The much awaited declassified report is here. Retired military officers testify about their UFO experiences. 6 of these officers claimed that they were each told not to tell anyone. The sightings took place over several decades. Now the information is no longer classified. All sightings in this report involved nuclear sites.  These men are very serious about what they have seen. They feel that the Air Force has not been truthful with them.

From CNN:


And from Fox News:

The group presented their findings Monday at the National Press Club.

WASHINGTON – Several former Air Force officials are taking the cloak off of reported UFO sightings on U.S. military bases.

The group of ex-military commanders is set to unveil several alleged UFO sightings which they say shut down nuclear missiles.


Not to quote Fox Mulder, but I want to believe.  Do men of this stature make the UFO experience any more believable?  Must we always have to be talked down from experiences that seem to involve things outside our comfort zone or 5 senses?

3 Thoughts to “UFOs Snoop Around Nuclear Arsenals”

  1. SSSSsssshhhhhhh! Its a secret. Don’t tell anyo…..oh. It was on FOX. Never mind. Now, if it had been on MSNBC, it would still be a secret…….

    The truth is out there…..

    I mean, something has to explain Maxine Waters……

  2. Seriously, don’t you think this is sort of exciting that all these people who have cred are reporting this? Roswell, flying saucers circling the Capitol?

    I deliberately put up CNN and Fox News…just for the doubting Thomases….

    They haven’t totally ruled out weird crop circles have they?

  3. I, for one, accept our new alien overlords.

    I mean, they can’t do much worse than the crop……oooo, bad concept…. “To Serve Man” comes to mind.

    Never mind.

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