Washington Post Review: “9500 Liberty”

The Washington Post reviewed 9500 Liberty for its upcoming MTV Premiere this Sunday Night. Perhaps this is the best review I have seen of our hometown film.

Washington Post staff writer David Montgomeryguides his reader audience to the point in the film where we see film maker Eric Byler testifying before the U.S. Human Rights Commission in December of 2007, at which point we see Byler’s point of view. Rather than saying “Ah Ha!”, Montgomery leads us around this shift from neutrality to the fact that the film returns to showing both sides of this bitter debate. He tells us that those with strong opinion on either side might walk away not quite satisfied with the end result.

David Montgomery’s review is posted in its entirety:

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U. S. Delegation Walks out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

The U. S. delegation to the United Nations got up and walked out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday after he said some people  have speculated that Americans were actually behind the Sept. 11 terror attack.  He gave 3 different theories.  The Americans weren’t there to hear them.

According to the Huffington Post:

Ahmadinejad said there were three theories about the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks:

_ That a “powerful and complex terrorist group” penetrated U.S. intelligence and defenses.

_ “That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime. The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view.”

The Americans stood and walked out without listening to the third theory that the attack was the work of “a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation.”

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Ahmadinejad also criticized Virginia plans to execute convicted double murderer Teresa Lewis. He likened the situation to Iranian plans to stone a woman to death for commiting adultery. He apparently doesn’t see the difference in adultery and double homicide.

Good for the American delegates. Ahmadinejad is just offensive.

However,  Ahmadinejad attempts to explain to Charlie Rose why it is really Obama’s fault.  Is he a Republican now??

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Holy Cow, this guy has one excuse after the other.  Yup, its all Obama’s fault for not speaking to him!

Stephen Colbert to Testify Before Congress

Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central will testify before the Subcommittee on Immigration on Friday along with Arturo Rodrigez, president of United Farm Workers. 

Remember a story back last summer involving Stephen Colbert and a the “I want to be a Farm Worker” campaign?

Arturo Rodrigez, president of United Farm Workers, joins Stephen Colbert to discuss the impact illegal immigrants have on American workers. Additionally, he discusses the difficulty of agriculture work and insists that most Americans don’t want this kind of work. The above application is on his website at www.takeourjobs.org. He had 3 applications he has placed in the fields. Colbert makes the 4th.


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Colbert worked with Arturo Rodrigez and his efforts to show that immigrant agricultural workers were not taking jobs from Americans. Colbert literally worked in the fields as part of this initiative. I expect it is those experiences he plans on sharing with Congress. 

Stephen Colbert presents his point of view to Congress:

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Meanwhile, Gretchen, Doocy and Killmeade are all having hissy fits that a ‘comedian’ would be called in to testify before Congress. There is a rumor that Colbert will testify in character.  They spent Thursday morning taking crack shots at Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, saying that Comedy Central was the station of the Democratic Party.

The irony was, Bill O’Reilly just interviewed Jon Stewart on Wednesday. During the interview O’Reilly remarked to Stewart that he mocked both parties and satirized President Obama. Apparently the terrible morning trio of friends doesn’t listen to O’Reilly.  Gretchen was the most outraged that a comedian would be testifying.  Doocy mocked Colbert and the entire Comedy Central line-up.   Gretchen even remarked that some people considered Stewart to be a news reporter or something to that effect.  I found that no stranger than people thinking she was a news reporter.  Stewart at least admits he mocks people.  Their outrage was amusing. 

Certainly we will hear more from Colbert and his congressional testimony.  Didn’t Kevin Costner just testify before Congress? 

Today we might find out the real reason Colbert testified before the congressional subcommittee.  Is there any reason anyone can think of that Colbert should not be testifying before congress?   Is it, as Carlson stated, a waste of the taxpayers’ money?

Fire at Sumner Lake Community


Smoke is billowing from the fire at Sumner Lake.  Sumner Lake is a fairly new community on the site of Selwyn Smith’s farm, nestled in between Point of Woods single family homes, Plantation Lane and  upper Westgate.  The Manassas News & Messenger reports that as many as 8 houses are on fire.   It is a three alarm fire. 

Traffic is horrible around Manassas because of rubber neckers and fire and rescue  vehicles on the move.  We can only hope that there were no injuries.  The fact that this fire has involved multiple homes is no surprise.  Some of those houses don’t have 15 feet between them.  Everyone lives in the shadow of someone else.  When houses are that close, you might as well live in a townhouse row.  Actually, they are probably safer.  There are firewalls.

More from News & Messenger


The Culture Wars are Back…and out of the closet

We were told that the Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility and returning to the Constitution. Some of us kept mentioning the far right. We kept getting told no, its about the economy, stupid. No, not really. the culture warriors are being to creep out of the closet. We knew it all along. Their code words didn’t fool us.

Those of you who really have concerns about the fiscal end of things had better watch those who have invaded your movement with their far right social agenda. The American people will not stand for it once they realize what’s really happening. their economic fears will soon be replaced with the fear that ‘the right’ is right there in the bedroom with them. And once the camel’s nose is under the tent, pretty soon you have a real live camel taking over your tent.

The Republicans will unveil their agenda on September 23. Lord knows what will come out of that.

September 23 for Democrats will mark the date that kids can’t be dropped from your insurance for preexisting conditions. Additionally, no one can be dropped for having an illness. Children up to age 26 can stay on your policy if you chose and there are no more lifetime limits. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Is there a scheduling conflict?

Contract ON America …revisited

Today the Contract ON America 2010 will be released under the name of Pledge to America. The original Contract came out in 1994 and was orchestrated by Newt Gingrich. One thing caught my eye in the advance that came out on Wed. Sept. 22:

“They agreed to include the abortion provision and a vaguely worded statement on social issues: “We pledge to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.”

What does this all mean? Is this a first amendment issue rearing its head? Those words are vague and unspecific, and on a topic I always think needs watching…closely. What if my American values differ with the GOP  American values?

Bad, bad deja vu. Wait! It isn’t deja vu if it has happened before, now is it?

Updates as the entire Pledge is released.  The spin has become and there will be lots of photo ops on Thursday.

According to the Washington Post 9/23/10 :

Highlights of the plan include:

• Requiring all bills to be posted online three days before votes and requiring legislation to cite the constitutional authority for the new law;

• Holding the trials of detainees from Guantanomo Bay, Cuba, outside the United States.

• Reducing federal spending to fiscal 2008 levels, except for national security.

Draft of the Pledge to America  available for download.

A good synopsis and analysis–Washington Post: The GOP’s ‘Pledge to America’: A closer look at the details

‘The Insightful Investor’ Radio Show–coming soon!

Prince William County is full of talent.  We have filmmakers and now an investment radio show will be broadcast from Prince William County.   Many here know Prince William resident Bob Pugh.  Bob is known around the blogs, he has served on various county committees and has even been known to give ’em hell at Citizens’ Time at the BOCS.

Bob will be the host of ‘The Insightful Investor’ on The VoiceAmerica  Business Talk Radio Network.   The first show premiers this Monday at 10 am.  Jim Bacon will be his guest in October to discuss his book  “Boomergeddon.”

Here’s some information about Bob:

Bob Pugh, CFA, CFP®

Bob Pugh, CFA, CFP® has been helping people achieve investing and financial success as an educator and advisor for over twenty years. Bob founded Insight Wealth Management, Inc. to offer fee-based, independent investment and financial planning without the conflicts of interest inherent in firms that sell financial products. He has worked as a financial analyst in government and the private sector, an economic analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency, and a U.S. Foreign Service Officer.
Bob has taught portfolio management, investment analysis and economics for over two decades, most recently for The Johns Hopkins University’s Carey School of Business. He served two terms as President of the CFA Society of Washington, DC and is the CFA Institute’s Eastern Region Presidents Council Representative.

In 1997, Bob earned the CFA designation and later the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. He has graduate degrees in global political economy from The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, and in financial economics from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is a member of the CFA Institute, Financial Planning Association, National Association for Business Economics and MENSA.
Bob has volunteered since 1998 for the Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Personal Finance Program providing free education for the public. He speaks frequently on investing and financial planning for numerous groups including the American Association of Individual Investors.

We have discussed investment, finances and the economy often on this blog. It will be fun having our own local star from right here in Prince William County. We wish Bob all the best and if I can figure out how to tune in, will be doing so!

Harvest Moon on Steroids

Tonight the normally bright harvest moon goes on steroids. Not only is tonight full moon but it also is the autumnal equinox. According to the Washington Post:

Get ready for a night show. It’s tough to come to grips with the end of summer. Luckily, autumn will enter with a bang this year.

Not only will Northern America witness the beginning of autumn at 11:09 Eastern tonight, there will be a full moon in the sky. Put those two occurrences together and you’ll get the rare “super harvest moon.”

“The two sources of light will mix together to create a kind of 360-degree, summer-autumn twilight glow,” NASA Science writes.

When farmers relied on moonlight to extend harvesting hours, they started calling the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox the harvest moon. If the full moon fell on the first actual day of autumn, it became “super harvest,” or the “harvestest.”

The event has not occurred for 20 years, and probably will not reoccur until 2029.

As an added bonus, Jupiter will appear very close to the moon tonight. NASA’s Tony Phillips writes: “A Super Harvest Moon, a rare twilight glow, a midnight conjunction–rarely does autumn begin with such celestial fanfare.”

Celestial events are always fun. They are more fun when there is a little folk lore to go along with them. We celebrate with our new phases of the moon tracker right under the moonhowlings icon. Thanks Alanna for planting the moon phases for us.

Many, many myths and old wives’s tales are associated with full moon. Science tells us that the tides are affected by the moon, but is that all? Lunar Lore tells us the following:

The Moon and Birth
Female reproductive cycles respond to the lunar cycle.
Medical staff report that women who have already had children are significantly more likely to give birth on the day of the full moon.

Health around the Full Moon
A research team8 at Leeds university found a significant increase in visits to medical practices for consultations after the full moon.
Doctors report an increase in epileptic seizures and bleeding ulcers at the time of the full moon.

I am one of those weird people who is affected by the full moon. I have 2 biological children. In both of their cases, I went into labor on the full moon. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

The Moon and Accidents
Alcohol consumption rises at the start and end of the lunar cycle. More drunk drivers, more crashes and more hangovers occur at this critical time. It’s hard to know if the astrological connection between the Moon and liquids or the Moon and emotions is the root cause.
At the time of the full moon, hospital accident and emergency units see about 10% more patients13. 80% of casualty nurses and 64% of doctors believe the moon adversely affects patient behavior.
Crimes of violence increase at the full moon.


Many religions center around the lunar calendar. Jjudiasm is one such religion. Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Check it out.

So Carpe Nox. Enjoy the light and the night. Happy Howling! This thread is dedicated to Elena who told me Moonhowler hadn’t done enough to celebrate the Super Harvest Moon and to our friend, Charlotte.

Harvest moon

“Republicans Under A Spell” ????????

Richard Cohen wrote this fabulous op ed piece.   I just had to share it on the blog. 

Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party candidate from lil’ ol’ Delaware, confesses to have once “dabbled into witchcraft” — a fittingly ungrammatical revelation that not only was to be expected but explains what has happened to the Republican Party. Someone — possibly you know who — has cast a spell on it, and now it has a candidate whose main contribution to political thought or, indeed, the plight of the poor is to have railed against masturbation, which she likened to adultery. Only a spell can explain such thinking.

Only a spell also can explain how Newt Gingrich, possibly a presidential candidate, can attribute the politics of Barack Obama to “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior.” Obama allegedly picked up this behavior from his father, whom he knew only fleetingly, which is to say almost not at all, and who has long been dead. This, as Gingrich and others under the spell can tell you, is proof of the demonic power that can come out of the grave, enter the White House (look, the gate-crashing Salahis did it) and pervade the very body and mind of the commander in chief. It’s enough to give you the willies.

Honestly, I WANT, no I NEED, the Republican Party to find its footing again. In order to find the best solutions, we need to have vigorous EDUCATED debate. We need to find our way back to that ying and yang that ultimately brings us to compromise or at least allows for informed disagreement.

This fatuous infatuation with the Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment, is clearly the work of witches, wiccans and wackos. It has nothing to do with America’s real problems and, if taken too seriously, would cause an economic and political calamity. The Constitution is a wonderful document, quite miraculous actually, but only because it has been wisely adapted to changing times. To adhere to the very word of its every clause hardly is respectful to the Founding Fathers. They were revolutionaries who embraced change. That’s how we got here.

The analogy to the bible and constitution cannot be ignored. There are those who believe the bible is a guide, just as the Constitution was created as a guide, as a document to be interpreted throughout the evolution of society, so is the bible. I have NO interest in having my country governed by those who believe the bible is literal or that the constitution is some iconic piece of paper that holds every answer in the most simplistic format.

So, which one are you?

McCain Flip Flops on Immigrant Kids and Gays

John McCain has flip-flopped more than a fish recently. Gone is the moderate Republican. McCain has probably learned his lesson after being challenged by far right contender Hayworth. McCain has now jumped on the Tea Party express and has voted against the Dream Act and the repeal of DADT. 2 years ago he supported both of these initiatives. Not only did McCain flip flop on DADT, he led the charge. What’s more defense than gays in the military?

The Dream Act would have been a boon to the military also. According to Salon.com:

For the fifth time in a decade, the Dream Act died in the Senate. It’s one of those rare policy ideas that would benefit both the military and the budget — and it’s one that Tea Party-type deficit-hawk/hawk-hawks should have rallied behind. It was even a boon for states’ rights. Yet, it became the latest victim of xenophobia and partisan politics.

The Dream Act (short for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) was designed to solve one of the most heart-wrenching injustices in our immigration system. Some 2.1 million undocumented immigrants were brought to the United States, through no fault of their own, as children. And despite having spent their entire lives here, their parents’ illegal status prevents them from obtaining legal residency. The Dream Act would give these children a chance to “earn” their green cards, allowing them to apply for temporary legal status; then, if they maintain “good moral character” (at a minimum, keep a clean criminal record), graduate from high school, and either complete two years of college or military service, they’d obtain permanent residence.

Right now, there are stories aplenty of children who discover the cruel fact that they are deportable when they apply for their driver’s license. Or of high school valedictorians who are snatched off planes and threatened with deportation because their parents never sorted out their paperwork.

Right now, these children, who are Americans in all ways except having papers, cannot serve in the military without legal residency paperwork. To reject the Dream Act is just foolish. We need good American residents. We need people who work hard and want to serve their country. Passing the Dream Act would be win/win.

McCain flip-flopped on this issue. First he was for it before he was against it. Shame on him. Do campaign promises not count if you don’t win?

Another Look at the Tea Party and its Parents

Rick Santelli has been called ‘the Father of the Tea Party’ because of his 5 minute rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Before that, most people couldn’t begin to tell you who Rick Santelli is/was.

According to the Huffington Post:

People ask me if I’m the father of the Tea Party movement…I was the spark …that started it. If being the lightning rod that started the Tea Party is what’s written on my tombstone, I’ll be very happy.”

Santelli was catapulted to instant fame after his five-minute outburst on CNBC in Feb. 2009–where he decried government bailouts, called struggling homeowners “losers” and speculated aloud that a new Tea Party might be needed–went viral.

In the Sun-Times interview, Santelli called the rant “the best five minutes of my life,” but said he has not tried to influence the direction of the Tea Party in any way. He did call the rise of the movement “a proud moment for America.”

He also said that Franklin and Jefferson would be rolling over in their graves. Perhaps he should read a little history of Jefferson. Jefferson was not the most financially responsible person. His personal library had to be sold to pay his debts. Its a lot easier to say platitudes.

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Welcome Fall–the Best of all the Seasons


The autumnal equinox occurs on September 22 at 11:09 pm. The sun will be directly over the equator. Day and night will be equal. Starting then, we will lose about 2 minutes of light per day until the winter solstice. Then we start to gain, until the summer solstice. On November 7, we will fall back and go on regular time.

Changing leaves, apple picking, football, soccer games with the kids, chilly evenings and warm days are all symbols of fall. Its time to plant flowers that survive the winter like ornamental kale, cabbage and pansies. Watch out for squirrels. They are suicidal this time of year.

And let’s not forget election day, the first Tuesday in November.

What’s your favorite season and month?

Some space dates from space.com

The full moon (Harvest Moon) and the equinox fall on the same day.

Wed., September 22, evening
Jupiter, Uranus, and the Moon
Just after sunset, if you look to the east you will see the Full Moon rising. Soon it will be joined by brilliant Jupiter, just below it, one day past opposition with the Sun. Look closely with binoculars or a small telescope, and you will see the tiny planet Uranus, also just past opposition, a degree above Jupiter and its moons.

Thu., September 23, evening twilight
Venus at greatest brilliancy
As Venus draws closer to the Earth, it looms larger in size, but its crescent grows narrower in as it moves in front of the Sun. Tonight it reaches its greatest illuminated extent, and hence is at its most brilliant, magnitude – 4.8


fall squirrel

The Soul of the Republican Party: Karl Rove Gets Dommed by the Girls

Isn’t film footage wonderful?  It captures those moments that people want to immortalize, for a day or 2. 

Karl Rove capitulates.  He gets dommed by the girls.

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So the pretty girls fight back.  Poor Karl.  Back to the lunchables.  Too funny.  Just waiting for the pretty girls to get tapped by the National Honor Society.