Reposting of Rules as a reminder, we are more than willing to discuss issues; however continued personal attacks will result in permanent banning.
Here’s how the blog works –
- First time commenters are held in moderation and need prior approval.
- Comments with 3 or more links are held in moderation and need approval, this is used for filtering spam.
- Personal attacks are strongly discouraged and could result in permanent banning.
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‘Censored’ List as of 05/05/08 –
- Steve Thomas’ home address – REMOVED
- Name of School where Supervisor’s children attended. – REMOVED
- Elvis/Chameleon/Ching – BLOCKED
censored & j-dog,
Yes, I remember like the two of you. However, did you read what PWConservative wrote?
“2nd in command, Manassas GOP, Formerly very involved in HSM”
Hmm. Does that mean he’s less involved with HSM, really?
Corey was ready to run for Lt. Gov just days after winning his Chairman seat. I would think one that fought so hard for that seat would want to at the very least see his 4yr. term through.
Chris, maybe HSM’s attack dog is on a shorter leash since moderates were voted onto the Council.
What moderates were voted on what Council? City Council?
They sure weren’t having any parts of HSM on their council.
There are a few radical rights still left there but they seem to be radically right about other things.
Junkyard dog, yes, City Council. Let’s just say that the Council could have been more right-wing had a couple of HSM’s chosen made it past the convention. Instead the Council has decided not to make immigration its main focus but to concentrate on economics, education, and the viability of Old Town.
STW – I posted that Chm Stewarts children did not attend public school. I was not trying to identify where they were, just the fact that they did not attend public school.
BTW, I never attended public school and my son has only attended public school since he entered HS. So my motiviation was simply as I stated.
I didn’t think it through when I posted it and Alanna correctly removed the name of the school.
Thanks Juturna. That clears up that end of the mystery.
Why did that other person make such a big deal about where his wife worked? No one had mentioned it but him. As I recall, the wife3 was gracious and thanked Alanna. He was agressive and threatening, wasn’t he?
MH-you be the judge. Here you go.
Steve Thomas, 29. February 2008, 17:41
Bvbl Reject and Juturna and anyone else out there in this “We hate Greg” club:
My wife respectfully asked that you not post our address. That is all. You show a lot of class by making veiled threats regarding her employment. If you were to spend your time digging, you would find that my wife is a state advocate for crime victims. You know, abused wives, molested children, rape victims. Her concern is less for hers or my safety. It is for the safety of her victims, and the safety of her family from angry defendents.
You anonymous cowards can disagree with my views. That is fine. You can say ridiculous things using images of the holocost about me. You are entitled to express your views. However, you offer little in the way of substance to support your arguments or even your wild assertions.
One thing that I would never do is threaten someone’s family. For the record, my wife’s initials are not “C.O.”. My wife is not a public figure, and don’t even think for a moment that her post constitutes entry into the public debate.
I would also warn you that when you threaten a man’s family, you have crossed the line. So I am going to ask you to stop. Say whatever your little twisted minds want to about me. Please leave my family out of this. This is the last time I will ask this.
Well, I was right about agressive and threatening. I guess he didn’t give Maria the same consideration that he wanted for his wife. Oh wait, he didn’t post his words on a blog. I guess that is the difference. Does that exonerate him?
And here’s what she said.
Mrs. Steve Thomas, 28. February 2008, 18:53
To the Administrator of this site – I would like to thank you for removing our home address that was posted by BVBL reject. I truly appreciate your respect for our privacy and consideration of adverse action being taken against my family.
To BVBL reject – Please refrain from posting our address on any public forum. I do my best to keep our address private from certain parties due to my employment. You may not agree with my husband or his views but he does not break any laws and he certainly respects other’s right to privacy. If you know my husband, then you know he will pursue legal action if warranted with great vigor and enthusiasm.
For the record, I don’t hate Greg. He repluses me.
Elvis and Emma, you should really see this film you keep complaining about.
When you do, you’ll be thankful to have the wool pulled off your eyes. Most people in the county already know that Greg Letiecq and Corey Stewart have been purposefully lying to and misleading the public. But you two just can’t seem to accept it. If you see the film, you will be forced to. And the truth will set you free. You’ll be able to reevaluate everything and figure out how you really feel about these issues without their lies and spin.
The horrible leadership of our twin Chairmen Corey and Greg has been costly to everyone in the county, but it’s been the most costly to the two of you. You’ve lost your ability to see.
Well, she was gracious and then got into threat mode. Make that veiled threat mode. I guess he was peering over her shoulder. (if it was even Mrs. Thomas)
I have thought about this for a while. This form of behavior whether to Alanna, to Maria, or anyone else is basic bullying. I see this type of behavior in both the men and women in that organization. I don’t care if it is stalking out someone’s job, hinting at identies, making weight remarks or accusing someone of being a traitor; these are all forms of bullying. There are hundreds of other examples. It appears that with most HSM members, bullying takes the place of defending ones position or discourse.
I don’t want bullies setting county policy.
for those that are doing searches on byler, be aware that he has severly edited out his wikipedia page (funny, it happened right after I said something about it on this blog)
so he did a few films, none of which I had EVER head of. He actually took the title of one from a cure album, how original.
I would try to be really objective, alot of what you find out there is posted by Eric himself, his imdb profile is exactly the same as his wiki entry by the way, so I would not take that as gospel.
posting peoples personal information on here…just plain sick. One of the reasons I do not, although with my name it’s not hard to find me (funny, no one has even tried to my knowledge being as I’m a regular figure at the county court house) My secretary runs in to people from HSM occasionally down there. A couple weeks ago she was chatting with a guy down there who reads the blogs and thought they were quite entertaining.
Honestly the biggest bunch of quacks hang out here, and I get pretty tickled to read some of these crazy posts. It’s like the national enquirer without pictures.
Steve Thomas is a guy who dresses up in camouflage and puts war paint on his face. Then he puts on his ghillie suit and drives out to the day laborer sites. He gets out of his car and slow crawls to the woods behind the 7-11 to take photos. All the day laborers watch him slow crawl through the parking lot and wonder what the hell he’s doing. Once he gets behind the 7-11 though, he just looks like another bush with his ghillie suit.
He used to do this all the time until one day he picked a spot too close to the 7-11. All the day laborers mistook him for a real bush. After being pissed on by about 30 guys it was time for ‘Mission Abort’
You can find the second coming of Rambo here on the 9500 liberty video:
Elvis, serious question here….show me one place where confidential information has been posted here by a regular. You cannot. You are just making that up. Again.
We aren’t looking for you. Why would anyone want to find you? Why would HSM people tell us who you were and why would we ask? I fear you suffer from way too much self-importance.
MH – the clinical term is “delusions of granduer”.
Veiled threats, indeed! I too was threatented with a law suit. This threat was made because someone ASSUMED a poster was me. They said that poster gave their PERSONAL information. This idividual was upset because there was a comment posted saying she had a daughter. I have to laugh because this “woman” has drug her kid to several public meetings, and has even been photographed by the press with her daughter at BOS meetings. This is bullying behavior plain and simply. I still laugh about the insanity of the veil threat. This threat came from a “mere member” of HSM. Get a life people!
Why on earth would anyone want to figure out who you are. I heard from a friend about running into your employee while waiting to get their gun permit.
Honestly the biggest bunch of quacks hang out here, and I get pretty tickled to read some of these crazy posts. It’s like the national enquirer without pictures.
….. and sanity reigns supreme with your buddies over on the other side????!!!! LOL LOL Holding my sides and feeling like Snoopy…… LOL LOL
So does that make you a voyeur??? Take it easy fella, those tendencies are inclined to escalate…..
You tickle me too, Elvis. What were those mindless dolls a while back? Was it “Tickle Me Elvis” or Elmo????
‘Elvis, serious question here….show me one place where confidential information has been posted here by a regular. You cannot. You are just making that up. Again. ”
I can think of two instances, which appear in the original post. Fortunately the owner and admin of this blog had the decency and good sense to delete the information.
Juturna-Have you written that letter to Santa yet asking for “Tickle me Elvis”? I think you have to be on the “naughty list” to get one.
I’d stick it with pins…..
To Moon-howler, 4. August 2008, 8:30
I never mentioned in my correspondence to the HSM president where I worked or what I did for a living. I did sign my name to my e-mail because It is not my style to send letters or e-mails anonymously. I thought it interesting that Greg L never responded. Dan Arnold responded and then Steve Thomas. I did think he was trying to intimidate me but I am not easily intimidated and I let him know as much. What the H difference did it make where I worked or for whom? I still have a right to express my opinion to an organization that is not funded by, nor is a board or commission of the City where I worked.
Ed, I agree. And the adminstrator/owner did the right thing. Those are the only 2 cases I can think of.
Just another example of bullying behavior that cannot be denied.
Look at the political candidates who were bullied. Look at the officials who were bullied.
Are you okay? You seem to be imploding psychologically. Why this cry for attention? Why do you want us to do research on you? I must admit all this strange behavior is making me curious, but not curious enough to do any work to find out.
Why don’t you just tell us who you are? You’d no longer be hiding behind the skirts of anonymity. You’d be showing the same bravery as Alanna, Elena, and Katherine which would be a start toward regaining the respect you’ve lost since the days when you used to think before typing.
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
Yeah. And then we could tell you whether you need to do more sweatin’ to the oldies, grow or subtract facial hair, or update your wardrobe. Heck, we might even tell you that you could survive as a chick magnet without the Porsche (bicycle, sportscar, or -OMG- how gauche – an SUV).
Did you ever hear back on that FOIA? What were the results?
The relationship between this site and 9500 Liberty is so close that I don’t expect many of you to agree with my opinions about Eric and Annabel. The fact is that this site promotes 9500 Liberty, 9500 Liberty’s work is biased towards the needs of illegal immigrants and against the architects of the resolution, and Eric and Annabel inject themselves into their own documentaries and become part of the dialogue, which by any journalistic standard diminishes objectivity to a great extent. The two entities, “anti” and “9500 Liberty” are meeting each other’s needs beautifully, so I get why so many of you are so defensive and protective of Eric and Annabel.
And, no, I have not seen the most recent screening, because I will not add myself to the numbers of their fan club, so that the MJM can gleefully report on the great turnout the film had. I’ll just sit around and get very old waiting for it to come to HBO, thanks.
I find it funny that this whole thread was started to warn off elvis from “personal attacks.” Now some of you are deliberately baiting him with insults. Admit it, you enjoy having him around
Emma, RaisingKaine has also done some promotions for Eric and Annabel’s work. But the Immigration Resolution is predominantly a PWC concern – although it may be duplicated or damned from anywhere in the country -and thus the interest in its coverage on this blog. We know the dark side was once enamored of Eric’s and Annabel’s work until Letiecq shot himself in the foot by promoting his Gospel Greg video. Then suddenly 9500Liberty was on his s-list.
The screening at Trinity had a specific purpose – to follow the resolution’s inception and the resulting changes to it. It is not the focus of the proposed film as I understand it.
I find it odd that you think that there is a bias toward illegal immigrants. Actually little has been shown of immigrants’ or HSM members’ personal view points. The Fernandez family and Letiecq have been shown, but I think many people have been unwilling to appear on camera. Most of the footage is from public meetings – HSM, BOCS, etc. I’m sure the filmmakers have additional footage for their documentary but we don’t know what it is.
I don’t know any documentarians, artists, writers who don’t inject themselves into their work. It doesn’t mean that the artist set out with a bias. It means that he/she offers an interpretation. With an amazing number of videos, it’s obvious that editing will be /has been done. (I’ve always thought that being a photo editor would be the most interesting job imaginable.)
actually I didnt hear back on the FOIA, they couldnt find anything. Since I’m pretty familiar with the process either two things happened (or didnt): either the information given was so vague they couldnt find anything or it didnt happen.
I doubt this even actually happened, the report came back inconclusive and if a police report was filed then I would have got it.
If they were just caught and released, thus warned. Then nothing would show. So basically that meant no police report was done or they are lying. They could have easily been caught and released in that case they should stop their whining and count their lucky stars they didnt get a ticket. However, knowing the professionalism of the officers in both counties I would say this is a complete falsehood or figment of this childs imagination
as for byler and crew..remember they were shooting their stuff for “both sides” but they stopped and then started focusing on the plight of illegals which is sick. It’s about as bad hearing about those dying as they go across the border, many of them pregnant women trying to get to the states to give birth to a kid on u.s. soil. in doing so they risk their lives and those of their children and families. how sick and disgusting is that?
I agree with your comments about the tight relationship with 9500 Liberty. Some of us, off blog, have questioned the presumption that we are all in total agreement or that these media folks represent us.
I think what they have done is informative and should be treated as informative, but for the record, I would not say they represent my complete thoughts on the subject of illegal immigration. Mutual support and exchange of information is fine, representation is not.
Yes Emma, Tickle Me Elvis provides a good outlet for frustration. Now that he has been dubbed TME it removes the sting and makes him seem foolish. Foolish is fine.
His views don’t bother me, his cruelty toward Alanna and Elena does – as it does you.
Let me clarify, him stating his views doesn’t bother me. That is a bit different …..
Uh… hello Tickle Me Emma? You’re way off base saying the videos Eric and Annabel do are about illegal immigrants. The people you see in the videos are all Americans so far as I know. Some of them are brown, if that’s what you mean. But you really shouldn’t let that bother you so much.
If you think the videos show that the Duecaster Diasaster was ill-advised, you’d be right. And so are they. It was and is disaster for everyone in this county. Not just the brown people.
Tickle Me Elvis, I mean. Sorry Emma!
I love how he just throws out attacks without even checking to see if there is any factual basis. The film series at GMU is about the “plight of illegals” but there is nothing about that in 9500Liberty videos.
for the record…
I have viewed everything that has been posted on the 9500 website i.e. youtube
it looks pretty one sided to me, I guess it depends who’s side you are one. Apparently no one but me notices the sharp shift to the left it took about 5 videos through the process (give or take a few)
I have not caught the GMU films but I would not doubt it’s more of the same.
the whole “alanna and elena attack thing”, apparently no one cares when they attack people. putting stuff on the “wackiness” tab up at the top of the page could be considered attacks, as is posting peoples personal information. I know that had been mentioned before here in the blog but actions speak louder than words. although they vocally say it’s against blog rules, it appears this practice is silently supported. Some of the things I overheard during the “economy night” disturbed me (more so than my stomach did after eating that food) that I’m firmly convinced of the sickness of some around here (I’ll mention no names). Many on this blog have firmly matched in craziness of some on the other blog. I’m actually working in my free time in bringing my own blog to the mix, I know it’s pretty cliche these days (too many blogs actually) but it’s totally going to NOT be about illegal immigration or this county or politics. It’s going to be about other blogs and their social impact on society. Amazing how blogs can shape the perspective of many, honestly people it’s a lot different being on the ground in some of the situations mentioned. I almost broke down once when I saw a family in court who’s vehicle got hit by an illegal alien. They did not have enough insurance to cover the entire vehicle (it was totaled) and they sued the guy (who didnt have insurance at all). Funny, they got the judgement but he ran off back to mexico. Now this family is without a primary vehicle (a work truck) and he’s got to get a home-equity loan to buy another vehicle (if he’s lucky he’ll get it, odds are he will not). I see things like this every day and it sickens me how people are actually supporting those. illegal aliens are law breakers, no matter how you slice it. I have a feeling that the raids will step up and we’ll see less and less of them. The economy is actually helping things by forcing them to self-deport, when it get’s better lets see how hard it is for them to get back over the border after the election. Even with Mccain (or god forbid obama) in office they’ll have a pretty rough time. this blog notwithstanding the vast majority of people in the country do not want illegal immigrants here and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
MH, 11:51
And you don’t think “bullying” exists here on this blog, when someone opposes “illegal” immigration” and has not personally attacked anyone first?
I see it ALL THE TIME here by those wanna-be “intellectuals” most of you here admire so much. Practice what you preach.
I couldn’t get through Tickle Me Elvis’ post. He’s getting to be like Michael. Has he ever said anything to prove he really went to an Economy party? Or is he groping in the dark as usual?
I am oppsed to illegal immigration. I would suggest to all that if you oppose any method of illegal immigration you say aye. Just for the record.
Clearly these folks think you have to be angry to be opposed. We should show that to be untrue.
I haven’t ever met anyone for illegal immigration. I think the only people who like it are Republicans who don’t have any other issue to run their campaigns on. If there is a divergence on this blog its between people who are still intoxicated by false propaganda from 2007, and the people who either never fell for it or reconsidered after the damage was done.
Sadly, some of these mindless clones can’t let go, even after the source of their information, Gospel Greg been discredited and disgraced himself beyond return.
Elvis and Emma, if Gospel Greg himself were to appear before you and say, “I’m sorry, I made it all up for the election. It wasn’t true,” would you at last be able to question the foundations of your foolish assumptions?
Michael, I left you out because most of your diatribes are different than what Gospel Greg has always said.
NotGregLetiecq, again you are assuming that I am in lockstep with a certain mindset, and that is simply not true, and really unfair for you to keep beating that drum.
Okay. I’ll leave you alone on that. Without making any assumptions on how you’ve felt in the past or who you are in lock step with, let me just ask you about this.
It looks like Corey and Greg lied about the policy being tougher after April 29th. The small portion that is shown on You Tube now is all the proof you need if you’ve been following their statements, but you REALLY see what a lie it is if you watch the whole thing unfold.
So I ask you. Regardless of how you felt about them in the past, don’t you have reason to doubt the truth of what they say going forward from this point? And, don’t you now have reason to doubt the many things they said in 2007?
If so, you have to look at the whole past year through a different looking glass. Look at how much it has cost us. And look at what we got in return. If the stuff they were saying in 2007 is as false as what they’ve said so far this year, then we’ve all been had, not just the ones who believed them at one time.
The problem here is your basic assumption that I look through the Corey/Greg prism on everything, the way you apparently do. I don’t honestly spend a lot of time thinking about them and what they think. I’m much more interested in what’s happening in my community, and how it affects me and my family.
Anyway, not to dodge your question, but I don’t agree that the last year was the disaster that you say it was. You can’t pin PWH’s economic woes on the resolution with any statistical certainty.
Kind of like you can’t pin PWC’s economic woes on any one population with any statistical certainty…
The foreclosures well into the works and on the rise months before the resolution was even introduced at the end of June 2007
I don’t think anyone is claming the entire financial distress of our county on the resolution as a direct correlaton to our general declining economy and the highest forclusure rate in the state. I think what many of us are saying, is that the resolution made a bad situation worse. Our board has wasted MILLIONS of our money, on a program that was ill thought out and led by mob rule mentality.