At least according to Brian Kilmeade, that’s how it is. According to the Huffington Post:
On both TV and radio Friday, Kilmeade said that, while not all Muslims are terrorists, “all terrorists are Muslims.”
Keith Olbermann responded with the following:
“There is stupid and there is bigoted and there is paranoid and there is Islamophobic, but it takes a big man to combine all four of them,” Olbermann said of Kilmeade.
Olbermann also rattled off a list of non-Muslim terrorists, including several murderers from the radical right and Oklahoma City bomber. Timothy McVeigh
“So, here’s one for Mr. Kilmeade: not every unamerican bastard is Brian Kilmeade, but all Brian Kilmeades are unamerican bastards,” Olbermann said.
I don’t know what either of them are thinking. Certainly we can all think of terrorists who aren’t Muslims. I immediately thought of the man who charged into the Holocaust Museum and killed a guard and Scott Roeder who assassinated Dr. George Tiller while he was attending Sunday church service. Keith Olbermann also knows better than to call someone an unAmerican bastard.
Shame on both of them. Both men need to be setting a better example. Has the world gone mad?
To his credit, Brian Kilmeade did apologize. Case closed: