Nativist Republican Operative Greg Letiecq Continues His Witch-Hunt in a Desperate Attempt to Distract the Public from the Reality of the Immigration Resolution’s Disastrous Failure.

As national economic news worsens, Prince William County residents are coping with the an $11 Million Dollar “Immigration” policy that is hampering our local economy at a time when we can least afford it. Add to this the fact that last Tuesday’s highly anticipated Immigration Report from Chief Deane revealed some shocking indicators of how poorly our local “Immigration” policy is serving us. Trust and confidence in our county government and our police force are at all time lows according to our Citizen Satisfaction Survey. And, only 1.6% of the crime committed in Prince William County is committed by undocumented individuals. And, as shown in an earlier thread, in return for our $11 Million Dollar “Immigration” policy, we are seeing many of those we do apprehend return to the county after a brief trip through our federal system.

Perhaps this is the reason Greg Letiecq is pretending to be outraged about Liz Barnes and Craig Gerhart receiving a salary, and Eric Byler, an award-winning filmmaker, not receiving a salary as a VOLUNTEER for the Obama campaign (one among millions of Obama volunteers across the country).

His whining about Byler’s weekend volunteer activities is truly laughable.  Long before he earned himself a place in the halls of nativist fame, Greg was known in the county as a conservative Republican operative.  On his blog, he is trying to create a faux scandal over the entirely appropriate actions of some of the best civil servants in our county to try to distract us from the real scandal.

Here’s the real scandal: an extremist, nativist, hate group — led by Republican operatives — posing as a grassroots “issue advocacy” organization used insidious tactics to ram through our county an economically disastrous and racist policy with “help” from FAIR, a national organization classified as a hate group by Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.  Surveys and reports about the Prince William experiment — more are forthcoming from think tanks and universities — are confronting us with that reality.  And Greg is waving his arms in desperation “don’t look there…look over here!” It’s a pitiful sight.

71 Thoughts to “The Real Scandal”

  1. Mando

    “Immigration” policy is serving us. Trust and confidence in our county government and our police force are at all time lows according to our Citizen Satisfaction Survey.”

    Nice spin job.

    “On his blog, he is trying to create a faux scandal over the entirely appropriate actions of some of the best civil servants in our county to try to distract us from the real scandal.”

    Regulars on your own blog here even know Gerhart for what he really is.

    “Here’s the real scandal: an extremist, nativist, hate group — led by Republican operatives — posing as a grassroots “issue advocacy” organization used insidious tactics to ram through our county an economically disastrous and racist policy with “help” from FAIR, a national organization classified as a hate group by Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. Surveys and reports about the Prince William experiment — more are forthcoming from think tanks and universities — are confronting us with that reality. And Greg is waving his arms in desperation “don’t look there…look over here!” It’s a pitiful sight.”

    No. Your shrill rhetoric is a pitiful sight. You forgot “Nazi” by the way…

  2. Censored bybvbl

    Yes, it is weird that Greg, who harped endlessly on the need for our county’s Immigration Resolution and spoke frequently at Citizens Time in support of it, now ignores the very real fiscal impact of it. Millions of tax dollars spent chasing 1.6% of the jail population – and many who are turned over to ICE return. We don’t even have the data from ICE to show how many people were released or deported. Talk about throwing money down a rat hole.

    His “outrage” at county employees and the 9500 Liberty film crew is a diversion.

  3. Elena

    So what you are saying is that you choose HSM and the rhetoric of Duecaster over a well respected organization like the Anti Defamation League?

    You too believe, as I do, as Robert Duecaster does, that this is NOT about immigration, but about fear of other people, fear of an “invasion”

  4. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Anti Defamation League a “respectable” organization???

    Like the ACLU? SPLC? Please.

  5. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Did I notice under “The Real Scandal” it says 9:11 Uhr? That’s German!!!

    Where’s KG?

    Nazi! Nazi! Racist! Racist!

  6. I have been saying this for many months, Elena, but nowhere near as well. Thank you!

    I think it’s rather clear that Greg is cracking up in that basement of his. He still lives in a virtual universe of his own creation, where the sideshow can upstage the substance. He’s so desperate for sideshow points, he is floating the same false scandal that Weasel John tried and failed to float a week ago (in a similar distraction tactic).

    But it is neither news nor neccessary to point out how Greg Letiecq’s track record undermines every false claim he makes, whether about immigration statistics or Witch Hunts against Police Chiefs, County offials, or private citizes. He cannot discredit himself anymore than he has, he has exhausted the possibility.

    Increasingly, his attack-everyone-at-once antics are dragging the county’s reputation down with him (no not just Corey and Weasel John).

    Moderates on the Board: this stops when you band together. How much longer must we wait?

  7. TH

    What do you think about the failure of the resolution? 1.6 is the number. What do you think?

  8. AnonForNow

    Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. I’ve been busy looking for a job. I’m still looking and trying not to panic. In any case, I have been reading the posts on a daily basis. Today, I felt compelled to write because Elena really hit the nail on the head. She is right. This is the real scandal. Help Save Manassas is an extremist, hate group led by Republican operatives. Talk about an “invasion.” Our government has been invaded by extremists and racists. And how do we repel this invasion? We the people must stand together and say “Enough is enough!”

    Elena and Alanna are doing that. And I commend her and stand with her.

  9. Dime

    Seems to me that the “people” coming back have a total disrespect for the laws of America. These are not the people we want in our country. They have proven time and time again, according to Deane, that they will do what, when and how they want, be damn the laws of America.

    Lets take a vote, who here support illegal immigrantion.

    I do not support illegal immigration. I vote NO !!


  10. Information Only..

    For those who may be planning to speak before the BOS today. They have a scheduled tour of the Manassas Airport this afternoon, and will be on a tight schedule. I suggest be prepared to have the amount of time shortened for each citizen to speak or limited to “X” amount of minutes for all of Citizens’ Time. Is it possible for the BOS to amend the agenda to accommodate the citizens if additional time is needed for all wishing to speak and be heard for their full three minutes?

  11. Censored bybvbl

    Look, look, look at the filmmakers, the County Exec, the other County employees, private emails, even the Devil at the Christmas parade! Look! Look! Just don’t look at the bridge to nowhere, the war to nowhere, the resolution to nowhere. Don’t look at their expense to the taxpayers. Remember the Dems are the tax and spend party… Oops. They left us with a surplus…

    Normally as an Independent I’m not wedded to any party and usually give the local parties a break. But I’m beginning to see disrespect for my tax dollars at work even locally.

  12. Rick Bentley

    Gerhart needs to go. He is working against the citizens who pay his salary. He needs to be gone ASAP. This the new line in the sand – do the residents of PWC need to pay some guy $185,000 a year to undercut what we collectively want to do? If so, why? I don’t think so.

  13. Not Me, Bubba

    Wow – I’ve been away for a long time, but I return to find GL and his minions to have lowered the bar even further.

    I have supported some of the resolution, but now things are going a bit too far. This news should be in the WaPo – nativist, extremist organization trying to plant itself in local government, after nationally-recognized, contravertial immigrant policy set…

    GL – A SHINING example of what the Republican party is – full of loons, goons and thugs.

  14. Rick Bentley

    Liz Bahrnes, a spokeswoman for the county, said Gerhart’s raises were rewards for “keeping the county’s financial picture in check, to make sure we grow in proper ways.”

    OK, I found that quote in a Washington Post article and on that basis alone Bahrnes and Gerhart both need to go. Can anyone justify a $185,000 salary because PWC has been growing in proper ways?

    Proper for who exactly?

  15. Rick Bentley

    We need some public hearings about this and about what exactly our elected elitists feel is “proper growth”.

  16. Moon-howler

    $185,000 is chicken feed for a CEO of a company the size of PWC. Check out the superintendent’s salary. Rick, your way of thinking isn’t the only way of thinking. I would say that Mr. Gerhart is serving Mr. Howler and me just fine.

    You do realize the man could probably go to other localities and double his salary? This is just more witch hunting.

    I agree with the loons, goons and thugs but I wouldn’t ascribe those attributes to all Republicans, just to some of those whose deportment follows the torch and scorch method of political expediency.

    This hysteria by GL is just an attempt to get the minions all worked up over nothing so he does not have to be accountable to them for solving their immigration issues. If I were one of them, I would start asking some serious questions. Either that, or they need to start watching more football and less Greg. He has fumbled too much.

    Right now he is attempting a blitz…but it will only fool the very foolish.

  17. Censored bybvbl

    Gerhart needs to go. He is working against the citizens who pay his salary. He needs to be gone ASAP. This the new line in the sand – do the residents of PWC need to pay some guy $185,000 a year to undercut what we collectively want to do? If so, why? I don’t think so.,

    How is he working against the citizens? Give examples, please. What is it that we collectively want to do? Enlighten me because I don’t remember voting on some policy that we “collectively” want to do. Is “we” HSM? $185,000 is not an obscene amount to manage a county of this size. I see a few green-eyed monsters.

    I see that we’ve gotten back to “growth” as an issue right before the elections. Where were Letiecq and cohorts on this issue in the past year? Could it be that “growth” is now the talking point because they sure don’t want to talk about the cost and ineffectiveness of the resolution? I think the economy will slow growth for the time being. Now you could talk about transportation, but we know who’s been in charge of the state legislature for so long.

  18. AnonForNow

    We need a public hearing about why this immigration policy was ever introduced and implemented.

    It’s the worst thing that has happened to the county since the Battle of Bull Run. Wait a second, I guess the immigration fiasco could be called the “Battle over Bull Crap so that Two Republicans Could Get Re-elected when They Are Really Incompetent and Unqualified Compared to Their Democratic Opponents.”

  19. Censored bybvbl

    Whoops! Too much was attributed to Rick in my post above because I didn’t shift. Rick’s quote ends after “If so, why?” and mine starts with “How is he working…”

  20. Moon-howler

    Article in Washington Post today about fewer Virginians with health care. I wonder how that relates to our new data about number of uninsured at PW and Potomac Hospitals?

  21. NotMeBubba, the national lobbying org’s were part of the hijacking of our local government FROM THE START. I’ve seen Greg Letiecq brag about it on video. He used national list serves to bombard OUR elected officials with automated faxes and emails. You need to go to the next Liberty screening.

  22. Moon-howler


    When will our elected officials admit that they were bamboozled by national list serves, and of course, GL? I really hate my local government policy being set by a machine.

  23. AnonForNow

    I’m really hoping that Marty Nohe and Mike May learn to stand up against the extremists in their own party. I think they know better. They have a sense of decency. I’ve been told that they have privately expressed terrible frustration with Corey and Stirrup. What’s keeping them from just holding Corey and John accountable for their outrageous behavior? How long can they watch their own county sink in ruin? Do they think we will reward them in three years for being so valiantly passive in the face of these bully tactics and hatred? Come on! Grow some balls. Geez.

    I have no idea what goes through Wally and Maureen’s heads. I watch those two on Channel 23 and they are totally mysterious to me. I just pray that they don’t re-elected. I still have some hope for Marty and Mike.

    Frank is a gift to all sane people in the county. Fyi, I’m not a “leftist.” So don’t even go there. I’m a registered independent whose first vote was for Reagan and registered then as a Republican.

    Republicans have really lost their way. The extremists have been in control and now they are willing to do anything to stay in control. Hence the lying and bullying and shameful return to 50s McCarthyism.

  24. Juturna

    Mr. Letiecq

    Since I cannot post on your blog, I will address you from here. From what I’ve seen, there are plenty of your folks over here reporting back if not you yourself!

    #1 I am against illegal immigration
    #2 I support most of the resolution, didn’t care for tossing the elderly around regarding meals with wheels
    #2 I do not support your approach to solve the issue
    #3 Not everyone that disagrees with you or your actions is pro-illegal immigration
    #4 There are more than 17% of us in the County that think this way.
    #5 I do not support Robert Duecaster appointment simply due to his history of violent outbursts and in-humane comments. I wouldn’t support anyone on a community team that behaves that way regardless.

    Have a nice day.



  25. Juturna


    Since THE OTHER is so afraid us our comments and won’t let us post over there, maybe we should have a thread soley for response to that crowd. We don’t need rules, you are either well bred or not and rules won’t help some overcome that!!

  26. Gurduloo

    Was anyone present at a recent board meeting when Letieqc made his comments about needing barbed wire and machine gun turrets? I’ve heard a reference to it, but I don’t know the context…

  27. Chris

    It was at a Public Hearing for a vacant lot.

  28. Fear Not

    WHWN: I wouldn’t call the Board members that you are addressing “moderates.” The Republicans are actually quite conservative. I understand what you’re getting at, because they are pragmatic. But they’re actually not that moderate. I wish I knew why the Republican party has degenerated into these definitions of conservative and moderate – since when is it more Republican to be anti-growth and pro-expensive program that garners weak results? I thought Republicans were pro-business and fiscally conservative. Fiscal conservatism is responsible use of the public’s money – not just cutting willy nilly and funding expensive new initiatives that haven’t proven their return on investment. I say the true conservatives on the Board are the ones who are cautious in examining the budget and exercising responsible restraint in both adding and cutting programs.

  29. Fear Not

    Gurdulu – the context was last Tuesday’s Board meeting during the evening session. It was a land use case.

  30. Know Your Election Laws

    “I’m a registered independent whose first vote was for Reagan and registered then as a Republican.”

    AnonForNow must not live in Virginia then. There is no registration by party. So who did you register with?

  31. Fontbonne

    Please…it’s BAHRNS.

    Just saw Elena, Alanna, et al. That was a home run. Great stuff.

  32. Modrrate is a matter of opinion. But I stand by my assesment except for one of the non-HSM six.

  33. Information Only..

    I thought Alanna’s hair was a home run. I hope you donated it to “Locks of Love” or similar organization.

  34. Information Only..

    I am glad Corey proved me wrong, and gave all the full three minutes. It would have been par for the course for him to cut the time short.

    Where was the HSM army?

  35. I hope they talked about the failure of the Immigration Resolution, the 1.6 percent of the crime that undocumented people commit in this community, the 11 million dollars we are wasting, and the 48 people that we know of that supposedly were deported but more likely were released, to return here and start the merry-go-round all over again by committing another crime. Wouldn’t it have been better to keep them in jail? And more cost effective too?

  36. Chris

    Elena talked about the 1.6 percent of crime, and the $11million.
    I’m not sure about that coset effectiveness of keeping them in our jail. We have a lot of farm outs. Those 48 really concern me. I wonder how many others were arrested for another crime somewhere else in our county, state, and country.

  37. Mando and Slowpoke, didn’t see you at the BOCS meeting today denying your marching orders from GL.

  38. ShellyB

    Elena, I suppose I should thank you for all of the research you’ve done on this subject. I had no idea there was more to it than just the Greg-Corey-John Triumvirate. It makes me feel less ashamed to be a PWC resident, like it wasn’t our fault that this happened? But it makes me feel worse not better about it. Do I make any sense here?

  39. ShellyB

    No wait, YES, I should thank you. It’s better to know if you’ve been violated than not know. Thank you, Elena.

  40. info

    Prosecutors have added child abuse and other charges to the list faced by Francis Hernandez, the driver accused in a triple-fatal accident in Aurora.

  41. Information Only..

    And what’s this have to do with PWC?

  42. ShellyB

    When I was still riding there was a guy in the stables who had a club foot. He took very poor care of our horses. A member of the Equestrian Committee tried to pass a bylaw that forbade the hiring of people with club feet, but they struck it down on a technicality.

  43. Moon-howler

    Greg is going to be pretty frustrated and so is Info the imitator. The car-jacker/murderers were not hispanics and 3 arrested over another Manassas murder….only one of suspicious surname. Maybe they are Irish illegal immigrants?

  44. NotGregLetiecq

    Okay. So. Is anyone else watching this?

    The Supervisors voted 5 to 3 in favor of a motion by Frank Principi to add a discussion of Stirrup’s Duecaster appointment to the topics to discuss for closed session.

    Those in favor: Principi, Caddigan, May, Jenkens, and Nohe.

    Those opposed: Greg Letiecq’s Errand Boys, Covington

    So they go into closed session and it’s elevator music galore. It’s been FOREVER! They could at least get some better tunes.

    Wondering why this has to be in closed session.

  45. Chris


    I’m with you it’s been a long time. I told a friend earlier the “muzak” was horrible while you wait for the meeting to begin.

    Well, they do have to come out of there sooner or later.

  46. Chris

    They are back and John J. still wants to see that video. Frank P. also would like to see the video. Corey’s giving his two cents now regarding 9500 Liberty.

  47. info,

    Prosecutors have added child abuse and other charges to the list faced by Francis Hernandez, the driver accused in a triple-fatal accident in Aurora.

    Prosecutors will add charges on the flimsiest of evidence if it will help convict the defendant in the eyes of the public.

    Some people are so naive they actually think the word of a prosecutor means something. Until you’ve dealt with the corporation monopoly known as ‘the legal system’, you don’t know what a friggin joke it is.

    It is literally impossible to know if you are breaking the law. That’s because the law is CREATED by judges through case law. However, ‘ignorance about the law’ is no defense in court. But how are you supposed to know what the law is if the law is constantly changing? You can’t. It’s a catch 22. It’s like trying to beat the house at Vegas.

    Lawyer fees would probably be cut by 90% if the corporation monopoly ‘system of law’ actually had to become user friendly. You would also see a lot more people representing themselves like it used to be before the law became a business.

    The most cunning cops become lawyers, the most cunning lawyers become judges, the most cunning judges become politicians.

    It’s a business. Our freedom is what they buy and sell. At the point of a gun.

  48. Robb Pearson

    They voted 5 to 3 for the appointment of Duecaster.

  49. I can’t see the streaming video link.

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