Let’s see who has been a good sassy cat this year.  All you witches and warlocks gather for some comments…and remember please, warlocks, to keep it civil or the great pumpkin will squash on your porch. 

168 Thoughts to “Open Thread Friday, October 29”

  1. @Moon-howler
    Cantor won’t learn a lesson. Just checked the stats. Bayne got a little over 6%. Cantor won with over 59% of the vote.

    I don’t like Cantor because he has DC syndrome where one MUST DO SOMETHING. He never gives a straight answer. He never wants to go on record with a firm position that must be based on a philosophical political position. He can’t seem to stand for a conservative position that might endanger his political career. I asked him, to his face, to justify his vote for TARP.

    Instead of taking a position of “I did this because of …” he tried to double talk me. He tried to sleaze it with political feel good crap that made him sound good, but did not answer the question. And that’s when I came to the firm conclusion that he’s just a typical career politician.

    His district is solidly GOP and he’s popular. Changing him out for a “smaller gov’t” type will be a hard thing to do.

    Feingold is out! Woo hoo!

    Boxer won. Frank won. Brown won. Those states deserve what they get. If they are stupid enough to vote that way, they get what they deserve.

    However, even in the races that we were sure to lose, we still won. The Dems were forced to defend places like Frank, Brown and Boxer’s seats. Who would have thought that the GOP could get so close in so many races.

    2012 should be interesting.

  2. Gainesville Resident

    Lafayette :
    My daughter is loves Angrey Birds. I’ve yet to try it out. I’m afraid I might like it too much.

    Lafayette – The soldiers tell me it is very addicting. I’m afraid to try it – I don’t want to get sucked into spending a lot of time playing it!

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