Virginia Association of Counties’ (VACo), Position Statement on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
VACo maintains a strong commitment to ensuring the security and safety of our communities. Legislative reforms must recognize the contributions of immigrants to a complex economy as well as the costs associated with welcoming immigrants into our communities. The U.S. Congress must enact comprehensive immigration reform that provides a funding stream sufficient to address the fiscal impact on state and local governments for any guest worker program and earned legalization program. The states and local governments require a national immigration system that is fully funded at the federal level, recognizes the realities of the marketplace, eases the fiscal stress on states and localities, and properly secures our borders. It is important that the federal government establish a clear and understandable path to citizenship for those who are eligible.
Introduced in November 2009 by County Board Member J. Walter Tejada, Arlington, VA
VACo approved and adopted in November 2009 as VACo’s Position Statement on Immigration Reform
My first question is this….Does Corey know? This “Position Statement” seems purposefuly vague, vague enough that I don’t think any elected official would be willing to stand up in opposition.
Who could be against “securing the safety of our comminities” ?
So, what I am wondering, is how does this “statement” turn in to actual meaningful legislation?
Also, I am wondering, who actually affirmed our vote from Prince William County, do they have the authority to sign onto such a statement?