OOooopppsss…I forgot to hit send.  Better late than never.

Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 3-9, 2010

From the Prince William County Website:

With all the recent fires, I thought theh PWC website sure wouldn’t mind if I lifted their announcement:

In a fire, smoke spreads fast, leaving you only minutes to escape. Smoke alarms provide an early warning, giving you the time you need to get out quickly and safely. In fact, they cut your risk of dying in a home fire nearly in half. Of the approximately 2,800 home fire deaths each year, roughly two-thirds result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or with smoke alarms that don’t work. That’s why smoke alarms belong in every home and why they are “A Sound You Can Live With!”

If you cannot afford smoke alarms or are unable to install them, the Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue will supply and/or install them free of charge. Remember, if you are renting, your landlord is responsible for providing smoke alarms. You may call your local fire and rescue station or 703-792-7736 for assistance.