51 Thoughts to “PWC Turned Blue!”

  1. ShellyB

    It means Corey Stewart, Greg Letiecq, and John Stirrup damaged more than our reputation and our local economy.

  2. Mando

    “What does this tell us?”

    That the Obama campaign machine and media blitz was a success.

    Now we will see if the middle class was just voted into poverty or if Obama will hold true to his rhetoric.

  3. IVAN

    Well folks, we’ll have 8 yrs. to find out.

  4. Mando

    “Well folks, we’ll have 8 yrs. to find out.”

    He has a 2 year window before we’re able to shuffle things up again if he panders too much to his base. Unanswered liberal policy would not bode well for him in 4 years. The dems have to practice prudence or they’re going to get canned just like the pubs.

    Once the Obamagasm is over, politics is politics.

  5. ShellyB

    I predict it will be a lot like the Clinton years, only we’re starting in a deeper Bush hole than we were in then (one term vs. two). The Republicans in Congress will have to decide if they want to obstruct or collaborate. I doubt, though, that they will try to destroy Obama like they did Clinton.

  6. Mando

    What should cause all of you great pause is his proposal to add the middle class to the ranks of the welfare state. I know it’s nice to rob from the rich to give to the poor and I most definitely fall into to the ranks of the middle class but you can only rob the rich so much before the whole house of cards collapses.

    See Venezuela.

  7. Did PW turn blue from holding its breath?

  8. JustinT

    As almost every intelligent conservative writer has soberly predicted, Nov. 5th, 2008 is the first day of a decade of soul searching. If you are a Republican and you want to express your frustration, well, go for it. But as Kay Hutchinson just said on TV, “robo-calls aren’t going to cut it anymore.” Neither will robo-ideas. I hope they come up with some real ones.

  9. ShellyB

    Robo-calls, tax propaganda, hate-mongering, scape-goating, socialist, communist, terrorist-name-calling. These are all the laziest ways to campaign. Just plain lazy! Fact is the McCain supporters here and across the country just didn’t work as hard as they did four years ago. They weren’t sure McCain was the way to go.

    And then with Palin sounding all Corey Stewart hateful on the campaign trail. I think PWC voters on BOTH side of the aisle are quite weary of Corey Stewart hateful, and the bad decisions it can lead to.

  10. Pat.Herve

    This country needs a serious change in direction from a world view. What was McCain offering to change our world view – nothing – he is a hot head, who bounces from one idea to another. Like he harped on that the Surge in Iraq is working, the only reason why is it working, is that they have paid off the militia leaders.

  11. Moon-howler

    I honestly thought McCain was better than that. I guess NRC got hold of him and dragged him down. McCain would have been a good moderate candidate. Unfortunately he needed a bunch of moderates to vote for him. Instead he got hi-jacked by more ultra conservatives and he selected Sarah Palin as a running mate. She pandered to the far right. Deal breaker.

    Mando, you and I just don’t see the wealth thing the same way. I feel like I am going to be better off under Obama than under McCain, which was part of my decision making. For the record, I am not poor and I do pay capital gains periodically. Nor am I wealthy, especially after October.

  12. Mando

    “Mando, you and I just don’t see the wealth thing the same way.”

    Most of the wealth transfer goes from the rich to the poor and working poor, which are bastions of the lefts’ voter bloc. Govt. dependence does that. Slowly add the middle class to that population and things can get very ugly for our future.

    I’m not trying to rain on your parade or anything, but people need to keep their eyes open because what has happened to Venezuela can easily happen to us.

  13. Jason

    I was kind of sad to look on the Potomac News online today and see the same goofballs still complaining about Rev. Wright. They just don’t get it. I think its going to take the GOP a long time to reorganize and figure out how to become more inclusive. I hope they do. While I’m a Democrat, I really believe its important to the country to have a true conservative party.

    Regarding PWC, I can’t tell you how amazed and proud I am. 90,000 people out to see Obama on Monday. Voting blue by 57%. These are things I never thought I would see here.

  14. Moon-howler

    Mando, I think you are wise to keep your eyes open and your powder dry. I just don’t have the same dismal outlook.

    I felt such horrible doom and gloom when Bush snagged that election in 2000. I sort of have the ‘stay tuned’ view point now. I think Obama is a smart man who will surround himself with smart people.

  15. Moon-howler

    News Break: Unconfirmed off of Faux News-
    Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel will be offered the job of White House Chief of Staff.

  16. NotGregLetiecq

    Mando, I’d let you go on, but it would be cruel not to inform you: the “spread the wealth socialist” advertising campaign was only for the election.

    Now that it’s all over, you no longer intended to believe Obama is a marxist, we no longer have to pretend we even know what marxism is, and, best of all, we are all no longer “Joe The Plummers.”

    Government for the people, by the people is not socialism, and that’s all you can say about this election’s result. If you feel it is now your purpose on earth to complain about the Obama Administration, fine, but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until it begins.

  17. Mando


    No racist claim? You’re slipping.

  18. LOL! Ask my blog buddy in England. People in this country have no CLUE was real Socialism or Marxism is. We just embarrass ourselves when we use the term.

  19. hello

    Congrats to anyone and everyone who supported and/or voted for Obama! I did not support candidate Obama but I will see that I support president Obama. However, I will also be critical when need be. I’m proud that the U.S. can now say that we have elected an African-American president even though I did not vote for him.

    It just goes to show that in today’s America most people have learned to look past race. It’s simply not an issue with most Americans any longer. What we have to do now is look forward and continue to be color blind. Some people here seem to dwell on race, pointing out the whole crowd was this race or there was only one person that race and so on and it only slows that progress, it’s counter productive to what we have accomplished so far.

  20. ShellyB

    Mando, after such hilarious sarcasm from NGL, the best you can do is trot out the reverse race card? LOL!

  21. TWINAD

    Oh, so I guess James is really Elvis? What a bitter, pitiful man (“man” used loosely).

  22. JustinT

    Haha, we are no longer “all Georgians” in case anyone was confused. We are Virginians, and real ones at that.

    Welcome to the real Virginia “James”!

    For a “Greek tourist” you sure have some strong opinions about our American democracy and how the whole election thing works.

  23. Moon-howler

    Hello, thank you for your kind words. You are a gentleman and a scholar. And I do believe you are correct about always focusing on race. I have to admit I generally notice someone’s race just as I observe their age and gender. It it more of an observation than anything else.

    Thank you also for your positive contributions to this blog. You are a good example of how people can disagree and still remain civil.


  24. Moon-howler

    James, it appears you dropped the humble, docile, misunderstood, immigrant persona.

    The Greeks I know wouldn’t ever be as rude as you just were. You know, I was decent to you and went along with your ruse. Mind if I drop my fake courtesy now?

    I hear that the black velvets have been whining about how we mistreat immigrants over here. The next person who wants to come here faking an immigrant status had better study the language patterns of immigrants before they expect us to believe them.

  25. NotGregLetiecq

    Hahahahaha!!! Did I call it or did I call it? James is a lying troll impostor disguised as a Borat ignoramus. I thought it was Letiecq but this mindless drone lacks the intelligence of a Letiecq. I don’t even think he is up to a Duecaster intelligence level. Nope, beneath his thin disguise, James is more of the Elvis variety: consumed by resentment toward those who perpetually outsmart him, yet unable to muster a response other than middle school bully tactics.

    Does anyone still doubt my theory that James is yet another intellectual midget also known as a Hate Bunny?

    I never for a second bought James’ story about moving here from Greece and suddenly taking an interest in this blog, yet pretending not to know of “this Gospel Greg fellow you speak of” or “this immigration law you speak of.”

    So the ruse was basically, “I know nothing of the issues you discuss here, I just come to make polite judgements that Gospel Greg’s blog is super and this blog sucks.”

    AS IF the fake Borat word choice was supposed to throw us off, hahahahahaha!

    No one can tell me to give this pathetic imposter the benefit of the doubt now. His whining fat broad post is classic Hate Bunny dribble, and no one can deny it.

    Thank you James for popping a little hate boner over Barack’s victory and exposing your child’s play ruse for what it is: a perfect reflection of your own shrivelled ego and microscopic mind.

    And thus, with your moronic attempt at an insult, you have vindicated your adversaries, and discredited yourself!

    This week is all about the election but James gift is the icing on the cake! Thanks!

  26. ShellyB

    Yep. Old “James” blew a gasket and dropped his drawers and now there’s no denying he’s a fraud. Funny how people who can’t win on ideas result to fraud, from national political parties all the way down to Hate Bunnies.

  27. NotGregLetiecq

    What Shelly, no credit for calling the intellectual midget out after his first bleeping post?!?!

  28. hello

    @ Moon-howler, thanks… 🙂

  29. TWINAD

    I’ll credit you, NGL!

  30. IVAN

    It appears that James woke up this morning and realized that he was a minority, with little political clout and decreasing prospects for stemming the “Blue Tide” that is rolling over PWC.

  31. ShellyB

    Yes I credit NGL, but I didn’t follow her sleuthing very well, and also I credit Hello who I think I upset once upon a time but have gained respect for since then.

  32. Cat Scratch Fever

    When will J-boy be asking..What are these Hate Bunnies you speak of?

  33. ShellyB

    Hahahaha, “What is this President-Elect Obama you speak of?”

  34. Well, James, just remember….I gave you the time of day when you were playing your little game, a courtesy you didn’t deserve.

    Now I’ll just give you the finger and tell you to have a nice life.

  35. Moon-howler

    The problem is, maturity level. James comes here and whines, gets told off by a few people, and all the black velvet harpies moan and piss over how we treat immigrants.

    Why is this a problem? It isn’t for us. It is a problem for the black velvets who haven’t risen past 7th grade. James really fooled no one. Some of us just chose to handle ‘him’ differently.

    He impacts this blog very little. We’ll just keep collecting those IP addresses. You betcha!

  36. Well, MH, stupid me gives people to benefit of the doubt, often to my own detriment. Glad you are smarter than that.

    Incidentally, I’ve met much smarter 7th graders than James 🙂

  37. NotGregLetiecq

    The really illuminating thing here is that Greg Letiecq and his handful of fluffers have been using the same “smoke and mirrors” tactics from the start. The Gospel Greg blog was never an open conversation; it was censored so that the BOCS thought that public opinion amounted to rampant bigotry. Now that their censorship has been exposed, they have less and less influence using their own blog as Letiecq and Stewart are more and more discredited. Those who still read the blog already know they are b.s. artists, and are deceived only if they WANT to be (and even then I doubt if they are really deceived or they just say they are hoping others will be).

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that the effectiveness of “smoke and mirrors” on The Gospel Greg Blog has diminished to the point that Greg and his fluffers are trying to have influence on THIS blog.

    But rather than offer ideas that can compete on, for the first time, a level playing field, they have abandoned all hope of an up-and-up discussion, and resorted to lies, insincerity, subterfuge, and of course “smoke and mirrors.”

    Is anyone keeping track of all these ridiculous ploys this pathetic quartet has tried in the past year since they lost the ability to influence the BOCS?

    I’m getting images of Wile E. Coyote.

  38. BVBLWatch

    So James, formerly E1vi$ and also known as Chicko couldn’t keep himself away? Too funny.

    NGL, You are killing me with that “fluffer” image. I am glad dinner was a while ago.

  39. Moon-howler

    Pink, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, although sometimes I fall short of my goals. James was pretty transparent on about 20 levels.

  40. ShellyB

    To me there is nothing more annoying than a con-artist who thinks you are so stupid that you don’t know he’s trying to con you. Well, there is one thing more annoying, when such an unsophisticated con-artist succeeds in conning me!

    I was hoping NGL was wrong in saying James was really Gospel Greg Leteicq. If Gospel Greg is really a dim bulb like James, then our county government was hijacked and hoodwinked by an idiot. This makes budget crisis and the economic hardship we are suffering harder to accept.

  41. Lafayette

    Let’s not forget his temporary interest in the study circles and wanting to meet someone on the blog for a “face to face”. Give me a f***n’ break.

    What’s this “benefit of the doubt” you speak of?

    Pink & Moon,
    I too try to give the benefit of the doubt. However, Jimmie was painfully obvious he was a fake.-Chris

  42. michael

    I think all of you missed the “what does that tell us” question by a mile. You think PWC going blue it supports your position to favor “illegal” immigrants. It does not, not even close, nor is it in any way affected by the people you so love to hate (Cory Stewart et al.).

    PWC went blue because a significant number of REPUBLICANS (like myself) and independent voters voted for Obama for the following reason:
    We are scared to death of fanatical Christians at the far right continuing to lead our nation based on their “radical” beliefs, rather than what is best for all of the nation’s citizens. This vote was a referendum on religious fanaticism in government.

    We also voted for Obama, because we could care less what “color” he was. WE only cared that he was the smartest, most ethical candidate that would give the nation what we need, a national health care system, increased middle class small business incentives, tax the excessively wealthy (which never trickles down its wealth), to pay for the middle class to create a wealthier nation overall, get rid of corporate corruption, get rid of the military industrial complex corruption, and to get us out of a trillion dollar debt, by bringing our troops home and solving our ecomomic crisis (with the smartest leader possible, not the most impulsive).

    We who made PWC blue, the are the same Republican voters who voted for Frank Wolf, becase he is a candidate who will stop “illegal” immigration. We are the same Republican voters who voted for Mark Warner, because he is more moderate than Gilmore, and Gilmore had no campaign advertisment, endorsement, or money to run an effective campain (many people at the polls didn’t even know who he was). We did not vote for McCain, because he will not stop “illegal” immigration, and from my personal studies of Obama, he does not support “illegals”, only “legal” people and processes. He will also protect the border from increased “illegal” crossings.

    My vote by the way canceled out McCain’s personal vote… something I am very proud of as a Republican, sending a strong message to the Reblican party, get rid of your fanatical oppressive belief system imposed on all US citizens or die as a party.

    I am creating a new party called the “Centrist Party”. Its main platform…no extreme right and extreme left activists allowed. Wait and see what happens by 2012 with that concept…
    No racists allowed, which means that no people who believe that group rights, based on race, religion, gender or ethnic political groups are more important than “individuals”. No “illegal” immigration allowed, only legal immigration. I think a party on that platform will do extremely well.

  43. michael

    Trickle down wealth via the wealthiest 2% to the lowest 10% poor in ALL of history has NEVER been true in an aristocracy, an autocracy, a socialist government or a DEMOCRATIC government.
    What is true is that WEALTHY NATIONS are CREATED BY WEALTHY MIDDLE/UPPER MIDDLE wage scale business owners (small business owners with legal rules preventing them from being exploited by the wealthiest of corporations). It is they who have alsoways helped the poor and they who have always funded the growth engine, and took advantage of government incentivised research and development programs (niches of technological innovation by extremely bright small business entrprenuers, with less than 1M salaries and ownership benefits per year. THAT is the historical truth when you look at what creates the greatest WEALTH in wealthy nations. Venezuela, Saudia Arabia, Argentina, and Russia are poor because they did not do this (China, Japan, and India are accelerating community wealth because they have done incentivized government research and development programs to produce small business wealth)

  44. michael

    Obama’s first task will be to incentivize small business wealth production by creating massive goverment backed R&D programs, paid for by significantly reduced military deployment funding (bringing the troops home). His next task will be to clean up corporate and political “cronyism” corruption so people can freely compete in a true free market free from corrupted control by the elite and “unethical” CEOs protected by corrupt politicians and corrupt law loopholes.

  45. Cat Scratch Fever

    Shouldn’t you be getting your rest for the weekend? It seems about time for “date night again, for you and the little lady. 😉

  46. Moon-howler

    Michael said

    I think all of you missed the “what does that tell us” question by a mile.

    whooooaaaaa. I asked the question and there were no right or wrong answers. Everyone didn’t miss the question there, Mr. Michael. I do appreciate your opinions but I sure wish you didn’t put others down generically. Furthermore, MOST people didn’t bother to address the question. That’s those rascally bloggers for you!

    I think it means that our demographics have changed drastically. It might…and I stress the word ‘might’ mean that people are tired of Republican rule locally, state and nationally.

  47. –James was pretty transparent on about 20 levels.–

    I didn’t “get it” until he started saying stupid crap about his kids in a DOD school or whatever that was. I’m a little socially slow sometimes and I take people on their word, which can be dangerous. I need y’all to guide me 🙂

  48. Censored bybvbl

    Michael, the Centrist Party already exists. Whatever you decide to name your new party, don’t expect a rush of takers when you forever greet each person’s opinion as “wrong”.

  49. Moon-howler

    First big clue: Many phonies come in as immigrants. Look at their tone, diction, use of words. J@mes has jerk and phony written all over his little fake immigrant ass. Secondly, his story was just not believable. Thirdly, he was too obsequious
    yet challenging.

    And on the other hand, I will give everyone a chance until proven otherwise. That person doesn’t need to know I am sniffing them out.

  50. Censored bybvbl

    Moon-howler, I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that it’s Jamesette or Elvisa, or Chicka. I’ve seldom heard any mature male publically make the kind of appearance-related comments that “James” makes. It sounds too bitchy, third-grade girly girl to me. Also there have been a string of Velvets who promise to check out the Economy Parties and the study circles but never have the guts to show up – except a few women who came with a security-blanket companion. And they don’t stay to offer comments – just scoot out the door at the first opportunity.

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