Other Qualified Adults

Governor Tim Kaine has proposed to extend the Virginia health care plan to include domestic partners and other qualified adults of state employees. One major reason for extending the health care plan is to attract highly qualified individuals to the Virginia job market, especially at the college/university level.

The highly qualified adults could include grown children, a domestic partner, parents-in-law, to name a few relationships. One qualifier would be that the person must live with the state employee. The cost would be picked up by the employee, not the state.

Opponents are already offering up a hue and cry over Gov. Kaine throwing a bone to the gays. Additionally the opponents have said it will cost the tax payer money. The employee would bear the cost. Still others feel that only married couples and their children should have the privilege of health care.

Many major companies coming in to the Old Dominion have offered similar type benefits to their employees. State officials feel that extending state benefits puts the state, as an employer, on a level playing field with other companies and agencies.

Would state employees be exempt from having to pay income tax on these benefits? Good for Virginia for seeing the need to incorporate as many into a health care program as possible. This is a positive step that costs the state nothing.

Death Panels and Death Taxes

The Tea Party-ers and other like minded folks have death on the brain it appears. Now there is great howling over the Inheritance Tax or ‘Death Tax’ that is racing through Congress. Today the house passed the Estate Tax Bill 225-220 with nearly all Republicans voting against the bill.

What does the Estate Tax do? The bill extends a 45% inheritance tax on estates larger than $3.5 million, and cancels a one-year repeal of the tax set to begin next month. $3.5 million seems like quite a lot money for someone to inherit tax free.

USA Today reports the reasoning:

“The bill passed by a 225-200 vote, with all Republicans opposed. Majority Democrats argued that a permanent tax rate makes it easier for families and small business owners to do estate planning, noting that fewer than 1% of all estates are subject to the tax.

In America, it’s not a sin to be rich nor is it a crime to die rich,” said Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo. “This bill gives our nation’s wealthiest families the ability to know exactly what their obligation to the nation that fostered their wealth will be, and it is fair and it is just.”

The bill follows the federal budget proposed by President Obama. But many Republicans called for permanent repeal of the estate tax, arguing it hurts families that pass down farms and small businesses to their children.

“The majority claims to be offering certainty to taxpayers and I suppose in a way they are — they are certainly repealing the hope of ever eliminating the death tax,” said Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee

Those inheriting over 3.5 million dollars make up less than 1% of all estates. I hardly think that this ‘death’ tax will affect that many people. The middle class certainly won’t be affected by this new law. Yet those are the people I keep hearing talk about the death tax. Are they trying to impress the rest of us or do they just not know what they are talking about?

Time for the more affluent to pony up.  The rest of us are tired of doing it.  The Senate is deliberating similar legislation currently.  Why did that many Republicans vote against the bill?  Are they all that wealthy or are they protecting their future campaign contributions?  Do people who are that affluent know how to tax shelter their assets better than the middle class?


Lake Manassas…Finally Open To The Public?

The PWCA blog has information about an opportunity to open Lake Manassas to the public. After being closed for years and years, it’s about time!

The Manassas City Council is considering opening Lake Manassas to the public for fishing, paddling and wildlife watching. They’re discussing options to provide public access to Lake Manassas at a special work session on Monday, Dec. 7, at City Hall. Read more here and attend the meeting if you can so that the Council knows people want public access to Lake Manassas.

Climate Change Alterations: Catnip for Debunkers

Without apology, another Jon Stewart video–this time about the climate change hoaxes.  For those who think Jon Stewart always takes the liberal side, you might want to listen to this one.  I found it hilarious. 

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Scientists Hide Global Warming Data
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis


Just out of curiosity, why would anyone take the word of a computer hacker regarding climate change?  Do I smell an axe to grind out there?

Virginia Restaurants Now Smoke Free

Tuesday, December 1  marked the end of smoking in  restaurants in Virginia.  Governor Tim Kaine has been seen taking his victory laps.  The past president of the Medical Society of VA  has stated that 1700 people a year die from second hand smoke.  

Is this simply a huge political move?   If the past president was so concerned about what kills people in bars and restaurants (technically there are no bars in Virginia) he should start with the booze.  Surely that drinking and drinking and driving kill more Virginians in a year than 1700.  I never believed the second hand people anyway. 

No one can justify smoking.  However, is that the principle issue here?  It would seem to me that the restaurant owner should be the one who determines if a smoking is allowed or not.  Those customers who do not want to be around it would simply go to restaurants that are smoke free.  Capitalism at its best. 

For right now, expect to see the huddled masses outside the doors of establishments, taking a few puffs.  Drinking and smoking go hand in hand.  The only way around this one is for a smoking section to have its own separate ventilation system and to be pretty much closed off to the food area.  Wise owners will make the retrofit if they haven’t already.

The anti smoking crew is much like the anti gun crew.  Strident and ever so right, if only in their own minds.

Heavenly Smack-down

Wonders never cease.  While hunting  for posts, I ran across the Father Fist-i-cuff  story, right in the  News and Messenger

Basically, two priests at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church got into an argument over office matters and the assistant pastor assaulted the pastor, Father Eversole.  Father Smith, the assaulting priest, is no longer associated with that parish.  This is just not your everyday incident at church.  Both men are 45. 

Charles C. Smith, the associate pastor, was arrested Nov. 22 after an argument over office-related matters in the rectory, said Arlington Diocese spokeswoman Joelle Santolla. The argument quickly escalated into a physical confrontation, said Santolla.

Eversole, 45, went to the hospital for a cut over his eyes and Smith, 45, was charged with unlawful wounding, according to Prince William County spokeswoman Erika Hernandez.

What ever happened to the good old days when we got to read about stigmata occurring at a nearby Woodbridge Catholic Church?  Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church got a great deal of positive coverage for its miracles.  Maybe some of our readers are correct.  Perhaps America is going to hell in a hand basket when we have priests duking it out.  I haven’t gotten past a priest named Father Eversoul, ooops, make that Eversole.  Actually the miracles at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, back in the early 90’s, involved weeping statues of the Virgin Mary. 

How embarrassing for the parishoners.  So  what do you say to your priest (or minister) if he was involved in something like that?  Do you pretend you just don’t know?   I just didn’t know priests fought.  On the other hand, it is heart-warming to learn that some of them are human, have feet of clay, and lose their tempers.  Most people, if they were honest, would admit to wanting to punch their boss in the nose.   Why should priests be any different.

President Obama Orders 34,000 More Troops to Afghanistan

President Obama has ordered approximately  34,000 more troops to Afghanistan.   In September General McCrystal requested 40,000 more in order to get the job done.  President Obama will surely have difficulty with his liberal base over sending more troops. 

The New York Times states:

Mr. Obama conveyed his decision to military leaders late Sunday afternoon during a meeting in the Oval Office and then spent Monday phoning foreign counterparts, including the leaders of Britain, France and Russia.

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, declined to say how many additional troops would be deployed, but senior administration officials previously have said that about 30,000 will go in coming months, bringing the total American force to about 100,000.


President Obama will ask NATO nations to help fill in the additional 6,000 needed troops. While he has suffered criticism from the left, the President has also been criticized from the right for deliberating for what some see \as too long. He was accused of ‘dithering’ by some Republicans.  President Obama will address the nation tonight from the United States Military Academy at West Point at 8:00 PM.

What should happen here? Should a time line be announced? Should Obama have sent troops immediately without the many meetings with his military advisors?  Does it endanger the existing troops in Afghanistan if there are not enough boots on the ground?  Should generals always get what they ask for?  How many troops are still in Iraq?

Washington Post

The Great Global Warming Hoopla

During the past week there has been a great deal of news, especially out of conservative blogs and media, about scientists at the Climate Research Unit who  may have cooked the books regarding data on global warming.  

According to US News:

Preliminary analysis of the contents of thousands of E-mails and documents taken from the computer archives of the Climate Research Unit at England’s University of East Anglia—possibly by a hacker, possibly by a whistleblower—indicate a number of the world’s most important scientists engaged in research designed to prove that global warming really does exist may have been cooking the books.

As columnist Michael Barone wrote in Sunday’s Washington Examiner, “The CRU has been a major source of data on global temperatures, relied on by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the e-mails suggest that CRU scientists have been suppressing and misstating data and working to prevent the publication of conflicting views in peer-reviewed science periodicals.”

If true, the cooking of the temperature data to provide support for the idea that man-made global warming is occurring is a scandal of most serious proportions. It should force policymakers to reconsider the role science plays in the formulation of policy if its conclusions can be manipulated the way those concerning climate change now appear to have been.

Well, maybe yes, maybe no.  Assuming that the books were cooked, does that mean we turn our backs on cleaning up the air we breathe and the water we drink and wash with?  Do we continue to squander our natural resources because some science jerks didn’t dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s?   Cities around the world are cloaked in a haze of pollution.  Our athletes had to get off the plane in Beijing wearing serious masks to block out pollution.  I had a friend who almost died while visiting the pyramids in Egypt.  The reason, air pollution and smog.  He is asthmatic. 

I hope all the doom and gloom was somewhat overblown.  It didn’t paint a pretty picture for the future.  We cannot continue to dump pollutants in our water supply and our air without serious consequences.  Millions of gasoline engines dump carbon bi-products into the air daily.  Again, common sense.  Forest must be replanted, streams protected from chemicals.  Mining must not ravage the earth.  Unfortunately, man cannot come to these conclusions on his own.  Just look around.  He has done a lousy job so far.