Running blog….boo hiss…clap cheer.  Make fun of the funny people.  We have SOTU Address, Rebuttal by Paul Ryan, and the tea party rebuttal given by (snicker) Michele Bachman. 


111 Thoughts to “SOTU Address: Running commentary”

  1. 4 more minutes until the big trifecta!!

  2. Lafayette

    Listening to Shep on local Fox channel. 🙂 Chris Wallace will be on air with him too.

  3. The congressional women’s softball team will be sitting together. Some are sitting by state delegation. How refreshing. Some are just sitting by hobby. Hopefully this will progress past the peanut gallery mentality.

  4. @Laf, channel 5??

    I had Rachel on. I am surfing.

  5. marinm

    It’s kinda wierd that he has built in pauses in his speech where I think he thought he would get applause and…nothing. Very different from last year.

  6. Cindy B

    Our Sputnik moment…

  7. marinm

    That made me shudder. Especially the silence after he said it.

  8. marinm

    Stop making excuses for bad teachers. Priceless.

  9. Cindy B

    I have a friend who went back to school in her 40s and got a degree in physics. She loved working at Goddard.

  10. marinm

    Why so much focus on South Korea?

  11. marinm

    I want to hear more about the infrastructure jobs program. I *think* it can work and *might* be a good idea if done right — which is to say not like the original build america stimulus.

    High speed rail is a loser.

    Funny joke about TSA. 🙂

  12. marinm

    Lower corporate tax rate ftw!

  13. Emma

    “Rumors” that a few of us have concerns about the healthcare law–understatement of the SOTU.

  14. marinm

    Interesting…he’s laying out the line in the sand on the certain portions of HCR that he won’t budge on. That’s smart – for him. Makes Congress take an up or down vote.

  15. marinm

    A government that lives within it’s means??????????????????? THATS CRAZY TALK!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. marinm

    Throws out a bone for medical tort reform. Nice. Willing to cut medicare and medicaid.

  17. marinm

    A new govt agency for smoked salmon??? 😉 I nominate Bubba to run it..

  18. marinm

    I hope when he says consolidate government that he doesn’t mean put all the pieces in one building and make the building bigger. I’m skeptical but it “sounds” good.

  19. Emma

    Liked the delivery on the salmon quip.

  20. Emma

    @marinm I have a list of agencies he can whack right off the bat–let’s see–Homeland Security, DNI, TSA, HUD, Dept of Education for starters.

  21. marinm

    Agreed with that list @emma.

    Did he just compare the US to Venezuela?

  22. Cindy B

    I love Plan Bs.

  23. Emma

    Hey, what’s so lowly about Scranton?

  24. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Only caught the last couple of minutes, but sounded pretty good.

  25. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Ummm, have you been there? 😉

  26. Emma

    Every President says “The state of the Union is strong.”

  27. Better behavior shown tonight.

  28. Emma

    @Slowpoke Rodriguez Yes, of course. It’s the home of Dunder-Mifflen!

  29. Emma

    I thought it was really good.

  30. marinm

    Anyone notice the slight against Clinton? …last time we reformed government we had black and white tv. I thought Clinton reformed government some? ..maybe not.

  31. Emma

    I was surprised to hear that he is favorable towards tort reform now. Wonder where that will go now that HCR has passed.

  32. Elena

    Loved the phrase “teachers are our nation builder and the good ones deserve to be treated as such”

  33. Morris Davis

    Noticed Boehner didn’t clap for taking away oil company tax breaks, continuing to bar denial of insurance to those with pre-existing medical conditions, or posting online which lobbyist visit members of Congress.

  34. Elena

    Emma :Liked the delivery on the salmon quip.

    me too! He has a great smile, it just lights up his face 🙂

  35. Elena

    I noticed that too Moe, pretty sure oil companies don’t need money for innovation, those tax dollars should go elsewhere, no question!

  36. Elena

    earmarks got a big smile out of McCain!

  37. Emma

    The president has made that earmarks promise before. Hopefully he means it this time.

  38. Emma

    “Americans are skeptical of both political parties”—Paul Ryan just gave the second biggest understatement of the night.

  39. Morris Davis

    Ryan — “trust in government is at an all time low.” And which of the 3 branches has the lowest approval rating? The one he’s in.

  40. marinm

    I think it and Mr. Ryan says it. LEGEN….. wait for it.. DARY!

  41. Morris Davis

    Ryan — “reclaim limited government and low taxes.” When are they going to specify exactly what they mean by limited government? And when have tax rates ever been lower?

  42. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Elena :

    Emma :Liked the delivery on the salmon quip.

    me too! He has a great smile, it just lights up his face

    I had a thrill go up my leg!

  43. marinm

    For example, he said he wants to eliminate “billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies.” Yet he made a similar proposal last year that went nowhere. He sought $36.5 billion in tax increases on oil and gas companies over the next decade, but Congress largely ignored the request, even though Democrats were then in charge of both houses of Congress. — Yahoo FACT Check

  44. Elena

    Wow, Paul Ryan was a major downer, thank goodness I have my children to live for ! Just wondering, since I am not near retirement, is my social security being flushed down the toilet?

  45. Elena

    are you sure that wasn’t your dog lifting his leg on you 😉

  46. marinm

    This one gave me a chuckle:

    OBAMA: “I’m willing to look at other ideas to bring down costs, including one that Republicans suggested last year: medical malpractice reform to rein in frivolous lawsuits.”

    THE FACTS: Republicans may be forgiven if this offer makes them feel like Charlie Brown running up to kick the football, only to have it pulled away, again.

  47. Morris Davis

    Factcheck on medmal reform: “CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf noted the savings would reduce total U.S. health care spending by about 0.5 percent.” That’s bailing the Titanic with a teaspoon.

  48. marinm

    BTW, ++ Facebook Like for not mentioning the myth of global warming or gun control during the SOTU. 🙂

  49. Morris Davis

    Palin – Bachmann 2012 (please)

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