Cucinnelli Must Think He is Still Running for Office…

Does this offend anyone else? Does Cuccinelli think he is still running for office?

Does this behavior seem unseemly for a sitting attorney general?

Challenging ‘Obamacare?’ I guess the good AG won’t mind if I call him ‘Moochinelli?’

I am glad he is saving the American people if they send money. It just sounds like a cheap campaign stunt to me.

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Papers Please Legislation: FAIR’s Influence In AZ

Rachel Maddow takes a look at founder John Taunton and the organization FAIR. John Taunton still sits on the board of FAIR. Maddow interviews a rather hostile Stein who is the president of FAIR.

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Dan Stein is most defensive about some of the views associated with FAIR.

FAIR: The organization

John Taunton write up at SPLC

Drill Baby Drill?



How is that off shore drilly thing working out for everyone? 

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has called out the National Guard and declared a state of emergency a few hours ago to protect the State of Louisiana’s natural resources.  Yesterday the wind blew the oil away from shore.  Today, just the opposite was happening.

Last month, President Obama discussed the possibility of off shore drilling.  Will people be so willing to go along with this plan after BP’s oil rig explosion?  4 gulf states stand in harm’s way as 5000 gallons of oil leak daily.

Are the environmental hazards just too great? How far off our coastlines are other countries drilling? If other countries are reaping the benefits, shouldn’t we? Who knows what causes these kinds of disasters. Can they even be avoided? Meanwhile, 11 people are missing, presumed dead. There is also the human element, which has not gotten the amount of attention that the environmental elements have gotten. This much oil can ruin the fishing economy. Will BP be under the same oil albatross as Exxon was?