The Manassas Journal Messenger reports on the Friday night screening of the latest version of the 9500 Liberty screening.
According to the article,
The reaction to the film ran the gamut, after its showing Friday night at Trinity Episcopal Church in Manassas.
Chris Pannell, who left Help Save Manassas this spring, praised the video. Woodbridge Workers Committee Nancy Lyall enjoyed the film, but expressed her outrage at the resolution.
City Councilman Jonathan Way said the presentation was interesting but that he learned nothing new.
“It was far less contentious and argumentative than I thought it might have been,” Way said.
Conversely, Help Save Manassas member Maureen Wood said the video was one-sided, made Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chairman Corey A. Stewart look like a fool and the filmmakers and she would never “see eye to eye on this issue.”
Chairman Stewart isn’t ‘playing’ the part of a fool. It’s an accurate portrayal of the man.
If the material isn’t there in the first place, no one can be MADE to look like a fool by another person.
I would like to hear more about the film’s role in the Sundance Film Festival. Maybe there will be a new Sundance Kid.
Kipp Hanley has written a very sloppy article. Annabel clearly said at the beginning of the program that the version that is being screened is NOT the feature version that they will be submitting to festivals. What screened on Friday is a long video about the changes to the Resolution. Don’t forget that they have over a hundred videos.
Another thing is that he completely missed the point that the filmmakers no longer saw the issue as having 2 sides. And, I see a perspective in the film, but not “bias” which suggests a distortion of reality. Instead of elaborating on what he means by bias, he just quotes people.
This is why we can’t rely on mainstream reporters to get anything right.
I don’t see how anyone could even attempt to squeeze this issue into just 2 sides. In fact, the minute a person says they are on a ‘side,’ I feel they have painted themselves into a corner. That is why it is so critical to be able to have open discussions about illegal immigration as it pertains to the nation’s law, neighborhoods, infrastructure, and yes, human beings. How could all of these components fit into a ‘side?’
FAIR has a ‘side,’ an answer for everything and they can be heard anywhere in the United States. Same rhetoric, as Mackie pointed out on the other thread. It will be great knowing that people will see another side to Prince William County other than what FAIR wants them to see. Thanks Eric and Annabel for documenting this snippet of Prince William history. And yes, thanks to them, we will survive.
Also, I disagree with Eric, I don’t believe the resolution is workable and I’ll tell you why. It has done exactly what Chief Deane predicted, it is hampering law enforcement efforts. I have been sought out for advice on whether or not individuals should contact the police to report crimes. Let me tell you, this is not something I want to continue to be involved with. I didn’t sign-up for this. I don’t want people coming to me telling me about the disgusting crimes and asking me what I think they should do. Never before have I ever been put in this position and I want, I need for it to stop. I’m not the type of person that handles this stuff very well. And, I honestly don’t believe that HSM members would want crimes to go unreported either as it does not benefit anyone in the community.
Maureen says the film makes Corey Stewart look like a fool. I don’t see how the film can do that given Corey Stewart IS a fool and most of us already know it.
Btw, Maureen and the HSM army officers will never see eye-to-eye with anyone who disagree with the world according to HSM.
NGL, that really was a startling mistake on Hanley’s part. Even if he hadn’t heard the comment you report from Annabel, how could he imagine that what he was seeing would be submitted to Sundance? Does it mean he never looked at 9500 Liberty’s site? Could he possibly think a doc would be submitted to Sundance and leave out things of the nature of Greg’s Gospel speech, confrontations at the sign, day-laborer ruminations, the marathon BOCs meeting, etc. etc. These are experienced filmmakers and I would guess they will create a documentary with a dramatic arc that will resonate beyond PWC.
I do think the board proceedings also have drama that will grip people who have no idea who these supervisors are. There was a short documentary that won the Oscar early this year called “Freeheld” which was all about veteran police lieutenant dying of lung cancer who fought back against her town’s council when it refused to allow her to leave her pension benefits to her female partner. It was an effective example of making municipal proceedings very compelling to outsiders.
Assuming Hanley reads this blog (not necessarily a safe assumption!!!), I would love to see a comment from him on why he thought that was the gist of the upcoming film. However NGL, I wouldn’t damn mainstream reporters the blanket way you did just because this particular one must have been daydreaming or texting or worse, absent, while Annabel talked.
You’re right. I shouldn’t condemn all mainstream reporters. It’s just that I’ve yet to read an accurate article about the changes to the Resolution. I heard someone say that these reporters do little investigation. They turn quotes and press releases into stories without investigating the facts. I’m frustrated that they quote Corey Stewart and Greg L all the time without questioning the veracity of their spin.
I always think you’re right.
I will think about your post and come back later to reply.
Alanna should never be in this position! Thank goodness she is out there though, to reassure families who have been victims of crime. Having to do this takes its emotional toll though and it must stop. It sounds like there needs to be an anonymous hotline for Latinos who have been victims of crimes and who now don’t trust the police. There are some smart people contributing to this blog. What can be done to realistically to regain the trust of the Latino community or to at least reassure them that they can report crimes without endangering their families?
Think about it and perhaps Alanna will put up a dedicated thread about this current situation later today or tomorrow.
NGL, Thanks. I wish I were always right. I have spent a life-time working on being able to admit it when I am not right 😉
Moon-howler, I think it’s time Nancy and John asked Chief Deane to do another outreach program (or two or three or more) for the Hispanic community. They’re in a position to know where best to hold a meeting.
“I have been sought out for advice on whether or not individuals should contact the police to report crimes. Let me tell you, this is not something I want to continue to be involved with. I didn’t sign-up for this. I don’t want people coming to me telling me about the disgusting crimes and asking me what I think they should do.”
Illegal entry is a crime. Once we get to the point that people understand there is no future committing this crime, and go back to their home countries, you won’t be confronted with this situation Alanna. Meanwhile :
A. People aren’t being deported because they REPORTED crimes or were victimized. Nothing the people or police of PWC have enacted makes this a likely scenario. If you want to make the arguement that we need to enact or change laws and policies because a subgroup of segregated people have a misunderstanding, I don’t agree.
B. Apologists for illegal aliens do them a disservice. You should stop trying to make them feel welcome. There is not a future to be carved out in America by entering illegally. It worked in 1986, but it won’t work again.
I have some ideas. Please, contact me.
Good point, Censored. This issue needs to quickly move past politics and to meet the needs of real people with real problems. I have to admit, I don’t know where to begin.
Alanna did not say an illegal alien had contacted her. Don’t assume.
You know, the people of Prince William County, some of them with advanced degrees and law degrees cant get it straight about what the immigration resolution does and doesn’t do. The chairman of the BOCS is a perfect example of what I am talking about.
It makes perfect sense that members of the immgrant community might also find the details to be incredibly confusing. Furthermore, when people speak out and say things such as you state publically, all the more reason for the confusion.
I would assume that if I reported a crime committed against a family member, I might be run out of town. And that is exactly the impression that was meant to be left. Don’t anyone deny it. I have seen hundreds of statements put out there to not only ‘roll up the red carpet’ but also to spread fear and intimidation.
I think other Latino churches and other Latino community groups need to request outreach program too. I would really like to think the Latino have more than Nancy and John to rely on to give them information.
“I think it’s time Nancy and John asked Chief Deane to do another outreach program (or two or three or more) for the Hispanic community”
Yeah. And this time, he should spell things out. Make it clear that if they are victims of crimes, they should report it. But also spell out that if caught driving without a license they’ll probably be reported, and so on, and so if they’re ilegal PWC is probably not the best place to settle. Also the Chief should explain to them to what degree his funding is improved when he attacks the problem of illegal immigrants, and is attacked when he ignores it by an angry populace. he should conclude by displaying a map which shows the paths to Fairfax, Arlington, and Montgomery Counties.
Chris, I think you bring up a good point. I may just piss everyone off with this one but from what I have seen from their organization, it seems that they are all about politics (boycotts, demonstrations) and it is in the best interests of MWB to stir things up rather than to bring things down. A political organization gets no where if everyone is happy.
What would MWB stand to gain from trying to alleviate fears in the Latino community? I very well may have mischaracterized this organization. I know very little about them. However, if they operate like every other political activist group I am aware of, then I am right on the money.
The police department under the guidance of Chief Deane has done a very good job of community outreach. However, the mission isn’t over and the rules have changed. I think they need to continue to do what they were doing, that is IF the grand Poobah will not accuse our chief of being a traitor.
I agree with your assessment organizations & MWB. MBW should have been pushing the point all along. ANYONE AND EVERYONE need to report crimes. I don’t think they’ve done that. I found John to be more focused, and poised. Nancy sounded waaay too emotional. I’m not saying that this isn’t emotional topic.
“Is Maureen Wood of Help Save Manasas a good film critic?”
Good question. But here are ten more questions MJM could have asked itself after seeing this footage that are more interesting, more relevant, and more important to this county that:
1) Who’s idea was it to attack Chief Deane? Letiecq’s? Or Chairman Stewart’s?
2) Why didn’t Letiecq himself show up for the Citizens’ Time showdown on April 1st about whether Chief Deane was guilty of treason? Why crow like a rooster and then send three hens to do the pecking for you?
3) Is Robert Duecaster on to something in this film? Or is he just on something? It almost makes sense when he complains that the “Probable Cause” standard, which was NOT in his original draft, is what killed the Resolution. If so, was this the intention of those who introduced “Probable Cause” into the July 10th amendments to the Duecaster/F.A.I.R. version?
4) “Crackdown gets tougher???” Did the news reporters choose to get the story wrong? Or were they trying to do Corey Stewart a favor? Or, is it possible Corey Stewart told reporters he was frightened that Letiecq and Duecaster would incite vigilante mobs unless they printed his ridiculously false talking points as fact?
5) Is Marty Nohe the butler, or is he really Batman? If Nohe is Batman, then Deane is the butler and Principi is Robin. But then where does that put Mike May? Maybe Mike May is Robin. Anyway, Caddigan is most certainly Wonder Woman. Covington is the Green Lantern. Who is Aquaman? Jenkins of course. Oh, and The GregNCorey show, that should be obvious: they’re The Wonder Twins.
“Destroy Prince William County power: activate!” “Form of… a brainless partisan who has no mind nor care about the future of this county running for Chairman!” “Shape of… a sociopath cult leader who charms women into doing his dirty work and lies through his teeth with a smile!”
6) The Historic 4 to 4 Vote on April 29. Why did Wonder Woman and The Green Lantern (Caddigan and Covington) go with the tax hike Chairman Stewart so pathetically begging them for in order to “put the cameras back in” and thus save the Immigration Resolution’s bacon? Did they know that there were four Supervisors standing firm to block the move (Nohe, Principi, May, and Jenkins). Or were they just taking a chance.
7) How serious was/is John Stirrup about the Anti-Immigrant Lobby’s agenda? Back when it looked like it was THE issue for Republicans, he was all for it. Now that it looks like a wedge issue that splits Republicans, it seems he was all too happy to help the rest of the Superfriends kill the Resolution. The video even shows him blaming Corey for all this lunacy in an off-camera conversation with Caddigan!
8) Why does John Stirrup still belong to Help Save Manassas if he’s not willing to attack Chief Deane like a good Red Circle Soldier, and he’ll flip his vote to the Superfriends’ side 2 seconds into the marathon recess, leaving Corey Stewart to cry and whimper in the back room begging someone, anyone, to help him get out neutering the Resolution for two hours while the rest of the county waited?
9) What was in the secret packet that Condoleezza Rice gave to Lois Padistoni to help take down Chief Deane? Did Stewart and Stirrup photo copy all 600 pages for the six other Supervisors as Ms. Padistoni suggested? If so, who paid the $1000 Kinkos bill?
10) What was Corey Stewart trying to pull when, in his last ditch effort to make his humiliating defeat look like a victory, he tried to fool Frank Principi into voting against his own initiative to abolish probable cause, defund the cameras, and neuter the Immigration Resolution? Didn’t Corey know all he had to do was lie to the press and the press would get his back?????
Any of those questions would have been more interesting, Mr. Hanley, than letting Marueen Wood drive the focus of your article. But, kudos to Maureen Wood for a clever P.R. move. You pulled a Corey Stewart on the man.
Wow!! Those are excellent questions. Now, if we could only some answers to that “Top Ten” you just posted.
LOL! That appears to be the MO – race to face the cameras and then leave the little women to do the dirty work. Too bad Maureen didn’t air her complaints during the open discussion session. She and cohorts jumped up and ran. Must not have had the Big Guy’s permission to speak.
I invite you and others to add some questions. Let’s try to get to 20.
Censored, one of the “cohorts” was a staffer for John T. Stirrup, Supervisor for the Gainesville District. See question number 8 that somehow turned into a smiley face by accident.
You people are paranoic. Maureen Wood is an individual who holds office in and chooses to be a member of HSM; that hardly means she is anyone’s “puppet”.
Censored bybvbl, 30. July 2008, 12:00
Sounds like “Scampering Squirrels” to me.
Rick, if Maureen Wood thinks she has what it takes to run for City Council, then she should be able to field a question or two at a meeting she voluntarily attended. Why didn’t she challenge Eric and Annabel’s assessments? I noticed that she and cohorts really bristled at Corey’s suggestion that some of his supporters might be racists.
Question 11:
What does Corey Stewart mean when he says some of my supporters might be racists but I’m glad they’re being vocal now so that I can talk to them and try to calm them down.
Rape suspect has juvenile record of child assaults
By Mike Peters,
A man arrested Sunday for raping a 12-year-old girl in west Greeley had a record of sexually assaulting girls under 15 and spent a year in juvenile prison.
Raul Jesus Mendoza, 19, was listed as a sex offender before the weekend incident, in which he is accused of taking a 12-year-old girl into his west Greeley apartment and raping her.
According to Greeley police records, Mendoza was a juvenile when he was arrested on other child sexual assaults.
He was arrested when he was 16 on a misdemeanor sexual assault charge, which was dismissed. In that case, he was accused of inappropriately touching a girl younger than 15.
When he was 17, according to police records, Mendoza was convicted of sexual assault on a child younger than 15 and sexual assault using force. He was sentenced to two years in juvenile corrections. He served a little more than a year and was released back to Greeley .
At that time, Mendoza was placed on the sex offender list, but not the Web site because of state laws prohibiting juveniles’ names from appearing on the list if they had one conviction.
In the assault last week, Weld District Court arrest warrants state that Mendoza took the girl into a bedroom and forced himself on her, even though the girl “asked him to stop repeatedly.”
The 12-year-old and her sister were at the apartment complex to visit a friend, the warrant stated, when Mendoza took the girl into a bedroom, removed her clothes and raped her. Mendoza also was visiting the apartment, but he lives in another building of the complex.
The victim’s sister went up to the bedroom, according to the warrant, and saw the rape taking place and told Mendoza to stop. The warrant stated the victim later told her sister, “Thank you for stopping him.”
Mendoza’s bond Tuesday was raised to $200,000 from $150,000.
There also is n Immigration and Customs Enforcement hold on him, as agents are checking to see if Mendoza is in the country illegally.
Another point in the film that made Maureen and cohorts bristle was the long-winded Citizens Time footage of Duecaster and the speakers against “illegals”. They scribbled, exchanged comments, and sat up a little straighter in defiance. I surmise they thought Duecaster and company looked bad and that the footage was chosen to portray them in an unflattering light. Duh. Don’t say stupid stuff in public with the cameras rolling if you’re worried about your image. I saw the marathon meeting and those speakers stood out for a reason.
Supervisor Nohe has now been accused of treason on the MJM comments page. I guess anyone who has long term ties to the county and tries to look out for our best interests is a “traitor” and the only Republicans we like in PWC are recent arrivals from out-of-state who prioritize the interests of the Anti-Immigrant Lobby over the future of this county (or the GOP for that matter, which is being torn asunder by these extremists partisans).
WHWN, you mean the comment by the person who obviously knows nothing about film editing/making? The person who must believe that a film arrives intact at the box office exactly as it was shot? “You’ve got 90 minutes of film, Mr/Ms Filmaker, no editing.” With over a hundred youtube videos and a point to explain (how we arrived at a revision of the Immigration Resolution) was there to be no editing? That bright person called Supervisor Nohe, my supervisor BTW, a traitor. How goofy! 😉
The rope that Corey Stewart used to “hang himself” in that video was not edited at all. It was one long piece of unedited film in which he just keeps lying and lying and lying. Can’t blame editing for that.
Question #12
Why does a paid employee of a supervisor travel in a pack with the scampering squirrels? Is there something inappropriate about that? For that matter, why does a supervisor belong to a group like HSM?
Question #13
If some one were to introduce a motion to repeal the resolution, what would the vote look like? Would the same 5 that voted to amend the original resolution vote to repeal it? If not, why?
Going to take a wild stab at a couple of those questions……….
10. Corey was trying to save himself from the wrath of the Great Poobah of the Order of the Red Circle and to save face.
11. Corey couldn’t think up any way to get out of admitting he had racist supporters so he threw them under the bus and figured he could say that of course he wasn’t talking about THEM.
4. The reporters didn’t understand and still do not understand.
Do I get a good grade? huh???? huh???? huh??????
Mr Nohe a traitor?!
LOL! Sounds desperate.
Excellant questions WHWN. They should be submitted to Pot News/MJM as follow up to their article
Poobahs and Superfriends. Isn’t it a shame we are talking about our local government rather than Gilbert & Sullivan and comic books?
Whoa… insanely interesting question, that #13 of Ivan’s. Dakota’s #12 is related:
John Stirrup is still suffering from a pre-McCain hangover, I’m talking 2007 December, when it he’d just won reelection thinking it was a thank-you note from his electorate for introducing the Immigration Resolution, and, thinking that F.A.I.R. and Gospel Greg would soon be crowning Mitt Romney as the Anti-Immigrant Lobby Presidential Candidate.. That didn’t turn out to be the case. McCain stunned the world in New Hampshire.
Now that he’s no longer under the influence, Stirrup is playing it safe. He knows that HSM has a bad reputation thanks to Letiecq’s public meltdowns, but then again, Chairman Stewart is the one who is connected at the hip to Letiecq; not Stirrup. Stirrup is distancing himself from both Stewart and Letiecq right now. Smart play. But at the same time, he can’t afford to insult and enrage Gospel Greg by leaving the group all together. He still has that hangover.
Quetion #13: What would happen if they tried to repeal the Resolution just a few months after neutering it? I don’t know. But the 2007 hangover is not only affecting Stirrup. It affects the other Supervisors as well. No doubt, all of them are fed up with Letiecq, Duecaster, and the more vocal members of HSM. But they also are under the impression that the majority of the 2000 members are still faithful to Gospel Greg. I’m not sure how true that is. The Chief Deane episode seemed to prove otherwise. But the hangover is still with the other Supervisors.
How do I know?
After the April 29th neutering of the Immigration Resolution, no one was willing to stand up and assume responsibility for it, except Principi who is a Democrat. The moderate Republican in PWC still fears the extremists anti-immigrant Republican. Some hangovers take a long while to go away.
Juturna, how do you submit questions to MJM? You mean in the comments? I doubt they read them. But feel free to cut and paste them. Don’t forget 11, 12, and 13.
That is naive.
The last time I reported a crime, the first person the police investigated was me, you know, the victim. You see, on one side of the road lived the working class Latinos renting apartments. On the other side of the road lived the wealthy whites in million dollar homes. Guess what side I lived on.
If I had lived on the other side of the road, it would have made all the difference.
I trusted the police in those days. So I called them when I was robbed. Lucky for me, my naivete did not result in my receiving an unjustified criminal record that would have followed me around for the rest of my life.
The following example is exactly why minorities and the poor should exercise great caution when calling the police:
Alanna said:
Alanna, this is a horrible position to be put in. You must have the world on your shoulders. Unless it is a very serious crime I would never call the police under the current conditions. Anything can happen when you call the police. Unscrupulous police officers now have a huge tool to manipulate immigrants into very vulnerable positions. All they have to do is threaten to call ICE, and 90% of the immigrants will say anything the police want.
I heard that nancy lyall said the police were asking children about the status of their parents. If that’s not a crime, I don’t know what is.
Letter to editor.
Alanna, if that is the case, why don’t you use this forum to set people straight? Instead, you and Elena continually perpetrate the view that PWC has a terrible reputation, that businesses don’t want to locate here, that ALL immigrants feel threatened and don’t want to live here. It almost seems as if you are deliberately trying to scare people off just to prove your point. How about setting the record straight, clearly and concisely, about the Resolution so that people WON’T be afraid to report crimes?
If you have as much influence as you say, and you are put in this position so often, I would think it would be a very effective and humane thing to do.
I am going to move these questions down the page. Bear with me. Thanks WHWN. I am just throwing you around like an old blanket now. Easier to see since the questions have scrolled way up the page.
WhyHereWhyNow, 30. July 2008, 11:01
“Is Maureen Wood of Help Save Manasas a good film critic?”
Good question. But here are ten more questions MJM could have asked itself after seeing this footage that are more interesting, more relevant, and more important to this county that:
1) Who’s idea was it to attack Chief Deane? Letiecq’s? Or Chairman Stewart’s?
2) Why didn’t Letiecq himself show up for the Citizens’ Time showdown on April 1st about whether Chief Deane was guilty of treason? Why crow like a rooster and then send three hens to do the pecking for you?
3) Is Robert Duecaster on to something in this film? Or is he just on something? It almost makes sense when he complains that the “Probable Cause” standard, which was NOT in his original draft, is what killed the Resolution. If so, was this the intention of those who introduced “Probable Cause” into the July 10th amendments to the Duecaster/F.A.I.R. version?
4) “Crackdown gets tougher???” Did the news reporters choose to get the story wrong? Or were they trying to do Corey Stewart a favor? Or, is it possible Corey Stewart told reporters he was frightened that Letiecq and Duecaster would incite vigilante mobs unless they printed his ridiculously false talking points as fact?
5) Is Marty Nohe the butler, or is he really Batman? If Nohe is Batman, then Deane is the butler and Principi is Robin. But then where does that put Mike May? Maybe Mike May is Robin. Anyway, Caddigan is most certainly Wonder Woman. Covington is the Green Lantern. Who is Aquaman? Jenkins of course. Oh, and The GregNCorey show, that should be obvious: they’re The Wonder Twins.
“Destroy Prince William County power: activate!” “Form of… a brainless partisan who has no mind nor care about the future of this county running for Chairman!” “Shape of… a sociopath cult leader who charms women into doing his dirty work and lies through his teeth with a smile!”
6) The Historic 4 to 4 Vote on April 29. Why did Wonder Woman and The Green Lantern (Caddigan and Covington) go with the tax hike Chairman Stewart so pathetically begging them for in order to “put the cameras back in” and thus save the Immigration Resolution’s bacon? Did they know that there were four Supervisors standing firm to block the move (Nohe, Principi, May, and Jenkins). Or were they just taking a chance.
7) How serious was/is John Stirrup about the Anti-Immigrant Lobby’s agenda? Back when it looked like it was THE issue for Republicans, he was all for it. Now that it looks like a wedge issue that splits Republicans, it seems he was all too happy to help the rest of the Superfriends kill the Resolution. The video even shows him blaming Corey for all this lunacy in an off-camera conversation with Caddigan!
Why does John Stirrup still belong to Help Save Manassas if he’s not willing to attack Chief Deane like a good Red Circle Soldier, and he’ll flip his vote to the Superfriends’ side 2 seconds into the marathon recess, leaving Corey Stewart to cry and whimper in the back room begging someone, anyone, to help him get out neutering the Resolution for two hours while the rest of the county waited?
9) What was in the secret packet that Condoleezza Rice gave to Lois Padistoni to help take down Chief Deane? Did Stewart and Stirrup photo copy all 600 pages for the six other Supervisors as Ms. Padistoni suggested? If so, who paid the $1000 Kinkos bill?
10) What was Corey Stewart trying to pull when, in his last ditch effort to make his humiliating defeat look like a victory, he tried to fool Frank Principi into voting against his own initiative to abolish probable cause, defund the cameras, and neuter the Immigration Resolution? Didn’t Corey know all he had to do was lie to the press and the press would get his back?????
Any of those questions would have been more interesting, Mr. Hanley, than letting Marueen Wood drive the focus of your article. But, kudos to Maureen Wood for a clever P.R. move. You pulled a Corey Stewart on the man.
I see we have a new word.
A Corey Stewart: definition-
Have at it.
Mackie _ enough already on the police until you provide a viable alternative to law enforcement. I find your comments thought provoking but this issue is being overstated. Perhaps you have a particular axe to grind with Police. PLEASE let’s get it out and move one. Although we all likely have a story, it hasn’t made us all cynics – thank goodness
You are niave to base your lack of faith in LEO’s on one incident. Have you just had that one experience to lead to feel the way you do? Would you ever call the police again if you were the victim? What if I saw you walking down the street then saw a gang beat the living shit out of you. Should I call 911 for the police and rescue? Or just leave on the side of the road left to your own devices? What if you saw your mother, wife, daughter or sister become a victim of a crime would you call the police? Were you a regular “ratty” neighbor calling the police department all the time. You may have made yourself a target if you were a nuisance with petty calls all of the time. Like the little boy that cried wolf.
You can’t honestly think are police are more bad than good. Remember, there a bad apples in each and every bunch.
If it’s true that the police are asking children about their parents’ immigration status, I hardly think it’s inappropriate for me to advise that immigrants should not call the police except for very serious crimes.
In what county are the children being asked of their status?
I missed your comments as I was posting. Glad to see you back in action. 😉
Asking kids about the status of a parent, wouldn’t that still fall under hear say?
Also is there not a anonymous hotline to call in crime tips?