The GOP Senators managed to block the repeal of DADT by 4 votes.
John McCain led the charge. John McCain, in the past, said that if the military leaders decided that DADT should be repealed, he would support that. Now he has changed again to deferring to the Senate and there he voted against it.
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McCain was quite the weasel. Senator Webb of Virginia eventually voted for the repeal because he felt the defense bill needed to go through immediately.
And now, what really happened:
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If Webb thinks that the bill should go through immediately, then he should have worked to REMOVE the amendment. Its shameful that Reid put the DADT and Dream Act onto the Defense Bill.
Even Obama is fighting against the drop of DADT. Repealing it would not help ANYTHING. Enacting a NEW law stating EXPLICITLY that the military must not consider sexual identity as restrictions against serving is what they want. Congress doesn’t have the guts. Both attachments to the bill are nothing more than last ditch show boating for the election.
The repeal was not blocked by only 4 Republican votes. Google is your friend.
The vote was 56-43. Arkansas Democratic Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor voted with Republicans. Majority Leader Harry Reid also voted to block the bill in a procedural move that allows the defense bill to be revived later.
So, there were at least 3 Democrat votes. And it actually passed. But, the Senate, lately, has decided that sixty votes are needed to overcome any POSSIBLE filibuster. I think that the filibuster is overused as done today. If a party wants to filibuster, then let’s do it. Get up and talk. Make them do the work. Stop all progress on bills. Otherwise, its just an excuse.
Have Republicans ever attached a bill to the defense bill? Yeeeessss….Was it shameful? Probably. I can understand where people might say the Dream Act doesn’t belong there. While I support the Dream Act, I don’t like unrelated bills as riders.
However, DADT very much relates.
So do we get to decide which is more repugnant to the Republican base? Gays in the military or educated children of illegal immigrants?
Yea, Webb should have single handledly kept those darn attachments off that bill. Darn right. Bad Democrat!
I should thank Sarah Palin for being on that ticket with McCain. I am so glad I didn’t vote for him. He is truly contemptible. He would do anything for a vote. Does that make him a vote whore?
Who cares about DADT? Once again, the NIGHTMARE Act goes down!!! And here’s the booger, kiddies….it’s not the Republicans’ fault…it’s your parents’ fault. Take it up with them.
“John McCain led the charge. John McCain, in the past, said that if the military leaders decided that DADT should be repealed, he would support that. Now he has changed again to deferring to the Senate and there he voted against it.”
I don’t think the study was ever completed, so military leaders did not decide that DADT should be repealed. Oh, that doesn’t help your liberal argument….just ignore that!!
Actually, I don’t remember bills like the Dream Act being attached to defense bills. I may be…(gasp) wrong. However, attaching bills to the defense bill is wrong.
Webb didn’t have to vote for them. That’s what I mean.
Joint chiefs and secretary of defense don’t count? I think the bill was written so that it would roll over to the study. It says in the videos. I just don’t remember.
McCain flip flopped like he has done on so many things.
The Dream Act should be able to stand on its own. Too bad it can’t. Kids who have done well in high school and who have served their country should not have doors closed.
unfortunately, as a tactic, both sides attach riders and amendments to bills, and then turn it on the Congressmen to say that they voted against certain bills, when the reason they voted against the bill was to really turn down the amendment. Each side does it.
They should restrict amendments to have to at least have something to do with the original bill (but they will not).
Rachell Madcow as a source – now that is independent reporting on this issue LOL!
Interesting article on CNN
Highlights for those not inclined to read the Communist News Network (joke!) are:
Marine Corps will follow the civilian order and integrate if ordered to
Marine Corps doesn’t think it’ll work and that the current policy does
Marine Corps called out the other services as less faithfull. 😉
The underlying law needs to be changed first before repealing DADT or once the edict goes away the military can put those persons in prison.
Why the heck would they attach DADT to DREAM? Were they TRYING to lose?
TP, my blog, reporter of my choice. What comes out of people’s own mouth surely can’t be disputed. Tell me, did you watch the video or just flap your mouth? I will be glad to take a look at something you feel is biased. Leave me a note where in the video it is.
Her topics show her bias. Her research doesn’t.
Pinko, the Defense bill has gone through without a hitch for the past 40 years. They didn’t attach DADT to Dream. Both were attached to Defense. DADT and Dream were riders.
Can you explain the difference between a rider and being attached to a bill?
Pinko, there is none that I know of.
The point I was making is that the parent bill is the Defense Bill and that DADT and Dream are both riders or both attached to the parent, not to each other.
Okay, then why is DREAM on the Defense Bill?
Its a rider…its a way legislators try to get other bills through…they attach them to something they think the opposition will pass.
I guess an arguement could be made that students may join the military if this bill had gone through.