Forever Vigilant — 9-11-01 — We Will Remember

Initial News Bulletins


8 years ago. It seems like yesterday and it seems like a life time ago. It feels like 2 wars ago, and yet we are still at war– we have troops in harm’s way. The war in Afghanistan, where many of the criminals of 9-11-01 got their training, rages on, and Americans lose lives daily.

Every one of us has added to our collective memory that knowledge of knowing exactly where we were and exactly what we were doing the moment we learned that our country was under attack, much like older people can tell you what they were doing when they learned of  Pearl Harbor or  where they were  when they first learned of  the assassination of JFK. No incidents have recorded themselves quite as permanently, quite as indelibly, as those three events in the minds of Americans. You and every sentient person alive  on 9-11-01 will forever have this memory in common.

This thread will be an open 9-11 thread. Many of you have much to share regarding this day.

Links of Interest:


Memorial and Museum

Liberatio-9/11 Tribute Video 

God Bless the USA Video 9/11

Slideshow Tribute (Enya and Lee Greenwood)

Tribute to 9/11 Victims    (has thumbnail pictures)  slideshow

President Bush Speaks to America 9/11/01

Republicans hold on to Death Panel Notions

Notice who all is sitting in the video.  Check out the left side of the room.  President Obama calls out those who have lied about death panels who will supposedly kill off senior citizens.  Why are all the deathers sitting there?  I would think shame would bring them to their feet.  I only wish President Obama had called out Sarah Palin by name, since she was one of the ones who was loudest and proudest over the notion of Death Panels. 


President Obama’s Health Care Reform Speech

The much awaited health care speech is over.  According to CNN, President Obama got a double digit boost in approval rating from those who watched the speech.  How did he do?  Did he clarify his position?  What assurances does he have that the Democrats will pass his version of health care reform?  Did he compromise?   Was he forceful? 

Now that everyone has had time to digest the speech, does the Obama plan seem like something that will improve American lives?

Highlights of the Obama Plan  


Text of the speech: 


Oooops! I Thought that Damn Thing was Off

It seems that 09/09/09 wasn’t such a lucky day for a California assemblyman. Mike Duvall, known as a darling of the family values folks of Orange County, resigned today because he was blowing and bragging about having sex with 2 women, neither of which were Mrs. Duvall. It seems that the microphone was on, unbeknownst to Duvall.

Duvall was giving graphic descriptions of his sexual encounters with 2 different women, including a spanking session to some other assemblyman while waiting for a legislative session to begin. The incident was eventually linked to a CBS affiliate in the area.

Check out these family values:

WATCH (copyright rules prevent me from embedding) [apparently video was released since last night]


Picture of Heidi Barsuglia 

Both of the women Duvall was speaking of were lobbyists so now, in addition to losing his assembly seat and probably his wife, he now faces ethics charges. Why is it always the family values people who get caught with their pants down like this? Why is it never some old known reprobate? The list just gets longer and longer.

That’s it for the smut of the week.