Corey Stewart apparently wants our help hunting down illegal aliens. He must be jealous that Arizona is getting more attention than he is. His new initiative, The Rule of Law Campaign, is plastered all over his website and his Facebook page. Too bad it contains lies and could possibly get Virginia sued.
The Rule of Law Campaign Submitted by Corey on Wed, 06/16/2010 – 12:02.
Prince William County’s crackdown on illegal immigration worked: Illegal Aliens fled the county, and the violent crime rate plummeted. It is now time to protect all communities in Virginia from the effects of Illegal Immigration. Please join me in our effort to protect every county and city in Commonwealth by following Prince William County’s and Arizona’s lead and enforce the Rule of Law.
Please join the petition below if you would like your state and local elected officials to support The Virginia Rule of Law Act, which would do the following:
•Enhance Police Powers to Capture, Detain, and help Deport Criminal Aliens
◦Direct Virginia law enforcement officials to ascertain, in any lawful contact, the legal presence of an individual, when practicable.
◦Direct Virginia jails to release criminal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after serving their sentence.
◦Allow law enforcement officials to arrest illegals without warrant if they have reasonable suspicion that the arrest would make them removable from the United States.
•Virginia Criminal Penalties for Illegal Aliens
◦Make it a violation of Virginia law to fail to complete alien registration documents.
◦Impose harsh penalties for terrorists and illegals caught with illegal drugs and deadly weapons.
•Outlaw Sanctuary Policies
◦Prohibit cities and counties from preventing law enforcement officials from inquiring about legal presence or preventing them from sharing information with ICE.
•Outlaw Illegal Day Laboring and Public Roadside Solicitation
◦Allow law enforcement officials to break up day laboring operations.
◦Prohibit solicitation along all public roads, crippling illegal day labor sites.
•Crackdown on Human Smuggling
◦Prohibit smuggling and human trafficking, especially for sexual slavery.
There’s that darn probable cause that Corey tried to push through Prince William County. Let’s see, how would that work exactly?
I am sure that there are people out there who will be rah rah-ing and cheering Corey on. Election time is a little less than a year and a half off and he is getting a head start on it this year. Make no mistake. We have seen it all before.
Stewart would have those not living around here believe that he single handedly ran off all the ‘illegals.’ Not even. Check with your schools and look at those designated as Hispanic. Not about Hispanics? Don’t even pretend that isn’t what it is all about.
Our violent crime rate plummeted? Not even close. Murders actually went up.
The 2009 UVA survey sheds some light on the topic in the Washington Post. Note the date: 9/27/09
Over-all citizen approval of how things operate in Prince William has improved from 2007.
“I’m very pleased with the results,” Police Chief Charlie T. Deane said. “I suspect some of the improved perception of what we are doing has had to do with people seeing the reality versus the rhetoric. We try to be fair, lawful and responsible. . . . I’m proud our officers are being received in a better light than when this was initially started.”
Guterbock said the police department’s community outreach on the immigration policy might have helped drive the numbers back up. Another possibility, he said, is that people who were highly dissatisfied have left the county.
The illegal immigration policy could have also affected residents’ trust in government,
which dipped to 58.4 percent last year but rebounded to about 63 percent this year.
Additionally, the PWC Crime Report disputes Stewart’s falsehoods. There was a decrease in domestic violence incidents from 2007 to 2008. (1358 in 2007 and 1256 in 2008) That is hardly a plummeting violent crime rate.
Don’t take my word or Corey’s word for the Crime Statistics. Download the Police Department Report 2008 for yourself. PWC Police Report 2008 Begin about page 19. Pages 31-32 give specifics for illegal immigrants.
Rule of Law begins at home. We cannot break the law to enforce Corey’ Rule of Law.
We will continue to monitor the Chairman’s trumpeting of his new plan. Stewart isn’t going to be able to use immigration twice in the same lifetime to catapult himself into an elected position he wants.