47 Thoughts to “Open Thread Week beginning Monday June 21”

  1. Starryflights

    Team USA needs only to win on Wednesday against Algeria to advance to the next round. I’ll be there! Europe’s teams have been disappointing. The South American teams have yet to lose, and neither has Mexico. I believe we’ll beat Algeria but we’ll have to play much better to beat any of the S American teams.

  2. Thanks for that update, Starry flights. When are you coming home?

  3. marinm

    Go Team USA!!! Saw that FIFA rated the ref as ‘poor’ and he’ll probably be excluded from further matches. Now, we need to find his lil’ country on the map and bomb it.

    The French went traditional and surrendered at the first sign of resistance.

    New Zealand.. Wow.. Very well done. 🙂

    In local news.. Rahm is on his way out. That capped off my weekend.

  4. Emma

    @marinm That was good news, to hear that the foul-mouthed, bullying thug is on his way out of the White House.

    Never let it be said that I NEVER praise this President on anything he does. Getting rid of Rahm is a good start.

  5. hello

    The French surrendering at the first sign of resistance in the World Cup wasn’t a surprise to me. I suppose it’s why French tanks only have one gear…. reverse.

  6. hello

    Apparently Rahm is part French as well, looks like he is going to be quiting instead of being kicked out by Obama. What does that say about the most transparent and ethical administration in America’s history when someone like Rahm quits?


  7. Emma

    Somehow I doubt he is leaving voluntarily.

  8. marinm

    I doubt it would shock anyone here but I like Justice Scalia and I wanted to share with you some of the words he shared with a local graduating class.

    On Thursday, Justice Antonin Scalia gave the commencement address at Langley High School, in Virginia, where his granddaughter was graduating. An excerpt:

    “[A] platitude I want discuss comes in many flavors. It can be variously delivered as, ‘Follow your star,’ or ‘Never compromise your principles.’ Or, quoting Polonius in ‘Hamlet’ — who people forget was supposed to be an idiot — ‘To thine ownself be true.’ Now this can be very good or very bad advice. Indeed, follow your star if you want to head north and it’s the North Star. But if you want to head north and it’s Mars, you had better follow somebody else’s star.

    “Indeed, never compromise your principles. Unless, of course, your principles are Adolf Hitler’s. In which case, you would be well advised to compromise your principles, as much as you can.

    “And indeed, to thine ownself be true, depending upon who you think you are. It’s a belief that seems particularly to beset modern society, that believing deeply in something, and following that belief, is the most important thing a person could do. Get out there and picket, or boycott, or electioneer, or whatever. I am here to tell you that it is much less important how committed you are, than what you are committed to. If I had to choose, I would always take the less dynamic, indeed even the lazy person who knows what’s right, than the zealot in the cause of error. He may move slower, but he’s headed in the right direction.

    “Movement is not necessarily progress. More important than your obligation to follow your conscience, or at least prior to it, is your obligation to form your conscience correctly. Nobody — remember this — neither Hitler, nor Lenin, nor any despot you could name, ever came forward with a proposal that read, ‘Now, let’s create a really oppressive and evil society.’ Hitler said, ‘Let’s take the means necessary to restore our national pride and civic order.’ And Lenin said, ‘Let’s take the means necessary to assure a fair distribution of the goods of the world.’

    “In short, it is your responsibility, men and women of the class of 2010, not just to be zealous in the pursuit of your ideals, but to be sure that your ideals are the right ones. That is perhaps the hardest part of being a good human being: Good intentions are not enough. Being a good person begins with being a wise person. Then, when you follow your conscience, will you be headed in the right direction.”

  9. hello

    Apparently Obama’s labor chief thinks that illegal immigrants deserve the right to ‘fair pay’:


    I think that this give a good perspective on how the Obama administration views the illegal immigration issue. Instead of doing something about it they are pushing for them to get paid more.

  10. Equal pay for equal work. Wow. What a concept.

    Do is it a good thing if we have one tier of workers being paid one thing and an under-class of workers being paid something else?

    Didn’t think so. It leads to corruption, crime, and other nasty things.

  11. Yep. They should have the appropriate pay. Let them go back to their own countries and fight for it and improve THEIR economies. Hiring illegal aliens in order to save money is, WAIT FOR IT…..illegal. Supporting illegal aliens with sanctuary laws encourages MORE illegal pay schemes, that, in some cases, is slavery.

    Perhaps if their pay goes up, companies will STOP HIRING THEM ALL TOGETHER! Woo hoo! Might as well hire legal residents and save yourself the trouble.

    1. I believe that is an unspoken point being made. @ cargo. The illegal pay schemes are wrong, hurt our economy and business and cheat illegal workers.

      The go back and fight for it is an unrealistic goal.

  12. marinm

    Cargo, I would argue even with domestic legal or legalized workers the idea of ‘equal pay for equal work’ sounds great in theory but doesn’t work in practice.

    I have coworkers that smoke. I don’t. Should they be forced to give back some of there income to the company as theft? Should I be able to go home earlier to compensate? What if two employees are paid the same salary — does that mean we’re going to have the same work ‘quality’? What if I’m better? Should my salary be reduced to compensate for the other employees poor work or work ethic?

    How about we let the employee and the employer negotiate with each other for what they feel combined is a fair salary. Why get the govt involved?

    Thats why I don’t buy into this arguement that women get paid pennies on a man’s dollar. Doesn’t make sense to me at all. Negotiate for a higher salary. If you don’t get what you want go to a company that’ll align better with your salary goals.

    1. @ Marin, that has equalled out a lot…the pennies on a man’s dollar but trust me, it was very true for many years. Then there was the time in the not really too distant past were women simply were not allowed to do most of the professional jobs men were hired to do.

      You need a reality check. People just can’t change jobs on a whim in this tight economy. Most people are laying very low and not rocking the boat. These are not time to go around being Mr. or Mrs. Negotiation.

      Equal pay for equal work isn’t really a bad concept and it is a good goal to strive for.

  13. Marin,

    I actually agree with you. My answer was tongue in cheek. Minimum wage laws have killed the entry job market. Well, almost tongue in cheek. Mandatory high wage levels on all illegal immigrants to guarantee them a living wage! That’ll work! I mean, its killed jobs every else its been mandated…..

  14. hello

    Equal pay for equal work is great, for those legal to work in this country. I don’t think you get the point Moon, the point is that they (the Obama adminstration) are not just ignoring the fact that it’s illegal for an ‘undocumented’ person to work here but they are encouraging it by promising to get them higher pay.

    I’m sorry but I have a problem with my government encouraging illegal behavior.

  15. PWC Taxpayer

    Ah, on equal pay – you are all right. It was wrong in the past – my family sufferred it in the schools when it was raw discrimination. And it is my view that illegals are facilitating the continuation of the issue by being willing to undermine the concept though illegal – sub -equal hiring.

    But lets not loose sight of the real agenda here – when raised by our good democratic friends. The real issue here is equality of pay for similar jobs and the equality of pay for workers – read that as a living wage and pay hikes. OK, your smart and all that but your job does not take such a toll on one’s body – so we are equal – its is right around the progressive/communist corner.

  16. Hello, I don’t think YOU get it…that isn’t what she said. That is what you wanted to hear.

    The labor dept is trying to shut down cheats and people who are not paying fair wage. You are aware that some people will work a full week and then an unscrupulous employer doesn’t pay or changes the amount on them?

    TP, I don’t understand you communist corner remark. Unlike you, I don’t see little tiny communists under every rock.

    I don’t think most democrats want it, regardless of what you just said.

  17. PWC Taxpayer

    The incremental approach to our loss of freedom, individualism, property rights, more government control, the right to be a jerk – without some federal regulation – like the new Fairness Doctrine or smoking or health care – is the danger. Obama with not turn into Chavez overnight – but, you have to agree, he is morphing in that direction. He does lie.

    Do you have a line in the sand – how far will you go? What would be the final straw for you.

  18. hello

    Speaking of Obama lying… again. Do you remember when they were cramming healthcare down our throats? The president came out over and over again to say that the individual mandate is NOT a tax. Well, in response to being sued over the mandate they are now saying that it is tax, however, there is no mention of it being a tax in the bill.

    This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. I think that the mandate will be going away thus rendering Obamacare useless.


  19. starryflights

    Germany Rejects Obama’s Call on Growth, Stoking G-20 Conflict

    By Rainer Buergin – Jun 21, 2010

    Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government rebuffed U.S. calls to focus on bolstering growth over debt reduction, setting a course for conflict at the Group of 20 summit in Canada this week.

    “Nobody can seriously dispute that excessive public debts, not only in Europe, are one of the main causes of this crisis,” Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told reporters in Berlin today alongside Merkel. “That’s why they have to be reduced.”


    Very sobering stuff.

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again, we won’t reduce deficits by ignoring Social Security and Medicare. We must deal with them and both political parties have failed to do so.

  20. TP, smoking and fairness doctrine were here long before Obama hit the scene. You gotta ask yourself why a smoking president would ban smoking.

  21. marinm

    Holy crap. I agree with something Starry posted. 🙂

    The link you provided is a good kick to the jimmy, Starry. Thank you for that. There is a big ol’ crap sandwich that we’ve been neglecting and we’re gonna have to take a bite soon.

  22. Did you see that? There was a pig. In the sky. Flying………
    Yep, I agree with Starry on this one too.

    In an unrelated thing…. For the troops

    For those near DC:

    UCV has a post about supporting the troops by getting them tickets or by going to the game. ConcreteBob, my blog partner is very involved with the troops.

    “Also, we have one week until the WNBA Washington Mystics play the Phoenix Mercury at the Verizon Center in DC. I’ll be there manning a table, and we should have some “interesting” people dropping by. If you can’t make it, please help send a Warrior and his family to the game by clicking the link at the top of the page and buying a ticket for a soldier. You’ll be helping Warrior Legacy Foundation and Cooking with the Troops continue our missions of supporting those who gave so much and ask for nothing.”

    and Nat’l Geo is showing a movie about our troops in Afghanistan:

    “Tankerbabe and Uncle Jimbo both asked me to remind everyone about the National Geographic special “Restrepo” previewing in DC on 28 June.


    You are invited if you’re in the neighborhood.”

    That’s a movie I’d love to go see but won’t “be in the neighborhood.” Since you guys live up that way, kinda…….

  23. I am worried about all 3 of you ….being in agreement. Scary.

    Cargo, what happened with your War Museum? Was the zoning change tabled?

  24. Starryflights

    Tea party split in Utah Republican Senate primary

    By BROCK VERGAKIS, Associated Press Writer Brock Vergakis, Associated Press Writer – 40 mins ago
    SALT LAKE CITY – Utah tea party supporters united in May to achieve one goal: defeat three-term U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett at the Republican state convention.

    They succeeded in that, but settling on his successor has proved harder.

    Illustrating how fractured the tea party movement is in Utah, one of the founders of the state’s tea party movement, David Kirkham, endorsed front-runner Tim Bridgewater on Monday. Attorney Mike Lee, 38, had already picked up the support of the California-based Tea Party Express, which is weighing in on primary races nationwide.


    har har

  25. I stay confused now by tea party candidates. They are beating the conservatives. Could someone help me out here?

  26. marinm

    What’s confusing MH? Maybe we can help ya out.

  27. clueless

    Thank you, I hope the class of 2010 can impart this valuable lesson on their parents.

  28. marin, I dont have to vote for them so I wont worry about it. But if I need help I will ask you. Bank on it! Thanks!

  29. @Moon-howler
    Haven’t heard. I was just passing on the info from Concrete Bob. He’s the one involved. I think that no news is good news.

    As to the Tea Party members beating “conservatives,” the ones being beaten are only conservative in relation to the Democrats. Bennett supported many liberal bills. RedState has more detailed info on the Tea Party candidates. What is happening is that the GOP chickens are coming home to roost. Since many GOP politicians refused to live up to their professed ideals, and the Tea Party has enabled citizens to become more involved, those citizens are getting involved. Now, the test will be whether they win the general elections. I think that the day of changing your principles to keep your office is drawing to a close on the conservative side. Many conservatives are tired of playing defense and are willing to take a stand, even though that stand may not get them elected. For them, its not about going along to get along.
    Also, these conservatives are not basing their politics on social conservatism, but on smaller government conservatism. Many social conservatives are actually big government progressives. They just want government to enforce THEIR philosophies. Some are finally realizing that if you want to fight the culture wars, doing by government mandate is a losing proposition. One has to convince others through the value of the argument. Any other way restricts liberty.

  30. Unfortunately, the social conservatism goes along with it most of the time.

  31. Social conservatives that are small government proponents, if they are intellectually honest, know that government can’t help them. However, remember, their ideas, taken together, is contrary to the current liberal policies. Tea Party priorities are not the imposition of social conservatism.

  32. The USA just won against Algeria. They had to win or go home!!!!!

    Bill Clinton was at the game. Was Starry Flights there?

  33. But Cargo, some of us have to worry about social conservative policy. I would never vote for someone who thought the Grand Canyon was only 7,000 years old. I am pro-choice and believe strongly in stem cell research. I also believe people have the right to die with digity. I could go on and on. Even though those things might not be on the front burner with the tea party candidates, they often believe opposite from me if pushed. So they won’t generally get my vote.

  34. Moon,

    That’s not a surprise, nor do I expect you to be a supporter of the Tea Party. Tea Party members, or as I like to call us, “Teahadists” are primarily concerned with the current or future overreach by the federal government, the insane spending, and a return to Constitutional rule. If you have other priorities, then the Tea Party isn’t for you.

    Those priorities are what’s compelling citizens to challenge and beat incumbent in both parties. There are Tea Party members that feel the way you do, just that they see the dangers of the actions of the current crop of incompetents in office and feel that the idea of a completely bankrupt country trumps any future policy conflicts on abortion and federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Tea Party members fear that current policies, albeit begun BEFORE the current president, (but he put them on steroids) are a danger to the country.

  35. OH, forgot. If you are afraid of “social conservative” programs, then the Tea Party supports LIMITED government, which, if it succeeds, would not have the power to implement social programs. Limited government removes the money that corrupts, the winner take all mentality, and returns civility to political discourse. Its only when government becomes almost all powerful that the hostility becomes necessary because the stakes become outrageously high.

  36. marinm


    Maywood to hire others to run the city
    The L.A. County community, facing a $450,000 budget deficit, plans to lay off its employees, disband its Police Department and contract its operations to the Sheriff’s Department and the neighboring city of Bell. Experts say it is the only city in the state to take such drastic action.

    Now, I’m not trying to start ANOTHER immigration thread but it’s interesting to note that Maywood was a Californian “sanctuary city”.

  37. RingDangDoo

    BP is trying to put the cap back on the wellhead.

    Live video feed is here…


  38. Nuke it from orbit. Its the only way to be sure…..

  39. Starryflights

    Team USA wins against Algeria, in dramatic fashion! This was one for the ages! Trying to get tix to the next game.

    Here is a local take on the game and the “Yanks”

    Yanks never give up, china!

    As in every good Hollywood blockbuster, their heroes endure every calamity known to man, survive many injustices and save their country with mere seconds remaining before complete destruction. On Wednesday in Pretoria, the US soccer team pretty much followed that recipe: the match ended US 1, Algeria 0.


  40. Poor Richard

    Think you are having a rough day?

    “Wake County man hit by lightning – then mauled by bear”

    ( Raleigh News&Observer headline)

    No doubt the Foxy folks will claim it was Obama’s fault.

  41. Poor Richard

    Manassas City Police Dept. press release issued today
    states a 1992 green Honda Civic was stolen from in
    front of a residence. 1992? 18-year old car and someone risk
    major jail time to snatch it? Thought my 1996 beater
    was immune from this stuff due to age – but not sure now.

    (Maybe Honda should do an ad?)

  42. An ad would be a great idea.

  43. Poor Richard

    Honda – nearly two decades out of the showroom and still a hot car!

  44. Rick Bentley

    I did 4 films a day for 4 days at the Silverdocs film festival. Saw some great films (and some horrible ones). Last night, saw “Restrepo” where the filmmakers were embedded with a small un it on the front line in Afghanistan – great stuff. They get it all – firefights, the stress of the fighting, dead soldiers and the reaction of their friends … really a great documentary. The combat footage is as affecting as “Saving Private Ryan”, but it’s real. That movie will be rolling out slowly into theatres in the coming weeks and I definitely recommend it.

    Anyway, I have to share this story. When the projector was out of order in the middle of “Freedom Riders” a young woman next to me said to the woman next to her – this is almost verbatim – after we had seen a bus firebombed and people beaten near death for being black –

    “This kind of stuff is still going on today. Like in that Prince George [sic] Virginia, where they have all these militia groups fighting to keep Latinos out of 7-11’s. Really, these militia guys are going around fighting to keep Latino people out of 7-11’s!”. I felt it was my civic duty to have words with her, and I did.

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