Now this should frighten everyone, it sure did me! A new memo surfaces from John Tanton expressing his thoughts on Hilters failure of promoting the true case for eugenics.

In 1989, the founder of the modern day anti-immigrant movement, John Tanton, told Otis L. Graham Jr. that “I have all along seen the immigration battle as really a skirmish in a wider war . . .” Since that time critics of Tanton have worried that his “wider war” would be one steeped in racism and white nationalism. Critics had reason to worry, particularly because of Tanton’s strong commitment to the false study of eugenics. When one cuts straight to the chase eugenics can be defined as the forced sterilization of poor and brown skinned people.

Critics should worry even more. In a recently surfaced memo, The Case for Passive Eugenics, Tanton argues for a softer, gentler eugenics movement because simply “Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany did little to advance the discussion of eugenics among sensitive persons.” Tanton still serves on the board of his most influential organization – the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Other items to surface in these newly uncovered Tanton memos include:

“I’m sure it will give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life, which explains a large part of the Jewish opposition to immigration reform.” – John Tanton promoting an article written by anti-Semite Kevin McDonald of Occidental Quarterly a vicious anti-Semitic journal [Source: Letter to Mrs. C.S. May, December 10, 1998].

“You are saying a lot of things that need to be said, but I anticipate it will be very tough sledding” – John Tanton writing to Jared Taylor of the white supremacist group Council of Conservative Citizens concerning Taylor’s draft newsletter [Source: Letter to Jared Taylor, October 10, 1990].

“I’ve been a reader of your materials for some time, and hope that we can meet some day. Is there any chance that you could come up and join us?” – John Tanton inviting Wayne Lutton of the white supremacist group Council of Conservative Citizens to a FAIR event [Source: Letter to Wayne Lutton, June 10, 1991].

96 Thoughts to “John Tanton believes Hilter had the right idea but wrong approach?”

  1. Red Dawn

    First, the link to the story comes up as an error

    Second, “I have all along seen the immigration battle as really a skirmish in a wider war . . .”

    I agree with this and I wonder where Big Mac is at tonight?

    On BOTH blogs, trying to find the middle ground, are both loosing the point.

    What is the “wider war?”

    Get out of the he said she said bullshit and BREATH………….QUIT PRETENDING ( to some this will speak to you, as you know your in denial) 🙂

  2. Elena

    Red Dawn,
    I just spent that last ten minutes trying every which way to get it link correctly. You will have to cut and paste in your web browser to read the article in its entirety…..Sorry for my lack of technical expertise 🙁

  3. Elena

    Red Dawn,
    I am a little confused by your comment. Help me out a little here 🙂

  4. Red Dawn


  5. Michael

    I completely agree with you Elena, John Tanton is a complete idiot and a very dangerous political person. A very good blog article!

  6. Michael

    Red Dawn, there are many concepts of a “wider war”. I believe the most relevant one is the likely global war between Muslims and Christians. Everywhere these two religions mix, they are unable to get along doctrinally and want different laws imposed on mankind. That is what makes religion as POLITICS so dangerous. If people simply stuck to God’s plan, religion as a PERSONAL relationship between HIM and an individual, we would never fight political and social ethnic wars over religion.

  7. Michael

    This is one of the reasons why I think “Group” politics is so dangerous, it leads to everything but Democracy. Group politics (racial, gender, religious and ethnic) leads to facism, socialism, autocracy and anarchy of the type dangerous people like John Tanton expouse, and all the other crazy group fanatical leaders in the world, who know nothing of the power of individual rights and law executed and applied only to individuals in a Democracy.

  8. Red Dawn


    I was trying to help you out posting the article to, no luck.

    Anyway, back to helping you out ( I have not read the article you are talking about and trying to find it too)

    I see where you ( others) are concerned about paper checks, humans not being treated as humans and the scary words of NAZI and genocide that you and KG get so much grief for.
    I see the arguments from the likes of HSM, BVBL, etc, that PROMOTE the type of thinking as in, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.
    It is a tug of war that keeps on and nothing progresses.

    This is where I ADMIRE Mackie for bringing a very IMPORTANT subject to light that I see both side dismiss so easily.

    HE/SHE ( I question, because I find them very smart and careful, lol) is very SYMPATHETIC to both sides but brings up the uncomfortable questions and possible/ALREADY occurring consequences.

  9. Elena

    I just did a little research on Kevin McDonald. VERY disturbing theory about Jewish people and immigration. Here is a little tidbit on the reason why the Jewish Community (like we are made up of one single minded entity) want more immigration. I want to talk about humane immigration reform because I have a underlying grievance against “traditional peoples and cultures of the United States and Europe” according to Kevin McDonald. What is THAT clap trap! And John Tanton, the puppeteer of all this immigration propoganda, actually gets credible air time and people listen to the lies he spews. I don’t get it. THIS is the man who ultimately influenced policy in our county.

    “The idea that any sort of exclusionary thinking on the part of Americans—and especially European Americans as a majority group—leads inexorably to a Holocaust for Jews is not the only reason why Jewish organizations still favor mass immigration. I have identified two others as well: the belief that greater diversity makes Jews safer and an intense sense of historical grievance against the traditional peoples and culture of the United States and Europe.28 These two sentiments also illustrate Jewish moral particularism because they fail to consider the ethnic interests of other peoples in thinking about immigration policy. Recently the “diversity-as-safety” argument was made by Leonard S. Glickman, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a Jewish group that has advocated open immigration to the United States for over a century. Glickman stated, “The more diverse American society is the safer [Jews] are.”29 At the present time, the HIAS is deeply involved in recruiting refugees from Africa to emigrate to the U.S.”

  10. Red Dawn


    I am still pondering this article I found.

    I say pondering because I am trying to focus away from this in the article due to my self diagnosed a.d.d.:

    “Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulate themselves from what goes on elsewhere. Sovereignty is no longer a sanctuary.”

    “The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalisation, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.”

  11. Elena

    Hi Red Dawn,
    I believe that there are cultural issues that need to be addressed. I believe that there is a sense of fairness that must be addressed for people who must wait decades to come to this country while others, by virtue of geography, may be given access sooner to legalization. But I do believe that these are issues that deserve credible reasoned debate, not debate that is mired in fear and misinformation from opportunists like John Tanton, et al. Did you know that F.A.I.R is also promoting that illegal immigrants are the reason for sprawl, traffic jams, and destruction of the environment? You just can’t let utter lies like that stand unchallenged. That John Tanton said these words and that he actually has influcenced public policy should concern people, it should concern them very much. I truly do believe that hate is like a cancer, and if left untreated, it can kill a society. Do you know the Cave Allegory by Plato? It’s one of my favorites. Its about perception and reality.

    “The “Allegory of the Cave” by Plato represents an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we perceive and believe in what is reality. The thesis behind his allegory is the basic tenets that all we perceive are imperfect “reflections” of the ultimate Forms, which subsequently represent truth and reality. In his story, Plato establishes a cave in which prisoners are chained down and forced to look upon the front wall of the cave. When summarizing the “Allegory of the Cave” it’s important to remember the two elements to the story; the fictional metaphor of the prisoners, and the philosophical tenets in which said story is supposed to represent, thus presenting us with the allegory itself.

    The multi-faceted meanings that can be perceived from the “Cave” can be seen in the beginning with the presence of our prisoners whom are chained within the darkness of the aforementioned cave. The prisoners are bound to the floor and unable to turn their heads to see what goes on behind them. To the back of the prisoners, under the protection of the parapet, lie the puppeteers whom are casting the shadows on the wall in which the prisoners are perceiving reality. “

  12. Red Dawn


    “Did you know that F.A.I.R is also promoting that illegal immigrants are the reason for sprawl, traffic jams, and destruction of the environment?”

    YES ,heard it many times, especially living in THIS area and low and behold :

  13. Elena

    Red Dawn,
    Dan Stein was JUST here promoting this new “evil” of illegal immigrants causing sprawl ! I found it very amusing, well, not in a funny amusing way, more in a “oh geez, is there ANYTHING illegal immigrants are NOT responsible for that is negative ? “

  14. Elena

    I was thinking I would do a thread on this new tactic of F.A.I.R

  15. Red Dawn


    Well, I find it funny ( dry humor, I posses) as in how do they cause traffic sprawl when (the biggest nerve hit) is starting/STANDING at a day labor site? 😉

    By the way, I still vote Bob for pez 🙂

  16. I find it funny that America has already forgotton that white supremacist John Tanton’s Anti-Immigrant Lobby had the Republican Party in a choke hold for most of 2007 until John McCain neutered them politically by winning the nomination and forcing the anti-immigrant racists to choose between a pro-immigrant Republican and an African American as President. The irony makes me smile almost as wickedly as Sarah Palin did tonight!

    Every speaker at the Convention is trying to rewrite history, claiming that McCain’s low poll numbers in 2007 were due entirely to the Iraq War, when the reality was that the party was going through a nightmarish spell of hatred and prejudice thinking it was the only way to win in 2008, and McCain was the whipping boy for writing the “Amnesty” legislation with Sen. Kennedy.

    Now, about Palin:

    As I’ve said before, the arrival of the “Republican Reformer” is something I’ve been wanting to see for a long time, so I’m not all together down on her. But part of that reform really needs to be moving away from right wing extremism as the party’s one and only voter base, and I’m not sure she has the track record or the belief system to do that. Let’s see how she positions herself on Creationism, Global Warming, and religious tolerance now that she is a national candidate. My belief has long been that Republicans do not need to pander to right wing extremists to win elections, they just need to be one step to the right of the Democrats.

    I blame Bush, Cheney, Rove, and their corrupt cronies for destroying our government during eight years that should have belonged to McCain. And I blame John Tanton and the Anti-Immigrant Lobby for splitting the party and forcing McCain to take a drastic step like tapping Palin.

    Of course, I’m still waiting to hear something about Palin and immigration. I hope she uses secular language when she talks about abortion. Too few people do that in my view.

    I guess I’m coming to terms with the fact that the choice was made purely for political advantage, but I wish the stakes were not so high for the American people. I felt Palin’s speech did very little, actually, nothing to address the national security issues we need to discuss with a person this inexperienced asking to be the Vice President of the United States.

  17. DiversityGal


    You should have watched The Daily Show last night. They did a skewering comparison of past video of Karl Rove, Bill O’Reilly, and others’ opinions about topics (teen pregnancy and its reflection on parenting, sexism against those seeking office, and experience of candidates) and videos of their opinions when those topics are associated with Sara Palin. It was amazingly funny to see back-to-back videos; the flip-flop viewpoints were UNBELIEVABLE. I’m sure those people would not be thrilled to be reminded of what they said in the past.

  18. Moon-howler

    There is an interesting article in today’s Washington Post entitled, In a More Diverse America, A Mostly White Convention. The article bemoans the fact that miniorities are significantly under-represented on the floor of the convention. In 2004, there were 167 black delegates. In 2008, there are 36 in attendance.

    The Post also reports

    The lack of diversity is out of sync with the demographic changes in the United States. The Census Bureau reported last month that racial and ethnic minorities will make up a majority of the country’s population by 2042 — almost a decade earlier than what the bureau predicted just four years ago. Two-thirds of Americans are non-Hispanic whites, 12.4 percent are black and 14.8 percent are Hispanic, according to 2006 census numbers.

    The Republicans are in trouble. They can be as concerned as they want. Looking at these statistics, white middle class people are not going to own the day much longer.

    How can a party succeed when much of its base is comprised of HSM types? These organizations are not generally made up of Democrats. I am sure we don’t have the only one. The GOP needs to look seriously at the image it projects. This is not rocket science, folks.

  19. Elena

    HYSTERICAL is the only way to describe John Stewart last night. The Rove montage was the best. I wish the regular media would pick that up!

    It was clear from the sea of homogeneous faces that the republican party had better figure out how to included more diverstiy or they will be suffering to win elections in subesequent decades.

  20. Elena


  21. Michael

    There is one real global “greater war” issue here, unrelated to the color of ones skin.

    That is a war on human population size that nature cannot sustain. It is a war “nature” will wage against humans and humans may have to wage against themselves if they are to survive, be productive, happy and prosperous…

    The answer is not forced sterilization, but voluntary and possibly lawfully imposed reduction of birth rates around the world. There are many reasons for such a need to reduce birth rates, China being the leading proponent.

    1. We are running out of oil. Oil is a flash in human time on the planet, but it has been directly responsible for human population growth from 300 million to almost 6 billion people. Oil was discovered and “used up” in less than 150 years. It is esentially free energy, that will never return again once gone. It is responsible for un-precedented and “unsustainable” human population growth. To sustain those 5.6 billion people at the present wealth we need to burn something like 50 MILLION BARRELS per DAY. Without oil, food production, and transportation of food to concentrated city populations will drastically stop, potentially causing massive starvation over a short period of 10 years. Saudia Arabia, the top producer of oil, and the only current oil producer not in a production decline (because there are no more oil discoveries of great size) will peak in oil production somewhere arond the year 2010, and be completely out of oil (after all other nations are out 10 years earlier) by the year 2030. THe commodity price of oil, once Saudia Arabian production peaks, will always rise in cost as Demand increases and supply dwindles. Scientists estimate the maximum number of people on the planet that can be sustained without oil is 1.5 billion, on the total energy of a single solar day with current and future projected technologies by the year 2030.

    2. in other words, the world must voluntarily reduce birth rate by 2010 and reach a sustainable population level from 5.6 billion to 1.5 billion in only 20 years. Since religions around the world will not let people do this, wars will likely break out over remaining and food sustainmen resources (machinery, transportation and energy sources), with the most aggresive and most wealthy nations (with the least populations) winning over the famine induced in the nations with the largest populations, especially around non-self sustaining (agricultural based) cities.

    3. Populations that are excessive (have excessive illegal and in some cases legal but poorly managed immigration, and excessive birth rates) and that grow too quickly for the resources available and the jobs available to sustain wealth and propserity, are poor and impoverished populations living in conditions of squalor (China, India, Africa, etc). As nations become technically advanced there is some evidence that the cost of raising children, rapidly exceeds the value of wages earned and excess income available (because food, entertainment, and housing, OFF the farm, are extremely expensive) reduces the birth rate in those nations, but their is no evidence that the nations with excessive population browth, have the culture or the will to reduce their excessive birth rates by year 2030. China is the only nation with the political will to reduce birth to 1 child per family legally, in order to decrease the impact of labor excess, low income, worker exploitation, high un-employment and more people than the nation can feed with the available agricultural resources and available oil supply.

  22. I now feel a bit better about speaking of FAIR and their supporters in terms of the Nazis in spite of the anger it causes. If people are angry, they have reason to be. Maybe they are angry because the term is accurate and painful and they don’t want to see it.

    Is this who we want running our County? Because that seems to be the case via our Chair and his Vice.

    BOCS, please resist this movement in our county. Please stop the support and the influence these hate (and I would say insane) groups have. They only have as much power as YOU give them.

  23. Poor Richard

    Oh, good grief — Greg L. and you with your assorted boogeymen.
    Eugenics is an important discussion issue in PWC? Please.

  24. “Everywhere these two religions mix, they are unable to get along doctrinally and want different laws imposed on mankind.”

    Michael, I would like to personally invite you to the “International Day of Prayer for Peace.”

    4:00 p.m. Sunday, September 21, 2008
    Dar Al-Noor (5404 Hoadly Road, Manassas 20112)

    This is a Mosque.

  25. “in other words, the world must voluntarily reduce birth rate by 2010 and reach a sustainable population level from 5.6 billion to 1.5 billion in only 20 years.”

    Michael, the United States alone has created a centralized society. We have areas of this country that are barely inhabited. The same can be said for the rest of the world.

    With our technology and brain power, we should be able to adapt without inflicting our views on people who want and love children.

    That said: ADOPT. Reform adoption law to help loving, responsible people take care of the children we already have.

  26. In the case of China, we should encourage immigration and globalization, not forced birth control, infanticide, etc. to use our planet wisely.

  27. Michael

    The “real” reason for traffic jams, sprawl, and destruction of the environment, is un-controllable population growth, however and in whatever mechansim it grows.

    Human population growth (causing traiifc jams, sprawl, non-human species reduction, and habitat destruction) in the US is a result of significant and excessive birth rates, significant increases in influx of people into the nation and increased movement from the rural farm to the cities.

    When you apply gender, racial, ethnic and religious grouping demographics to the total population growth segments in a demographic study, you clearly see the “causes” are not a constant contribution across these main growth factors.

  28. If we develop alternative fuels and prmote public transportation, we won’t have this problem either. However, the oil lords don’t want this. They’d apparently prefer we live in traffic jams and pollution because they don’t have to worry about.

  29. Michael

    KG, I have already spent time at mosques, while a guest of Saudi military officers.
    Yes, small segments of people can learn to “tolerate” each others religious practices, each trying to convert the other, but on the global political scale, no other factor in the history of the world has been so responsible for wars, famine, hatred and militant fanaticism. You have only to get out of that “mosque” and see people of fanatical religious practice, engage in politics and law imposition on the rest of humanity to see this greater problem for what it is, hatred for all not of your specific political group (race, gender, religion and ethnic group).

    Even moonhowler wants to argue and support that political “groups” should be numerically balanced, because only black people can take care of black people according to her logic.” This means that we must make sure all groups have no more “children” than the maximum number of “races”, genders, religions and ethnic groups in America, can be equally represented numerically in political groups that are the only ones capable of taking care of themselves.

    According to moonhowlers posted logic:

    1. Asians can have an many children as they want, until the 5% asian population is equal to the 12% black polulation, or the 15% hispanic population, and they have equal vocie representation at national political conventions.
    2. Blacks can have only as many children as they need to close the gap numerically with hispanics, so they can have “equal” political representation.
    3. Hispanics must stop their excessive child birth rate, so that other “races” and ethnic groups can catch up with them, so they will all have equal numerical representation at conventions that will not exceed all other races now coming into the country in small, numbers but who MUST have their “Diversity” quotos met. These include ethiopians, nigerians, australians, south africans, canadians, japanese, koreans, chinese, russians, thai, malaysians, germans, french, dutch, Chad, Senegal, Vietnam, peru, argentina, etc, etc, until all some 1000 different nationalities in the US have only .01 percent of the children in the nation (those with less political representation will be allowed to have more babies to close the “political representation gap” and dominance by the other groups (especially white people) who will not represent their special ethnic, gender, racial and religious group political needs.
    4. Whites (unless they are female) must of course immediately stop having children at all, until their 2/3 political representation at conventions is reduced to the same number as all the other races, genders, religions and ethnic groups in the country (about 0.01 percent of the population), because they just won’t care about any gender, race, religion or ethnic group other than their own.
    5. Females of course must reduce their birth numbers, because their are more females than males, and the males are not equally represented at the political convention (o’ wait, whay are their more males than females at these conventions, something must be terribly wrong here, because we all know males will not care ablut female political issues.)

    sarcasim, sarcasim, sarcasim…

    Do any of you not see the stupidity of arguing for your “political” rights by how many “numbers” of people you have in the nation or in politics (using diversity and multiculturalsm politcal demands)?

    What happend to Democracy? People vote as individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion and ethnic group. If you only think politics is defined by “individuals” widely different political needs, then 1 vote=1 person. Not 1 group = numerical voting block, to get special laws passed to privilege only specific races, genders, religions and ethnic groups.

    When you DO THIS you create the conditions for political “group” conflict, and eventually WAR for every nation in the world that has ever gone down that politcal path.

    If you want to destroy Democracy, and destroy the US, making it a divided third world country at war, keep believing that the concepts MH posted are “just” and “noble” political causes.

    Heed what I am telling you, or you will start the “wider war” you all fear so much, just like it exists in every other nation with this problem.

  30. Juturna

    Interesting Tanton addressess the cohesiveness and intelligence of Jewish folks as a problem???? Their aggressiveness??? Here in the US of A we call that being industrious. Or a captialist.

    So the fact that they are a success is the issue.

    Age old.

    Same arguement about Asians.


    I think he started out claiming to be an environmentalist and used that as his argument.

  31. Michael

    KG you know little about the reality of the science of this. Your statement is based on hope, not facts. Keep-up the hope, but become a more practical realist.
    Replacing 50 million barrels of oil per day, would take 10,000 nuclear power plants, nuclear uranium to power these plants would be gone in 5 years.
    Using “alternative” grain based technologies, would use 85% of the available “arable” farmable land, leaving little to produce food, all available farm land is in use, global warming is reducing the farmable land by something like 6% per decade. The middle US is turning into desert (the former grain basket in the 1950s). Many states in the mid-west can barly support cattle production, and many farms are failing.
    Natural gas will last 10 years.
    Coal will last 20 years, as it is converted into “synthetic fuel” using the technique the Germans used in WWII.
    The ONLY energy source that is unlimited is the Sun, but technical problems exist.
    To replace JUST the oil the US burns today (60% of the world supply I think), you have to cover an area the size of the state of California with solar panels. A 3×6 foot panel today costs $2500.00, you do the math. The output of one panel is 250 watts, enough to power one laptop computer or workstation.

    Solar energy IS the solution, but we can’t create a system to replace petroleum fuel (hydrogen fuel cells) in 30 years. Solar panels driving hydrolysis converters, can separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, converting a significant quantity of the world’s (precious) FRESH water (as salt water will corrode the electrolysis container), into burnable hydrogen gas. What to do with the excess oxygen? Oxygen is toxic to humans in higher concentrations in the atmosphere. Replacing carbon with oxygen, may be a different ecological threat than global warming. Fuels cells could recycle the oxygen and create water by-products, but the technology to do that is not yet ready for cars in production quantities. Hybrids are the preferred technology. Electric cars, can go not faster than 40-45 miles per hour, with petroleum, they can combine electrical and petroleum energy to high speeds of 90 miles per hour and distances of 450 miles on the average tank size. The fuel in hybrids will become unaffordable by 2020 due to declining oil production and rizing demand as birth rates around the world skyrocket. Electric cars (running and charged from solar cells), will not replace hybrids in 30 years, but we may be forced to use them as early as 2020, as th price of petroleum fuelbecomes unaffordable.

    Farming locally (to reduce transportation costs) seems to be a likely way to sustain existing birth rates, but only on those regional areas where farming is an option. That pretty much eliminates Somolia, Niger, Chad, Algiers, Libya, etc, etc.

    Yep, keep your hope that it is wise for families to have more than one child each. Nature will correct that mistake and religious belief one way or the other through famine.

  32. Michael

    China knows it needs to solve its own population problem, and the Chinese know their massive numbers will only cause the rest of the world more harm than good, as every country reaches it’s oil reserve capacity and it declines, until the current populations (even in the US at 360 million, going to 700 million, decline with the declining availability of oil, through widespread world famine). The US no longer produces its own food, it buys it from farming nations, whose agricultural capacity is excess (Thailand, Vietnam, Columbia, Peru, Argentina, etc.). When the transportation costs become excessive, food will be expensive and scarce to feed 9 billion people in 2030.

  33. Sadly John Tanton is not alone in his views – there are far too many people like him who use the anti-immigration front for their repellent racism.

  34. Michael

    Yes, UK, I so agree with you. Thats why we must politically get rid of all of the political mechanisms of racism. The profound reason people become “racists” and “facists”, and “socialists”, is because they intentionally separate themselves into political groups (races, genders, religions and ethnic political groups). They then try to run the country, change laws to benefit only themselves and hate all others not of their specifc political group. They will go to war over this if the conditions are right.

    Stop group politcal segregation, and you will stop all racism, facism and likely socialism (which destroys your economy).

    People just don’t get this, except a FEW people who refuse to associate themselves with any specifc cultural or ethnic politcal faction (MANY OF THEM HAPPEN TO BE WHITE, BUT NOT ALL). They are the only ones concerned for ALL others as “individuals”. This is the very foundation of Democratic ideology, for those of you who flunked high school social studies, or never had it in the first place, because your countries of origin never taught it.

  35. Elena

    Poor Richard,
    Why are you ignoring the facts about John Tanton? It DOES matter to me that the man responsible for the creation of FAIR and all the other front organization is a white superemist at heart. I did not write the words, John Tanton did. It is relevant because FAIR was instrumental in using us as one of their guinea pigs.

    I agree with what you have said in the past, that specific localities bear the brunt of immigration, legal and illegal, more so than others. Those cities, towns, and counties should be duly compensated with their additional burdens on schools and hospitals and other county services. But that does not equate to what FAIR and others espouse. Ultimately what you are seeing from Michael is the ultimate goal of FAIR, population control, and what means in the end is population control of non white people.

  36. Michael

    I won’t accuse her of it, but if you replace her use of the word’s “the white middle class won’t be in power much longer” with the word black, you would see that such a comment is a racist based statement.

    So few of you replace those words you say, with the flip side (male vs female, black & white, but you equal your racial prejudices with “good and bad” whenever you do this.

    You are incapable of thinking in terms of “individulas” where there is only Lawful and unlawful to seperate “good and bad”. This also is a fundamental principal concept in Democracy, and another reason whi it is being undermine with politcal group, segregation, diversity thinking, and multi-cultural political concepts.

    Almost all of you need to start thinking only in terms of “individuals”

  37. Michael

    Elena, population control is not about “racism”. You terribly misrepresent my statements. I am NOTHING like John Tanton. Open your eyes and read whay I say more carefully, instead of what you want to read into it.

    I’m TRYING to GET RID OF RACISM, in every single comment I write. Are you “tone” deaf?

  38. Michael

    Population control is about wealth production and the PREVENTION of POVERTY! I think this is something you want, so LISTEN UP! You should study tthe conection between overpopulation and world poverty in greater detail.

  39. Darryl Warren


    If population control is your issue perhaps you should be spending about 50% of your time ridding your issue of folks like Tanton. Otherwise you shouldn’t be shocked when people find you suspect. Tanton and his ilk taint everything you argue. If you are really concerned about population I would suspect that you would find it important not to have it aligned with racists.

  40. Mando

    “Oh, good grief — Greg L. and you with your assorted boogeymen.
    Eugenics is an important discussion issue in PWC? Please.”

    I agree. Get used to it. Elena thrives on this crap. More ethnic cleansing rants.

  41. Elena

    Once again, I believe you are being misled if you believe that the proponets of population control are not interested in “ethnic” control also. I was not suggesting you personally believed in eugenics.

    John Tanton is the leader of anti immigrant movement, which now has morphed into the anti illegal immigration movement. That is simply fact. If you choose to ignore this very basic foundation of FAIR and John Tanton, that is your decision. I would be more interested in your reaction to this information then your attack on me.

  42. Mando,

    More ethnic cleansing rants.

    The ethnic cleansing shtick belongs to me. In fact, my term is ethnic cleansing lite. The haters garner the benefits (as they see them) without the need to get their hands bloody.

  43. Mando

    John Tanton is the leader of anti immigrant movement, which now has morphed into the anti illegal immigration movement. That is simply fact. If you choose to ignore this very basic foundation of FAIR and John Tanton, that is your decision. I would be more interested in your reaction to this information then your attack on me.”

    I don’t have an opinion on either other then neither he nor FAIR have anything to do with the current situation in PWC no more then Mexicanos Sin Fronteras does.

    Both are rabbit holes and chasing down them is a waste of time and effort.

  44. Michael,

    People like Tanton are hijacking important issues like resource scarcity fears to promote their racist agenda. This means they are doing the resource scarcity problem a great disservice because they are offering a false hope that reducing immigration will make these problems go away. Tanton, on these issues, is a false prophet. He will lead you over a cliff.

    The possibility of peak oil is a massive problem. Some scientists/engineers believe we hit peak oil in 2005 and that we’re on an undulating plateau that will last, at best, 10 years before the long an merciless decline.

    We need a new source of energy as yet undiscovered. The free market can help us but it too is at the mercy of mother nature. If ever there was a reason that illustrates why the evil of government is necessary, this issue is it. The federal government is empowered with preserving national security and energy is a national security issue. They alone have the power to create a massive, nationwide, Manhattan-Project style effort to create a new source of energy.

    But the American people will have to suffer a Pearl-Harbor type of energy crisis before the federal government will act.

    Immigration has a negligible impact on this issue. In fact, if anything, immigration will help us find a solution. You see, when it’s time to undertake this nationwide effort, who will build and maintain the labs, research buildings, and all the other infrastructure that is necessary to support this new effort?

    Don’t worry about the immigrants. They are only here for the jobs. They will leave if there are no jobs. So long as they are here, it means we’re still doing ok. The day they leave, is the day our economy has become moribund.

    When the storm breaks upon us, worrying about immigrants will be a red herring which is why Tanton is a traitor.

    We will have our hands full trying to preserve a free society from the winds of the storm. That is where you should be preparing to spend your resources and energy.

  45. Mando

    “We need a new source of energy as yet undiscovered. The free market can help us but it too is at the mercy of mother nature.”

    How so? Oil prices are down. Why? Because the market adjusted. Oil isn’t going to disapear overnight and the market will adjust as it gets scarcer and more expensive. Alternative sources of energy will only find a place with consumers when they are cheaper then fossil fuels. Until then no one’s buying nor should they.

    I shudder at the thought of relying on our govt. to fix anything that doesn’t need fixing. Have you not noticed the whole ethanol fiasco? Your distrust for govt. needs to be expanded.

  46. A PW County Resident

    Well, I have gone to about a dozen websites following the trail that the “article” takes you. It is in fact a blog article and nowhere is there a link to the actual memo by Tanton called, The Case for Passive Eugenics. it would have been great to read this memo so that I could have an opinion about what he says.

    Not to be terribly critical, but presenting as “fact” opinion pieces from the internet is very problematic, which is why I try to go beyond the rhetoric. I do not know whether anyone can follow the original blog entry on Imagine 2050 to determine that it is anything other than opinion. It is a little like relying on Wikipedia for being the unquestioned source of human knowledge.

    I really urge people not to treat opinion pieces as factual documents without all of the backup. Reading even the letters contained in that opinion piece leads me to question whether they could be read out of context without knowing the intent of them.

    If someone could educate me, I would appreciate it and please stick with facts and I will make my own judgement.

  47. Elena

    You may want to go back and listen to video from Greg and Mike Hethman of IRLI.

  48. Elena

    Welcome Darly Warren,
    Thank you for making what I was trying to say so much more coherent!

  49. Emma

    Elena, did you really come up with that summary of Plato’s Cave Allegory all by yourself?

    You had me going there for a minute.

  50. Michael

    Test comment…I’ve got this weird browser behavior that loves to update only on a post and not a ignore.

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