PWCS Explanation of Snow Days

Talk to anyone and they will be telling you that kids in PWC will be going to school until the 4th of July.  People are questioning why there is no school on Monday.  Don’t these kids have to make up the missed time?  No. Not yet.

There were 2 built in days.  Those are gone.  There have been a total of 10 days used.  3 in December, 2 for the 6 inch snow and 5 for last week.  I count ten used.  PWC kids can miss 7 more days before the doom and gloom of July 4th according to the PWCS website:

Explanation of “Snow Days” in PWCS 

State law mandates 180 days of school but allows for school divisions to make up missed teaching days by providing students with instructional hours equivalent to the missed days to meet the minimum 990 teaching-hour requirement. In PWCS, we have additional days built into the calendar (two this year at the middle and high school level, and one at the elementary school level) but we also provide more than the minimum time of required instruction with a six-hour school day. This provides adequate time to meet the state minimum number of teaching hours if school is closed for an extended number of days. This allows for up to 15 additional days for all students after the use of the “built-in” days

It seems hard to believe but that’s the nuts and bolts of it. The kids of Prince William have dodged the bullet.