The Tale of Metro, Tea Partiers and Cognitive Dissonance

From that great inspirational book in cyberspace, Wikipedia–

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously. The “ideas” or “cognitions” in question may include attitudes and beliefs, the awareness of one’s behavior, and facts. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.[1] Cognitive dissonance theory is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.

A congressman was madder than a wet hen last Saturday when Metro didn’t do to suit him and his constituents.  Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Tx) demanded to know why government run Metro didn’t prepare for the arrival of a group of protestors from the southwest who were there to protest too much government involvement in their lives. 

According to the Wall Street Journal the Texas Republican sent an angry letter to Metro compaining

that the taxpayer-funded subway system was unable to properly transport protesters to the rally to protest government spending and expansion.

His letter further stated:

“These individuals came all the way from Southeast Texas to protest the excessive spending and growing government intrusion by the 111th Congress and the new Obama administration,…These participants, whose tax dollars were used to create and maintain this public transit system, were frustrated and disappointed that our nation’s capital did not make a great effort to simply provide a basic level of transit for them.”

From the march on Saturday, a spokesman for Brady tweeted,

“METRO did not prepare for Tea Party March! More stories. People couldn’t get on, missed start of march. I will demand answers from Metro,…”

What a nerve.  Let’s see…these folks were going to protest government expansion and services and bitched about Metro?  Welcome to our world.  According to Wiki, Metro is a tri-jusristictional agency authorized by congress and funded by Washington DC government, Maryland and Virginia. 

What are they protesting again?  Government doing too much or government not doing enough…for them.  Maybe this is where the cognitive dissonance comes in to play.  For me, it is easier just to say ‘hypocrites!’

 Check out the full story on the Wall Street Journal link.

Double S Supervisors Get a High-Five

Yes, the earth will start to spin backwards.  High-Five to the 5 supervisors who voted in favor of the AAC, the Animal Advisory Committee:  Corey Stewart, John Stirrup, Maureen Caddigan, John Jenkins, and Frank Principi.  The purpose of the AAC is to advise, provide input to  the county animal shelter, and to reduce the number of animals that are euthanized. 

Manassas News and Messenger states:

The Animal Advisory Committee will advise supervisors on shelter policies, “increase community outreach [and] seek outside grant funding for animal welfare initiatives,” according to the enabling resolution. Its creation was pushed for roughly a year-and-a-half by the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Stewart added 2 caveats, in the form of amendments, before the voting took place.  The first was that the AAC would have no say over animals not in the shelter and the second was they could not ask for money outside the $1000 provided by the police department who is responsible for the shelter and animal control. 

The AAC will be comprised of 13 members.  The SPCA has provided support for this much needed change in the county.  The SPCA has been known for generations to have the best interest of animals at heart. 

Good for the supervisors who voted yes.  More PW citizens need to have input when it comes to the animal shelter.  Hopefully they will be able put policies in place to keep animals alive and out of shelters.  Congratulations to Stewart, Stirrup, Caddigan, Jenkins, and Principi for a job well done. 

Now pick yourselves up off the floor.  I know you didn’t think I was capable of typing those words.


People, ALL of our health care cost are going to rise, we need insurance reform!

This is the reality, while everybody is bickering, you, and me, and everyone else that has healthcare, will spend more and get less each year. REAL insurance reform must take place or this country will no longer be a super power. If people are sick, they can’t work, if people go bankrupt because of medical bills, we all suffer, if people spread disease because they can’t AFFORD to see a doctor, we are all at risk. If YOUR child would suffering in pain because you couldn’t afford healthcare or the insurance plan you had refused to pay for treatment, WHAT would you do?

Wendell Potter testified before Congress about the need for a Public Option, he worked for Cigna and ultimately quit!


From the Washington Post

As businesses contend with rising costs, many workers face an erosion of health benefits next year, according to an annual survey released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust.

Forty percent of employers surveyed said they are likely to increase the amount their workers pay out of pocket for doctor visits. Almost as many said they are likely to raise annual deductibles and the amount workers pay for prescription drugs.

A major business lobby weighed in Tuesday, saying that if current trends continue, annual health-care costs for employers will rise 166 percent over the next decade — to $28,530 per employee.

“Maintaining the status quo is simply not an option,” said Antonio M. Perez, chief executive of Eastman Kodak and a leader of the Business Roundtable. “These costs are unsustainable and would put millions of workers at risk,” Perez said in a statement.