When I was a child and had a question about my math homework, I was blessed (although probably at the time felt cursed) that both of my parents were Math Majors. On these occasions, my evenings would consist of additional math instruction typically accompanied by the ever familiar discussion over which of them graduated from the more prestigious Jesuit campus of Fordham University. My father claiming he graduated from the ‘real’ Fordham but my mother always held her own in the debate. In hindsight, I recognize that women from my mother’s generation typically did not become engineers but were encouraged to become nurses, teachers, secretaries. But, I digress. What is important is that I was well served by their instruction and encouragement and have since had every math class of an electrical engineer. For a decade, until I decided to stay home with the children, I was a programmer alongside some of the brightest analytical minds from around the globe. But now it’s my turn to take the role as a supplementary instructor to my children with their math homework.
Prowling around the Blogosphere
Peace has often been described as a time between wars.
Prowling around the blogosphere, not much is happening. Oddly enough, there seems to be a lull in bitching other than Jeff Frederick trying to blame the Democrats for trashing Bush. Frederick quickly and conveniently forgets the trashing poor Bush got was also from his own party. McCain was not far behind. Want proof, just check out a few dark screen threads. Bush and McCain were lower than a worm’s belly over there
Wayward teachers are finding a place to bitch about the math program over on the dark screen… The teachers are smart. They know not to rattle cages at work. I am surprised they chose the dark screen as the place to rattle their sabers. That isn’t a group that garners much respect over in dark-screen land. Someone will start shrieking ‘unions’ in hysterical girlie voices. I seriously doubt if any union in Prince William County knows or cares much about Math Investigations.