We are sitting on an historical gold mine. We are less than 2 hours from Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson.

No one owns Jefferson. Various political groups continue to try to lay claim to him. It won’t work. He truly was a man for all seasons. He was an imperfect man but he was one of the intellectual giants of his time. He, like most people of wealth, was a slave owner. He lost his fortunes. He didn’t spend wisely. He nearly lost his entire library. Perhaps he was better at giving advice than following it.

What isn’t found at Monticello can be found at the University of Virginia, mainly in Alderman Library. An original copy of the Declaration of Independence can be found there. To those who haven’t been to Monticello, do yourself a favor. You won’t regret it. The spirit of Jefferson is indeed in Monticello. You can feel it as you drive up the mountain.


4 Thoughts to “And a Happy 4th to you, Mr. Jefferson”

  1. This is the first thing I looked at when I woke up this morning. What a great way to start the 4th of July. thank you for sharing, M-H.

    I wish our Government would follow his ten rules (especially number 10 when it comes to war).

  2. Emma

    Love your holiday threads, Moon. Happy Independence Day!

  3. Thanks for putting these up Moon–we need it. We are once again reminded of the great sacrifices our forefathers made in order for us to be what we are today.

  4. Elena

    I love TJ and John Locke, where would we be without them.

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