Where is the humanity in chaining a woman, by both wrists, while she labored in agony?

I understand that there are legal issues with this case.  I know that many some will say “She got what she deserved, after all, she was in this country illegaly, and was given prior deportation notices.”   To the men who have NO clue what childbirth entails, this was cruel and unusual punishment, her 8th amendment rights were violated in my mind.   No woman, in the midst of labor, is going to  be a  flight risk out of a hospital.  Furthermore, she was kept chained AFTER she gave birth, for six hours, and was denied her G-d given right to breastfeed her newborn.  I am sickend and appalled by this case.    

p.s. hyperlink located on the word “case”, click on it and it leads you to the video

The Flip Side of the Sign: Thumbs Up, Down or the Finger?

What would your reaction be if this man, Davi Rodriguez drove up and down the main drag in the City of Manassas? How about past Coverstone 7-11?

Is his method better or worse than the course of action taken by Mr. Fernandez? You be the judge.

According to Channel 13 news out of Sacramento:


A story from CBS 13 in Sacramento, California featured one man ennobled by his passion for confronting day laborers with a trailer-mounted billboard saying “DEPORT THEM ALL.”
Davi Rodriguez drives the sign up and down the streets of Sacramento where day laborers wait for work, sometimes videotaping the reactions and uploading them to YouTube. Workers we talked to say they feel harassed, and they’re losing jobs


If you squint your eyes, click your heels together 3 times, you might just think you were back in Kansas.