Monstrosity on Silver Lake!

Check out this monstrosity being built on Silver Lake, County property, leased by the Rainbow Riding Club.   Citizens are wondering why there are no building permits for this construction.  So we called, and this is what we were told…………………………….”since this is county property, we will not cite ourselves for improper building practices”. 

WHAT?????????????????????  So, what this tells us is that only regular citizens like you and I are held to a county standard.  Really?  

What may be most troubling, is WHERE was the legally required public hearing when this contract was created?  Citizens were denied the right to comment on what would happen with THEIR public park land, public park land we all paid for through the Dominion Vally rezoning process.

This construction is on county PUBLIC PARK land that was leased to Rainbow Riding, but who is financing this building?  If it is Rainbow Riding, well, they are a private entity LEASING public land, since when were they allowed exemption from building codes?  Furthermore in their contract with the county, it states the exact opposite.

Pursuant the contract:

p2 b. All such improvements shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with all applicable governmental laws, ordinances and regulations, pursuant to approved site plans and building plans and therefore (if applicable ordinances and regulations require the approval of such plans), and after licensor obtains all required permits thereafter.

Where is the Environmental Impact Study?  Where is the Public Facility Review?  Where is the building permit?  WHAT is this facility for?  Is this just for private use by Rainbow Riding or will they charge a fee to rent it out for bigger horse events?  If so, was there a traffic impact analysis completed?

What is very worrisome, when reviewing the contract with Rainbow Riding club, is that our county has basically given our public land away with little to no restrictions of what uses are allowed on County land.
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Today’s the iday for the Verizon iphone

Will Google’s Android operating system suffer from Verizon’s recent iPhone acquirement?

AT&T’s exclusive-until-now agreement with Apple has meant that tech-hungry Verizon loyalists turned en masse to Android and Blackberry devices to cater to their smartphone needs. Recent figures have shown Android making rapid gains in market share in the past six months, mainly at the expense of Blackberry.

The pricing and specs of Android smartphones are comparable with the iPhone, but the battle between their respective fans often seems to have more to do with subjective factors and personal preference than actual technical superiority. Both phones perform similar functions involving music, wireless internet access, and applications, though proponents of either will gladly nitpick about the specifics.

Many suspect that the addition of the iPhone to Verizon’s roster will steer new buyers and upgrade-eligible customers away from the Android. Some believe that the Verizon iPhone may steal away around two million Android phone sales in the coming year.

So, how many folks have been unwilling to give up their Verizon wireless to get an iphone?  I was one of those people.  Now I am not sure I even want one.  I think I am at the point where I want my phone to make phone calls.  I also like the slide out querty keyboards.  Iphone doesn’t have one.  Will Verizon iphone hurt the Droids and the blackberries?  Is the iphone just a small ipad that makes phone calls?   What can an iphone do that an ipad can’t do?  I can only think of 2 things:  make phone calls and take pictures. 

So tonight’s the night.  Orders for the new verizon iphone start being taken at 3 am for existing customers.   Who will be taking the plunge?