS)
Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don΄t mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them.
T.S. Eliot
It’s interesting to me, I think what we are seeing here is a classic case of narcissism. He is so self bloated with his importance, that he now believes it is up to him, as the “leader” of HSM to do the job that government “refuses” to do in order to clean up day laborer sites. Does he believe he is so much more qualified to fulfill the job that others are elected or paid to do? Does he “exaggerate achievements and talents, demand to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements? ” Is he more qualified than the police, if so, what are those qualification? Since the politicians are not doing his bidding he ” Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations.”
It seems to me what is upsetting Greg is that he no longer has the limelight. Who is he ,if does not have the power of influencing public policy? As Corey’s power has clearly diminished, is Greg looking elsewhere to fullfill his need of control? Does he see the day laborers as a weak target?
I find his nod at the end of the video especially interesting. Does he believe he is making direct contact with Supervisors?
Mr. Roboto? I was hearing the swishy swishy music from the Friday the 13th movies. Is Gospel Greg ever going to get a job??? Or is he going to remain a professional laughing stock forever?
Obviously, he was pissed off that Corey Stewart raised his hopes last night boasting he had 7 votes to push through yet ANOTHER Immigration Resolution today. Oops, well make that 2 votes, never mind.
So what does Gospel Greg do? He stands there and threatens the Board, again (yawn). When do we get to see the Duecaster Disaster’s Citizens’ Time? Pitchforks and shovels anyone?
And did you watch it to the end? If you didn’t, please watch it to the end. Gospel Greg hangs around and glares at Corey Stewart for another three minutes before stealing into that greenish white oblivion. Creepy!
I couldn’t help feeling sorry for Corey Stewart when I watched this part…yes, yes, old habits die hard. But c’mon, that threat was directed at Corey. An angry mob led by Disaster Duecaster and Gospel Greg would be a nationally televised embarrassment for Stewart, worse than anything that has befallen him so far. Gospel Greg was basically saying, “Either you give me my new Immigration Law, or we call in the mob.”
What on earth was going through the Chairman’s mind during those three minutes Gospel Greg was glaring at him????
Corey, if you’re reading this, pleasssssse, it’s time to cut the puppet strings. For your sake as well as ours (not to mention anyone who “looks” illegal to Gospel Greg), SHOW SOME LEADERSHIP and stand up to this clown!
“Mr. Roboto? I was hearing the swishy swishy music from the Friday the 13th movies. ”
Swichy, swichy? Ch ch ch ch cha ha ha ha…jason jason jason…..
So you think you can dance?
Greg doesn’t work, wife doesn’t work, HSVirginia declined to put him on the payroll. Where does he get his money?
Elena, I interpreted Gospel’s nod as an affectation for the camera… trying to look confident and pleased with himself even though he’s scared sh*tless right now. But I’m intrigued by your other analysis about narcissism. Can you tell us the source of the symptoms you are quoting?
Like I commented under this video on youtube, If you still support the cause and think that ONE little itty bitty county is going to make ALL the difference in the countRy, then by all means send your damn stimulus checks made payable to ( me) PWC Treasurer
I smell th 🙂
Flower Power, you hit it right on. Gospel Greg is an unemployed Mr. Mom who has, for more than a year, gotten 100 percent of his jollies by using outrageous lies and computer innovations to manipulate people, elections, and (formerly) local politicians. Why is he so mad now? Because, when there are no more Immigration Resolutions, he goes back to being just an unemployed Mr. Mom.
(By the way, I’m now convinced that this “7 to 1” B.S. on the news yesterday was Corey’s effort to appease Greg. It lasted less than 24 hours apparently, because the rest of the Board is tired of being pushed around. Good for them.)
The problem is: Gospel Greg seems to be blaming Chairman Stewart for his increasing feeling of impotence. This is not fair. In truth, all the power he ever had derived from the Chairman. He should be grateful it lasted as long as it did. Gospel Greg got a year’s worth of stroking, more attention than he had in all his life up to that point.
Gospel Greg is addicted to his own self-worship, and the worship of his disciples (computer generated or otherwise). Chairman Stewart is his supplier and he blames him for not delivering his Immigration Fix.
But Corey’s not cutting Greg off by choice. He’s got nothing more to give. But the last person Greg should blame is Corey. Corey’s lost his ability to bully his colleagues because he’s lost their respect. And, he’s lost their respect because it’s become so obvious (starting with the Chief Deane “controversy”) that his legs and Greg’s legs are stuffed in the same pajamas!
A year is long enough to spend on this ill-advised, mega-expensive, famously counter-productive resolution. A year is long enough for Gospel Greg’s 15 minutes of fame. A year is long enough for a once promising moderate Republican to plot behind closed doors with an infamous hate-monger. Get your legs out of Greg’s pajamas Corey Stewart!!!
Who is this clown with the large red sticker?
This was so blatantly meant to focus on Greg and Corey with no other purpose that it was of no redeeming value. I suggest that a blatant video of the day labor sites that Greg spoke of should be presented to offer a balanced view of the subject, but I’m not holding my breath. The videos have gone from an attempt to simply document both sides of the illegal immigrant debate to just simply demonizing (to choose your favorite word) anyone in support of the Resolution. It’s as obvious as watching a political ad on TV.
Welcome JanisJoplin,
LOVE your music BTW 🙂
It’s funny you should ask about the big red sticker. I was thinking this morning, the red Help Save Masassas sticker is akin to an official badge for Greg I believe. It is as if HE believes it connotes some sort of power, of importance to his position as “president” of HSM. He probably believes he deserves a certain amount of respect seems to believe he and his group are entitled to take matters into their own hands if they are not obeyed.
WhyHereWhyNow, 21. May 2008, 0:53
The DSM, Diagnostic Statistical Manual, lists the criteria for personality disorders, etc. I am not “diagnosing” Greg, just sharing tid bits I think are interesting about his behavior.
Seriously, even THIS speech from Greg you don’t find inappropriate? No ONE any “other” side talks like this so WHAT exactly do you think 9500 Liberty should be posting to “balance” Greg out ?
I would be cautious in the assumption that Greg no longer has any power or influence. I am thinking that he is on to “bigger” things in the region and even the nation. I don’t think he will let go of his involvement in this issue.
Did Greg just propose vigilante action in Prince William County (in this video)? Now, THAT sounds like a risk to public safety. We all remember Greg’s last (documented) brush with a day labor site. I can see a bunch of folks in full camouflage intimidating people (who may or may not be illegal) around the County. I hope someone steps in and stops this quickly before someone gets hurt!
I don’t support illegal immigration and ( frankly) think 287g is a good idea; however, (given a choice) I would be happy to trade the departure of 100 illegals (who don’t break the law) for every 1 HSM member (or those of that ilk) who decides to leave the County.
Regarding Corey and the BOCS, thinking like this is why the County and the Country are turning “blue”.
HSM has been running “operations” at the two 7/11’s (Coverstone and Longview/Rt. 1) off and on now. Who can forget his operation and interaction with Officer Sanchez at Coverstone? Or that woman who claimed she was exposed to at the Longview 7/11 (later, there proved to be some issues or inconsistencies with her story) by Day laborers?
What HSM cannot seem to fathom is that corporate 7/11 had declared a “non enforcement” policy with regards to the loitering and trespassing statutes. If the manager or owner of the property does not mind anyone on their property, there is nothing the police department can do to enforce these codes. So HSM is barking up the wrong tree. They can rant and rave and put anyone out there at those sites they want, as long as the people who control the property consent to the situation and it does not impact neighborhing businesses (such as people trespassing on their property), those codes will not be enforced.
Even in Herndon, HelpSaveHerndon Founder Aubrey Stokes, and HEART (Herndon Ethical something something…) member Barbara Glakas wrote a letter posted in the Observer together saying it’s time to move beyond immigration and focus on rebuilding the sense of community in Herndon.
I’m a bit skeptical that some of us will ever be “friends” again (if we ever really were in the first place) but, it’s true that there is a new sense that the immigration issue is petty beside this economic huricane that is just starting to hit NOVA. With the new council settled in, the majority of Herndoner’s (who care) are getting involved in the redevelopment of the downtown and what on earth we can do to keep our community valueable, to make it a place where people would like to move.
Unfortunatly the chorus is all for making it a place where rich silk collar workers would like to move as opposed to embroidered t-shirt guys and gals like myself who have very little influence in the matter, but i do what I can.
My point is, Greg has his resolution, but the video shows Greg has little to no invested interest in “Saving” PWC from economic ruin. Instead of going before the chamber and appealing to the citizens to join together to find solutions to the foreclosure flood, to clean up the soiled image, instead he calls on the citizens to revert back to the days of Lord and surf governance, where Warlord Greg and his private army rule the land by brute force. Lord Greg will provide protection to the anglo-oppressed for but an oath of allegiance and service in his army. Once the land is cleaned of the brown menace, then Lord greg will provide a bountiful reward to all his Mujihadeen in paradise with 32 virgins for each man etc. etc.
Wake up PWC, Terrorist’s are not just limited to Arabs, they can form in any race, in any place under the right circumstances. Greg is building a farm for Nativist Terror Cells, and if you think Illegal Alien presence causes housing prices to slump, areas harboring Radical Terrorist’s become deserts (no social pun intended).
HelpSaveHerndon is already severing ties to the Letiecq gang, countless others are who are against illegal immigration and robust border security are also begining to see that Letiecq’s ultimate goal is not the same as their own. Those who belive in Greg are gambling with their Freedom.
While I don’t wish violence on Corey or anyone else, I don’t feel bad for him that he is now on the receiving end of resentment and yes, intimidation tactics. Why? Because just as he expects immigrants to take responsibility for their actions, he must as well. He brought this on himself by refusing to open PWC government up to ALL the people. He is reaping what he has sown and will continue to do so.
HSM has people at day-laborer sites? I can’t wait for a legal immigrant to file charges based on intimidation and harassment. For that honor, if I could pull it off, I would show up dressed as a Hispanic man and just wait quietly while drinking my “big gulp.”
I guess I don’t have to, though, because it’s going to happen anyway. No reasonable human being will put up with this kind of conduct from ANYONE.
Adam, you echo my sentiments exactly.
However, after having watched that video I have to ask – has anyone heard of people being attacked at day laborer sites? I haven’t. It doesn’t mean that violence hasn’t occurred, but if people are being “attacked” wouldn’t that make some news? I do know of different nationalities separating themselves from each other at the sites as to avoid conflict, but laborer on non-laborer attacks?
Also to add – while it is apparant that Mr. L is passively-aggressively making threats to “solve” the day laborer site problem, there is no law against him or members of HSM idling around those sites and videotaping what goes on. Let them. Let them videotape, record and take notes of every happening. Let them send in their documentation to the DHS, ICE, FBI, IRS, etc. As far as I can recall the only part of the Resolution that was suspended was interrogating people at traffic stops for their citizenship status. No county monies were going to be invested in surveiling day laborer sites… So in essence his “we’re going to do what you aren’t” diatribe was pointless…for the county wasn’t going to do anything about these sites to begin with.
Now I do have to second what someone else here stated and say that I too hope NO violence arises out of these people going to these sites and documenting what goes on. I hope that Mr. L does not aim to provoke violence at various sites via himself and his HSM members in order to GET legislation passed that would make the police have to routinely survey various sites around PWC. Sacrificial lambs, if you will…. Now that could be plain, tinfoil-hattery or it could be a very real plan.
Frankly, I do not understand the posturing by Stewart with his 7 to 1 nonsense, nor do I understand the point of GL’s speech. No immigration issues were on the table for discussion, and no part of the resolution was revoked dealing with day laborer sites… A waste of time…
Another threat from Gospel Greg. “I’ll tattle to the IRS, DHS, and the state licensing board if you don’t do what I say!” How much free time and extra staff do those agencies have to investigate every trumped up, overblown, half-accurate report that the Gang of Greg sends in? They’ll be labelled as the crackpots they are in little time.
Who are these people who have been attacked at the 7-11s and who have spokened before the BOCS? I remember one woman – a woman who provoked a group of men by whom she felt threatened by driving up to them and photographing them. The police weren’t impressed by her actions.
Gospel Greg has become addicted to cameras and a confrontation at 7-11 gives him the food he needs, as well as his raison d’etre. Too bad that our tax dollars will be wasted on police actions related to his ego-driven showboating. May he see the interior of the ADC…and have his “papers” ready at hand!
The simple truth is that Day laborers will not call the police, particulary now with the resolution in effect. The ones who will contact the police will likely be the store managers to complain about HSM members formenting issues at their stores by taking photos and appearing in camo outfits. This has the potential to be a flashpoint between HSM and the local police.
Don’t fool yourself Kgotthardt, the chances of a legal immigrant being at the labor site is slim. Those with papers will work in a legal environment where the work is consistent as opposed to waiting in a parking lot for ever diminishing piece work that may not come. That is why any complaint from the day laborers about HSM will not be forthcoming, they fly under the radar and want to stay that way to avoid police contact, regardless of being the subject of harassment.
“The simple truth is that Day laborers will not call the police, particulary now with the resolution in effect. The ones who will contact the police will likely be the store managers to complain about HSM members formenting issues at their stores by taking photos and appearing in camo outfits. This has the potential to be a flashpoint between HSM and the local police.”
Exactly. And in this case, the harm then goes to local businesses (mainly 7-11’s). This is the same kind of tactic anti-choice groups use to harass and intimidate women and womens’ clinics. Conduct surveillance, videotape, harass, be ever-present and act belligerent enough so that surrounding businesses no longer want your presence, the people seeking your services seek them elsewhere (or just don’t show up), and after a long campaign of harassment and intimidation – hope that the business/site closes down.
Textbook, anti-choice protesting MO.
Rod2155’s post was outstanding for it’s main commentary… civic minded people have bigger fish to fry, in essence… but his analogy to warlords is also a point well taken, perhaps a wake up call. I hesitate to use the “t” word also mentioned in Rod’s post because the word, like “patrotism,” has been so grossly misued by the other side that its meaning has been deformed.
Ironic, though, that the first public speech in PWC that deservedly draws such a comparison comes from the same discredited demagouge who hurled the “t” word and other accusations at peaceful advocates for simple equality under the law, and for humane, Consitutional treatment of those here without documentation.
KGott, I try not to defend Corey’s politics anymore, especially now that he’s gone off the deep end with the “7-to-1, Not! Adventure.” But we shouldn’t lose our sense of empathy as we navigate such divisive times. Even though Frankinstein created the Monster, I did want him to get away when the murderous fiend was chasing him across the arctic.
Heck, Elena’s even got me feeling sorry for Mr. Letiecq. We are so quick to judge people with mental disorders, but the truth is they are in many ways no more to blame than a person with a physical ailment for which they have not sought treatment either because they don’t see the dangers or they can’t afford it.
My God. You should read this, people, clones and anti-clones alike.
WHWN, I’m really against Jingoism and being a diest Muslim, I really don’t like bantering the”Big T” about idley, but in this case I feel it needed to be used. Albeit, PWC currently is not a hotbed of violent activity, but if Greg is left unchecked, and in essance becomes a Hamas type organization with an “allegedly” unconnected political and militant arm; This not only spells trouble for PWC, but for all of the Commonwealth. I’ve messed around on BVBL a little and I see that “The Rule Of Law” is being treated almost as a devine proclomation, and those who do not swear by it as a litnus test are quick to be portrait as the subversive enemy, reguardless of their stand on Illegal Immigration.
As with Afganistan under the Taliban, those who did not suscribe to the teaching of Wahab, were seen as the enemy, labled as being against Islam and the Prophet, bullied to submit to the Taliban rule and ulitmatly persecuted and killed. Many people who’s hearts and minds were not into the Taliban’s mandates, pledged allegence to them anyway out of fear for their lives.
How long will it be before business’ in PWC begin to suspect the Greg makes the laws and begin to support him monitarily to ensure their economic future, or from fear of boycott?
Greg may have a small army of hearts and minds now, what will happen if he gains a huge cash warchest? I don’t picture him running for any office, but he is the type who can buy lesser men and women to be in power to excercise his will.
It is the nature of evil to never commit any crimes by it’s own hands but through the hands of others, that way more innocent people can pay the penalty.
I back 9500 Liberty because they are giving scorching exposure of Greg’s true nature. People are begining to see the local tyrant for what he is. If anything, we all must unite to ensure his tyranny remains petty enough that his lost servents eventually turn on themselves.
As Pete Seeger’s banjo had written upon it…
“This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender”
On BVBL this morning Advocator had this to say “The time for talking, writing, and pleading with our elected leaders to do the right thing on this issue is rapidly coming to an end.” The issue, of course, is illegal immigration. What does he mean?
Yesterday Greg threatened the BOCS. Those who have the mindset of Advocator and Greg L. will not stop at anything to get what they want.
rod2155 said it well and eloquently.
Marie, I’ve begun to take screenshots of Advocator’s posts.
Rob2155, you are right about the use of the term “Rule of Law!” No wonder it’s always given me the creeps when elected officials use those same three words. It’s like a code that validates Help Save Manassas and their cult-like beliefs. As Gospel Greg’s power grew, they even changed the name of the Resolution from “Immigration” to “Rule of Law” … this was obviously intended to disguise the anti-immigrant genesis and intent of the Resolution (too late), but perhaps it was also to acknowledge the organization that wrote, backed, and demanded full funding of the legislation as well.
If public officials don’t stand up to them now, the rest of your worst-case scenario is possible. I have a feeling they will stand up, however, before we get to Taliban rule. This may be the South, but it’s not the 1950’s.
This could happen faster if only there was a tradition in this country to study history and learn from the past. If only it was a tradition in this COUNTY to study best practices and learn from CURRENT situations around the world where the same patterns have emerged. Someone has to say no to these people before they hurt someone or hurt themselves. But if not the Board of Supervisors, then who?
Funny, as I watched this “Send in the Clowns” came to mind…
Censoredbybvbl, Smart of you to get screen shots. Never know when you might need them.
WhereHereWhyNow, This may not be the 1950’s but I grew up in the 1950’s and I will tell you the sentiments are quite the same as they were then, just a different people group. I feel like I have gone back in time. I do hope you are right that we have public officials today will will stand up before we get the Taliban rule.
Turn PW,
thanks for the laugh! “send in the clowns…….. send in the clowns”
I just cant imagine that Greg has any other minions to do this kind of initmidation besides Robert Duecaster.
WhyHereWhyNow Says:
May 21st, 2008 at 10:05 am
Interesting, isn’t it.
“Riddle me this: what do you do with all those solicitations from the RNC asking for your hard-earned money? That’s the question that Joe over at NOVATownHall asked in his contest posted last evening, which I won on my first try. I win some free beverages and two hundred rounds of ammunition, which I will enjoy in quite obviously separate celebrations.”
What the hell does this mean? Greg has a post entitled “I Won”. Above is the first paragraph. What does “I win some free beverages and two hundred rounds of ammunition, which I will enjoy in quite obviously separate celebrations”
To get the post you have to check out novatownhallblog, where Joe B who is alarmingly fond of AK-47’s has posted a riddle competition which Greg won on hsi first try proving that mentally disturbed ego-maniacs think alike.
Joe B, in addition to widely being known as an ego-maniac and a lush, is also the head of Help Save Loudoun and the Honest Business Network there, which has about 5 businesses signed up.
Just what we need, armed and drunk Help Saves.
He’s a raving lunatic and who can figure what he’s talking about half the time?
Holy crap! Will someone PLEASE take this man in before it’s too late? Ever hear of VA TECH?
Lucky said: “Those with papers will work in a legal environment where the work is consistent as opposed to waiting in a parking lot for ever diminishing piece work that may not come.” Actually, I’ve heard that the 7/11’s have become regular places to pick up workers in general, legal and not. It’s easier and cheaper than going through temp agencies.
WHWN said: “We are so quick to judge people with mental disorders, but the truth is they are in many ways no more to blame than a person with a physical ailment for which they have not sought treatment either because they don’t see the dangers or they can’t afford it.” Problem too is that if someone doesn’t know to say, “Hey! You’re acting weird!” and bring them in for treatment, too many people don’t get it, or they get the wrong treatment. Then there are those who DO just refuse treatment which is dangerous.
Rod said: “I don’t picture him running for any office” I do! And THAT is SCARY!
“Rod said: “I don’t picture him running for any office” I do! And THAT is SCARY!”
Well, if he did run, he would alienate a fair amount of voters with his website alone. You don’t publicize/publish the nonsense he does and expect to win an election…especially after he has been named a Nativist.
There is plenty he has done that would prohibit him from holding office.
Now, if the voters come election time could be reminded of how some of our “delegates” are so closely linked to that @sshat GL, we may even get a change in office – and yes, I do have in mind Jackson Miller. Never was I SO RIGHT in asking him to leave my property a few years ago when he came campaigning.
Balance what, exactly? Do you not realize that Eric let Greg L’s words stand for themselves? That video showed his oratory in its entirety. No editing, no splicing, other than real-time inserts of Corey and Maureen listening. If you don’t like how Greg was “portrayed,” well, seems to me your issue is really with Greg and Eric was only the messenger. Heck, cable channel 23 has him saying the same thing.
The only balance possible would be a psychiatric defense: not guilty by reason of insanity.
And I’ll suggest that the silly HSM sticker has magically morphed into Greg’s cloak of invincibility. Or maybe he’s just adopted a new “lovie” at the mid-point of his life.
He must have cases of those stickers in his basement. Just another reminder of the $14,000 in personal debt he claims to have run up during this crusade, and that Help Save Virginia refuses to reimburse.
I don’t know what is worse,someone who advocate vigilantism in front of the BOCS or Corey Stewart endorsing it’s thru his silence. Like I stated before the voter need to recall Corey Stewart or barring that, let the rest of the board know that vigilante justice needs to condemn in the strongest of terms.
I stated the ‘balance’ right in the post. A video of the day labor sites. I mean just stand back and video the activities for 10 minutes. No interviews, no close ups, just observe the happenings for all to view and make their own opinions. I’m not making an opinion on the video, but you could see that Eric was hoping for some expression from Corey that he could capture and use to his advantage. I mean, why all the zooms on Corey? He says little during Citizens Time anyway. In other words, it’s a setup! Face it, if I created a list of just the derogatory quotes from the posts here, then you folks would also seem mentally unbalanced.
Good for you Not Me, Bubba. I had to ask him to leave as well. He is a Gregolite.
SA, you might see a LOT of things here, but you never see people endorsing violence.
You can be crazy and innocuous. You can also be crazy and dangerous. IMHO, GL is in that second category.
@ SecondAlamo
21. May 2008, 14:48
“”I’m not making an opinion on the video, but you could see that Eric was hoping for some expression from Corey that he could capture and use to his advantage.””
1:26-1:32 Corey (knowing exchange of glances)
@ Marie:
What I found most distasteful about his doorstep campaign was his immediate launch into the “illegals” problem. Now, as many here have read, I am not entirely opposed to the resolution and I do not favor amnesty for the illegals. However, his immediate launch into the “illegals” problem rubbed me the wrong way – especially since we happened to be living on a street with quite a few Hispanic families. I knew he wasn’t going to their doors and pitching the same spiel. I felt as if he was hoping to garner votes from a white family who didn’t like “other” people. I didn’t want that crap on my front porch, and certainly NOT in my living room.
So I let him know what I thought of his campaign fliers with their grotesque displays of religion, mysogyny and basic contempt for people who don’t toe the modern Republican line. I think I also told him to try his “illegal” campaign pitch at every home in the neighborhood. He got a little snotty and asked me if I voted for the party, not the person and I replied to him that I saw very little difference from what he put out in his “fliers” and the current extremist conservatism that has dammaged and divided this country.
Amazingly enough he came back to our home last year before the elections. I refused to answer the door. And for his sake, he should be glad as well, for I would have gone off on him yet again. But I can see why GL and his gang think so highly of Saint Miller. They answered to all of his dog whistle calls.
FYI, there are two other videos posted on 9500Liberty to provide some balance. Together, the three videos pretty much sum up what went on vis a vis the Resolution.
Not Me Bubba,
I had a similar conversation with Mr. Miller. He was a City Councilman before he was elected to the House of Delegates. I worked for the City at the time and so I knew him and his politics. He was instrumental, along with Greg L., in drafting the “Definition of Family Resolution” in the City which landed the City in a lot of hot water for unfair housing practices. Actually, a class action law suit was filed and was in the courts for about 3 years. Unfortunatley or fortunately how ever you look at it, many of the Hispanics targeted for having legitmate relatives living with them were either citizens or legal residents. In addtion, they were not in overcrowded situations. I think the suit has been dismissed but there will be many civil suits. It always amazes me that some like Greg and Mr. Miller want more laws and resolutions rather than having the ordinances and laws on the books enforced.
Mr. Miller is cut from the same piece of cloth as Greg L. and they have a long history. I have heard when he is in town he attends the HSM meetings, but of course that is hearsay. I do not know if he is a member.
I am not entirely opposed to the resolution either but the ADC already has a 287(g) agreement and has been checking status of anyone detained. If here without papers then there is an ICE detainer applied. I do not want police officers to be ICE agents. I would prefer them to do their job and let the ADC take care of the ICE issues.
This is such a complicated issue. I wish I knew the answers. I just know that people are people and should be treated with dignity and respect. I get very concerned when I hear some of the things Greg or his sidekick R. Duecaster have to say.
As long as we have a country, we will have folks like Greg.
He has his chance to rant, and he will be judged on what his rant is.
Right now, I think its the 2008 equivalent of the KKK burning crosses in churchyards
I just listened carefully to the video once again. At NO time does Greg mention anything about any action other than documenting the existence of day labor sites, and forwarding the info to authorities. Wether I’m for or against Greg, where in the heck did you hear any proposal for the use of violence by members of HSM or anyone else? Please quote the section from the video, and if I’m wrong I’ll never post here again! You folks have post after post about violence, and it’s obviously all of your making. Please listen again and tell me, don’t add you words, but tell me exactly what was so terrible unless the word document strikes fear in your hearts.
Marie-“I had a similar conversation with Mr. Miller. He was a City Councilman before he was elected to the House of Delegates. I worked for the City at the time and so I knew him and his politics. He was instrumental, along with Greg L., in drafting the “Definition of Family Resolution””
Please tell everyone where you got your facts from.
” Unfortunatley or fortunately how ever you look at it, many of the Hispanics targeted for having legitmate relatives living with them were either citizens or legal residents.”
And how are you privey to this info?
SA, my personal reference to violence doesn’t have to do with this video. It was just a general statement contrasting the language used here (how ever annoying some people might find it) with the launguage of warfare and threats used by GL and company. Just wanted to clear that up in case your comment was directed towards me.