Corey Stewart, still suffering from “foot in mouth” disease

So, here is what I know.  Corey gave an interview, early this morning, on WMAL.  The focus was on the 1.5 million dollar grant to create affordable housing.  So Corey, maybe thinking this was Obama stimulus money, spoke, clearly, before he truly understood the question, therefore prohibiting a thoughtful and knowledgeable answer. 

Back in the Bush era, Housing and Urban Development was handing out money to blighted neighborhoods, i.e., The Neighborhood Stabilizaton Fund.  Prince William County recieved approximately 5 million dollars to help infuse some new life into some communities that were in dire need.  Fast forward to today, apparently there was still some money left in this fund.  The federal govt. hands over money to States, the State of VA gets 1.5 million. 

This is where Corey loses his fact compass because during this interview on WMAL, he keeps talking about how government shouldn’t be in ” the business of being a landlord.”  First of all, the Prince William County government wrote a letter supporting/endorsing that this grant money be given to Catholics for Housing, a nonprofit organization, NOT a government entity, who have an excellent track record of fiscal responsiblity and success in putting public servants into affordable housing.  Second,  this government is absolutely in the business of being landlords, go to any base and you will find a myriad of government housing that our soldiers live and raise their families in. 




From Those Who Know Bob McDonnell…

4 former Republicans weigh in on the McDonnell question, which boils down to whether or not he is the same Bob McDonnell of 1989 who wrote an academic paper that was very socially outdated at the time, not to mention today.  McDonnell has tried to tell us he is a different Bob now and that his voting record speaks for itself.  Former colleagues seem to be telling us something different.

Speakers:   Sen. Marty Williams (R – Newport News), Del. Jim Dillard (R – Fairfax), Katherine Waddell (actually a former “R” and current “I”) and Sen. Russ Potts (R – Winchester) held a conference call with reporters to comment on  Bob McDonnell’s newly discovered thesis and his record as a legislator.

Audio recording:

(don’t adjust your set, there is no picture.)