Several people on the previous thread accused the woman who  yelled out , ” Heil Hitler” to a Jewish man, of being a “plant”, put their to create a scene.  I would suggest to those people to watch and listen to conservative pundits.  Rush Limbaugh, the self proclaimed face of the conservative republican party, reinforces the craziness with talk such as this, suggesting that the health care logo represents a Nazi swastika.   Hmmm, I am beginning to worry about myself now!   I am against animal testing, believe my children and your children should breathe clean air, and believe health care is basic human right.   Uh Oh,  my Bubbie would be horrified, Rush thinks I’m a Nazi!

Seriously, are people really shocked that nuttiness like this is catching fire. As a Jew I am offended, greatly, that people would compare, very specifically, a debate on health care to Nazism. Glenn Beck, with his diatribe on healthcare reform being reminiscent of Hitlers eugenics, is only one of many. Listen to Anne Coulter, not a credible pundit, but she does have a following, she also compares President Obama to Hitler in this interview.

Hitler used fear, hate, and division to wield his power.  His improbable rise to power was because he used those less fortunate, those who were different, those who could be scapegoated.  President Obama has shared a message polar opposite of that twisted legacy, he has extolled upon us NOT to be divided by our differences, but to come together, to remember we are ALL Americans. 

We can debate policy differences, we can debate ideological differences, but there are NO similarities between President Obama and Hitler. 

52 Thoughts to “Conservative pundits compare President Obama to Hitler, when will the craziness end!”

  1. Moon-howler


    There has been a great deal of animous between the political ambitions of this blog and that of HSM. The Resolution as it now exists was an outcome that most of us on Anti accept. Some people would like to see it recinded but most of us felt that the April 29 2008 ‘final’ version of the Resolution that did away with probable cause was something that we could live.

    No one here on Anti ever told HSM or the BOCS that we could not live with this version. If anyone disapproved of getting rid of probably cause, it was HSM.

    Chief Deane:

    People say things all the time that I don’t much care for. That is the nature of blogs. Gainesville, you are more than capable of tackling things said that you don’t like.

    To all, I think the main concern here, if there is a concern is that Rush Limbaugh is a national figure. He has a huge following and reaches into the homes, offices, cars and ears of many Americans. People often think of him, incorrectly, as the head of the Republican Party. He was speaking of an entire political party.

    Somehow that differs from a few overly zealous bloggers calling our local politicians and political foes ‘nazis,’ Hitler, or whatever the hell they were called. The three of us have been called every name in the book. If done here, we have had control. On the dark screen, we have had no control. That is the price of blogging.

    BTW, You Wish, you are taking that sick to one’s stomach out of context. I remember the comment now. Again, your personal feelings about people should be handled in private. This blog is not the place to air one’s dirty laundry.

  2. GainesvilleResident

    All I’ll say is that people are misremembering things – there were 2 entire threads posted that were about the Nazis and how we needed to remember what happened in the Holocaust – the gist was the very same thing could happen here. Then in those threads people jumped on the “Corey Stewart is a Nazi” bandwagon. The blog may not have control over what people say, but when threads are posted where the topic is the Holocaust and how it might apply to PWC, that just fuels that kind of discussion, in the same way that conservative commentators fuel the “Obama is a Nazi” discussion. My point is, the blog had 2 threads posted by 2 of the blog admins on the topic of the Holocaust, and all those threads did was add heat to the discussion. Enough said.

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