I attended the Gainesville District Townhall meeting and here’s a quick update.

  1. Transportation projects include the widening of 15, widening of 66 and the Linton Hall Corridor Project are all on track to be completed either early or on-time. And let me just say, I stand in awe of these transportation engineers who are able to squeeze a lane out of nothing. Unfortunately, new project funding is in doubt because of current economic conditions and funding issues related to the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority and Bob Marshall’s lawsuit where the Virginia Supreme Court ruled the collection of the funds unconstitutional.
  2. There was literature available concerning the Journey thru Hallowed Ground designation.
  3. Transmission Lines have been approved by the Virginia State Corporation Commission conditional on West Virginia and Pennsylvania. West Virginia has given the go ahead while Pennsylvania has not. Also, there’s this interesting article in today’s Washington Post about Maryland regulators requesting electric utilities to draft conservation plans.
  4. USDOT representative reports federal highway funding legislation runs out at the end of September 09 and will need an overhaul.
  5. Stirrup again refuses to answer question about his membership in ‘Help Save Manassas’ instead decides to call me an ‘illegal alien apologist.’ Okay, if you think McCain and Reagan were apologists then so be it.But I did seem to learn who’s Stirrup’s spin meister is – Mr. Murphy. By the way, you were not his first choice for the job, greater men with more integrity declined this position. Better get back to crunching those numbers since ER visits have not decreased.

305 Thoughts to “Stirrup’s Quarterly Townhall Meeting Update”

  1. Juturna

    AW, how would Justin know you are gone? Why do you say such things – calling a someone a coward when they didn’t know you weren”t at your computer????

    You really should take your own suggestion and get some rest. Please, for your own sake.

  2. Juturna

    DG- there is no end to the humor on you tube. Of course our group expert RD/YOO HOO has not been around to lighten the mood – thanks for filling in.

    Shelly B
    Back to the opportunist/bigot —

    I can see your point about Stirrup at the convention appearing to be an opportunist. However, being there can be a rather heady experience. I did not see him on CNN, but through personal experience with national politics, I have found that you can get a bit giddy when you realize who you are with and where you are… it’s back to that human thing again. Regardless of what he does or doesn’t do here, it’s obvious CNN caught the man simply having a terrific time.

  3. ShellyB

    Juturna, Anke is saying Justin attacked her while she was trying to take a nap. She announced she was taking a nap in a post right before he came on. But she warned that if anyone took a cheap shot at her while she was napping she would come back and pounce. And she did!

    That is not to say that Justin necessarily read that particular post. And I’m not saying it was a cheap shot what he said. But just so you don’t think Anke has completely lost her marbles and thinks we all know when she is at the computer and when she isn’t, I had to explain.

  4. Well Juturna, that shows how closely you read the comments:

    AWCheney, 15. November 2008, 13:47

    Well, if the personal attacks have ceased, I should probably get some sleep. Although a sometime insomniac, this body (which happens to have gone well past its half century mark) needs some of that, as it got little of it in its youth…and this exchange has done NOTHING to improve my health. Rest assured, however, I will check back to see if any further responses might be required. I made a promise to finish this, and I always keep my promises (only when circumstances beyond my control made it impossible have I failed in that). Other than that, I doubt that you will be seeing me here any time soon.

    I’ll give your suggestions regarding my blog some thought, Moon-howler…which is probably all I will be able to do for the moment. If I do something along those lines, I want to do it right. I must admit, not having to go as deeply into the research that I have up to this point has a certain appeal to me, but I would still want to be careful about defining the debate too closely to one side or the other.

  5. Juturna

    She’s says she’s going to do a lot of things and then she doesn’t. So how do we know she meant she was going to take a nap and not leave one eye open for an opportunity to slam…..
    Calling someone a coward is my definition of name calling.


    This thread should be shut down.

  6. Sorry…you probably just got back and haven’t had a chance to catch up. I guess I’m in a bad mood.

  7. Juturna

    I have a reading comprehension problem, remember? But I do know what calling someone a coward is.

  8. Never mind…I take back my apology.

    For your information, JUTURNA (if you must know), I checked and responded to an email before shutting down and went ahead and refreshed the site while I was doing that. Lo and behold, what should I find but Justin calling me out, hoping I was gone. His bad luck I had an email.

  9. ShellyB

    Anke, it’s not fair for you to assume Justin knew for sure you were taking a nap. Especially since you weren’t actually taking one.

  10. Juturna

    My point, ShellyB. My point.

    I am moving on to getting street lights for Sudley to deter vandelisms. Care to join me? 🙂 It’s a bit more productive.

  11. Censored bybvbl

    AW, I’ve met a lot of these posters in person and none are children or stupid. And none lack reading comprehension skills – your protestations to the contrary. Take responsibilty for your behavior. You don’t always have to have the last word. You’ll survive even if someone else posts after you. Don’t make this another example of that late night folly with J. Young.

  12. He WAS, and is, a coward. This has been going on all day, and he chose to jump in only when I announced I was leaving, which I had, indeed, intended to do. Then, to confirm my first impression of him, he chooses to try to weasel out by saying that he was just “teasing’…right. I DON’T have a reading comprehension problem, not even when I’m on my last legs.

  13. ShellyB


    If you look at Justin’s two posts and the timing, he hadn’t read everything when he posted the first post and then he read the rest later. I do that all the time. I can’t wait to respond to something and I do it before I forget, and then I read the rest of the thread.

    You can’t assume that someone has read everything you said and then name call based on that assumption.

  14. So much for truce talk, Shelly.

    I’m quite sure that they’re not children Censored…which is not to say that I have not often witnessed them behaving like children. It happens that I said almost exactly the same thing over at BVBL just recently, from the way they were going on. You just have no idea how much y’all have in common.

  15. TWINAD

    What, you are going to attack me personally because I met and fell in love with a man with no legal status? That is certainly special. I try to show on this blog that there are real families that could be destroyed if some kind of immigration reform isn’t enacted. If you want to attack me for that, have at it. I’m not skeered.

  16. ShellyB

    Anke, you are making too big a deal of this. Even if Justin knew you were taking a nap, it’s not against the law to post when someone else is taking a nap. What was he supposed to do, wait until you posted an “I’m back” message?

    Why don’t you ask a family member to read this thread and give you some constructive feedback? You are burning bridges and not making any headway.

  17. Chris

    I’ve always said you can’t help who you fall in love with. Love is blind.
    I doubt there’s anyone that asks what’s you legal status on a first, second, or third date..

  18. This might partially give you an idea of WHY I have such a low opinion of people such as Justin (a paragraph out of a comment which I posted before this even happened):

    “You may notice that I use my name on every single one of my comments, on every single blog where I may comment, so I willingly own them all. If I err in point of fact, or misunderstand a comment, I’ve been know to apologize profusely…I own that as well. But more importantly I own that as Anke W. Cheney…and that’s a name known by quite a few people in this county (and anyone that knows it, knows exactly who AWCheney is), so you could say I’m putting a bull’s eye on my back, but so what! I would never say anything about anyone that I wouldn’t say to their face. THAT’S probably a big reason why I get very testy about personal attacks.”

    The fact is, I DO take responsibility for my behavior Censored…always have, always will. I challenge you to find any instance where I have not, or anybody who knows me who could tell you I have not.

    I will concede this, Juturna…calling him a coward may have been unfair, I don’t know. But what he did and how he did it was absolutely a cowardly act. By the way, you accusing ME of name-calling is really rich.

  19. Juturna

    I was reaised to ask religion first!!!! Little joke, but status, I could care less. Twin, please don’t take anything on this thread seriously – it’s all been deliberately hurtful and full of anger. Aimed at everyone anyone that enters the crosshairs.

    We’ve jumped to street lights for Sudley…. 🙂

  20. Chris

    Save your strokes for Sudley, because they NEED lights!!

  21. “What, you are going to attack me personally because I met and fell in love with a man with no legal status?”

    I didn’t say that…you did. I was just going to go back to your own personal attacks against people and scourge you with that…and I’m very good at that, when I put my mind to it. I don’t play that game, Twinad. That you automatically assume that would be the issue says far more about your own personal issues than anything anyone could, or would, attack you on. Personally, I don’t understand why people cannot achieve legal status when they are in a legitimate marriage…I thought that they could. Surprised?

  22. ShellyB

    Okay, thank goodness AWC wasn’t attacking TWINDAD’s family. Let’s leave it at that. By the way, I have seen TWINDAD’s husband and I can’t blame her one bit for falling in love with him.

  23. ShellyB, 15. November 2008, 16:50
    “Anke, it’s not fair for you to assume Justin knew for sure you were taking a nap. Especially since you weren’t actually taking one.”

    Just for the record, folks, I was not going to take a nap…I haven’t been to bed yet. It also looks like my family is going to be taking care of dinner themselves.

    I’ve made it quite clear why it is that I’m hanging in here, and I hope you all take it to heart and start thinking about treating people with a little more respect…at least as much as you want for yourself. Respect, like anything else, cuts both ways.

  24. Chris

    Why not have them go pick up some gator for dinner?
    Thanks, for broadening my palette. 🙂

    I agree respect is a two way street. We can all get excited at times, but continual disrespect is unacceptable.

  25. I had a point to make Chris, and perhaps I made it. Let’s face it (you know me), they started messing with the WRONG person. I haven’t taken any excrement from anybody since the day I was born (obviously not memory…family legend).

  26. Chris

    Right, AWC, I do know you. I think that’s a big part of civil discussion most only see/know one another on the blogs, and that’s just one facet of who we are, yet that’s all we know. We are all multifaceted and do have common ground. I really have seen this in the study circles.

  27. ShellyB

    Aaaaah, here we go again. Let’s hope to God Justin comes back and apologizes.

  28. So, what do you think Chris…can I finally trot off to bed without worrying about the knives sticking in my back?

  29. Oh EXPLETIVE!…So much for that idea.

  30. Chris

    I would like to think so, and I think maybe you can now.

    This thread has been one of the more spirited threads to say the least. I think everyone’s spent on this thread. It’s to time for all to give it a rest. I really do wish we could ALL try our very best to avoid the name calling and “pissing contests” it’s counterproductive. I do feel all ideas can be expressed without the personal attacks. I also, feel one’s family should be left out.

    Please, give some consideration to what I’m saying.

  31. TWINAD


    You little devil! (Blush).

    AWC, yes, it certainly was an assumption that you would choose to personally attack me for my family status, as in the past, that is what some people have attacked me for and I’ve been pretty open in this forum. I believe the only posters I have attacked have been: Emma (while defending myself), Elvi$ (because he/it is an @&$ and his alter James) and back in the first few days I posted (Angry Black Man and I think it was Marisol or something like that). All because they were nasty to me based on comments I made about my family’s situation. I’m not going to not defend myself. That’s all.

  32. JustinT

    Is this a joke??? I hope so because I am falling on my ass laughing right now. If not, I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about. How could a complete stranger be so freaked out about what I do while she is napping!? If she doesn’t agree with me she can flip out and insult me when she wakes up, what’s the big deal?

    And sorry no, I will NOT apologise. Ms. Cheney was mad at everyone long before I started blogging here.

    But, in the spirit of virtual peacemakers Shelly ans Chris, I will offer this as a concession:

    If Ms. Cheney would be kind enough to publish her napping schedule, I will time my internet activities so I don’t upset her.

  33. SJCheney

    Well, AWCheney IS finally sleeping so I’ll take it from here.

    My wife is well known in this county for standing up for those that are mistreated in any way and is very sensitive about name calling of any sort anywhere. If you have read her posts here you know why that is, given her background.

    I myself am an independent when it come to voting and vote for the person that I believe best represents my views no matter what party they belong to. Note that last – I have voted for Republican, Democratic, and independents.

    As for her jumping on Justin, take into consideration that she had been up for over 30 hours at the time he decided to come in with his comment and was pretty fed up with what was going on. Doesn’t take much to get ones dander up when you are that tired and have been going on about such things for so long. The comment that he made was a direct attack and did deserve a reply.

  34. Chris

    Peacemaker? Haha! I can’t say I’ve ever been accused of that before. 😉

  35. Alanna

    I am having a busy weekend and can’t keep up with this thread. I will check tomorrow.

  36. NotAnotherPinko

    To summarize this thread: It is OK by some people on this blog to call people Greg-clones, Greg Supporters, Nazis, racists, etc. when they aren’t but it is not OK to call people illegal alien apologists. That’s this entire thread boiled down to one sentence.

  37. Juturna

    Disagree. It’s not okay to call people names at a public meeting when you are an elected official.

    What is done on a blog is simply what is done on a blog….

  38. Moon-howler


    288 posts and you still do not get it. (slapping own forehead here).

    It is not ok for an elected official to call a constituent (or anyone else for that matter)ANY negative names in a public forum.

    Just out of curiosity, if you are a Greg supporter, why would it bother you to be called a Greg-supporter? I didn’t realize that had made it to the top ten list of things one doesn’t want to be called.

  39. “AWC, yes, it certainly was an assumption that you would choose to personally attack me for my family status, as in the past, that is what some people have attacked me for and I’ve been pretty open in this forum.”

    TWINAD, I would never attack your family…I don’t play that kind of game. I’m even careful about whom I might call [please forgive me, Alanna, but there is no other way to say it, imply it, or abbreviate it without making my point] a “son of a bitch” …unless I know for a fact that the mother is exactly that. I have to admit, I was only trying to keep you safely out of this. I may not have used your family, but I was angry enough to use anything else I possibly could.

    To everyone else, don’t think for a moment that my anger was misdirected. This thread, with the participation of ALL its major posters and commenters (there were a few on the side of the light…meaning, not participating in personal attacks) has proven this site to be absolutely NO better than BVBL…worse, because of the hypocrisy. I won’t be back, at least for a VERY long time if you’re still here, perhaps never. Enjoy spewing that mutual venom at everyone who disagrees with you. Enjoy continually posting vile accusations, nasty/disrespectful nicknames, and commentary that would, in a real world setting, be sanctionable as libel while you post it as fact. I’m actually glad this happened so that I could see the REAL face of Anti-BVBL.

  40. DiversityGal


    I am very sorry that you seem to be so angry with many of us on this blog. Trust that there are people who have heard what you have to say, even if there will still be some differences in opinion. Thank you for your contributions.

    You seem to be expressing a deep disappointment with Anti-BVBL, and you mentioned how this thread was affecting your sleep, your well-being, and your sense of humor. I am certain that no one here is looking to negatively impact your physical and mental health. Sometimes, I think we all just need to take a break from our computers. I know that I often don’t have the time to do more than make one or two comments at a time, and then come back much later. We need to allow ourselves time away, even if we are passionate about the topics and points of view we are debating.

    While I am certain that it would be agreeable for everyone to still have you as a regular poster, you seem to be indicating that Anti is not meeting your criteria/needs. If that is the case, I wish you all the best on your journey of the blogosphere. Perhaps you will find just the right fit for you.

    I think every blog has its pros and cons. Though things can sometimes get “spicy,” I still find that Anti has much to offer, and it holds a special place in my heart:) I hope that we will see you ’round these parts again.

    Happy Trails…

  41. ShellyB

    Now that things have simmered down, I will offer my analysis. This breakdown in civility stemmed from AWC and WHWN’s internal disagreement about the future of the Republican party. AWC was steamed, I think, because she lost the argument. Then JustinT came and rubbed it in, and AWC misdirected her anger at JustinT. Since WHWN never came back, AWC went after anything that moved having not slept for 30 hours. New people were coming into the war zone not realizing that AWC was not quite herself. So she felt attacked on all sides and did what anyone would do: attack back.

    There are certain politicians who have fierce loyalists and we have to be sensitive to that when we criticize them.

  42. Moon-howler

    There are other threads needing attention. Perhaps this would be a good time to retire this one. I cannot think of ANYTHING that has not been said.


  43. NotAnotherPinko

    M-H – perhaps it is because some people have been unfairly labeled as Greg supporters, Nazis, etc. when they aren’t, but just happen to support some elements of the resolution. Just because one does, that does not mean one is a Greg support – a fact that certain regulars on here seem to continually ignore. Plus the casual useage of the words Nazi and racist, again by certain regular posters here, is just as bad as labeling someone as an apologist for any thing – a fact that obviously has not been learned after 288+ posts. As AWCheney made it clear – hypocrisy is alive and well here – just as it is on BVBL. It is OK to spew venom as long as the ones spewing it fall in line with the majority of the posters on either board.

  44. ShellyB

    It is certainly nice to read that even the more conservative people of the PWC online community wish to repudiated Greg Letiecq. It shows how far we’ve come. But this thread is about an elected official named John Stirrup who refuses to even try to make amends for being a Letiecq disciple. That is a serious matter and people are right to criticize him for it.

    What happened with AWC had nothing to do with that. She was suffering from sleep deprivation and suspicious timing of one or two posts that came after she had said “time out”. But mostly she suffered extreme frustration trying to defend the indefensible (Stirrup’s subservience to Letiecq).

  45. Moon-howler

    I am going to ask once again that this discussion be dropped or taken to another thread. NAP, I will discuss your concern with you elsewhere. I really wasn’t kidding about letting this thread go.

  46. Chris

    Right, so why not close the comments. I’m sick of this thread, as all should be.

  47. SJCheney

    This is only for ShellyB.

    In response to your posts since this one:ShellyB, 16. November 2008, 14:13

    You obviously did not read all of the comments on this post or you would have seen that AWC’s actions were in response to a direct personal attack on her and several others that followed the first one. Up to the point where the personal attack took place everything was nice and calm with everyone voicing their own views. No comment was made anywhere about a political party. It is quite obvious that you have your own agenda and will do anything you can to support it, even to the point of attacking someone just because you don’t like their views. There are names for people like that, the most polite one of which I can think of right now is “vindictive bitch”.

    Now, all of you who have read the previous comments and understand what is being said, the following does not apply to you.

    For those of you who cannot understand what is being said:

    AWC did not lose any of the fights that she picked on this thread – the people that think she did need to go back and read the relevant posts. Not a single one of you understood what was being said or twisted what was said to support your own view.

    Supervisor Stirrup may have been wrong to use the term that he did, but I wasn’t there and didn’t hear the tone of the question that was asked or the tone of the response so I don’t know. Name calling, if that was what it is, is unacceptable anywhere and I only use it if it’s been used on me first as it is usually the only thing that the original name caller will understand. Being called an “illegal immigrant apologist”, if not stated in a derogatory manner could actually be considered a complement. If the comment was made in a spiteful manner, then yes, an apology is warranted and should be issued immediately. From what I’ve read, it sounds like there has been a lot of harassment involved that could have led him to unfortunately lose his temper.

    As far as membership in HSM, well, I was a charter member. At this point in time, if it has become a hate group (I haven’t read their information in a long time) I will denounce them and revoke my membership immediately. I don’t believe in hate groups or anyone that condones such behavior.

  48. ShellyB

    Sir, ask your wife, I was trying to defend her. What kind of a warped world do you live in when you accuse people of things left and right, call people cowards and bitches and then complain you have been somehow wronged. In the process.

    There is no shame in losing a debate when it is ten people against one. That is why I tried to break up the argument because your wife was not only losing, she was showing symptoms of losing her mind.

    What personal attack anyway? Your wife was getting outmanoeuvred rhetorically and that is why she lost her cool. You are being protective and that’s fine but you are reflecting poorly on yourself and your wife.

Comments are closed.