The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Apologizes to Jon
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John Stewart say s of Fox News , “we finally had a literal manifestation, of what we feel, is the metaphorical methodology of the entire fox network, which of course, is the subtle altering of a reality to sell a preconceived narrative”.

Translation, Fox News sells propoganda, plain and simple. Do I believe this is some “unfortunate incident” as Sean Hannity would have us believe? No way! Does Sean forget he was heard DISTORTING what President Obama said about the health insurance execs?

I believe it went a little something like this:
Sean “Obama said that all insurance execs are bad” vs reality, which is Obama actually said ” he does NOT believe insurance execs are bad, but that the industry is driven by profit only”

23 Thoughts to “Beware, Watching Sean Hannity Will Age You!”

  1. “Be a man and get me out of here”

    Hilarious. Once again Faux News skews reality to present their point of view. Reminds me of the Foxy girl stirring up the tea partiers by waving her arms and also the bogus crowd shot this fall (not really) where the Native American Museum was mysteriously invisible.

  2. Rick Bentley

    Funny. That’s a fine example of taking a joke as far as you can, riding it into town on a white horse and parading it through the streets at length.

    Someone should put out that type of audio commentary for those FOX News shows, on the web or elsewhere.

  3. Pat.Herve

    For some interesting fodder you should watch the Hannity interview with Michael Moore. If you like Moore or not, does not matter, he tried to get some sense out of Hannity of where he stands, and to me, it is funny watching him trying to be non committal on anything. Hannity says he pays 60% of his income in taxes, which Moore does not believe (neither do I), but Hannity insists he does, but will not take up the challenge to prove what he says.

  4. Matt

    This is an awfully shallow, inconsequential story.

    You don’t like cable news? Fine, it is indeed stupid, and rarely gives any meaningful insight to the issues of the day. That applies to all the channels – CNN, Fox, and MSNBC.

    But the fact is there is a wealth of quality information and analysis available. Think tanks of every political stripe have free, well maintained websites. Well written blogs are available for free, 24 hours a day. You to your library and get a book on current events, again for free.

    Rather than railing against the lowest common denominator of politics – cable news – you should improve your own media consumption habits.

  5. Matt, I don’t believe we know you. Thank you for dropping by and analyzing us.

    I just wanted a laugh. It looks like I got two. The first was at Jon Stewart. You were the second.

    Lighten up. I suggest another blog because we like to laugh and often post Jon Stewart footage.

  6. Witness Too

    In addition to being false, Fox “News” propaganda is designed to make you very angry and very afraid. The unfortunate victims live their lives angry and afraid, and very easy to manipulate for political purposes, ie. celebrate Bush, denigrate Obama. It’s also a profit model for mind control. The victims of this propaganda become so afraid that they feel beholden to Fox “News” to comfort them with instructions on what to do, what to buy, and what to think. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and so damaging to our country.

  7. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Altering, even subtly, anything that comes out of this administration is really unnecessary, as the truth about what this administration says and does is horrifying enough without altering.

  8. Mando

    “Fox “News” propaganda is designed to make you very angry and very afraid.”


    All news media is designed to do that. That’s how they get ratings. Take the news media with the lowest ratings. Dollars to donuts, that’s the one with the least propaganda.

    Profit model for mind control??? Seriously?

  9. It didn’t used to be that way. Back in the day, there were standards. Not always achieving at 100% but more attempt was made. Other periodicals were sold in the grocery store under the name Inquirer and Star. They were the grade C ‘news.’

  10. Second-Alamo

    Looking for a few local cave dwellers who have been without media exposure since 9/11 to act as jurors in the upcoming trials in New York. As if there is anyone, except maybe a hand full of Muslims, that don’t think these terrorist jerks should hang. Or are they now referred to as misguided criminals? What really takes the cake is that of all the cities in the US they chose none other than New York City. Brilliance beyond belief!

  11. Elena

    Hi Matt,
    The issue actually really is about how people get their news and I agree with you about your premise. The REALITY though is that FOX news is heavily watched and people buy the propoganda, without the Jon Stewarts, who will call them out on their blatent mistruths?

  12. Second-Alamo

    Ah, but without Fox who is to call Obama out on his mistruths?

  13. Second-Alamo

    Actually, I get my news from SNL. They seem to have an equally clever way of shedding some light on the world of politics. The fact that they hit the nail on the head is what makes it so funny.

  14. They were funny last week, SA. I just really like John Stewart.

    On the subject of calling terrorists, terrorists: I heard Eric Holder use the term terrorist and terrorism at least 50 times today.

    As for Pres. Obama not declaring Hasan a terrorist, he shouldn’t. There is an ongoing investigation. Because Hasan will be tried in a military court, and Obama is the Commander in Chief, his words might compromise the trial. He had best not talk about it other than in general terms.

  15. Wolverine

    How is it that Jon Stewart gets to use a hanging noose for effect and the rest of us would get blasted for doing the same?

  16. Last Best Hope

    By endeavoring to establish a Republican news channel, Rupert Murdoch unwittingly charted a course for owning a fringe right entertainment channel. It may have been inevitable. Here is why: presenting 12 hours of straight news sprinkled with conservative perspectives is more challenging, more costly, and less entertaining than hard right commentary and concerted efforts to create distractions out of mundane cultural differences between Republicans and Democrats.

    MSNBC has followed a similar path to the left, only for a policy wonk political junkies rather than paranoid culture war addicts. CNN is the only cable news channel that offers real reporting out in the field, and outside the beltway, with an emphasis on journalistic integrity (Dobbs was the only exception but now that he is gone I feel I can say this.)

    But speaking of CNN, it was the show “Crossfire,” as I recall, that demonstrated how audiences would tune in for cheaper, in-studio programs with opinionated personalities who could churn out wild rants or contentious interviews without any real facts or detailed reporting on events.
    It’s analogous to the way that reality TV, as annoying as it is for more educated viewers, is slowly replacing hour-long dramas that require a lot more talent and resources to create and a lot more thinking to watch. Hannity is the equivalent of Simon the grumpy singing judge. Beck is the equivalent of the guy who eats bugs. The news spots are just filler, and why shouldn’t they support the opinions of the headline acts? It’s show business, and it will only become more outrageous as it attempts to top itself year in and year out. We’d better get used to it.

  17. I am trying to think up something clever and cute to respond with, Wolverine. I am not doing so well. Gonna give up with clever and cute. Maybe that was just a flash in the pan…the noose being bad. I always thought of the method of execution in the wild west when I saw a noose.

  18. Last Best Hope

    Now both Wolverine and M-H have each typed the word “noose.” And now so have I, but I don’t expect any of us will receive any “blasting” for it. Perhaps that is because I have never been one to seek out a sense of victimization where none exists. There is only one word that Blacks can use but Whites probably should not use unless they are prepared to be blasted. Considering all the ACTUAL inequalities that exist in the world, the N-word double standard is one I can live with.

  19. I can’t. If a word is rude and ignorant, then the word is rude and ignorant, regardless of who is using it.

    If for no other reason, blacks should not use it because it sets a bad example for white people who might be too stupid to realize they shouldn’t be saying it either. (like in schools)

    I don’t think words change their meaning because of whose mouth they come out of. Words change meaning over time. I wouldn’t go around with a heavy duty sharpie eradicating the N word out of Mark Twain. It is historically important to the time it was written. That still doesn’t give us reason to go shouting it from the roof tops. Why say things that offend? Why use words that contribute to one’s own oppression?

  20. Last Best Hope

    Sure, we all have the right to use whatever words we choose, but under the same principle of free speech, others have a right to blast us. Indeed, how people interpret words can change over time. It can change from region to region and from person to person. If we expect absolute consistency no matter who says a word, no matter where they say it, and no matter in what context, I’m afraid we will often be disappointed.

  21. I think the N word has been pretty well banned from the United States as far as public use.

    What people say and do in their own home and on their own property is of course, their own business.

    But LBH is correct, we can say what we want. However we might find outselves being severely sanctioned, fired, punched in the face, etc. It isn’t without consequences and there is little one can do.

  22. El Guapo

    This has got to be one of the funniest Daily Show segments ever.

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