Time for another free for all. For those interested in the City of Manassas, there was a great article in the Washington Post on Sunday about Councilman Steve Randolph and his 25 year of service to his community. The title of the article is 25-year council member Randolph reflects on changed Manassas. It is a great read. From what I hear, no one represents the City with any more zeal, gusto and energy than Mr. Randolph.
Here ya go–this should really stir up the anti-immigration folks who want to fence in the U.S.. Too long to put here so you must go to here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/16/AR2010071602720.html
The gist is that the fences have had the opposite effect–instead of keeping people out they are keeping them IN. The rule on unintended consequences rules supreme!
To my conservative brothers and sisters… I know it’s a DailyKOS article.. but, just take a look at it. Let it marinate in your mind some and enjoy it like a cup of hot coffee to start off your day as you work and slave for those on welfare and unemployment.
Hey anti-immigration folks–if the fence thingy doesn’t do ya–try this on for size: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/17/AR2010071701402.html
A Chinese couple are selling pregnant women tours for $1,475 so they can come here, have their “anchor babies” and then go back to China and save up enough so they can all come back eventually when baby grows up, comes to the U.S. and wants to unite his/her family. Does it get any better than this?
I agree–all us liberals should go out an buy guns to protect ourselves from the conservatives who want to rule the world. They don’t want you to do so to protect your right to free speech, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And if you don’t agree with them, they will take out their Second Amendment protected gun and blow you away–you socialist, unemployed welfare pigs.
@George S. Harris
@George S. Harris
Bad day?
“Good fences make good neighbors” — Robert Frost
Boy, when 120 million Nigerians and 40 million Congolese get ahold of George’s post #3, Katy bar the door!
Thanks for posting the first link, George, I missed that one. Really good points and I’d really like to read that guys book…
And for your second link…saw that one the other day. Very interesting. I guess maybe some people aren’t up in arms about it because it’s Asians with money getting the visa’s. However, I find it strange that $1,500 bux buys a visa for a wealthy pregnant Chinese woman, but there is no amount of money that a Central American can pay to get a visa…so they pay $5K to a coyote to get here. This goes back to my proposal for our neighbors to the south to pay $4K for a visa and then still have $1K left over to pay for a flight up here and get checked in through customs. The “rif raf” that I’ve heard some people refer to brown people as, already pay more to get here than a wealthy Chinese person and they still aren’t here legally and our government gets none of the money.
“Refudiate”…heh heh. What an imbecile.
Refudiate…Repudiate… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_xCeItxbQY
I don’t think it’s really about racism but about too much governmental power in the wrong hands.
I suspect you could be right. You got no dinero we don’t want you. There also are plenty of Chinese who come here illegally–no idea of how many, but they don’t wave flags, post signs on the remains of houses, etc. But they are not any better off and may be worse off the those from south of the border.
I suspect Mr. Frost would have to find some ways to make those words a little more palatable if he was around today. The whole thing is the fences aren’t working they way they were supposed to. Can’t build them high enough, deep enough, long enough to stop people. Secretary Napolitano said it best–Show me a fifty foot wall, I’ll show you a fifty-one foot ladder.
Ms Sherrod has been fired or forced to resign. Good.However, this incident happened in March. Funny how it just turned up at the same time there was a huge bruhaha going on with the Tea Parties and the NAACP. Hmmmm…do I smell a rat?
Did someone sit on this video until it was politically expedient to release it? Meanwhile, all sorts of white farmers have been at the mercy of this woman who used her job to mete out government help based on race?
Shame on whoever kept this video under wraps until the right moment, if that is indeed what happened. I sincerely hope someone proves me wrong here.
That would be an excellent idea, Twinad. Everyone wins and we could pay off some of the deficit.
Why would she be given the option to retire? I smell a rat too.
Actually, probably not.
Frost was a known curmudgeon. He probably would be one of those who grumble about people speaking Spanish or having to deal with all those damn foreigners in China Town.
The difference is, Frost probably would have been grumpy across the board…or borders, as it may be.
TP, I agree. She should not have been given that option to retire. She should have just been zapped. I just want to know why it took this long for the video to surface. Someone held on to it for more than 3 months.
Actually, I put up the video not to address the racism present (I acknowledge it but that’s not my point) but that when you give people power (she had power over 1B in spending) that power corrupts.
It’s an arguement for smaller government. If people want to argue the racism angle – ok with me – but I see it as government run amok (and they have to hire contractors to run the mok cause thats a specialized skill)
And here is another example, which I was taken to task over on this blog. OMG we have — at least by the WashPost’s estimate — almost one third of our intellegence work being done by contractors. One third — and it costs so much more. Note that they never say how they got that figure of contractors or its being 25 percent more costly – is it a Federal agency budget based cost comparison or reflective of the full cost to the taxpayer – it does make a big difference. Note too the almost word for word talking points taken from the AFGE about what is inherenlty governmental and should therefore be performed only by federal employees. Those intel agencies have done us wrong– shoulda relied — more– on long-term, can’t move replace or fire federal employees! How much more – 100 percent?
Is anybody else incensed by this? Its not about the quality of work, the flexibility, the ability to change directions, switch resources and dollars around, the creativity, technology, the experience or economy or efficiency that these contractor brought to bear at all – instead its about the number of Feds and the “fact” that senior political decision makers in this Administration are willing and comfortable questioning the patriotic loyalty of our intel contract workforce.
This is one of those WP expose’s that takes a political agenda and then selectively encases it in data and a story – arguing for bigger, less transparant and less productive Government – and more federal jobs in DC.
I have a lot of opinions I’d like to share about the WPost article but I can’t and must leave it at that.
oh, my goodness, Glenn Beck is going blind…reminds me of Rush going deaf…..
Interesting story out of southern Virginia.. BTW, calling him a ‘cop’ is charitable as he was in-house store security. But, you gotta love the bottom part of the story. The guy isn’t even a citizen and already knows about his RKBA. 🙂
Valley View mall cop cleared in shooting during pursuit of shoplifting suspect
TP, so if we don’t agree with you then you feel you have been ‘taken to task?’
This is old news, but the feature on the MedCottages in the Post today was interesting. A minister in Salem, VA came up with the idea.
Wonder what my neighbors would think if I installed 2 of them, one for each elderly mother-in-law.
George, I bet that, in another time and place, Janet Napolitano would have said the same thing to Hadrian.
Pinko — You have shocked me. I thought it was a matter of all poets sticking together against the world. As I recall, Robert Frost was John F. Kennedy’s favorite poet. He even gave a poetry recitation at the swearing-in ceremony. Girl, you could get expelled from the United Poets Society of the World for such an indiscretion!!!!!!
Pat, Glenn is over his blindness and is heavily into defending the woman everyone was vilifying yesterday…the woman who was speaking at the NAACP. It seems that now she is innocent since she lost her job. Now she is being picked on and not given a chance by big bad Obama.
Rangel put his annual bill for reinstating the draft. Again. He is SUCH a hypocrite.
He should just vote to de-fund any war related bills. Put his money where his mouth is, instead of putting out his canards about poor desperate people signing up because they don’t have jobs…..
I “refutiate” him here:
I need to apologize to Shirley Sherrod for any comments I made about her guilt. I believed a deliberate lie. That lie was totally evil.
I see where Greg Letiecq has published the official Tea Party Prayer. http://www.bvbl.net/index.php/2010/07/21/the-tea-party-prayer/ I wonder if you recite the prayer with your hand on the head of the Barack Obama lawn jockey Greg advertised on his blog if God would strike you down with a bolt of lightening for being a pompous hypocrite?
On a different note, I don’t know if anyone saw Charlie Rangel on the NBC Evening News belittling Luke Russert … what a jerk. With Dems like Rangel and Massa and John Edwards and Elliott Spitzer it’s hard to argue that all the fault lies on the side of the far right … the left doesn’t have completely clean hands.