Stephen Colbert to Testify Before Congress

Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central will testify before the Subcommittee on Immigration on Friday along with Arturo Rodrigez, president of United Farm Workers. 

Remember a story back last summer involving Stephen Colbert and a the “I want to be a Farm Worker” campaign?

Arturo Rodrigez, president of United Farm Workers, joins Stephen Colbert to discuss the impact illegal immigrants have on American workers. Additionally, he discusses the difficulty of agriculture work and insists that most Americans don’t want this kind of work. The above application is on his website at He had 3 applications he has placed in the fields. Colbert makes the 4th.


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Arturo Rodriguez
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Colbert worked with Arturo Rodrigez and his efforts to show that immigrant agricultural workers were not taking jobs from Americans. Colbert literally worked in the fields as part of this initiative. I expect it is those experiences he plans on sharing with Congress. 

Stephen Colbert presents his point of view to Congress:

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Meanwhile, Gretchen, Doocy and Killmeade are all having hissy fits that a ‘comedian’ would be called in to testify before Congress. There is a rumor that Colbert will testify in character.  They spent Thursday morning taking crack shots at Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, saying that Comedy Central was the station of the Democratic Party.

The irony was, Bill O’Reilly just interviewed Jon Stewart on Wednesday. During the interview O’Reilly remarked to Stewart that he mocked both parties and satirized President Obama. Apparently the terrible morning trio of friends doesn’t listen to O’Reilly.  Gretchen was the most outraged that a comedian would be testifying.  Doocy mocked Colbert and the entire Comedy Central line-up.   Gretchen even remarked that some people considered Stewart to be a news reporter or something to that effect.  I found that no stranger than people thinking she was a news reporter.  Stewart at least admits he mocks people.  Their outrage was amusing. 

Certainly we will hear more from Colbert and his congressional testimony.  Didn’t Kevin Costner just testify before Congress? 

Today we might find out the real reason Colbert testified before the congressional subcommittee.  Is there any reason anyone can think of that Colbert should not be testifying before congress?   Is it, as Carlson stated, a waste of the taxpayers’ money?

Fire at Sumner Lake Community


Smoke is billowing from the fire at Sumner Lake.  Sumner Lake is a fairly new community on the site of Selwyn Smith’s farm, nestled in between Point of Woods single family homes, Plantation Lane and  upper Westgate.  The Manassas News & Messenger reports that as many as 8 houses are on fire.   It is a three alarm fire. 

Traffic is horrible around Manassas because of rubber neckers and fire and rescue  vehicles on the move.  We can only hope that there were no injuries.  The fact that this fire has involved multiple homes is no surprise.  Some of those houses don’t have 15 feet between them.  Everyone lives in the shadow of someone else.  When houses are that close, you might as well live in a townhouse row.  Actually, they are probably safer.  There are firewalls.

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The Culture Wars are Back…and out of the closet

We were told that the Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility and returning to the Constitution. Some of us kept mentioning the far right. We kept getting told no, its about the economy, stupid. No, not really. the culture warriors are being to creep out of the closet. We knew it all along. Their code words didn’t fool us.

Those of you who really have concerns about the fiscal end of things had better watch those who have invaded your movement with their far right social agenda. The American people will not stand for it once they realize what’s really happening. their economic fears will soon be replaced with the fear that ‘the right’ is right there in the bedroom with them. And once the camel’s nose is under the tent, pretty soon you have a real live camel taking over your tent.

The Republicans will unveil their agenda on September 23. Lord knows what will come out of that.

September 23 for Democrats will mark the date that kids can’t be dropped from your insurance for preexisting conditions. Additionally, no one can be dropped for having an illness. Children up to age 26 can stay on your policy if you chose and there are no more lifetime limits. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Is there a scheduling conflict?

Contract ON America …revisited

Today the Contract ON America 2010 will be released under the name of Pledge to America. The original Contract came out in 1994 and was orchestrated by Newt Gingrich. One thing caught my eye in the advance that came out on Wed. Sept. 22:

“They agreed to include the abortion provision and a vaguely worded statement on social issues: “We pledge to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.”

What does this all mean? Is this a first amendment issue rearing its head? Those words are vague and unspecific, and on a topic I always think needs watching…closely. What if my American values differ with the GOP  American values?

Bad, bad deja vu. Wait! It isn’t deja vu if it has happened before, now is it?

Updates as the entire Pledge is released.  The spin has become and there will be lots of photo ops on Thursday.

According to the Washington Post 9/23/10 :

Highlights of the plan include:

• Requiring all bills to be posted online three days before votes and requiring legislation to cite the constitutional authority for the new law;

• Holding the trials of detainees from Guantanomo Bay, Cuba, outside the United States.

• Reducing federal spending to fiscal 2008 levels, except for national security.

Draft of the Pledge to America  available for download.

A good synopsis and analysis–Washington Post: The GOP’s ‘Pledge to America’: A closer look at the details