Senator Scott Brown is impressive. He was ushered in to take the Massachusetts Senate seat held by Edward Kennedy for decades. Brown also was supported by the local tea party from that region. He ran as a Republican and appears to be his own person, which is refreshing.
Sharron Angle(NV) , Carl Paladino(NY), and Christine O”Donnell (DE) are NOT impressive. The women mentioned are far right social extremists who simply do not reach the mainstream voter. O’Donnell has some fairly well documented ethics problems. She is not new to politics. Carl Paladino comes out of the gate with pornographic email issues and a problem with racists remarks and jokes. Angle performs so poorly in front of the media her handlers kept her away from it just to preserve her campaign. She has said she will debate Harry Reid.
If the tea party wants to convince the American voter of its prowess and concern for the country, it will have to do a better job offering up candidates. From an outsider’s point of view, it looks like the tea party is trotting out old, well used, candidates like O’Donnell who appeared on the Bill Maher Show in the late 90’s. Frankly, the set of three winners look ridiculous. If they manage to pull off a win and actually go to the Senate, then the American people will look ridiculous. Right now, it appears that Beck and Palin are the leadership and the chosen are Angle, O’Donnell, and Paladino. That selection might appeal to the tea party masses but it doesn’t to the people who aren’t part of a special interest group. In fact, most I have talked to laughed, and then got very quite because of their concern for their country.
If the tea party wants to reach American voters, they are going to have to throw in behind candidates who are properly vetted by someone, anyone, and they are going to have to offer up candidates who address fiscal responsibility issues as a main platform, rather than these extremist social conservatives who just talk the talk about fiscal conservatism. Regardless of the mood of the country, we need more Scott Browns and no people who are just jokes. These lastest ‘winners’ are a sure fired way to have defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
There’s also Marc Rubio, Ken Buck, Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, and others. Not all of the candidates will be perfect. Not all of them will be elected. But, that’s the nature of American politics. Look at the mess we’re in with the “smart people” and the “experts” running things. It would hard to do worse.
at least none of the tea party candidates ever crashed a car into a pool of water and walked away while his partner drowned in the passenger seat. at least none of the tea party candidates ever was a grand cleagle or whatever in the kkk. let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
we shall see in november what exactly a ‘mainstream voter’ really is. to say that the american people will appear ridiculous if they vote for this bunch? in my opinion the american people appeared ignorant and uninformed for voting in the sorry lot we are stuck with right now in the white house and congress. how’s that hope and change working out?
Some how they are taking back stage. Rand Paul is scary to me. I don’t know anything about the others other than name recognition.
The ones who won Tues. that are getting all the attention really are not who I would want representing me. I guess Angle won before that didn’t she? I just saw her on TV yesterday so she was fresh on my mind. I can’t even remember who was interviewing her.
I never crashed a car into a pool of water and I never was a grand cleagle.
What’s the point? Both men you are referring to are dead. AS for Senator Byrd, what can the man do other than apologize and say he was wrong. What is it that you want from him? He did a great deal for people of all races during his life as a senator.
We can’t even take him out and shoot him now.
Moon, we don’t expect any of the Tea Party candidates to be attractive to you. You don’t seem to support the platform of the Tea Party. You are not a Teahadist.
As to the qualifications…well, the American public has awakened and realized that being a Senator or Representative, or even President, is not rocket science.
When the likes of Charlie Rangel, Boxer, Pelosi, Reid, Graham, Cynthia McKinney, Maxine Waters, Corey Stewart 🙂 , Obama, Spectre, etc, can make a living at this, then ANYONE can.
At this rate, picking people randomly from phone books across the country would work better.
i dont care what byrd did or didn’t do, it’s the double standard that is unacceptable. the lions of the left get, well, lionized, while conservative icons get trashed and every embarassing indiscretion of theirs is trumpeted as proof of their lack of character, qualifications, etc. macaca anyone?
Scott Brown is not unattractive to me…in all senses of the word.
And no, I am not a teahadist. I thought that the point was to chose BETTER people. I don’t see that happening with the three I named.
I will oppose any of the social conservatives who are dragging their religious beliefs to be part of public policy. I also hate the sound bites. Now, if someone wants to start talking about not funding NCLB that has piled billions of dollars of obligation onto local jurisdictions, states, and the federal government, then I will start listening.
Saying stop spending just doesn’t cut it with me and I truly think most people who say that are just parroting and have no freaking clue what they are talking about.
See, that’s what the Tea Party is talking about. You don’t know the particulars of the Tea Party members, Tea Party members here have explained different small spending ideas, and yet, you say “truly think most people who say that are just parroting and have no freaking clue what they are talking about.”
Does that apply to those people that voted for Obama’s “Hope and Change?” As to the social conservatives values, how is bring their values to the arena of ideas different than having liberals “dragging their religious beliefs” to the policy arena? Both are collections of values. I find many liberal values to be just as offensive and just as pushy. I’m assuming in this case, that your talking about abortion. Or are there other “religious values” that you find offensive, when added to the public policy? And it doesn’t need be religious. I know atheists that are against abortion. Its about valuing human life over the desires of a woman to have an abortion. The courts decided that a woman’s access to abortion trumped any rights an unborn child has. That is also a form of “dragging values.”
Explained to whom? Each other? They need to be selling those ideas, going from point A to point B and stop with the sound bites.
And I truly mean what I say about no clue what they are talking about. Maybe some people do know…but the sales job needs a little work.
I am not talking about Obama. Screw hope and change. Why is that even being brought up. I have not compared anyone to Obama.
What liberals have dragged their religious beliefs to the table? I am unaware that has happened.
As you guard your second amendment rights, I guard the first.
And no, I wasn’t limiting my opinion to just abortion. Abortion is just a flag ship issue to appeal to everyone’s emotions. There is a long list of other abuses.
And I totally disagree about right to abortion trumping any rights of the fetus. 2nd and 3rd trimester laws are completely different from 1st trimester laws. Viability pretty much switches the tables from woman’s right to fetus rights.
As for dragging values….BS.
I don’t want someone else’s religious values as part of policy. The Kennedy speech is still up. Do you agree or disagree with him? How about bishops threatening politicians with refusal of sacrements? That sure seems intrusive to me. In fact, it enrages me.
Hey, Tea Party folks,
Do me a favor: Flush your priciples down the toilet and get right on Moon’s suggestions, here…,OK?
Why so much TP hate on this site? I don’t get it. They bring diversity of throught to the political process. How is that bad?
We’ve experimented with this idea that bigger government would be better for the last century, lets CHANGE and do something else. Let’s try limited government. Smaller limited government that only provides the core basics of govt and nothing else.
Let the TP or whomever run whomever they want in whatever manner they want and let the voters decide. It’s almost as if posters on here are scared that the electorate might just hire some of these people….
e, that is applying victim mentality. Do you recall anyone defending John Edwards?
Slowpoke, you just gave me another reason to question ttp. If nclb isn’t against their principals then that explains why the silence on the subject has been overwhelming.
When I start hearing actual plans then I will listen. I haven’t heard a lot of those. Perhaps you and others frequent places I don’t go.
Were you referring to the tea party here, or the current administration? It’s a little confusing.
Cargo and Slowpoke – philosophically and politically I’m with you. I agree with most of the public Tea Party positions on issues such as the debt, big government, bailouts, stimulus spending, taxes, etc. I have trouble when some of them identify with John Birch Society conspiracy theories, however.
Even if you don’t agree with Moon’s views on many of these issues, you must acknowledge that she is making some very good practical points. I think I was trying to say the same thing in my post yesterday. It does us no good to nominate or even elect someone who is far extreme from the political mainstream, or who is essentially an ignoramus who will embarrass us once elected and harm the overall credibility of the Tea Party and broader conservative movements.
We must have some due diligence and vetting of candidates. I supported Corey Stewart until he threw his land use and fiscal responsibility supporters under the bus. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I doubt that Angle and O’Donnell will turn out to be as corrupt as Stewart – they seem sincere in the views they espouse – but their knowledge and understanding of the issues is paper thin. They are sound bite candidates even if you agree with the sound bites you hear from them.
I want solid, experienced conservatives who can handle themselves in a debate with someone like Harry Reid, and who have the potential for accomplishments for the conservative cause over the long run. If we don’t produce that sort of candidate and elected official, we’ll soon be right back where we are now even if Republicans and conservatives enjoy a tsunami election on November 2, 2010.
As I wrote yesterday, I had hoped that McCain would have chosen Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison as his running mate. She is not as exciting or flamboyant as Sarah Palin, but she is conservative, experienced, very knowledgeable of the issues, and someone who I think could have very competently stepped into the presidency if necessary.
Regrettably, McCain and his staff failed to exercise adequate due diligence in vetting their choice of a running mate and came up with Palin. Palin is great on the speaking circuit and rousing up crowds at conservative rallies, but the fear of her being ill-equipped to serve as president I have no doubt cost John McCain many votes. I hope my conservative friends who are Tea Party activists do not try to get Palin nominated as the Republican in 2012 because if they succeed Obama would be able to count on a second term.
For example, Mitt Romney would not be as conservative as I would like as President, but I would support him strongly for the nomination over Palin. I prefer a Romney presidency infinitely over a Palin suicide mission that would all but guarantee a second Obama term.
NTK and I certainly don’t agree on many views, but I agree with what he has just said. And I don’t disagree with him on Kay Bailey Hutchinson. She would have made an excellent VP.
Part of the problem is the political parties themselves. TTP are singling out elected officials to blame rather than looking at how the system works. Bills are imbedded in other bills, Lawmakers are forced to vote things down they might otherwise supported because something was attached that was so unacceptable. No one ever hears about that.
The overall naivete about the crash of 2008 is crushing. Why would I listen to some bloke on the street about an economic meltdown that was on the precipice of being as horrible as the crash of 1929? Why would I listen to someone in a three cornered hat, blowing a fife, rather than Paulson and Bernake who have devoted a lifetime to studying the economy? Paulson might have saved this nation, but where is the thanks he gets? He doesn’t expect it. He already has more money than God.
marin, I don’t think you are seeing hate on of the tea party on this blog, although if I have a steady diet of Palin, Beck, O’Donnell, and Angle, I could up the level of disgust real fast. What I see is a man whose stability I seriously question who appeals to millions of people who want a leader and 3 socially conservative women who realize they aren’t going to sell the American people on their social values so they have thrown in some actual governance and fiscal rhetoric. The thing is, not one of the women has demonstrated that she has much understanding of anything to do with governing. And Beck hires researchers. Even then I disagree with much he says, especially regarding his analysis of history.
If candidates like O’Donnell and Angle keep getting elected, don’t be surprise when the rest of us laugh…right before we cry.
Limbaugh is now trying to play the woman card. Where was he when Hillary was running. Rush is the biggest fool of all.
mh, john edwards was fathering a child with another woman while his wife was suffering from cancer. it took the national enquirer to release the story since the mainstream media was not willing to embarrass a prominent democrat politician
A second Obama term… about suicide missions!!
Moon, you and I are on the same page again. TARP was different than the massive spending and borrowing Obama and his people have embarked on. The trouble with explaining why TARP was necessary is that very complex issues relating to banking and the financial system are involved that do not lend themselves to sound bite explanations. That comment is not a jab at the intelligence of Tea Party people who might now oppose TARP and other measures used to rescue the financial system. I’m saying only that we would need much more time and a different forum to explain fully to any person of normal intelligence what was going on and why TARP was absolutely necessary.
Suffice it to say that had Paulson, Bernanke, Bush and subsequently Obama, Geitner and others not done what they did, the financial system would have collapsed and our situation now would be at least as bad, likely worse, than the Great Depression.
I don’t like TARP and the other measures that were needed to rescue the financial system either. However, they can be likened to taking very bad tasting medicine that you need to save your life. Policies and legislation over many decades helped create the conditions that led ultimately to the 2008 crisis. In 2008, policy-makers stopped the hemorrhaging and saved the patient.
Our task now is rehabilitation. We must correct the errors, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and repeal of Glass-Steagall, that led to the crisis. Regrettably, the financial reform legislation for which I held out much hope, failed to address the underlying problems of “too big to fail” and other weaknesses that could lead to another collapse. The Basel III requirements announced this week with measures such as increasing bank capital requirements will certainly help, but we still have a long way to go.
Stimulus spending, “cash for” programs, enormous debt, tax hikes, lack of restraint in spending, etc. are a different matter altogether. They represent fiscal irresponsibility that began running amok under Bush II and that Obama has continued with reckless abandon. That’s where we need credible new conservative leaders who will reverse the course we are on.
I think some of the problem might be that no one really knows WHAT to do to fix things. There is no model.
I was able to push politics aside over the crash. Thank goodness those in a decision-making position were also able to take the high road. It was an extremely serious situation. I give George Bush high marks for deferring to those who able to understand what was going on enough to apply triage. He did so at great personal risk to his legacy.
e, no one else had the story but the inquirer. They don’t exactly have the reputation that makes one sit up and take notice. They usually cater to splash tabloid stories like My Mother was Abducted by an Alien’s Second Cousin.
I don’t believe in deflection politics. Kenndy ruined any chance he had of the presidency. Chappaquiddick has taken on a life of its own. The truth is, no one knows what really happened. All we know is there was drinking and there was an accident. All the myth and legends that arose are unsubstantiated. If he was that unacceptable after it, wouldn’t the people of MA gotten rid of him?
Byrd belonged to the KKK briefly. I think a person has to have a little better grasp of WV politics to be able to understand all that. WV politics are unique. Questionable racial belief and behavior aren’t a stranger to either party. Different times have produced different levels of acceptability as to behavior. Do we want evaluate the US Military by its treatment of American Indians.
We learn from those things and move on.
it’s my understanding that lots of media folks were aware of the edwards affair, but they were sitting on it until the enquirer broke the story and so reluctantly everyone else had no choice but to spill it too. at least, that’s how limbaugh broke it down for me…
Limbaugh will do or say anything to make himself a buck.
Of course I don’t know for certain but I always thought that everyone laughed at the Inquirer because it had such a tabloid rep. No one took them seriously and of course, Mrs. Edwards denied.
Pretty much, what Mrs. Edwards said ruled, as it should have.
actually, limbaugh has been very consistent in his political views. he was just discussing how back in 92 he supported buchanan over bush 41 in the primaries because buchanan was the more conservative candidate (of course, once bush won the nomination, limbaugh supported him over slick willie)
It has started. The criticism over Angle and O’Donnell (and to some degree, Palin) is being met with a backlash of people dropping the woman card. Rush is trying to cash in on it too. I am drowning in hypocrisy. Rush, Mr. Misogynist himself, calling out others on this subject?
I would be just as scathing if Palin, O’Donnell and Angle were men. Uninformed and ‘shouldn’t run for office’ isn’t unique to either gender.
I was a lone voice in the wind when Hillary was running. The hue and cry wasn’t heard until SP came on the scene. The new slogan, I hear, is ‘nuts and sluts.’
The woman in South Carolina is the one who was truly a victim. The locker room boys went after her. What they did was unconscionable. Nikki Haley also has substance and is sharp. While I might not agree with her politics, I would never say she is not competent for public office. She is very competent.
O’Donnell and Angle are welterweights compared to Haley.
e, the only thing consistent about Limbaugh is his nasty meaness and his politics of personal destruction. Did he happen to mention how he once referred to Chelsey Clinton as the White House dog?
Limbaugh is a misogynist. I base this on things I have heard him say about women and girls that are very gender specific. I have heard his tone and content for over 20 years.
I hear Mike Castle didn’t call O’Donnell and congratulate her, like a man would, but instead called Obama and Biden (probably to beg for a job). He’s been lashing out and whining like a little boy. He’s a class act, that one!
M-h, why is it that as women we’re expected to support any female candidate regardless of how stupid or fringe she is? Are we all viewed as the same because of our anatomy? Do men expect us to vote as they did – for their gender, for white males? It’s like the darkside when a thread is created because one African-American male spoke at a Tea Party – that’s supposed to represent the larger African-American population, I suppose.
How many TPers are satisfied or happy with Dick Armey’s and the Koch brothers’ control of the Tea Party? Think it’s really grassroots?
Those candidates mentioned ARE and HAVE BEEN talking about economic and fiscal issues. It’s just that our “faux MSM” and their associated “progressive” pundits prefer to focus on any mention of the social issues and on anything which they deem to be an avenue toward the politics of personal destruction aimed at conservative and Tea Party-supported candidates. It has taken a very long time; but many voters are now calling them on their game. With regard to O’Donnell, these people can jabber all they want about the pros and cons of masturbation and problems with young people trying to pay off huge student loans. Many of the rest of us are focusing inter alia on that huge tower of national debt which, according to economist after economist, domestic and international, is not sustainable.
I agree with the Poke. Castle is now demonstrating exactly why conservatives and Tea Party people turned thumbs down on him. No class whatsoever.
Censored, I for one am not controlled by Dick Armey and the “Koch brothers” (guess I’ll have to Google to see who they are). In one paragraph you rail against the generalization that all men believe women would vote automatically for female candidates just because they are female. Then you do a 180 and suggest that Tea Party people may be in the Rasputin-like clutches of Armey or whomever. Sorry, friend, but you are barking up the wrong tree there on both counts.
I listened to a debate on NPR this morning on what the Tea Party stands for between Toby Marie Walker, lead facilitator for the Waco Tea Party, and Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association. Walker was very focused on economic issues, taxes and government overreach (Taxed Enough Already?) Fischer seemed to be trying to back Walker into a corner by pushing the social agenda, mentioning several times the need for the Tea Party to take a stand against issues such as gay marriage (“the homosexual agenda”) and abortion, or otherwise risk dividing conservatives.
I was very pleased to see Walker hold her ground and focus on the common ground of fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets, rather than try to define the Tea Party by every far-right conservative stand out there. I had to go back to to get the quote that caught my attention while driving to work this morning:
I believe this is what mainstream America sees in the Tea Party, despite the best smear efforts of the MSM. And that’s why entrenched Republicans lost their primaries so badly. If they stick to this message and keep up the momentum, I think those TP candidates stand an excellent chance in November.
And it was announced today that an additional 4 million Americans have reached the poverty level, and foreclosures are at a record high. That cannot be good for the Democrats, either.
Emma, that’s an amazing quote!! I might steal it for my Facebook. 😉
Emma, what I see is cross overs or hybrids. Angle and O’Donnell are hybrids. I would say they are more like American Family Association who picked up Tea Party ideas because they knew they couldn’t talk anyone into American Family Association. O’Donnell as a long track record. She worked for Concerned Women of America.
Not everyone. The two I have just named.
It isn’t going to work to try to hang MSNBC on me. I record Rachel Maddow at 9 pm nightly. That’s pretty much it. Sometimes, when I have a strong stomach, I watch Joe Scarborough. I dislike Mika intensely, probably as much as I do Retchin’ Gretchen. If I could just see Joe in the mornings, I would be ok. So I either watch Squawk or Fox and Friends to get my fill of hate for the day. I love how Steve Doocy’s lips curl up on one side and his nostrils flare before he makes some jabbing comment about ‘liberals’ or the Obama administration.
As for Wolverine’s comments about they (TPP) have been talking about fiscal ideas…not in great detail and that was one of my points today. To say stop spending and to say make government smaller gives a caption, not an outline or detail of how to make that work. TPP have been mighty short on plan. Great on headlines, which are sound bites to me.
I don’t subscribe to tea party sites. If tea party wants to promote their ideas, then they need to see to the general public. They have not done that. Their guru hasn’t done a great job of that either, even with Mr. Chalkboard. I hear whats wrong and to steer away…I don’t hear how to do it.
Marin talks about what he would do. I don’t agree with him most of the time (sometimes I do) But I do know where he would start, much as I don’t like it.
Censored, I don’t know but I heard a lot of it today…how we should be ashamed of ourselves for woman bashing.
I had to change the channel. There is nothing in my psche that prepared me to think I had to ever vote for a person just because of their gender. I consider O’Donnell and Angle to be political incompetent. I would never consider supporting either. Same with Palin.
I do feel Palin is a good cheer leader and does stir up the base. That ability doesn’t qualify her for office, however.
Here’s a transcript of the program Emma mentioned. I heard a snippet this morning.
Wolverine, the fact that as a TP supporter you’ve never heard of the Koch brothers supports the argument that they’ve hidden their influence well. There are quite a few recent articles on them that can be found with the help of our friend Google.
Just to be clear about things, the Tea Party Express from CA that sent funding to Delaware is different from the Tea Party Patriots.
I only know because I did research on it today as others should before they feel they are experts.
@Moon-howler I really don’t want candidates who have spent their careers as dyed-in-the-wool Switzerlands on every issue that comes along. I would much rather that they have the integrity of their convictions, but that they prioritize finding the common ground of fixing the economy, limiting government and getting people back to work. I expect that what frustrates the left and the MSM especially is the fluid nature of the Tea Party, that they just can’t seem to fit all of it into one neat box, give it one cohesive leadership and make it stick. What at first were shocking allegations of widespread extremism and racism now just sound desperate and childish, and nobody is listening to that nonsense anymore.
Censored, if I have never heard of the “Koch brothers” and never read anything by or about them, why would you assume that I was somehow under their sub rosa influence? You guys are clutching at straws here. Is it not conceivable to you that many of us study the issues using a large variety of sources on both sides of the political aisle and make up our own minds?
Check out Bill 4 Dog Catcher’s post on this issue.
Bill Golden is a conservative with whom I often agree.
I have never heard of them either, Wolverine so make that one guy, not guys.
And I have to ask, respectfully, is it not conceivable to some of you all that I am not an MSNBC regular?
Emma, I am not sure govt. can fix the economy or get people back to work. I wish it could.
Where do we start limiting government? That is the conversation I have been trying to jump start for several days. I suggested dismantling NCLB. I thought that would be a good place to start and it is a largely unfunded mandate. Doing away with it would save the feds billions and the states billions. It would save localities millions. Then I would dissolve the Dept of Ed and make it an agency.
For my suggestion, I got ridiculed. I think saving billions is important. billions turn in to trillions. Plus NCLB has destroyed kids’s love of learning. Most have become great test takers….they can all color in bubbles.
Moon, you’ve just got to stop assuming that, every time I go after the “progressives” of the MSM, I am trying to hang them on you. Just ain’t so, blogmeister. I don’t mind you putting their jabberings on this blog. Saves me the time hunting them down and whacking back at them elsewhere. Also much more pleasant. The last time I looked at one of the direct sites, a protester against the viewpoint being expressed was told the following by another poster: “Now that you have expressed your stupid views, you can go back to f*****g your sister.” Do I need that? I prefer Moonhowlings karate chops with a lot more class.
That must be a favorite thing to say to people. I saw that someplace else recently. I guess that is the insult du jour? Do you think this is just young people who don’t know any better?
I will try to chop softly.
Paul Ryan put out a detailed plan to reduce the size, scope,and expenses of government. Unless you are a political junkie like us, you did not hear of it. The press will not cover it. Either it does not fit their agenda or its too boring and detailed.
As for candidates, coming from the citizenry, unless they have a degree in government, they will have to try and fix the size of government one program at a time as they discover it. And that’s IF they get elected. Right now, just STOPPING any expansion is good enough. One plan to limit government is called the Constitution. Force Congress to abide by its restrictions and government would be forced to shrink.
NCLB, Prescription Drug Plan, ObamaCare, Gov’t take over of industries, Abuse of the Commerce clause, the KELO decision, the bailouts, the abuse of TARP and the idiocy of giving the Treasury full control of it, the abrogation of responsibility by Congress on bills, laws, regulations, etc., pork, stimulus bills, bills passed unread and even unnamed, attaching bills to others so that one party can blame another for “not voting for it.”, the general arrogance of the “representatives”, the corruption and vote buying, the general lack of knowledge about the real world, the lack of knowledge about anything not within their bubble, the rank idiotic statements made by our so called “elites and experts.”, the refusal to secure our country, security theater, no-knock raids on houses, the “drug war” and its abuses, the insane tax laws, the hostility towards free enterprise, political correctness, outright lying to the American people, justifying horrible voting records so that the “right” person can be elected.
This is what’s wrong. Get rid of that, and we can work pretty well.
As to the Tea Party candidates….well, you fight with the army that you have. If we can get these supposed “solid, experienced conservatives who can handle themselves in a debate with someone like Harry Reid, and who have the potential for accomplishments for the conservative cause over the long run. ” where are they? Even in the Republican party? And even I could handle a debate with Reid. He’s an idiot. Most conservatives don’t run for office. They go into business. Its only the disaster that we have now that has forced conservatives to organize. Besides, the best, articulate, experienced, solid conservative we ever had, couldn’t get elected. Buckley’s charisma was of a different sort. Limbaugh could not get elected. Same thing. Beck? Even he freaks at the idea of him in office.
Right now, the populace is looking for answers in the general populace since the “experts” in Washington have screwed the pooch for so long and so badly that people are getting involved. They realize that if that idiot can get elected and run things, so can they.
Also, the population will not listen to articulate discussions of conservatism. ZZZZzzzz…..
Most wouldn’t know Russell Kirk or William F. Buckley from… well, their own representatives. Politics is sales. Sales are emotional. Buyers rationalize, in general, AFTER they buy. Voters do that too.
I conducted an experiment during vacation. I watched little broadcast news and did not go on the net. What news I watched was local news. If everybody does this, it explains how we keep getting rotten politicians. It explains how Obama was elected.
There was NOTHING on the news about anything meaningful. There is no way any serious discussion of issues will ever get past the networks.
Well, I finally went back to meet the Koch brothers. Guys with mucho moolah who try to get their views out there. Unfortunately, what I also saw was a bunch of hatchet jobs by “progressive” media and blog types, namely, that anyone who takes any kind of contributions from these guys is automatically a slave-puppet to whatever crosses the minds of the brothers. No one, absoutely no one out there in the conservative world has any integrity or any ability to think on their own and make their own choices. Ho, hum. And the next topic is? There’s this guy named George Soros. A guy with mucho moolah who tries to get his views out there. Whenever he donates money to a “progressive” cause or organization, the recipients automatically become slave-puppets to whatever crosses the mind of Brother George. Argh, argh, ARGH!!!! I must have missed both boats!!!
I have no clue who they are. @Wolverine.
Cargo, well, even though I don’t necessarily agree, that is a start.
It costs a small fortune to get elected to a federal position. It is obscene how much it costs. Getting the money from unions and industry out of elections would be a good place to start. However, the Supremes pretty much solidified that infusion of influence peddling.
I am just too tired to think about it this morning. I fear people like Angle and O’Donnell a great deal. They are far too extreme and they function on soundbites. Soundbites aren’t a base of knowledge.
Fox News is having a very good discussion on this very subject right now.
Christine O’Donnell kicked around TV shows way too long. She has gone on record as saying that condoms actually spread AIDS. She has stated that masturbation is a form of adultury, and finally, she strongly suggests that Bill Clinton murdered Vince Foster.
How is she going to suck all those stupid remarks back in? A video trail is as bad or wose than a a paper trail. Working for Phyllis Schlafly is sure nothing I would want on my resume either.
Both O’Donnell and Coons are terrible candidates for both parties. But O’Donnell will always be a win for the Tea Party. Castle was a terrible candidate for long-term conservative values in Congress. Its not much of a victory when your candidate espouses the goals and values of the other side.
But the question, Cargo, is this. You will get Coons, unless more people than I think in Delaware have lost their minds. Is that what you wanted? Who is closer to your values? Castle or Coons?
I don’t necessarily think Coons is a bad guy. He has been the county executive of New Castle County. That was an elected position. He was running a county while O’Donnell was being cute on TV and running her mouth. She has a lot of un-doing to do and you can rest assured her political enemies will make sure it happens.
Lots of social conservative money will pour in to the state. And if money is what wins, and it might be, then many social conservatives will be pleased. Not sure about the Tea Party. I think you got yourself a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Social conservatives usually can’t help themselves.
Why do you feel Coons is a bad candidate other than he is a Democrat? He and Castle would have made quite a match.