Posted below is the correspondence from Richard Cohen of Southern Poverty Law Center on the departure of  Lou Dobbs from CNN.  Whether you agree or disagree, Dobbs’ removal was sought by many hefty organizations.  Without additional commentary:

Nov. 12, 2009


Dear Friend,

Last night, CNN anchor Lou Dobbs announced his departure from the network. As you know, we’ve been highly critical of Dobbs because he has used his platform to spread myths and propaganda — poisoning the debate over immigration reform and inciting fear and hate against Latinos.

The SPLC was one of the first groups to bring public attention to Dobbs’ use of false information provided by racist hate groups.

With your support, we exposed his wildly inaccurate reporting about immigrants — such as his insistence that immigrants had brought thousands of new cases of leprosy to the United States during a recent three-year period.

And we condemned his reliance on the Federation for American Immigration Reform as an authority on immigration issues. This is an organization we have named a hate group with longtime ties to white supremacists.

This past July, we called on CNN executives to fire Dobbs after he relentlessly promoted the racist and utterly baseless idea that President Obama is not a native-born American citizen. Soon thereafter, a number of other organizations joined our call.

Immigration reform is an important and complex issue, one that should be debated honestly. We hope that Dobbs’ resignation sends a message to other commentators that the airwaves shouldn’t be used to vent extremist rhetoric and fan the flames of hate. Doing so has serious and sometimes violent consequences, as illustrated by the rise in hate crimes against Latinos and the unprecedented number of threats against Obama.

We are committed to exposing those who disseminate misinformation that foments hate. Together, we took a stand, and our actions made a difference. Thank you for everything you do to combat bigotry and intolerance.


Richard Cohen photo Thank you for your support,
Richard Cohen
J. Richard Cohen
President, Southern Poverty Law Center

34 Thoughts to “Letter From SPLC on Lou Dobbs”

  1. Poor Richard

    Lou Dobbs was a competent second tier reporter for years before he
    opted to develop a schtick which would garner him attention, ratings
    and money. Write letters, call him names, decry his tactics – he doesn’t
    care as long as he is in the limelight. The left blasting him just makes
    him more of a hero to the right. It is cheap theatre like “professional”
    wrestling – wouldn’t be surprised to see him (or Beck/Hannity) begin
    their shows by strutting on stage wearing a red cape and surrounded by
    thinly clad models and fireworks going off. Showtime!

  2. Opinion

    @Poor Richard
    I’m with Poor Richard on this one. Lou Dobbs is an entertainer (as is Beck, Hannity, Olbermann, Maddow, They are only successful if people notice. It’s the folks who confuse their message with news. I’m surprised how many people watch these guys and take them seriously. I occasionally watch Glen Beck because he’s a GREAT entertainer. I certainly don’t “buy what he is selling” and put his comments in the context of twenty-four hour news network’s relentless search for content.

    I think Beck would look great in a red cape. it’s time to send the SPLC another check.

  3. Brittancus

    If White House John King is taking over from Lou, so he better not muffle free-speech on the illegal immigration invasion. I will watch just one program, to see if he hasn’t been brain washed by the Democratic “Fair Doctrine” secret law or the ability to speak out on everything. The we have this “politically correct asinine garbage, stopping people from speaking their ming. Just God help America and survival, owing to our corrupt government that is pushing the US worker into a corner, giving preference to foreign national labor.
    Without Lou Dobb’s, Glenn Beck, O’Reilly commentary Americans would never know about the cloaked agenda of the open border zealots. We would never know that the quasi government agency Council of Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve banks are not in the best interests of the majority of the American nation. CFR main agenda is to flood America with the free stream of cheap foreign workers, as in Europe? brought the un-exaggerated truth about the 20 to 30 million illegal immigration invasion from every corner of the world? I watch CNN (cable) every day and never heard journalists mention anything about any specific indigenous people regarding the illegal immigration occupancy of our country. He only talk about the gigantic difference who came as newcomers, honestly through the inspection process and do not expect financial government handouts. Not stealing into America like thieves in the night, demanding rights and respect, that is laughable in the eyes of the majority of the legal population.

    Some new immigrants wait in line for their visa to enter America, not make excuses because they cheated US workers of their jobs. Go home and come through the front door to be welcomed. Americans all live by the “Rule of Law” so why should people who overstay their tourist visa or just slip by the Border Patrol expect a welcome? Journalist, news-anchors has a right to speak his mind and the US populace will fight any restrictions that deny that right. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” Now these ethnic caucuses are pushing to silence Not that the Liberal-Marxists in the Democratic leadership follow the law, anyway? They swear to protect and defend Americans from enemies Domestic and foreign and then intentionally under-fund the–REAL–border fence. Why don’t these illegal aliens go home and try shoving this opinion down the throats of other world governments. NOT IN AMERICA?

    My guess is that the perpetrators who let loose on Lou’s home and family, were illegal alien gang members, who get away with bloody murder every day. Just look towards the–SANCTUARY CITIES–of San Francisco and Los Angeles. If you have the fire-power of these heinous gang bangers, you too would be intimidated? Pity Mr. Dobb’s was not in Sheriff Joe’s jurisdiction in Arizona, because he would have taken them out. We have persecutors and chief of police, who turn a blind eye to illegal alien and criminals. IF THE POLITICIANS WANT TO FORCE UPON US ANOTHER AMNESTY. LET US ADOPT WORD-FOR-WORD, MEXICO’S IMMIGRATION LAWS?

    Other pieces of relevant information contributing to the dilemma of US legal population:
    1,200 Illegal Workers fired in Minnesota. House Members Urge President to Enforce Immigration Laws to Lower Unemployment. Friends of Arizona Businesses with Illegal Workers Take E-Verify Law to Supreme Court Senate Census allows to Count Illegal Aliens for Congressional redistricting . CBO Says New Health Care Bill Would Cover 2.5 Million More Illegal Aliens. Sen. Reid Kills E-Verify Amendment to Unemployment extension Bill. Pro-Enforcement Candidates win in Virginia and New Jersey. 68% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities and States
    You can learn about the corruption and incompetence of lawmakers at NUMBERSUSA. Court cases, political sleaze and immigration non-enforcement at JUDICIAL WATCH. How population growth will effect future generations at CAPSWEB. SAY NO BLANKET AMNESTY!

  4. Being “on air” corrupts. It’s like an addiction. Now that the camera’s off and the stage lights are dimmed, he’s going to panic and flop like a fish out of water, looking for the next opportunity to be back in that visual rush (radio’s just not the same). Can Dancing with the Stars be far away?

  5. He might already have a deal cut. In fact, I can’t imagine that he doesn’t.

    However I love Opinion’s idea for the red cape on Beck. How funny and he looks the part.

  6. Poor Richard

    “WANTAGE, NJ — Acting on tips from within the Hispanic-American community,
    U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials deported Luis Miguel Salvador
    Aquila Dominquez, who for the last 48 years had been living illegally in the
    United States under the name Lou Dobbs.”
    The Onion

  7. Reminder to our contributors: Comments that contain the Hitler or Nazi will go immediately to moderation. It just got out of hand. I will have to let myself out of moderation.

    In looking through comments stuck in moderation, there are several comments that landed there for that reason.

  8. Wolverine

    Like Lou Dobbs or not. Agree with Lou Dobbs or not. However, I am wondering just a bit why the Southern Poverty Law Center seems to have assumed it has a power of “nihil obstat” in our national debates over critical issues. Does every argument we make on the issues have to pass muster with Richard Cohen under his own definition of misinformation? Information can be the result of honest assessment and still contradict. Statistics can contradict in the way they are used to formulate an argument. If Cohen does not agree with my arguments, are my words then to be considered as “hate” speech. Is Cohen not only claiming “nihil obstat” but, in his efforts to get Dobbs fired, some sort of “imprimatur” as well? Just asking.

  9. A PW County Resident

    You know I was thinking something very similar.

  10. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Oh, let the SPLC think they were the driving force behind all this, evidence or no evidence. They need a win….America is waking up (slowly) to the utter worthlessness of this cult of loonies.

  11. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    In 2012, when Obama leaves office, I’ll release a statement claiming credit. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

  12. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    German Socialist Democratic Party!, German Socialist Democratic Party! Whoo-Hoo, I got through!

  13. yea but you had to work a little harder to do it. Somehow it isn’t as easy to call someone a name using all those words. 😉

  14. I expect a lot of groups will claim victory, Slow.

    Being a birther made him lose credibility, in my opinion.

  15. Second-Alamo

    And so I’m to believe the SPLC but not FAIR, and why? They are both biased organizations. I hope the truth behind the departure becomes known, and if the SPLC falsely took credit, then somehow I’m sure that will be made public along with the letter as evidence, and by none other that Dobbs himself. His parting statements didn’t sound like he was going to lay low and watch the grass grow. No, he’ll be back in the public eye I have no doubt.

  16. Witness Too

    @Poor Richard
    Richard, the thought of Dobbs and Beck wearing wrestling tights made me gag out loud. I agree with most of what is in the SPLC’s letter, except they are taking too much credit for Dobbs’ throwing in the towell. There were many, many organizations who contacted CNN over the years. Let’s not forget, also, the 60 Minutes piece that interviewed Dobbs and asked why he was blatantly lying about a leprocy epidemic that was so easy to dispove. He wouldn’t even concede that his hate tactics had been disproven. He said, “If we reported it on my show, then it is true.”

    Frankly, I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did. Thanks M-H for pointing out that he was the longest serving CNN personality. I don’t mean to pick on him. He’s obviously mentally disturbed and deeply unhappy. But he was very bad for America.

  17. That's Not Funny

    “Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” — Frederich Nietzsche

    SPLC has battled some of the most deplorable monsters in American history. I don’t know if the aphorism holds true though. Just because SPLC did battle with Dobbs, FAIR, and the KKK does not mean they are comparable to Dobbs, FAIR, and the KKK?

    If so, does that mean this blog is comparable to the Letiecq blog? Is Biden the same as Palin because they debated? Are the Allies the same as the Axis powers? We did end the war in a monsterous way. Just thinking.

  18. SA, the man is making his case. That’s all I can tell you. I remain fairly neutral about Dobbs, Beck, and all the other entertainers. Neutral about their right to exist, not whether I like them or not. I suppose it is their station’s right to air them and my right to change the channel.

    Stepping back from it all, Beck is trying to get rid of people associated with the White House and is now claiming 2. SPLC and other organizations are trying to get rid of Lou Dobbs, Lou Dobbs wants Obama to produce a birth certificate. There is something almost comical about it all. Then there is this deafening roar out of all of them about free speech.

    I think I will just wait until Jon Stewart handles it and just laugh through it all.

  19. Wolverine

    If conservatives were to go after Maddow, Olbermann, or Matthews in the same way that others have gone after Dobbs, including not only criticism of their opinions and tactics but also pushing strongly and perhaps successfully for ejection from their broadcasting positions, would that then be acceptable to those cheering here for the departure of Dobbs from CNN?

    Freedom of speech certainly has limits. The old one of not crying fire in a crowded room is obvious. Not inciting violence on the part of others is another. Over the last half century we have also managed to agree pretty much that expressions of bigotry with regard to race, religion, and certain other conditions are not acceptable behavior. But have we not always been cautioned that to attempt to silence someone because we strongly disagree with that person’s opinions is not part of the free speech package? The key word here is “free.” It does not apply to the rationality or the correctness or the tone or even the truth of that speech. It only applies to the right to speak without fear.

    Not only does that person have the right to speak but we also have the right not to listen or to refute that person’s opinions with our own reasoned arguments. I see nowhere in all this where we or anyone else have acquired the right to shut that person up either by force or by forcing a loss of livelihood on him. Moreover, I have never heard of anyone having their arm hooked up behind their back and being forced to tune in programs featuring Lou Dobbs or anyone else.

    If we go down this street of attempting to silence the opposition, we will, in my opinion, open a Pandora’s Box which can certainly come back to bite us. If you cheer an induced or forced silencing of the opposition and that tactic somehow becomes an acceptable one, the day will certainly arrive when the censor comes for you. And I guarantee you won’t like it.

  20. LindaL

    In my opinion, he should have been fired for his leprosy blunder. It was a major blow to his credibility and demonstrated that he wasn’t committed to professional journalism.

  21. I am going to have to agree with Wolverine. It is a 2 way street. It is a slippery slope. I do not like Lou Dobbs. I don’t like Glenn Beck. But, I can change the channel. Plus, if they were gone then I my ‘bitching power’ would be reduced.

    Linda, CNN has to decide how it wants to be represented. If they don’t mind leprosy and birther mentality, then they reap what they sow. If I owned CNN I would have fired him but …that’s me. As the owner of the station, I get to make those decision.

    Funny how it works for Fox but not for CNN. Different audiences I suppose. A station that prides itself on Glenn Beck has a whole different set of standards.

    BTW, Glenn Beck turns my channel changer all by himself. It just happens. It is like trying not to look at a wreck.

    Fantasy over now.

  22. Wolverine

    Precisely, Moon-howler. CNN is a private enterprise which is ostensibly free of government or forced political restraint. It is free to ensure that the fiscal bottom line is as good as it can be. It is also free to decide whether it wishes to mix opinion in with straight news and in what proportion. It sets the lineup which it deems best for its own interests.

    Like a baseball manager who decides a player is not performing up to snuff and decides to send him back to the minor leagues, like a factory owner who finds his widget maker cannot grasp how to assemble the widgets correctly and lets the worker go, it is the decision of CNN alone whether or not to keep a Lou Dobbs on the roster. They can consider whatever criteria they wish to consider, including my opinion, your opinion, and Cohen’s opinion; but the decision is theirs alone based on their own best interests. No one should be able to force that decision one way or the other through outside threats or pressure. I always thought that that was an accepted concept of our system. I hope we never lose it.

    Quite frankly, I absolutely dislike Olbermann. The only time I might ever watch him anymore is when someone puts a particular link on a blog. But I cannot imagine a circumstance in which I would take an active part in trying to take his job away from him, no matter how great my dislike. I have to realize that if I participate in an abrogation of his freedom of speech, I am in reality also risking an abrogation of my own.

  23. Second-Alamo

    Was not ‘freedom of speech’ coined to represent the right of an individual to speak out about the actions of government without the fear of government reprisal? Where did the right of individuals to say anything they want, no matter how objectionable by the majority of the public, to be said about anything or anyone whenever and wherever they choose? This is just a modern expansion of the original intent. Allowing people to say whatever they want may be acceptable today, but to trace that right back to the original intent of ‘free speech’, as if our founding fathers would approve of some of the things that are said today, is a distortion of their original intent. This expansion has allowed the creation of a society that no longer vocally shows respect for anyone or anything. This ‘freedom’ has some how been twisted into a weapon of spite and hatred that we seemingly glorify to the point of incivility. That was never the intent, and it is practiced by both the left and the right, and it is only getting worse.

  24. Mando

    “Whether you agree or disagree, Dobbs’ removal was sought by many hefty organizations.”

    Dobbs was removed? Is this a new revelation or Freudian slip?

  25. Many people sought to have him removed. Is that any better?

    From the NY Times:

    Months ago the president of CNN/U.S., Jonathan Klein, offered a choice to Lou Dobbs, the channel’s most outspoken anchor. Mr. Dobbs could vent his opinions on radio and anchor an objective newscast on television, or he could leave CNN.

    NY Times article on Dobbs

    Apparently the decision was very abrupt and much of his staff was even taken by surprise.

  26. SA, you make some very valid points.

    Additionally, people seem to forget that what you say in your own home should be different than how you talk in public. I can cuss like a sailor but doing it in my house, at my own TV (or husband) is different from sitting out in public where everyone is subjected to Greta Garbage Gums.

    Each September when a new TV season begins, I am always amazed. I never thought I would see the day where calling someone a ‘douche bag’ on TV would be acceptable. There are others but that one just took my breath away. I had always grown up knowing that one was just vulgar. Now it is common place enough to be heard during the 10 pm shows. Go figure.

    There should be public standards and there aren’t.

  27. A PW County Resident

    Well, according to CNN, the pressure from the groups had nothing to do with it.

  28. And we will probably never know for sure. I guess all the special interest groups have to take victory laps to keep the money coming in.

  29. Elena

    Dobbs STILL has freedom of speech, he just can’t use CNN as his bully pulpit, that’s all. For me, the leprosy controversy and the blatent questioning of Obama’s birth ceritificate was over the top. But once again, having said, there is a part of me that is still uncomfortable with orchestrating a campaign to get someone fired because you don’t like what they say, even if its eroneous. The shoe could be on the other foot, and I wonder how people would feel if it WERE Keith Oberman or Rachel Maddow. However, you would have to give me proof that they have outright misled using false information to support a story and then NOT recanted after the real facts were uncovered.

  30. Clairese L

    So, you ban NAZ1 and H1TLER?

    How Orwellian. How very PUSS1E!

  31. Elena

    Welcome. The issue with saying those words is that they are bantered about so much they have lost the value of their horrendous meaning. If someone has a thoughtful comment to make, one that discusses, genuinely, the history of WWII, the comment will come out of moderation. Too many topics were hijacked by those very heated words.

  32. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    @Clairese L
    Certain contributors around here can’t form a sentence without invoking the third reich. They use it to describe things like car cabin air filters, athletic socks, and the mapping of the genome of the common porpoise.

  33. Wolverine

    SA, well said. I cannot really argue with many of your points. I would think that the available weapons against that free speech which exceeds current public standards remain refutation, ridicule and even shunning. But, if you move beyond that to taking concrete actions to shut someone up or even just to cause them to lose their livelihood, you have moved in a whole new and dangerous arena — sort of like an informal tyranny of the majority. I find that as hard to swallow as I would any effort by government to abrogate the free speech right.

  34. Slowpoke, pretty much. I just lost it one day. And there are other ways to get things across. However, I may have to add some new spellings to the ‘moderation’ list. We’ll see.

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