Figures this would strike a nerve with you. Must feel like going home again to talk about Nazis. This may come as a big surprise to you, but every civil war re-enacter is not looking to relive the event. Every Rennaissance/SCA doofus doesn’t actually want to live in the 15th century (well, I’m sure some do on this one), and every person who admires the quality and craftsmanship of Nazi-era german weapons (the MP-40s, the Walthers, etc, etc.) does not want to gas Jews by the hundreds of thousands. I do not know any personally, but I do know that many folks collect Nazi memorabilia (there’s a dude at the gun show in Chantilly all the time), and many folks who like to wear a German army uniform while they shoot their MP-40s. Why? I don’t know, but I do know they aren’t looking to start up the fourth reich. Why do guys wear union and confederate uniforms when firing their civil-war era muskets, or reproductions? Does everyone who owns a slave tag from the old Annapolis slave market dream of a nice slave to go with it? or does the posession of that trinket make the whole thing more real for them?
On second thought, nevermind, you libs go to town with this one. You better hope everyone is as stupid as you’ll need them to be to escape a heinie-whipping in November!
There is a cool story on right now about a 101-year old lady of Mexican descent who is finally becoming a naturalized citizen. It’s a good story, the kind supporters of illegal immigration wish would just go away. I keep having this thought: “You’re only 101 years old, that process wasn’t too long, was it?”
Point of fact, when I strap on my tights before going down to ye Ren Faire I know I’m still in the 21st century, that I would’ve probably have been a slave/peasant and not a noble and that ballastic armor (kevlar) under my popshirt tends to chafe especially in the heat.
George S. Harris :@punchak But good ol’ Leif didn’t land in what we think of as the US of A–he landed in Newfoundland, which was called Vinland.
I think the “original people” as they are sometimes called or Amerindians may have been the first–coming across the Bering sea and down the west coast into what is now the US of A. I recent heard that there is some thought that perhaps there may have been a similar pathway across the Atlantic but there doesn’t seem to be any proof of that whatsoever. I guess we will never really know.
Guess they didn’t grow corn and pumpkins up there. Maybe no wild turkeys running around either.
You know, Slowpoke, you said some very good things in explaining the reenactor experience. I expect some of that comes from your interest in genealogy. I found it interesting.
Why did you have to be a &*(% head? Pinko didn’t need to be insulted. She was asking a perfectly normal question. And on the subject of Nazis, I would be careful. You don’t know that she doesn’t have close friends or have family who lost their life because of the Holocaust. You also had to throw in a liberal dig. That also didn’t need to be said. Plenty of people who aren’t liberals find the Nazi reenactor situation to be very questionable.
I just don’t understand why you had to lash out at Pinko.
Today’s editorial pretty much expresses my views on the rash of suicides of gay youth, the awful sexual torture of three gay men in New York and how windbag bigots like Republican candidate for New York governor Carl Paladino contribute to an atmosphere anti-gay prejudice. As the piece says, those wallowing in such ignorance provide “the hurtful slurs that eat away at the self-esteem of those who are gay or lesbian” and make “someone feel it’s okay to verbally and physically harass, maim or even kill.”
But Paladino said something in his “Today Show” interview with Matt Lauer that needs to be highlighted for its pot-calling-the-kettle-black quality. Paladino hammered his Democratic opponent, New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, for taking his daughters to the gay pride parade in New York City, a must-attend event for serious candidates for citywide and statewide public office. “I don’t think it’s proper for them to go there and watch a couple of grown men grind against each other,” Paladino said with an air of moral indignation. “I don’t think it’s proper. I think it’s disgusting.”
Stopped in to KK’s Temptations this morning and talked to Kim and her daughter as they set up shop in Old Town Manassas. They’ve joined the Chamber and I didn’t see them unboxing anything that isn’t already being sold in the city of Manassas. Learned a few more facts that confirmed they are on the same track as She Bop in Portland or Lotus Blooms in Alexandria.
Wish those who pre-judge and/or spend time/money investigating “negative secondary effects” would walk down the street, pop in to say hello and discover the positive primary effects of a new business in Old Town.
Ribbon cutting is Wednesday, Oct. 20, but they may open as early as Sat. if they get the shelves stocked in time.
No argument here. He really is just downright uncouth. He shouldn’t even be elected dogcatcher. It might have been the horse that gave me that close mind set.
Thanks for that update Cindy. I am so glad nothing jumped out and grabbed you (like one of the town do-gooders or a state elected official)
I am glad they joined the Chamber. They are part of the business community. All those “negative secondary effects” are anectdotal at this point and lifted from the pages of some let’s get rid of sexually oriented businesses. It is said just like sexually transmitted disease as a matter of fact.
Good for you for being the welcoming committee. Is anyone we know part of the ribbon cutting ceremony? How about that gentleman that is always at the ribbon cutters? Will he be presiding?
Don’t know. Chamber ribbon cuttings cost $$$ now. May be an HMI thing. Kim gave me one of their T-shirts — really nicely done by East to West Embroidery & Design. Profits from the sale of the T-shirts will be donated to HMI’s Sesquicentennial Fund.
I thought about that before I posted. I don’t think the Confederates were any worse than Northerners, and I don’t think Confederates were trying to exterminate anyone. Confederates (and most other members of ANY military) didn’t turn the skins of their enemies into lampshades, didn’t throw infants against barbed wire, didn’t gas their enemies en masse, didn’t experiment on their enemies…shall I go on?
German technology was advanced, and so was Hitler’s manipulation techniques. So, okay, study them. But does that mean we should re-enact anything the Nazis did? I think not.
That a potential leader of our country takes time and effort to do this disgusts me. He is insulting every human being who has fought against racial cleansing and war crimes, every person who has tried to defend the persecuted.
No doubt you have a unique perspective that I can never claim to have on this but you can see where it is possible to be interested in the military science, history or the (military) tradition of the Nazi military versus the political aims of the state. The guy may be a bigoted tool — I don’t know — but on the face of things with the information provided I can’t and won’t make that claim. I’ll go with the idea that he’s like any other military war re-enactor until someone can show proof that he’s off the reservation.
I’m troubled by the commoent that we shouldn’t be able to re-enact anything the Nazi’s did. While I find the Nazi’s disgusting I would not presume to trounce on a person’s 1A right to both study or re-enact things dealing with the Nazi military. I have to defend the guy’s right to (be an ass) 1A protections just as if he was a pro-choicer or a PETA advocate.
Even today you still have claims on both sides about things that were done during the Civil War…
MH, I don’t think cod pieces were as uncomfortable (to the wearer) as a corset was. Sides, if we have problems with NFL players harassing reporters imagine the issues when we bring back cod pieces as a fashion statement!!! 🙂
@marin, I can’t attest to the cod pieces. They probably came in mighty handy at times. Corsets are inventions of the devil. There are different kinds…but you probably knew that. 😉
I don’t think pro choice people are asses either…but you didn’t mean that. Sigh, its the libertarian in me.
KK Temptations probably will have corsets as a fashion statement, for someone. I know the shop on 28 does.
I understand where Pinko is coming from. I don’t want to prohibit Nazi reinactors. Its a mighty stupid thing to do if running for election. However, there is also a difference in Nazi and SS and all of that. I wouldn’t want to dignify them with the reenactment clothing. Prince Harry or the other one sure got in a pickle over that nonsense. How about you can wear whatever you want but be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Interesting article in today’s WaPo Metro section about various housing developments
in the area that have been mothballed during the recesssion and may only come
back with smaller less expensive homes to meet the “new reality”. A Harbor area
project on the Potomac in western PWC was mentioned as an example. Apparently
a nice stand of old growth forest was removed and now all that is left is bare dirt,
a golf course, and possible plans for the future.
The challenge for local governments is that a 250K home, on average, requires
the same services as a 500K house, but generates only half the revenue unless
RE taxes are doubled. A large number of new houses valued less than planned
will require some major recalculations. Of course “early birds” who bought the
first of the more expensive original plan homes are in a really bad spot now.
All people who wear a Nazi uniform as a collector-hobby MUST be a Nazi-sympathizer, and ALL such activity must be banned. We can’t live our lives without laws that ban everything that one or two adle-brains might be offended by because they don’t understand. That’s how the left wants it, Marin.
Slowpoke, stop talking about left/right. It has nothing to do with that. You are just stirring the pot. I took the one comment down. It was nasty and insulting. I don’t want that here. Play nice. I know you can.
I think you are wrong about the Nazi uniforms. There are people, especially those who were victims, who are very adversely affected by seeing those uniforms. It isn’t just the left. Not even close.
Let me give you a more remote example….my mother’s entire generation got thrashed if they said Abraham Lincoln and my great grandfather heard them. (it was considered a cuss word.) It was because of the destruction and the horror of that war. We all laughed at it. My mother informed us it wasn’t funny.
You can at least be sensitive to other people’s feelings. There are still Holocaust survivors all over the world. Furthermore, why would displaying a swaztika be considered inappropriate anyway.
And by the way, thanks. Now I have to take a computer to happy hour(s). GRRRRRR
Moon-howler :
You know, Slowpoke, you said some very good things in explaining the reenactor experience. I expect some of that comes from your interest in genealogy. I found it interesting.
Why did you have to be a &*(% head? Pinko didn’t need to be insulted. She was asking a perfectly normal question. And on the subject of Nazis, I would be careful. You don’t know that she doesn’t have close friends or have family who lost their life because of the Holocaust. You also had to throw in a liberal dig. That also didn’t need to be said. Plenty of people who aren’t liberals find the Nazi reenactor situation to be very questionable.
I just don’t understand why you had to lash out at Pinko.
There is a lot to this answer. But to keep it short, I know how titillated she was to see a Republican candidate in a Nazi uniform (when the dude in the kilt is MUCH more disturbing), and it’s really nauseating.
I think that what you’re describing as a “corset” is actually a lace-up “wench vest” which, I have on good authority, is actually very comfortable. And Cod pieces are not uncomfortable. And they’re highly decorative.
I was a SCAdian for many years. A beloved ex-girl friend “convinced” me to change from baggy pant to tights for a feast. And back before I became under-tall for my weight, it was quite popular…..
Big Dog :Interesting article in today’s WaPo Metro section about various housing developmentsin the area that have been mothballed during the recesssion and may only comeback with smaller less expensive homes to meet the “new reality”. A Harbor areaproject on the Potomac in western PWC was mentioned as an example. Apparentlya nice stand of old growth forest was removed and now all that is left is bare dirt,a golf course, and possible plans for the future.
The challenge for local governments is that a 250K home, on average, requiresthe same services as a 500K house, but generates only half the revenue unlessRE taxes are doubled. A large number of new houses valued less than plannedwill require some major recalculations. Of course “early birds” who bought thefirst of the more expensive original plan homes are in a really bad spot now.
That project was orignally known as Cherry Hill and citizens fought like hell to protect it several years back. The soil is practically unbuildable and now it is a mudslide in the making. What a horrible waste.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
I don’t care a rat’s a** about parties, Slow, and you know that from my posts here. My point is that no one running for office should be dressing up like a freaking Nazi. It sounds like YOU are sensitive that the Nazi-wannabe is a GOP member. For all I care, he’s the Pope.
@Posting as Pinko
While it’s fresh in my mind, I will absolutely say that I have never known you to say boo about Republican/Democrat anything. I freely give you that point. I’m talking left/right (which has little to do with R/D), and my original point wasn’t about R/D anyway. But you are quite right about never saying much of anything about one party or another.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
Thank you for acknowledging that, Slow. I hate parties, and I also hate being put into a category (i.e. liberal or conservative) because my beliefs are all over the place.
Jut, I agree that wearing a uniform is different from collecting. There are lots of people who collect all kinds of WWII artifacts. I’ve seen those collections on display, but those displays are at events that commemorate our soldiers. I wonder what a WWII Vet thinks about this dude playing Nazi.
@Cargo I think you’re right. I bought my wife (and her friend) one each at the MD fest in our 20s and got to watch them help each other into ’em and make (hrm) adjustments. It was worth every penny to see that. 🙂
@MH I’d love to wear a cod piece to work but I worry that some Marine may take it the wrong way and I’d end up in a bloody heap.
@Cargo opposing force. Exactly. Never forget.
@Pinko I’m not unsympathetic to your position – I hope you don’t think that – but much like I shrugged and didn’t care about Krystal Ball in her costume and her candid actions (with her husband) I really don’t give much attention to some guy doing re-enacting. Both should be explored in the context that they we’re taken in and the totality should be examined to see if the picture really reflects the beliefs of that person. As MH noted; do I think Prince Harry (I note his British title but as an American a Monarch doesn’t get anything except a handshake from me as I refuse to kneel [or bow] to a foreign power) is a Nazi sympathizer? Nah. He just thought something was funny that..wasn’t.
Recently I have found myself reaffirming why I believe it is so important to raise my kids fully understanding their Jewish heritage even though their dad is not Jewish. When I read the unfathomable horror intended to annialite all Jews in Europe, if not the world, and I know, as I type this, some Holocaust survivor carries with them, to the day they die, pain and suffering I will never understand, seeing someone wear a Nazi uniform and smiling is simply painful to see.
In our modern world we can could actually talk to a survivor, the Nazi evil was not some centuries ago event, it is OUR recent past………mans legacy to the world, the horror we are capable of reaping upon innocent human beings.
Pinko — I’ve seen a video in which this guy from Ohio explained that he has been a military re-enactor for years and years, including a wide variety of historical events. I’ve also seen some photos of those events. (One of the photos showed him in a Civil War costume.) It looks to me like these were World War II re-enactments in which guys dressed in vintage American military uniforms and gear were opposed to guys dressed as German troops. Americans win. Germans lose. Just like the real thing. I wouldn’t throw the Nazi thing into this. You have to have an “enemy” in order to have a reasonably legitimate re-enactment. I see no more reason to get angry at this type of re-enactor than I would at wargamers or video game players manipulating the “controls” for the enemy side in their particular recreational activities.
Hah. Reminds me of an old episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond” in which Ray is persuaded by his father and brother to join a Civil War re-enactment. He grudgingly accepts but then gets pissed to find out that he is to be a Confederate re-enactor and then get “killed off” early in the re-enactment. As he is leaving for the re-enactment, his wife, who thinks the re-enactors are all nutcakes, reminds him that he has to do a certain chore or somebody will be mad at the both of them. Ray, dressed in his Confederate gray, turns back to her just as the background music swells into the opening theme from “Gone With The Wind.” His closing line is: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
Speaking of re-enactments, I believe I have seen some photos of the very first such re-enactment. It was a gathering of aging veterans from both the North and the South toward the end of the 19th century. The joint “encampment” took place at Gettysburg. During this “encampment”, a handful of those surviving Confederate veterans re-enacted Pickett’s Charge. Across that field they came one last time, now wrinkled and old, long white beards, three piece suits and fedora hats, some hobbling on aged legs, a few even with canes. They were met atop the ridge by Union veterans of the same age who had stood their ground on that very spot in 1863. When the Confederate guys reached the ridge, they were met with Union smiles and handshakes and pats on the back and even hugs. As I looked at those photos, I thought of how, not forty years before, these same fellows were shooting to kill each other. Now look at them. Is this a great country or what?!!
Juturna is correct. I have a Japanese rising sun flag that my uncle brought back from the war. You won’t see me flying it over my house. You might see it in my collection of WWII memorabilia.
Wolverine, what a great picture you just painted of the aging Civil War re-enactors! How awesome is that?
As far as the Nazi dude–if he is playing the enemy, then I guess I get it at some level, even though I don’t like it and even though I think it makes him look like a Nazi running for office. You would kind of think he’d choose a different get-up if he is that much into history and expects to get into office.
marinm, thanks! I didn’t think you were unsympathetic. And I didn’t care about Krystal Ball, either (though I think her parents were mean to name her Krystal). I DO care about people spreading hatred, however, and I tend to think someone wearing a Nazi outfit who is running for office will attract the wrong kind of voters.
Krystal Ball told Megyn Kelly today that her father was is a physict and worked with crystals. His dissertation was on crystals. So she got named Krystal. People of my generation did dumb things like that. I already explained that there are lots of Balls in this area. George Washington’s mother was named Mary Ball.
I would agree you are pretty hard to put a label on, Pinko.
Anyone wearing a Nazi outfit is going to have some questions to answer. Holocaust survivors have vowed to never forget…and they won’t. They aren’t liberal or conservative. They are survivors.
And this Iott guy just lost my support comparing Nazis to Confederates. I can’t see wasting any more time on him. He apparently uses very bad judgement.
Acting, remember? Difficult to reenact a battle with an enemy………without an enemy! So this Halloween when kids dress up as some bad or disgusting individuals, we should have a talk with their parents? So when a Dem pretends to be the leader of the country should we chastise them, and there are plenty of pretend leaders in DC.
J ‘Accuse! President Obama Says Chamber of Commerce Using Foreign Funds to Influence US Elections
October 07, 2010 6:02 PM
President Obama this afternoon joined the gang of Democrats and liberal groups alleging that the US Chamber of Commerce is using foreign funds to influence American elections.
Referring to a study by the liberal group ThinkProgress that – correctly – notes that the US Chamber of Commerce has some funding sources abroad, including foreign corporations and American Chambers of Commerce around the world (or “AmChams”), the President said, “just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations.”
@Starryflights Unsubstantiated lies that POTUS intends on continuing to spread until the election. And Dems don’t get any foreign money? I’m so glad they are intent on not getting a clue before Election Day.
and what happens when the War Museum opens in PWC? How are they going to re-enact battles without having an enemy in uniform? I think the media is putting too much into this one piece of a non event. I am sure it is very emotional for a survivor to see a person in a Nazi uniform, but this is a re-enactment – should he be dressed in a suit? What about Tom Cruise – he has been in US and Nazi uniforms? Should we not go see his movies?
Didn’t know that about Krystal. Interesting tidbit about her father. I must have missed that because I skipped the details of her “scandal.” Didn’t care about the party with her ex.
And yes, SA, I think kids who dress in “bad,” realistic costumes should be chastised. It’s one thing to be a ghoul, but quite another to dress like a real person who is affiliated with a holocaust. I feel for Elena and all families who have had to deal with such horrible pasts, and I don’t think that should ever be forgotten. Anyone smiling while wearing a Nazi uniform is certainly an affront to survivors and the Jewish community, no matter why they are wearing the uniform. The holocaust was not something to smile about.
As to your comments about Dem. leaders…most politicians are actors, and too many are despicable, no matter what the party.
Just out of curiosity, SA, who is the enemy here? I think before the discussion, some people were left with the impression that the enemy might be holocaust survivors.
I don’t understand why this topic has brought out such ugly behavior and anger.
“Progressive Hunter”
Jailhouse Confession: How the right-wing media and Glenn Beck’s chalkboard drove Byron Williams to plot assassination
by John Hamilton
October 11, 2010 6:56 am ET
Byron Williams, a 45-year-old ex-felon, exploded onto the national stage in the early morning hours of July 18.
According to a police investigation, Williams opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers who had stopped him on an Oakland freeway for driving erratically. For 12 frantic minutes, Williams traded shots with the police, employing three firearms and a small arsenal of ammunition, including armor-piercing rounds fired from a .308-caliber rifle.
When the smoke cleared, Williams surrendered; the ballistic body armor he was wearing had saved his life. Miraculously, only two of the 10 CHP officers involved in the shootout were injured.
Observers of this most recent act were mystified by one of Byron Williams’ reported targets: the Tides Foundation, a low-profile charitable organization known for funding environmentalists, community groups, and other organizations.
Beck, it turned out, had attacked Tides 29 times on his Fox News show in the year-and-a-half leading up to the shooting.
Now, in exclusive interviews and written correspondence with journalist John Hamilton, Williams speaks for himself. He asks Hamilton to be his “media advocate” and repeatedly instructs him to watch specific broadcasts of Beck’s show for information on the conspiracy theory that drove him over the edge: an intricate plot involving Barack Obama, philanthropist George Soros, a Brazilian oil company, and the BP disaster.
Beck in general is scary. He has become a televangelist. He has a huge following. During God in America the past 2 nights I am seeing the same thing today that happened 100 years ago. People bitching about immigration, people saying they feared for the country and that it was being destroyed from within by this that and the other.
I guess there will be those, regardless of place in history, that stir the pot and fan the flames of fear.
Beck is selective. He selectively chooses authors. Additionally he gives a kernel of truth and then embellishes…all to support his own point of view. He is careful to not be directly Mormon also. But I catch a little infusion of Mormonism daily, under other names.
Beck has gone from being a political hack to a televangelist. I also read that he is under more and more pressure from Fox News. His colleagues feel he is giving them a bad [choke] name and his bosses feel there has been too much lost in the way of sponsors.
Pinko, what do you think of confederate civil war re-enactors?
Figures this would strike a nerve with you. Must feel like going home again to talk about Nazis. This may come as a big surprise to you, but every civil war re-enacter is not looking to relive the event. Every Rennaissance/SCA doofus doesn’t actually want to live in the 15th century (well, I’m sure some do on this one), and every person who admires the quality and craftsmanship of Nazi-era german weapons (the MP-40s, the Walthers, etc, etc.) does not want to gas Jews by the hundreds of thousands. I do not know any personally, but I do know that many folks collect Nazi memorabilia (there’s a dude at the gun show in Chantilly all the time), and many folks who like to wear a German army uniform while they shoot their MP-40s. Why? I don’t know, but I do know they aren’t looking to start up the fourth reich. Why do guys wear union and confederate uniforms when firing their civil-war era muskets, or reproductions? Does everyone who owns a slave tag from the old Annapolis slave market dream of a nice slave to go with it? or does the posession of that trinket make the whole thing more real for them?
On second thought, nevermind, you libs go to town with this one. You better hope everyone is as stupid as you’ll need them to be to escape a heinie-whipping in November!
There is a cool story on right now about a 101-year old lady of Mexican descent who is finally becoming a naturalized citizen. It’s a good story, the kind supporters of illegal immigration wish would just go away. I keep having this thought: “You’re only 101 years old, that process wasn’t too long, was it?”
Point of fact, when I strap on my tights before going down to ye Ren Faire I know I’m still in the 21st century, that I would’ve probably have been a slave/peasant and not a noble and that ballastic armor (kevlar) under my popshirt tends to chafe especially in the heat.
Guess they didn’t grow corn and pumpkins up there. Maybe no wild turkeys running around either.
Ergo: no Thanksgiving dinner!
@Posting as Pinko
So that photo in the Atlantic. No one bats an eye at the dude in a skirt? 🙂 He’s the one I’d keep my eye on!
If they had just practised “safe sex”, it wouldn’t be an issue.
I don’t know about the “paper” Moon–does Papyrus last that long? ;-0
You know, Slowpoke, you said some very good things in explaining the reenactor experience. I expect some of that comes from your interest in genealogy. I found it interesting.
Why did you have to be a &*(% head? Pinko didn’t need to be insulted. She was asking a perfectly normal question. And on the subject of Nazis, I would be careful. You don’t know that she doesn’t have close friends or have family who lost their life because of the Holocaust. You also had to throw in a liberal dig. That also didn’t need to be said. Plenty of people who aren’t liberals find the Nazi reenactor situation to be very questionable.
I just don’t understand why you had to lash out at Pinko.
marin, if you are strapping on tights, something is wrong. You are wearing the wrong king.
I can’t find it. My mother probably burned it in shame that her daughter would write a paper on such a topic.
Don’t know about that papyrus. snicker.
GOP parade of horribles: Carl Paladino
Today’s editorial pretty much expresses my views on the rash of suicides of gay youth, the awful sexual torture of three gay men in New York and how windbag bigots like Republican candidate for New York governor Carl Paladino contribute to an atmosphere anti-gay prejudice. As the piece says, those wallowing in such ignorance provide “the hurtful slurs that eat away at the self-esteem of those who are gay or lesbian” and make “someone feel it’s okay to verbally and physically harass, maim or even kill.”
But Paladino said something in his “Today Show” interview with Matt Lauer that needs to be highlighted for its pot-calling-the-kettle-black quality. Paladino hammered his Democratic opponent, New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, for taking his daughters to the gay pride parade in New York City, a must-attend event for serious candidates for citywide and statewide public office. “I don’t think it’s proper for them to go there and watch a couple of grown men grind against each other,” Paladino said with an air of moral indignation. “I don’t think it’s proper. I think it’s disgusting.”
Paladino is disgusting.
Stopped in to KK’s Temptations this morning and talked to Kim and her daughter as they set up shop in Old Town Manassas. They’ve joined the Chamber and I didn’t see them unboxing anything that isn’t already being sold in the city of Manassas. Learned a few more facts that confirmed they are on the same track as She Bop in Portland or Lotus Blooms in Alexandria.
Wish those who pre-judge and/or spend time/money investigating “negative secondary effects” would walk down the street, pop in to say hello and discover the positive primary effects of a new business in Old Town.
Ribbon cutting is Wednesday, Oct. 20, but they may open as early as Sat. if they get the shelves stocked in time.
No argument here. He really is just downright uncouth. He shouldn’t even be elected dogcatcher. It might have been the horse that gave me that close mind set.
Thanks for that update Cindy. I am so glad nothing jumped out and grabbed you (like one of the town do-gooders or a state elected official)
I am glad they joined the Chamber. They are part of the business community. All those “negative secondary effects” are anectdotal at this point and lifted from the pages of some let’s get rid of sexually oriented businesses. It is said just like sexually transmitted disease as a matter of fact.
Good for you for being the welcoming committee. Is anyone we know part of the ribbon cutting ceremony? How about that gentleman that is always at the ribbon cutters? Will he be presiding?
Another day, another DOS attack… poor Greg, I don’t think he can keep up with those pesky commie hacker kids anymore…
Maybe he should just stick with his new day job and leave the blogging to someone more technically qualified….
Or follow his Republican bretheren and outsource his security management to India.
Is someone else the victim of character assassination? I haven’t looked for a few days.
You won’t see me crying any tears. Of course, I am a big believer in Karma. What happens, happens.
Don’t know. Chamber ribbon cuttings cost $$$ now. May be an HMI thing. Kim gave me one of their T-shirts — really nicely done by East to West Embroidery & Design. Profits from the sale of the T-shirts will be donated to HMI’s Sesquicentennial Fund.
I don’t understand the ins and outs of ribbon cutting in the city. I have just seen pictures. It seems that the same people are usually involved.
The usual cast of characters is as follows:
1. Reps. from the Chamber
2. Reps. from HMI
3. City politicians(i.e. Mayor, City Manager etc.)
The local Puritans usually don’t show up for these things.
MH, speaking of Ren Faire’s — I say bring back corsets for women!! ]:-)
Oh dear God those things are miserable. Unrefined torture. I say bring back cod pieces made of leather.
I thought about that before I posted. I don’t think the Confederates were any worse than Northerners, and I don’t think Confederates were trying to exterminate anyone. Confederates (and most other members of ANY military) didn’t turn the skins of their enemies into lampshades, didn’t throw infants against barbed wire, didn’t gas their enemies en masse, didn’t experiment on their enemies…shall I go on?
German technology was advanced, and so was Hitler’s manipulation techniques. So, okay, study them. But does that mean we should re-enact anything the Nazis did? I think not.
That a potential leader of our country takes time and effort to do this disgusts me. He is insulting every human being who has fought against racial cleansing and war crimes, every person who has tried to defend the persecuted.
No doubt you have a unique perspective that I can never claim to have on this but you can see where it is possible to be interested in the military science, history or the (military) tradition of the Nazi military versus the political aims of the state. The guy may be a bigoted tool — I don’t know — but on the face of things with the information provided I can’t and won’t make that claim. I’ll go with the idea that he’s like any other military war re-enactor until someone can show proof that he’s off the reservation.
I’m troubled by the commoent that we shouldn’t be able to re-enact anything the Nazi’s did. While I find the Nazi’s disgusting I would not presume to trounce on a person’s 1A right to both study or re-enact things dealing with the Nazi military. I have to defend the guy’s right to (be an ass) 1A protections just as if he was a pro-choicer or a PETA advocate.
Even today you still have claims on both sides about things that were done during the Civil War…
MH, I don’t think cod pieces were as uncomfortable (to the wearer) as a corset was. Sides, if we have problems with NFL players harassing reporters imagine the issues when we bring back cod pieces as a fashion statement!!! 🙂
@marin, I can’t attest to the cod pieces. They probably came in mighty handy at times. Corsets are inventions of the devil. There are different kinds…but you probably knew that. 😉
I don’t think pro choice people are asses either…but you didn’t mean that. Sigh, its the libertarian in me.
KK Temptations probably will have corsets as a fashion statement, for someone. I know the shop on 28 does.
I understand where Pinko is coming from. I don’t want to prohibit Nazi reinactors. Its a mighty stupid thing to do if running for election. However, there is also a difference in Nazi and SS and all of that. I wouldn’t want to dignify them with the reenactment clothing. Prince Harry or the other one sure got in a pickle over that nonsense. How about you can wear whatever you want but be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Interesting article in today’s WaPo Metro section about various housing developments
in the area that have been mothballed during the recesssion and may only come
back with smaller less expensive homes to meet the “new reality”. A Harbor area
project on the Potomac in western PWC was mentioned as an example. Apparently
a nice stand of old growth forest was removed and now all that is left is bare dirt,
a golf course, and possible plans for the future.
The challenge for local governments is that a 250K home, on average, requires
the same services as a 500K house, but generates only half the revenue unless
RE taxes are doubled. A large number of new houses valued less than planned
will require some major recalculations. Of course “early birds” who bought the
first of the more expensive original plan homes are in a really bad spot now.
All people who wear a Nazi uniform as a collector-hobby MUST be a Nazi-sympathizer, and ALL such activity must be banned. We can’t live our lives without laws that ban everything that one or two adle-brains might be offended by because they don’t understand. That’s how the left wants it, Marin.
Slowpoke, stop talking about left/right. It has nothing to do with that. You are just stirring the pot. I took the one comment down. It was nasty and insulting. I don’t want that here. Play nice. I know you can.
I think you are wrong about the Nazi uniforms. There are people, especially those who were victims, who are very adversely affected by seeing those uniforms. It isn’t just the left. Not even close.
Let me give you a more remote example….my mother’s entire generation got thrashed if they said Abraham Lincoln and my great grandfather heard them. (it was considered a cuss word.) It was because of the destruction and the horror of that war. We all laughed at it. My mother informed us it wasn’t funny.
You can at least be sensitive to other people’s feelings. There are still Holocaust survivors all over the world. Furthermore, why would displaying a swaztika be considered inappropriate anyway.
And by the way, thanks. Now I have to take a computer to happy hour(s). GRRRRRR
There is a lot to this answer. But to keep it short, I know how titillated she was to see a Republican candidate in a Nazi uniform (when the dude in the kilt is MUCH more disturbing), and it’s really nauseating.
I think that what you’re describing as a “corset” is actually a lace-up “wench vest” which, I have on good authority, is actually very comfortable. And Cod pieces are not uncomfortable. And they’re highly decorative.
I was a SCAdian for many years. A beloved ex-girl friend “convinced” me to change from baggy pant to tights for a feast. And back before I became under-tall for my weight, it was quite popular…..
Now, its back to baggy…well…everything…..
As for dressing up as a Waffen SS,……well, the GI’s DO need an opposing force……
That project was orignally known as Cherry Hill and citizens fought like hell to protect it several years back. The soil is practically unbuildable and now it is a mudslide in the making. What a horrible waste.
And yes, when it comes down to identifying predictable patterns of behavior, it is a little bit about left/right.
@rod2155 “Another day, another DOS attack… poor Greg, I don’t think he can keep up with those pesky commie hacker kids anymore…”
This is the second time I’ve noticed you hinting at knowledge of a vicious and deliberate cyber attack.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
I don’t care a rat’s a** about parties, Slow, and you know that from my posts here. My point is that no one running for office should be dressing up like a freaking Nazi. It sounds like YOU are sensitive that the Nazi-wannabe is a GOP member. For all I care, he’s the Pope.
I’ve noticed during my years of extensive blog surfing that it tends to be the “right-wing” blogs that get hit by DOS and other attacks….
hhhmmmmmm……..any takers on why that seems to be?
@Posting as Pinko
While it’s fresh in my mind, I will absolutely say that I have never known you to say boo about Republican/Democrat anything. I freely give you that point. I’m talking left/right (which has little to do with R/D), and my original point wasn’t about R/D anyway. But you are quite right about never saying much of anything about one party or another.
@cargosquid I can’t imagine why that is, but the ones who talk the toughest seem to be curiously afraid of dogs. I wonder why that is?
I think there is a difference between collecting and imitating. Having a Nazi uniform is one thing, wearing it seems different to me.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
Thank you for acknowledging that, Slow. I hate parties, and I also hate being put into a category (i.e. liberal or conservative) because my beliefs are all over the place.
Jut, I agree that wearing a uniform is different from collecting. There are lots of people who collect all kinds of WWII artifacts. I’ve seen those collections on display, but those displays are at events that commemorate our soldiers. I wonder what a WWII Vet thinks about this dude playing Nazi.
@Cargo I think you’re right. I bought my wife (and her friend) one each at the MD fest in our 20s and got to watch them help each other into ’em and make (hrm) adjustments. It was worth every penny to see that. 🙂
@MH I’d love to wear a cod piece to work but I worry that some Marine may take it the wrong way and I’d end up in a bloody heap.
@Cargo opposing force. Exactly. Never forget.
@Pinko I’m not unsympathetic to your position – I hope you don’t think that – but much like I shrugged and didn’t care about Krystal Ball in her costume and her candid actions (with her husband) I really don’t give much attention to some guy doing re-enacting. Both should be explored in the context that they we’re taken in and the totality should be examined to see if the picture really reflects the beliefs of that person. As MH noted; do I think Prince Harry (I note his British title but as an American a Monarch doesn’t get anything except a handshake from me as I refuse to kneel [or bow] to a foreign power) is a Nazi sympathizer? Nah. He just thought something was funny that..wasn’t.
Recently I have found myself reaffirming why I believe it is so important to raise my kids fully understanding their Jewish heritage even though their dad is not Jewish. When I read the unfathomable horror intended to annialite all Jews in Europe, if not the world, and I know, as I type this, some Holocaust survivor carries with them, to the day they die, pain and suffering I will never understand, seeing someone wear a Nazi uniform and smiling is simply painful to see.
In our modern world we can could actually talk to a survivor, the Nazi evil was not some centuries ago event, it is OUR recent past………mans legacy to the world, the horror we are capable of reaping upon innocent human beings.
I think if you are in the field you recognize such things. I need to be told. I would NOT make any accusations or assume anything.
Maybe someone has finally pissed off the wrong person.
Pinko — I’ve seen a video in which this guy from Ohio explained that he has been a military re-enactor for years and years, including a wide variety of historical events. I’ve also seen some photos of those events. (One of the photos showed him in a Civil War costume.) It looks to me like these were World War II re-enactments in which guys dressed in vintage American military uniforms and gear were opposed to guys dressed as German troops. Americans win. Germans lose. Just like the real thing. I wouldn’t throw the Nazi thing into this. You have to have an “enemy” in order to have a reasonably legitimate re-enactment. I see no more reason to get angry at this type of re-enactor than I would at wargamers or video game players manipulating the “controls” for the enemy side in their particular recreational activities.
Hah. Reminds me of an old episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond” in which Ray is persuaded by his father and brother to join a Civil War re-enactment. He grudgingly accepts but then gets pissed to find out that he is to be a Confederate re-enactor and then get “killed off” early in the re-enactment. As he is leaving for the re-enactment, his wife, who thinks the re-enactors are all nutcakes, reminds him that he has to do a certain chore or somebody will be mad at the both of them. Ray, dressed in his Confederate gray, turns back to her just as the background music swells into the opening theme from “Gone With The Wind.” His closing line is: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
Speaking of re-enactments, I believe I have seen some photos of the very first such re-enactment. It was a gathering of aging veterans from both the North and the South toward the end of the 19th century. The joint “encampment” took place at Gettysburg. During this “encampment”, a handful of those surviving Confederate veterans re-enacted Pickett’s Charge. Across that field they came one last time, now wrinkled and old, long white beards, three piece suits and fedora hats, some hobbling on aged legs, a few even with canes. They were met atop the ridge by Union veterans of the same age who had stood their ground on that very spot in 1863. When the Confederate guys reached the ridge, they were met with Union smiles and handshakes and pats on the back and even hugs. As I looked at those photos, I thought of how, not forty years before, these same fellows were shooting to kill each other. Now look at them. Is this a great country or what?!!
Juturna is correct. I have a Japanese rising sun flag that my uncle brought back from the war. You won’t see me flying it over my house. You might see it in my collection of WWII memorabilia.
Wolverine, what a great picture you just painted of the aging Civil War re-enactors! How awesome is that?
As far as the Nazi dude–if he is playing the enemy, then I guess I get it at some level, even though I don’t like it and even though I think it makes him look like a Nazi running for office. You would kind of think he’d choose a different get-up if he is that much into history and expects to get into office.
marinm, thanks! I didn’t think you were unsympathetic. And I didn’t care about Krystal Ball, either (though I think her parents were mean to name her Krystal). I DO care about people spreading hatred, however, and I tend to think someone wearing a Nazi outfit who is running for office will attract the wrong kind of voters.
Krystal Ball told Megyn Kelly today that her father was is a physict and worked with crystals. His dissertation was on crystals. So she got named Krystal. People of my generation did dumb things like that. I already explained that there are lots of Balls in this area. George Washington’s mother was named Mary Ball.
I would agree you are pretty hard to put a label on, Pinko.
Anyone wearing a Nazi outfit is going to have some questions to answer. Holocaust survivors have vowed to never forget…and they won’t. They aren’t liberal or conservative. They are survivors.
And this Iott guy just lost my support comparing Nazis to Confederates. I can’t see wasting any more time on him. He apparently uses very bad judgement.
Acting, remember? Difficult to reenact a battle with an enemy………without an enemy! So this Halloween when kids dress up as some bad or disgusting individuals, we should have a talk with their parents? So when a Dem pretends to be the leader of the country should we chastise them, and there are plenty of pretend leaders in DC.
J ‘Accuse! President Obama Says Chamber of Commerce Using Foreign Funds to Influence US Elections
October 07, 2010 6:02 PM
President Obama this afternoon joined the gang of Democrats and liberal groups alleging that the US Chamber of Commerce is using foreign funds to influence American elections.
Referring to a study by the liberal group ThinkProgress that – correctly – notes that the US Chamber of Commerce has some funding sources abroad, including foreign corporations and American Chambers of Commerce around the world (or “AmChams”), the President said, “just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations.”
The Republicans are accepting campaign money from foreign corporations, and selling out Americans in the process.
@Starryflights Unsubstantiated lies that POTUS intends on continuing to spread until the election. And Dems don’t get any foreign money? I’m so glad they are intent on not getting a clue before Election Day.
and what happens when the War Museum opens in PWC? How are they going to re-enact battles without having an enemy in uniform? I think the media is putting too much into this one piece of a non event. I am sure it is very emotional for a survivor to see a person in a Nazi uniform, but this is a re-enactment – should he be dressed in a suit? What about Tom Cruise – he has been in US and Nazi uniforms? Should we not go see his movies?
Didn’t know that about Krystal. Interesting tidbit about her father. I must have missed that because I skipped the details of her “scandal.” Didn’t care about the party with her ex.
And yes, SA, I think kids who dress in “bad,” realistic costumes should be chastised. It’s one thing to be a ghoul, but quite another to dress like a real person who is affiliated with a holocaust. I feel for Elena and all families who have had to deal with such horrible pasts, and I don’t think that should ever be forgotten. Anyone smiling while wearing a Nazi uniform is certainly an affront to survivors and the Jewish community, no matter why they are wearing the uniform. The holocaust was not something to smile about.
As to your comments about Dem. leaders…most politicians are actors, and too many are despicable, no matter what the party.
I don’t think anyone is hard lining this the nazi reenactment. It is just a discussion. Somewhere I read that it would not be permitted in Germany.
Just out of curiosity, SA, who is the enemy here? I think before the discussion, some people were left with the impression that the enemy might be holocaust survivors.
I don’t understand why this topic has brought out such ugly behavior and anger.
“Progressive Hunter”
Jailhouse Confession: How the right-wing media and Glenn Beck’s chalkboard drove Byron Williams to plot assassination
by John Hamilton
October 11, 2010 6:56 am ET
Byron Williams, a 45-year-old ex-felon, exploded onto the national stage in the early morning hours of July 18.
According to a police investigation, Williams opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers who had stopped him on an Oakland freeway for driving erratically. For 12 frantic minutes, Williams traded shots with the police, employing three firearms and a small arsenal of ammunition, including armor-piercing rounds fired from a .308-caliber rifle.
When the smoke cleared, Williams surrendered; the ballistic body armor he was wearing had saved his life. Miraculously, only two of the 10 CHP officers involved in the shootout were injured.
Observers of this most recent act were mystified by one of Byron Williams’ reported targets: the Tides Foundation, a low-profile charitable organization known for funding environmentalists, community groups, and other organizations.
Beck, it turned out, had attacked Tides 29 times on his Fox News show in the year-and-a-half leading up to the shooting.
Now, in exclusive interviews and written correspondence with journalist John Hamilton, Williams speaks for himself. He asks Hamilton to be his “media advocate” and repeatedly instructs him to watch specific broadcasts of Beck’s show for information on the conspiracy theory that drove him over the edge: an intricate plot involving Barack Obama, philanthropist George Soros, a Brazilian oil company, and the BP disaster.
That’s scary stuff, man.
Beck in general is scary. He has become a televangelist. He has a huge following. During God in America the past 2 nights I am seeing the same thing today that happened 100 years ago. People bitching about immigration, people saying they feared for the country and that it was being destroyed from within by this that and the other.
I guess there will be those, regardless of place in history, that stir the pot and fan the flames of fear.
Beck is selective. He selectively chooses authors. Additionally he gives a kernel of truth and then embellishes…all to support his own point of view. He is careful to not be directly Mormon also. But I catch a little infusion of Mormonism daily, under other names.
Beck has gone from being a political hack to a televangelist. I also read that he is under more and more pressure from Fox News. His colleagues feel he is giving them a bad [choke] name and his bosses feel there has been too much lost in the way of sponsors.