Nativist Letiecq Attempts to Intimidate Numerous Members of PWC Community

Just days after Help Save Manassas was classified as “an extremist organization that employs hateful rhetoric” by the Anti-Defamation League, the man responsible for earning this classification for his followers has sunk to a new low.

A private email I wrote eleven days ago found its way to Greg Letiecq, who has posted a new thread on his blog intending to intimidate and persecute, not only me, but everyone who was on the email list.

In it, I questioned the judgment of Gainesville District Supervisor John Stirrup, who tomorrow will ask his fellow Supervisors to vote to approve his appointment of Robert Duecaster to the Prince William County Strategic Goals Task Force. I have made no secret of my feelings about Duecaster’s racist writings, or his infamous outbursts before our Board of Supervisors (see previous thread). But now Letiecq is trying to intimidate and defame those who received the email (many of whom did not respond).

Supervisor Stirrup’s apparent trust in Duecaster — the only man in this county who has personally threatened the Board of Supervisors with more hatred and rage than Letiecq himself — is just one symptom of the toxicification of Prince William County at the hands of Letiecq, his blog, and his extremist organization. The Center for American Progress has documented how intimidation and incitement of racial conflict are common methods of attack for anti-immigrant organizations.

The persecution began last year, targeting the Hispanic community, though often worded to focus on “illegal” immigrants rather than the Hispanic community in general. But it did not stop when many members of the Hispanic community left the county. It did not stop when our county’s Citizen Satisfaction Survey revealed that both the Hispanic and the African American communities have lost trust in county government and the police force.

For more than a year, Letiecq has been targeting anyone who dares to oppose his relentless attempts to dominate our county government by exploiting his influence over Supervisor Stirrup and Chairman Corey Stewart. Now, he is not only targeting those who criticize him, he is targeting anyone who associates with his critics, or thinks about joining them.

Letiecq has made a habit of attacking me. But he knows I am not intimidated. He knows I will stand up to him.

Many of the those who received my personal email have not criticized Letiecq or taken any action to challenge his greed for power. By publishing their names without permission and “identifying” them, he has violated their privacy in a despicable attempt to make them appear guilty of some infraction, and bully them into silence.

I for one am not afraid of Greg Letiecq’s Neo-McCarthyism. And I am not afraid to say I oppose the appointment of Robert Duecaster to our county’s Strategic Goals Task Force. But more importantly, I oppose the persecution tactics Letiecq has employed to unduly influence this county government, its leaders, and its citizens.

P.S. Question for Greg Letiecq: Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

204 Thoughts to “Witch-Hunt in Prince William”

  1. NotGregLetiecq

    Thanks Red Dawn (=

  2. Red Dawn

    When I was growing up here, I thought Georgia was sooooooooooo far away, like a different country….hmmmm…small world after all and what a tangled web WE all weave…..

  3. Concerned Citizen

    Has anyone stopped to think that maybe the 48 re-arrested in PWC were actually deported, but turned right around and snuck back in? I mean, it’s not like it’s a difficult thing to do. I remember watching a news clip leading up to the resolution, where some day-laborers were interviewed using an interpreter. The interviewee, when asked what he would do if he were deported, said that he would be back in a month. All it took was $3000 and he would be right back here in PWC.

    Does anyone here disagree that we need to secure the borders? Patch the hole in the boat first, then start bailing. I think if we had secure borders, people would be more inclined to consider a comprehensive immigration bill, that included a limited amnesty.

  4. YOO HOO


    Luv it and thanks for the memory.

    ANYONE that is wise ( truthfully LEARNS from experience) knows that you are lucky in your LIFETIME to count friends on ONE hand. I emphasize LIFETIME!
    That is where that saying comes in keep your friends and your enemies closer.

    posted by RD…quota BS again..hmmm??????? LOL

  5. Emma

    “That is where that saying comes in keep your friends and your enemies closer.”

    Hmmm–could it have been Eric and/or Annabel stirring the pot for some new material?

    One wonders…

  6. YOO HOO

    NEW material? YOu missed my point about being WISE. 🙂 I know you are smart and I respect you but you also bring up my point about the DANGERS of ASSuming ….


    Luv it and thanks for the memory.

    ANYONE that is wise ( truthfully LEARNS from experience) knows that you are lucky in your LIFETIME to count friends on ONE hand. I emphasize LIFETIME!
    That is where that saying comes in keep your friends and your enemies closer.

  7. YOO HOO


    To CLARIFY, I am not saying You are are asking and I have NO problem with that ( as far as Eric stirring the pot) The DANGER point I was trying to make was posting email address- ANYONE can be sent a email..hence where the danger/disrespect looms…

  8. NotGregLetiecq

    Greg decided he wanted a big circus tomorrow, Emma. He sat on the “intel” for two weeks and sprung it the day before, hoping he can create some massive display of power. I have serious doubts that he will rally big numbers of people to vouch for Robert Duecaster. He’s famous, or infamous, and not in a good way. He frightens people of color. And most of the people I know who supported the Resolution never intended it to have that effect. So why vouch for Duecaster?

  9. ShellyB

    That’s hitting it on the head, NGL. The best reason I’ve heard to question Stirrup’s judgment with this selection of Duecaster.

    We are trying to correct a false perception that this county is a scary place for non-white people.

    It’s one thing to want your neighbors to follow certain rules of assimilation. Everyone wants that, even the new people. I never wanted that reputation. Never.

    This appointment makes it seem as if Stirrup does want that. And that’s a bit unnerving.

  10. Emma

    Well, you might have a point, NGL, if we could all assume that anti-bvbl would NEVER, EVER do such a thing if such intelligence fell into their hands. I think we know the answer to that.

  11. Moon-howler


    You would not believe the intelligence I have. Have you seen it posted here? NOOOOO!

  12. TWINAD

    Now, LePinhead (thanks to the poster that coined that), has a thread up challenging that Eric and Anabel are members of the media. He sure considered them media when he thought he was going to be a star in their videos. Too bad he came off as the horse’s a$% he is. Then he didn’t like it anymore. Boo hoo.

  13. Red Dawn,

    That is where that saying comes in keep your friends and your enemies closer.

    Don Corleone taught us well. Never take sides against the family.

    Duecaster has taken sides against the Prince William Family. Let’s make him an offer he can’t refuse…

  14. Emma

    Yeah, I’ve heard you even have pictures.

  15. What? Mackie is going to put a horse’s head on Duecaster’s pillow??

  16. Just read TWIN’S post. Maybe you should put a horse’s ass on his pillow instead.

  17. kgotthardt,

    What do you mean? Duecaster IS a horse’s ass!

  18. Red Dawn

    Big Mack,

    Truth comes out eventually… even when you think your work well with udders…..OPPPS, I mean others 😉

  19. LOL! Mackie….

    Red! Udders don’t like Doo-doo caster!

    I’m having some hilarious visuals right now! 🙂

  20. NotGregLetiecq

    Emma, I have a friend who gets Gospel Greg’s “Get bug-eyed and Scream At the Supervisors Alerts.” I’ve never posted any of them, although several have been forwarded to me.

  21. Did GL really come out and talk about Obama’s race? Or are you kidding, WHWN?

    What does Obama have to do with any of this directly?

  22. Red Dawn

    Who gives a Shit about he/said she said….PEOPLE better WAKE up and find a dancing partner as our government ( federal) is in DAMAGE CONTROL…….I am going out with giggles

  23. Robb Pearson

    A question: has there been any thread or discussion on the BVBL website regarding Chief Deane’s report last week about how only 1.6% of arrestees over the past six months were “illegal immigrants”? I looked but found no discussion, anywhere.

    Considering how the “Rule of Law Resolution” was Greg Letiecq’s political orgasm, it’s surprising . . . no, shocking, actually . . . that not a single post on BVBL has been dedicated to the report.

    Or perhaps not that shocking.

  24. NotGregLetiecq

    Robb, there is no intersection between that blog and reality. No use trying to find one. Greg is the master and controller of the bubble universe over there. It used to include a hundred people or more. Now it’s down to a wee-tiny level, thank goodness. Greg is doing his best to beat the drum for more supporters. He’s always had a way of attracting low information voters. But even they are getting sick and tired of his hate mongering.

  25. NotGregLetiecq

    I think this was one of those WHWN parodies, K-G, but not without a grain of truth. DId you see the Republican convention?!?! They didn’t even bother to hire people of color this year. It’s a culture war plain and simple. They’re not pretending. Obama being mixed ancestry had a lot to do with that strategy hanging around another 4 years past it’s expiration date (supposed to be 2000).

  26. Red Dawn

    # Red Dawn said on 15 Sep 2008 at 11:07 pm:

    Pot meet kettle or visa versa…no, that doesn’t make sense….people in glass house shouldn’t throw stones?…not even sure if that works…..

  27. Moon-howler

    Robb, I don’t believe there was any mention made of the report at citizen’s time. Wouldn’t you think they would want to blow and crow about their plan at work?

    Maybe things weren’t working out as they had planned. All GL seemed to want to do is go after county employees who tried to be accommodating to members of the media.

    GL is probably trying to figure out how to put a positive spin for the Order of the Red Circle on the results of the report. That just might take some time.

  28. ShellyB

    Yes, it’s a bunch of noise to distract everyone from the truth about the Resolution. Greg, I mean Corey, agreed to allow these studies and report-backs and now he needs Corey, I mean Greg, to run interference. It’s pure spectacle.

    Does everyone remember my three points?

    –1.6 percent of crime is committed by undocumented immigrants

    –Citizen Satisfaction Survey shows lowest ever marks for trust in county government and in the police force (not their fault though)

    –ICE is non-functioning, and the hard work of our officers and the hard earned tax dollars of our citizens are being wasted to send people to ICE land and back, some of them even end up in jail all over again.

  29. Red Dawn

    Sorry, that video was a bit profane but funny if you picture Corey ( I as I did) singing this song about smacking his ass…sorry, Corey…you know you liked it…lol, I ASSume 😉

  30. Elena

    Greg is so out in left field! Now he is saying Eric is a plant for the Obama team. Yes, Greg is so threatening that the Obama campaign is interested in his ruin of PWC…PA-LEEZ. Wow, talk about narcisssism! Are citizens not free to volunteer? When does the Macarthyism stop?!

  31. Hilarious. “Gospel” Greg has obviously read every word of your statement above, Elena, and wants to do all he can to prove you right. At least McCarthy held an elected office. This crackpot is nothing more than an extremist partisan consumer of hate politics turned producer of hate politics.

  32. SecondAlamo

    I just wrote about a story on CNN and tried to post twice, but it didn’t appear. Gee, maybe I’m being blocked? We’ll see if this makes it.

  33. SecondAlamo

    Just tried again, and it wouldn’t post because I included a link to the CNN article entitled ‘Poverty, gangs plague some L.A. students’. Go to under Latest News. Had things not changed, this could have been written about a school here.

  34. SecondAlamo

    Ok, here is a link copied from Red Dawn’s post. It posted for her. I wonder if it will post for me. Here goes! This is just a test.

  35. SecondAlamo

    Hmmm, interesting. So we can only post Youtube links? Strange!

  36. “Eric is a plant for the Obama team.”

    LMAO!!!!!! Yeah, and GL is a plant for what?

    SA, I’ve not been able to post links here either. I don’t know why.

    Red, thanks for a morning giggle!

  37. Slowpoke Rodriguez


    Massive Depression on the horizon.
    Unknowable civil unrest.
    The End of Prince William County.

    Too much television, that’s your problem!

  38. Alanna

    For some reason the spam blocker catches certain comments and determines they are spam. I’m not sure if it has to do with whether or not you have a short post associated with the link. I just have not had time to research this but if I turn the spam blocker off then I’m inundated with thousands of comments about pharmaceutical sales.

  39. NotGregLetiecq

    Aw, I’m disappointed it wasn’t a conspiracy to block CNN.

  40. Moon-howler

    SA, let’s hear a thank you Moon-howler, be your BFF. Just kidding. I went in and found your comments and rescued them from the big spam pile. It is unintentional and no one knows why it happens.

  41. Chris

    Emma & Moon-howler,
    Can anybody say “paper trail”?

  42. Emma

    Sure, Chris, I’m sure you have plenty. But wouldn’t that be considered a “witch hunt”?

    Oh, the ironies.

  43. Chris

    I didn’t say anything about me. It was just a statement. My point is not everyone lives and tracks things in the cyberworld only. I hope you aren’t making assumptions of me. That really would be the “Emma” I’m used to see post here.Remember, you’ve said you don’t know me.

  44. Emma

    Geez, Chris, no need to be paranoid. No, I do not know you, only saw your pic in the paper extolling the virtues of the Resolution not too long ago. Why so defensive?

    Elena, I see that 1.6% has become the newest sound bite in the anti playbook. You do realize how easy it would be for some of those folks to jump right back over the border, don’t you? Except that the majority of the residents don’t see a small amount of recidivism as worth chucking the entire effort. Many of them don’t live in HOA-protected neighborhoods that don’t allow flophouses, large, handmade,racist billboards and large numbers of rundown vehicles crowding driveways and streets. I’m sure you know quite well the type of neighborhood I’m referring to, Elena. Many of them don’t wan’t to foot the bill for free healthcare for anyone who walks into this country uninvited, especially when our own veterans, elderly and poor often can’t get the basic healthcare they need. But, hey, the cheap labor needs to come from somewhere, doesn’t it, Mr. Hossein?

  45. Chris

    I’m not defensive. I was just pointing our your error or assumption. It sounded paranoid to me. “I’m sure you have plenty”. Again, I said nothing of myself. You decided to stick that in there.
    I really thought you were better than that.

  46. Emma

    Chris, 16. September 2008, 10:56
    Emma & Moon-howler,
    Can anybody say “paper trail”?

    Sorry, I misunderstood your intent. Maybe you were referring to the Pentagon Papers or something. You throw something like that out and then back off from it, and say people are making “assumptions,” when actually we have no idea what the hell you are talking about, and frankly don’t care. I have no worries or paranoias. Do you?

  47. Chris

    No, worries, paranoia or phobias here, Emma.
    I explained my point was people still use paper and don’t live completely in a cyberworld. And, nothing more. Sorry, I didn’t see anyone ask what the hell I was talking about. It really is of no relevance to me either.
    Your apology of my intend in accepted. I didn’t think such a little comment would result in this many exchanges.
    Enjoy your evening! 🙂

  48. Moon-howler

    There certainly has been a lot of bandwidth taken up over something you don’t care about. No witch HUNT if what you have is at your finger tips.

    Emma, 1.6% needs to become the soundbite in the Prince William County playbook, if we are going to be cutsie about it. Seriously, do you think that is a good return for our investment? I sure don’t.

    I am trying to figure out why you ALWAYS come here and try to take issue with something or someONE. Can you just give your opinion without being offensive?

    My ignore finger is starting to itch.

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