New Credit Card Rules Go Into Effect

Credit cards companies have been particularly nefarious lately. They have risen interest rates, reduced credit limits, tightened credit and have tried other sneaky stuff to get in under the wire. New federal rules go into effect on August 20 and again in February. Hopefully, these new laws will help consumers.

What credit card horror stories do you all know about? How will these rules change how we do business?

Family Flees from Killer

An altercation in Irongate last Friday evening  turned deadly.  Bad Boy Deonte Donnell Robertson was at the home of Sergio Alfonzo, arguing with Sergio’s wife Candace, who is the ex-grilfriend of Alfonzo.  Sergio intervened, defending his wife, and now he is dead.   Robertson  has been charged with striking Alfonzo in the chest with a blunt object.  Alfonzo died at the hospital following the attack.

Now Deonte Donnell Robertson is on the run.  Inside Nova latest update reports that the family of Candice has moved her and her 2 children out of state to protect them from Deonte Donnell Robertson (who is the father of the children).   Was this Robertson’s first brush with the law?  You know better.

According to the Manassas News and Messenger:

Robertson’s court record in Prince William County Court is full of charges, including his most recent arrest on April 6. He was charged then with malicious assault in an incident that occurred March 15, court records state.

That case has been certified to a grand jury that next month will decide to indict Robertson on the charges.

Also on his record, he was charged last December with two counts of assault and two counts of obstructing justice while making forceful threats.
He was also charged last October with assaulting a police officer and in June 2007, again with obstructing justice.

Pardon me for asking the obvious question:  Why is this criminal not in jail?  What happens to people who assault cops?  Do they get a slap on the wrist?   What does it take?   This criminal should not have been running around loose.  He should not have had access to this family.  Why did this happen?   Does anyone know?

Buffett’s Greenback Effect

We have looked at enough stupid. Let’s look at SMART for a while.

I like Warren Buffett. Anyone that rich or who has a fund that functions like Berkshire Hathaway deserves to be listened to. I listened to him last fall when our country sat on the brink of financial disaster. Now he has posted some strong words in the op ed section of the NY Times. I don’t think Buffett is political–he is just old, wise and rich.

IN nature, every action has consequences, a phenomenon called the butterfly effect. These consequences, moreover, are not necessarily proportional. For example, doubling the carbon dioxide we belch into the atmosphere may far more than double the subsequent problems for society. Realizing this, the world properly worries about greenhouse emissions.

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