This, THIS is what is wrong with insurance today! When I read this story I was truly shocked. My son was a chunky jovial healthy baby, and he also was approximately 17 lbs at four months. Although the insurance company eventually acquiesced and covered the baby, that they even DARED to deny at all should outrage us all. Why should it require media attention for American citizens to obtain decent health care coverage.
112 Thoughts to “4 Month Old Baby DENIED Health Care Coverge”
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What is your disgust with government? Would you rather a lassiez faire form of government? Would you rather each man for himself mentality?
What is YOUR solution to the insurance crisis you do even believe there is one?
Is that a serious question? Do you have ears? Eyes? The capacity to think for yourself? What has government EVER touched that they haven’t screwed up COMPLETELY?!?! Of course there must be government, but they have specific jobs that they don’t bother doing and spend most of their time finding ways to increase their power. I honestly can’t believe a thinking person could ask that question.
I haven’t discussed unions one way or the other. I am simply not going to discuss SEIU because I am not going to add to the hysteria that you keep reverting to Hello.
I don’t think they have much to do with the topic we were discussing which earlier was housing and mortgages.
The rules for registering as a lobbyist are very strict and they have been for years, although more so in modern times. The term goes back to US Grant days, when he used to go drinking in the lobby of the hotel across the street. People used to come in to see him during the cocktail hour to discuss their special interests. Thus lobbyists.
Many people might be listed as lobbyist–the lists go back for years.
I just don’t see what the issue is. Many people have been registered as lobbyist simply aren’t in the lobbyist industry any more.
You are turning a 1 into a 10 and are acting provincial over somethng that is part of Washington, DC.
Let me break this down: If you work for a company or firm and you go up to Capital Hill as a representative of that firm, you had better be registered as a lobbyist for tax purposes. If your company contributes money to a campaign, and you are a company rep, you had better be on the list.
Oh, and there is no crisis. The world will keep on spinning tomorrow if we don’t get ObamaCare. There wasn’t a crisis yesterday, there isn’t a crisis today, and there won’t be a crisis tomorrow. There are, however, things that can be done to fix this problem. And I agree there’s a problem! I’d love to personally wrap my hands around the throats of the people of my health insurance company at times, and things like happened to this kids family is an example of the kind of thing that explains why. But what they’re trying to pass does NOTHING to fix the problems. They’re calling this a “crisis” now to generate the same sense of urgency they used to pass all the other poop they’ve wrought upon our nation. Just wait, soon we’ll start hearing about the environmental “crisis”. And of course, left-wingers just follow right along..”crisis…yeah…crisis, crisis, crisis”. It’s so pathetic.
I think 45 million people without health care and 17% of our gnp being spent in this area is getting serious. I pay for my own. It is not cadillac. It is darn close to $500 per month. I think that is a hell of a lot of money.
I think something needs to happen but I am just not sure what, Slow. The COBRA rules are ridiculous. Not being able to get insurance except during open season is ridiculous. Pre-existing conditions is ridiculous. Now the focus is on health care insurance, more and more dirt is coming out about them.
I am going out on a limb and I am going to say it not a crisis unless it is YOU who is having difficulties. Then it takes on crisis proportions. And the crises hit when people are least able to fend for themselves–like when they are sick or have a sick family member.
And no, not everyone is in the position to shop around. When I hear people don’t think there is a crisis, I see someone who has not have problems.
What is it, like, 80+% of Americans are happy with their health insurance. That’s NOT a crisis. I agree, reforms are needed, but there is no crisis. Oh, and many of your 45 million are young and don’t want health insurance, and another whole bunch of them shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. Crisis???? No…sell that Bravo Sierra to someone else.
It’s not ‘hysteria’ Moon… it’s fact. The SEIU owns Obama. Why else would be plant so many of their leaders all throughout his administration especially in the labor department. They are one of the most corrupt special interest groups in this country. I’m not putting words into his mouth, Obama himself has said that he consults with SEIU before making any decisions on health care or immigration. Why? That isn’t doing what is best for our country, that is doing what is best for a special interest group, SEIU.
On a lighter note, seeing this fat baby reminded me of this classic song:
I guess you can just think SEIU owns Obama if you want. It isn’t going to change anything.
Did you think Halliburton owned the Bush administraton?
Regardless of what we think, it doesn’t really change much, does it?
I am watching that miserable whoremonger Dick Morris trashing Obama and Hillary. He is gloating over Hillary having a higher popularity rating than Obama. I didn’t think anything would make him happier than knowing a Clinton had a low rating. He hates Hillary.
Why? Clinton fired him for being a sleaze bag. Funny that the family values station sees nothing wrong with being a whoremonger.
I more or less wished Bush goodwill when he “won” the 2000 election. After observation, I didn’t trust Bush.
I voted for Obama. Upon observation, I don’t trust him either.
Rick, trust but verify.